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CF's Sepia Dreams
Douglas Kiang
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"Sepia Dreams" by Caitlin Falls Use no scoring. When play begins: say "You've finally found the time to come see Sepia Polaroid, the latest underground movie by your favorite indie filmmakers. You're so excited, you could almost spontaneously grow an ironic mustache or make David Karp appear out of thin air. Straight from the fridge, yo." The player is a person. The description of the player is "Vegan leather moccasins, high-waisted shorts, suspenders, classy bowtie, and an ironic t-shirt. You're a grade-A hipster." The Theatre Lobby is a room. The description is "The deserted lobby of The Pensive Raptor, Topeka's finest and most underground movie theatre. Posters cover the room for such fantastically un-classic classics such as Dude, Where's My Homestuck Update?, Teriyaki Horror Picture Show, and, of course, (500) Days of Summer. In the east, there's a swing-y door labeled 'Theatre #5'. Ironically, it's the only theatre in the whole complex." Theatre #5 is a room. It is east of The Theatre Lobby. The description is "The theatre's deserted, just how you like it. Something about the red chair in the very center of the room beckons to you. Could it be the sense of authority sitting at the center of the room brings? You don't know. No one really cares anyway." [Brienna was a huge help with figuring out how to make the player sit in the chair and how to move them to the Snow White Room upon sitting] Sitting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "sit" as sitting. The red chair is an object in Theatre #5. It is fixed in place. It is an enterable supporter. The description is "A fancy-looking chair in the middle of the room. You deem it worthy to contain your posterior. Yes, quite." Before entering the red chair, say "As you sit yourself down, the lights begin to dim, and that roar-y lion-y thing comes up on screen. Huh. You always thought that was only in [bold type]those[roman type] movies. As a sepia polaroid appears on screen, your eyelids become heavier than a reusable shopping bag full of organic oranges, and everything slowly fades to black. Wait. Too mainstream. Everything slowly fades to turquoise." After entering the red chair: move the player to An Animated Cottage?. [Snow White] The An Animated Cottage? is a room. It is west of Some Violent Fish Movie. "So, you fell asleep in that chair. I guess this means you're missing Sepia Polaroid. It sort of feels like you're watching some other movie though, only more…interactive..ly. It almost feels like you're in the movie. Neat. Considering the cheery animated woodland animals outside the window, either your first assumption is correct, or you've taken some strange drugs. You see 8 adorably small beds, a tiny piano, and the smallest, most darling table ever to grace your eyeballs. Upon closer inspection, you notice a teeny-tiny apple sitting upon the fetching furnishing. In the east, there's a somewhat nautical-looking door. Deducing from the fact that it doesn't fit the theme of this room whatsoever, it probably leads to a different movie. But that's just a deduction." The beds is scenery in An Animated Cottage. It is fixed in place. The description is "8 adorably minute beds. They're labeled: Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Doc, Happy, Bashful, and Not-Exactly-Ecstatic-But-Definitely-Not-Grumpy-Nor-Cross-At-All. Hrm. Guess they finally got tired of that guy." The piano is scenery in An Animated Cottage. It is fixed in place. The description is "A Lilliputian piano. It reminds you of those little toy pianos rich kids on Christmas specials would always get." The table is scenery in An Animated Cottage. It is fixed in place. The description is "It's a small table. You're running out of synonyms for small and adorable. [if apple is in An Animated Cottage] On the table is an apple. It's red and stuff, just like in the story. [end if]" The apple is an object in An Animated Cottage. The description is "A tantalizingly red apple, or so the story goes. You don't really see how a color can be so tempting, but whatever. It's red. You'd take a bite, but you know better than that. Apple allergies are especially serious." [Jaws] Some Violent Fish Movie is a room. It is east of An Animated Cottage and north of That Cute Balloon Movie. The description is "Looks like some pseudo-classroom. There's a big table, surrounded by a bunch of those foldy-chairs. At the back of the classroom, there's a rough-hewn looking man in an old hat, sitting in front of a chalk