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Big Bands, Big Hands!
Donovan Luis
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The Cottage is a room. "You wake up in a soiled bed with rags for sheets. You are in some type of medieval cottage. You wonder what your wife will think of your drunkenness once you get home. To your west is the town square. Peasants must not see you as you are of high class and a noble in the Kingdom of Small Hands." The Town Square is a room. The Town Square is west of The Cottage. "Donovan is a big hand individual." The Castle is a room. The Castle is south of The Town Square . "You are greeted by the guards and enter the elaborately decorated building ." The Glorious Revolution is a room. The Glorious Revolution is northwest of The Castle. "You are greeted by a royal hand, your room is awaiting your arrival" Your Room is a room. Your Room is west of the glorious revolution "Your wife is not here and you start to panic. You start to search for any clues that indicate where she might be, and then you remember she told you yesterday that she was going to visit her grandma." A Sword is in Your Room. The description of Sword is "Donovan has big hands." The Elephant is an animal in Your Room. The description of the Elephant is "The elephant looks very juicy, it could probably make a good steak." Shiny Chest is in Your Room. The description of the Chest is "The Chest has two latches on it. It appears to have no lock on it." Shiny Chest is openable. Shiny Chest is closed. A Gold ring is inside chest. The description of A Gold Ring is " Hoc ludum habet significatio." Castle Gates is a room. Castle Gates is north of Your Room. "You decide to adventure out through the woods to try and discover where your wife is, you think she might be at her grandma's house." The Woods are north of the Castle Gates. "As you scamper towards her home, you hear the faint cries of a walking tongue splashing its saliva against the trees as you run." The Forest is a room. The Forest is east of the Woods. "You run from the slobbery beast and get lost in the forest while doing so. You eventually become exhausted and except your fate. The tongue comes up to you and to your surprise ask you if you need any help navigating through the woods. Turns out he was trying to sell you some sourdough bread along. You ask him if it knows where your wife's grandma cabin is located, he leads the way." A Big Tongue is a person. Big Tongue is in The Forest. "The big tongue has shown you the directions." Pathway to Grandma's house is a room. Grandma's house is east of The Forest. "You arrive at her house. you continue in and find a note. The note stated: hahaha, i see that your looking for your beloved wife. you notice that this was the handwriting of the evil rough hands and that this was going to be no easy journey. You continue to read the letter and are greeted with directions to your wifes location. You must head north, towards the mountain of Ogee" The Mountain of Ogee is a room. Mountain of Ogee is north of Pathway to Grandma's house. "As you make your way up the mountain you start to wonder how will you get your wife from the Big Hands, I mean once you make to their kingdom what will you do it's you versus their royal army. They probably already beheaded her in front of the king and are trying to lead you to your humiliating death. You start to get tired and the mountain seems much steeper than before, you can feel your knees burning in excruciating pain. You decide to go back down the mountain as your wife is now probably dead and to go tell the king about the Big Hands' actions. You try to go down slowly but your legs give out and you fall and hit your head on a rock and go unconscious. You wake up and are heavily injured and limp back home." Mythical Forest is a room. Mythical Forest is west of Mountain of Ogee. "You awake from your unconsciousness and realize that you haven't eaten in over 2 days. You head to the Mythical Forest and spot a glowing bush hidden with raspberries. You devour as many berries as possible." Raspberry bush is an object. Raspberry Bush is in the Mythical Forest. Raspberries are an object on the Raspberry Bush. Raspberries are edible. The City of Corozal is a room. The City of Corozal is north of the Mythical Forest. "Once you reach the city you realize it is a village of small hands. You see a bakery and look in your pockets for gold coins but all you find is a bit of soil and a gold ring. You decide to give the Baker the gold ring in exchange for three loaves of rye bread. After leaving the bakery you can here the familiar noise of sobbing, you turn around to find the big tongue that you met back in the woods. He tells you that he has gone to the kingdom of the big hands and that you wife is still alive but will be burned at the stake in front of the King of Big Hands, William Clemons, the Big Tongue continues to tell you that her execution will happen in three days and you must go yourself as you can't organize an army in time to make it to the kingdom. You decide to travel to the kingdom of the the big hands, you have no maps and only have a compass to direct you east, where the civilization lies." Uncharted Wilderness is a room. Uncharted Wilderness is east of the City of Corozal. "You realize that the berries you had eaten in the Mythical Forest were not normal. You begin to levitate. You use this to your advantage and make your way to the Kingdom of Big hands. You have been drugged by the berries and were hallucinating and find yourself biting the bark of a tree. You have made significant progress toward the kingdom but your rations of bread have ran out. You continue eastward." The Tribe of Huvsgul is a room. The Tribe of Hugsvul is east of Uncharted Wilderness. "You come across the Tribe Huvsgul and spark their attention by accidentally tripping over a boulder. They strike you with their spears before ultimately pushing towards you. You take your sword out of its sheath and prepare to take battle. Kill after kill, the blood dripping down the stainless steal blade of your sword, snatching the souls of your enemies. Falling to the ground in a sense of disbelief, you have just murdered 12 tribal members, you feel as if someone was spared. The tribe leader shouts your name. He respects your skills and abilities and wants to help you get on your way. The Tribal Leader gives you a map towards the Kingdom of Big Hands, telling you it is a very risky place to be. You take his words and continue north. You have made 2 allies since your journey to save your wife, The Big Tongue and The Tribal Leader Jualdnciec." Kingdom of Big Hands is a room. Kingdom of Big Hands is south of the Tribe of Hugsvul. "You arrive upon the Kingdom of Big Hands. You spot the execution of your wife taking place, and head towards the loud voices. You spot the King facing your wife while being served by his servants. You slowly sneak upon him and indulging through his chest and through his beating heart. You rip his heart out of his chest and throw it in the crowd of peasants. You jump out from the king's elevated room in the town square and you break one leg. You continue to run but are seized by the royal guards and are put next to guillotine that your wife's head rest on. Then suddenly the castle gates slam down on the ground and tribes men start to raid the city and burn the kingdom down. You release your wife from the restraints and run south. " Grasslands is a room. Grasslands is south of Kingdom of the Big hands. "As you graze through the grasslands, you turn to see the Kingdom of Big Hands and only see a burning pile of rubble. The Tribe of Hugsvul had successfully taken over the Kingdom of Big Hands. You realize that the tribe of hugsvul had raided the city for their own good and not in favor of you or your wife. You have accomplished your goal and have successfully rescued your beloved wife. Thanks for playing! Made by Luis Hernandez and Donovan Mitchell 6th period"