board. In the east, there's a tiny wooden door. In the south, there's a door covered in pastel fencing and balloons. Literally. It looks like someone just glued them to the door. You sigh at your conscious's lack of originality." [I'd like to thank Robert Shaw's sideburns for being amazing] Quint is a man in Some Violent Fish Movie. The description of Quint is "A rough looking middle-aged man. His salt and pepper sideburns resemble the stuff of legends, like two furry, gray strips of bacon attached to his face with the joyful tears of masculine unicorns. The sewn nametag on his worn shirt says 'Quint'. He looks like a proper fisherman. [if Quint carries the key] He seems to have a key. [end if]" Instead of talking to Quint: say "You notice him muttering about 'the head, the tail, the whole damn thing…$10,000…shark…' and decide to ask him what's up. He, in turn, mumbles something along the lines of 'need tank…air tank…shark…boom.' You find him difficult to understand because he seems to be munching on some crackers." [I learned how to make the NPCs and how to make them talk from both the Advanced Inform guide and the Inform Handbook] Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. The cracker is an object. Quint carries the cracker. The description of the cracker is "A cracker, free from its packet. Cracker packet is fun to say. Cracker packet." Quint carries the Vintage Key. Instead of asking Quint for the cracker: say "He gives his last cracker one last, longing glance, then hands it over to you as he mutters 'Try to find a tank, huh?'"; move the cracker to the player. Instead of asking Quint for the vintage key: say "You want this key, huh, kid? Found it in the belly of the last shark…What a day. Get me that tank, huh? Then you can have it." Instead of giving the tank to Quint: say "Thanks, kid. Sharky'll like this one just fine. You wanted that key, huh? Here ya go, safe n' sound."; remove the tank from play; move the vintage key to the player. The desk is scenery in Some Violent Fish Movie. It is fixed in place. The description is "It's a huge desk, towards the back of the room. Looks pretty worn out." The chalkboard is scenery in Some Violent Fish Movie. It is fixed in place. The description is "One of those green chalkboards old people talk about scratching their nails on to annoy people. It depicts an unfortunately cute cartoon drawing of a shark." The lame foldy chair is scenery in Some Violent Fish Movie. It is fixed in place. The description is "A bunch of those lame foldy school chairs. They've been scattered around the room in a seemingly chaotic manner." [Up] That Cute Balloon Movie is a room. It is south of Some Violent Fish Movie. The description is "This looks like the white picket-fenced yard of that guy from Up. You forget his name. Anyway, there's the trippy-cool house, with a bunch of balloons attached to the top, Dug, a cute, pastel mailbox and a bunch of well-kept grass. Those old people and their gardening. In the east, a vintage, academic looking door stands in between the fencing. It looks somewhat out of place, but whatever." Grass is an object in That Cute Balloon Movie. It is fixed in place. The description is "It's grass. It's nice. What more do you want?" Dug is a male animal in That Cute Balloon Movie. The description of Dug is "An adorable golden retreiver named Dug, or so his fancy collar says. An assortment of buttons, knobs and strange speaker contraptions allow him to talk. He's simultaneously the cutest and most unsettling dog you've ever seen." The tank is an object. Dug carries the tank. The description of the tank is "A neglected looking air tank. You assume it was for the house balloons, but you never know. You don't judge. A tank of this sort could be used for a colorful variety of activities." Instead of talking to Dug, say "You walk up to Dug, and he begins to run around in circles excitedly. He barks 'I HAVE JUST MET YOU, AND I LOVE YOU. BUT I AM SO HUNGRY. SQUIRREL. YES, HUNGRY. HI. I LOVE YOU.' You try asking him for that air tank he keeps running around, but you can't seem to get a word in over all the 'SO HUNGRY's and the 'I LOVE YOU's. You don't know whether it's adorable or annoying. You guess you could call it fetching. Because he's a dog. Ha." Instead of asking Dug for the tank, say "Dug responds with 'DO YOU HAVE FOOD? I AM SO VERY HUNGRY. ALSO, I LOVE YOU.'" Instead of giving the cracker to Dug: say "Dug suddenly halts his running in circles and falls flat on his face. D'awww. Then, he jumps back up, inhales the cracker from out of your hand, and barks 'OH, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. I LOVE YOU. YOU MAY HAVE THIS SMALL SPACESHIP IF YOU WISH. ALSO, I LOVE YOU.' You take the 'space ship' and try not to giggle. Oh, Dug."; Remove the cracker from play; move the tank to the player. The Vintage Door is a door. It is east of That Cute Balloon Movie and west of AN ARCHAEOLOGY ADVENTURE MOVIE. It is locked and lockable. The description is "A vintage looking door. It looks like it would belong in some college in the 60s. The frosted glass window reads 'Dr. Henry Jones Jr., Archaeology. You're pretty sure you can guess what movie this one leads to." The vintage key unlocks the Vintage Door. The mailbox is scenery in That Cute Balloon Movie. It is a closed openable container. The description is "The mailbox from the only montage that ever made you cry-Ellie's story. You try not to dwell on it. On the mailbox are those adorable handprints reading 'Carl and Ellie'. D'awww." [Indie] [As you've probably guessed, I'm a huge Indiana Jones fan] [And a fan of Harrison Ford in general.] [By the way, the commented out "it is east of TCBM and north of SEHM" is because it ended up making the game bug out, but the game compiled normally when I commented it out, and it seems to not be necessary, as it remains where it should be in the scheme of the rooms.] AN ARCHAEOLOGY ADVENTURE MOVIE is a room. [ It is east of That Cute Balloon Movie and north of Technicolor Farmgirl Movie. ] The description is "Oh, man. Enough with the chill façade. You've been in love with the Indiana Jones franchise since forever. You'd recognize this classroom anywhere. The desk, the chairs, the chalkboard, the MAN STANDING RIGHT OVER THERE, EXAMINING THE BOARD AND LOOKING ALL POSH AND INTELLIGENT AND STUFF. Keep your cool, man. You got this. But seriously OH LORD THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER. THERE ARE THOSE STRANGE COLLEGE-Y CHAIR-DESKS AND TEACHER-Y STUFF, BUT OH MY GOD INDIE IS STANDING RIGHT THERE, SO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE IS RELEVANT. EXCEPT MAYBE THAT LONE BACKPACK IN THE CORNER BUT OMG WHO CARES?! ALSO, THERE'S A TECHNICOLOR FARM DOOR IN THE SOUTH BUT OMG." The chair-desks is scenery in AN ARCHAEOLOGY ADVENTURE MOVIE. The description is "IT'S THOSE CONNECTED CHAIR-DESK THINGS. YOU KNOW THE ONES I'M TALKING ABOUT. OMG INDIE." The board is scenery in AN ARCHAEOLOGY ADVENTURE MOVIE. The description is "IT'S A CHALKBOARD. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?" The backpack is an object in AN ARCHAEOLOGY ADVENTURE MOVIE. It is a closed openable container. The description is "IT'S THE ONLY BACKPACK IN THE ROOM. SOMEONE FROM THE LAST CLASS MUST OF LEFT IT IN HERE, PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY WERE SO INFATUATED WITH INDIANA JONES STANDING RIGHT THERE THAT THEIR CEREBELLUM CEASED FUNCTIONING AND WAS INSTEAD REPLACED WITH HAPPY DAYDREAMS OF YOUR-YOU MEAN, THEIR- WEDDING TO HARRISON FORD OMG. THE INITIALS ON THE FRONT READ D.G., AND IT'S ODDLY LUMPY, BUT OMGOMGOMG INDIANA JONES!" The pair of ruby slippers is an object in the backpack. "Those are some ruby slippers. You know. All shiny and red and stuff. They possess all the typical qualities of shiny red shoes, in that they are red and go on your feet. Ruby slippers." Indie is a man in AN ARCHAEOLOGY ADVENTURE MOVIE. The description of Indie is "OMGOMG IT'S INDIANA JONES WITH THE FEDORA AND THE SMIRK AND OMGOMGOMG." Instead of talking to Indie, say "OMG OKAY. Okay. You have to be calm. Breathe. No big deal. You nonchalantly walk up to the desk and say hi. He continues staring at the board as he mutters some kind of greeting. See? No big deal. You ask about the backpack in the corner. This gets his attention. 'Huh? What backpack? Oh. That must be Dorothy's. She was in my last class. What a hippie. Always walking around without any shoes.' With this, he makes a face and turns back to the board, lost in some strange archaeological facts. Sigh." [Wizard of Oz] Technicolor Farmgirl Movie is a room. Technicolor Farmgirl Movie is south of AN ARCHAEOLOGY ADVENTURE MOVIE. "Okay. This is totally recognizable. It's that scene with those creepy lollipop-midgets and the bubble-gum fairy. Yellow brick road and such. There's a broken-up house not too far off, and a pair of stumps you think are legs covered in black and white stockings, but they lack feet. Sick. In the south, you see a golden door with multiple farcical doodles. Rather than a keyhole, you see this door has a golden pair of bare feet sticking out in the middle. Fancy. You guess you have to unlock the door with shoes of some kind." [So, the puzzle in this room is rather easy; put the shoes on the golden feet. It was originally going to be more complicated, but I couldn't really figure out how to make some feet into a supporter, so I ended up just making the shoes the key to the door. If I had an infinite amount of time to work on this, this puzzle is definitely the thing I would fix first.] Monty Python is south of The Golden Door. Technicolor Farmgirl Movie is north of The Golden Door. The Golden Door is a door. The description of The Golden Door is "A golden door bedecked in humorous scribbles. Yes, quite." The Golden Door is locked and lockable. The ruby slippers unlock the Golden Door. The house is scenery in Technicolor Farmgirl Movie. It is fixed in place. "An old farm house with white paneling and a black roof. It certainly doesn't belong here. There are also some feet sticking out from under it." The legs is scenery in Technicolor Farmgirl Movie. It is fixed in place. "A pair of legs, lacking feet, decked out in white and black striped stockings. Kinda gross." The midgets is scenery in Technicolor Farmgirl Movie. It is fixed in place. "They look pretty busy with whatever it is that sugar encrusted people do." The fairy is scenery in Technicolor Farmgirl Movie. It is fixed in place. "A pretty pink fairy, looking busy with her fairy-like duties." [Monty Python] Saucy English Humour Movie is a room. It is south of Technicolor Farmgirl Movie. The description of Saucy English Humour Movie is "You find yourself standing near the mouth of a cave, surrounded by bones. Fun. You can also see a few assorted bloodied helmets and bits of armor. Remembering the Killer Bunny scene, you don't really want to get too close to that cave without anything to protect yourself. Then again, maybe you already have something." The Cave is a room. The Cave is south of Saucy English Humour Movie. "Well, if you say so. You walk towards the mouth of the cave. You also ponder how strange it is to call it the mouth of a cave. You guess it's because caves are damp and smell bad..? Of course, that's probably the rotting flesh and stuff. Up there, you see a harmless looking bunny EXCEPT FOR ITS GIANT TEETH AND PUGNACIOUS ATTITUDE. You'll never be able to get to that cool looking elevator unless you find a way to get rid of that bunny." The bunny is a male animal in The Cave. The description of the bunny is "A totally harmless and adorable bunny EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT IT IS TOTALLY CAPABLE OF MURDERING YOU VIOLENTLY IF YOU TRY TO USE THAT ELEVATOR WITHOUT GETTING RID OF IT FIRST. Other than that, though, he seems pretty nice." Instead of giving the apple to the bunny: say "Clever. You tentatively toss the apple to the bunny. After shredding off a piece like a proper tazmanian devil, the bunny flops to the side, dead. It's surprisingly sad. You hum Amazing Grace as you cautiously step over the fluffy remains."; Remove the apple from play; remove the bunny from play. The Elevator is a room. The Elevator is south of The Cave. The description of the Elevator is "Phew. You feel both fatigued and proud upon reflecting on the days' deeds. You notice the cool grate-like thing at the door of the elevator, and assume that this is the elevator from Inception. Sadly, no Leonardo DiCaprio can be found. You begin to feel that heavy-eye-warm feeling again as everything fades to chartreuse." [Mrs. Kiang really helped me out with the ending. For quite a while, victory would be acheived upon the player stepping into Theatre #5 for the first time. Turns out, the problem was in the punctuation and indentation.] An every turn rule: if the player is in The Elevator: say "As you wake up, you see the scrolling credits of Sepia Polaroid, and think that maybe the hipster lifestyle isn't for you."; end the game in victory. Instead of eating apple: say "Um, that would kill you. You would be dead. That's kind of the effect that poison has on people." Instead of giving the apple to Dug: say "NO. NO. SO HELP ME, I WILL BREAK THE FOURTH WALL TO REPRIMAND YOU FOR TRYING TO MURDER SUCH A HARMLESS PUPPY. IF THIS GAME HAD A POINT SYSTEM, YOU WOULD'VE JUST LOST 1 MILLION POINTS, ONE FOR EVERY SHARD THAT MY HEART BROKE INTO WHEN YOU DECIDED THAT YOU WANTED TO MURDER THE MOST PRECIOUS ANIMATED TALKING DOG EVER. STOP THAT." Understand "man" as Quint. Understand "guy" as Quint. Understand "dude" as Quint. Understand "crackers" as cracker. Understand "shoes" as pair of ruby slippers. Understand "dog" as Dug. Understand "puppy" as Dug. Understand "doggy" as Dug. Understand "doggie" as Dug. Understand "adorable precious being" as Dug. [You can never be too careful with syntax. :)]