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A Very Nice Man (Yuune's Story)
Gabriel Martin
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Your bedroom is a room. The description of the bedroom is "This room is where you spend most of your time. Your father doesn't like it when you're outside of your room when he has a job or is doing those fun things that he does sometimes. You stay in here so that you don't make him angry, and you feel like a good boy. Besides, you're sure that the only reason your father makes you stay in here is because you're too young to see some of the things he does. Your father protects you. He is a nice, nice man." In your bedroom is a bed, a scratch in the wall, a bookcase, and a pile of laundry. The bed is a supporter. The description of bed is "The matress is a bit lumpy, but it doesn't matter. You're lucky to have such a nice father willing to buy you those things." After player touching bed: say "This is the only time when your father loves you... When he wants to stay the night in your room. You're lucky to have such an affectionate father; he stays over whenever he doesn't have work or a party. You're glad every single time he comes in to hold you. People say that love isn't supposed to hurt, but your father says that they're wrong, and so do you. You love your father. He's the only thing that will ever pay attention to you because you're a little sack of shit." The bed supports the quilt. The description of the quilt is "You've had this since you were very young. Your father hasn't had the time to help you wash it ever since he started his new job. You let your hand caress it gently. It's soft, a bit lumpy from all of those times your father chose to sleep over here." The description of the scratch is "This happened a couple of weeks ago after you got home from school. Your father was angry with you because you didn't clean up the mess that you'd made with all of the bottles, and he came after you with his favorite blade. He cherishes that machete like it's his only cause for living. It wasn't as if that memory was startling - you could remember plenty of times when the only thing standing between you and his machete was his conscience - but the passing of it made you shiver slightly and want to think about something else. Your father is a very, very nice man. He disciplines you for success and teaches you everything he knows." The description of the pile of laundry is "Your father only lets you do laundry when he's out of the house. He doesn't want you out of your room when he's there. He says that he doesn't want to see your pathetic face. You understand. It's hard for your father to raise a useless, disgusting piece of shit. That's what he calls you, anyways. He's been sick for a while, so you haven't been able to do your laundry, really. That's why that huge pile of laundry is on the floor. Father gets angry at you whenever he sees the pile, but he doesn't want to hear that you can't do laundry whenever he's in the house. Whenever you say something like that, you become even more worthless than you already were. If you were a speck of dust to him before, now you're something smaller." The description of the bookcase is "This used to have knives in it, but that was when your father had it in his room. Now it only has a couple of papers in it, ones that you like to keep safe. There is a picture of your mother inside. If your father saw that, he'd definitely hurt you. Thinking about your mother makes your father very angry for some reason.." The bookcase is a closed, openable container. The bookcase contains a worn photograph and a sharp knife. The description of the photograph is "This woman was your mother. Father says you killed her, and you believe him. You're so worthless that it's likely you may have done that. Father was going to burn this picture, but you stole it from his hand once when he had drank so much spicy juice that he'd fallen asleep." After player taking photograph: say "You love your mother, even though you can't remember her. You feel a deep sense of anger and sadness when you place the picture in your mouth so that your father can't take it from you. He doesn't like it when you talk anyways, so he won't be suspicious. It tastes like old plastic, but you're so afraid of losing it that you feel like there's no other way." The description of knife is "This would be enough to kill your father. You don't know why, but you feel like he's done a lot of bad things. He can't be as evil as you are, but you feel that other fathers are less angry at their children. You haven't seen any other children in years, though, so you aren't sure.." After player examining knife: say "You could take this with you, but if you did, your father might be upset." The Hallway is a room. The bedroom door is a closed, openable door. The bedroom door is east of the bedroom and west of the hallway. The description of the bedroom door is "There's a hole going through it. You can't quite remember why, but there are plenty of instances that you can recall when you might have made a hole in the door. Sometimes, when you make your father do things, he tells you that it's your fault. It hurts when he does that. You know already that it's your fault whenever your father acts out angrily, and you don't need a reminder of how awful you are as a child. Your father must be a very kind man indeed if he is willing to put up with such a worthless son." The description of the Hallway is "The floorboards are creaky, so you can hear every single sound that they make. You can recognize the footsteps of your father, as he walks with a slight limp on his left foot, and when someone else comes, you know to hide unless your father says that he got paid by them for you. You have to let the people who pay love you because otherwise your father will leave you to starve in the red light district. He said that once." In the Hallway is a pair of shoes, a cabinet, and your cat. The description of the shoes is "These are dad's. He has big feet. You never noticed how scared you were of his clothing before now, but a deep sense of fear builds within you. You quickly look away from his shoes, wanting to focus on something else." The description of the cabinet is "This is probably filled with weapons.. You shouldn't go near it; if your father finds out that you touched a weapon, he'll be incredibly angry. He might make you pass out again. Because you have your mother's picture in your mouth, you'd rather stay conscious, so you stay away from it." The description of your cat is "He's a feral cat who comes by to take your food sometimes. You don't mind; you're hardly ever hungry anyways." The Bathroom is a room. The bathroom door is a closed, openable door. The bathroom door is south of the hallway and north of the Bathroom. The description of the Bathroom is "You don't like this room. The smell of blood never leaves your nose when you're in here.." In the Bathroom is a bathtub, a toilet, a mirror, and a sink. The sink is an open container. The bathtub is an open container. The toilet is a closed container. The description of the sink is "It's clogged, so you won't do yourself any good by turning the water on. Besides, you want to stay quiet so that your father doesn't hear you." The description of the bathtub is "You got dumped here a couple of times. That's where the smell of blood came from." After player examining bathtub: say "...You really don't like this room..." The description of the toilet is "It's just a toilet." The description of the mirror is "You frown a bit as you see yourself, trying to look at yourself as if you are a different person. The person in front of you has dull red eyes, a small frame, and bony hands.. Eerily so. His dark hair is oily and tangled. He stares at the mirror with a sad expression, his eyes resolute but muted." After player examining mirror: say "You really hate yourself. You want to[ if player has knife ] cut your face off[ else ] go get that knife in the bookcase and slit your throat." The kitchen is a room. The kitchen door is an openable, closed door. The kitchen door is south of the kitchen and north of the hallway. The description of the kitchen is "You look around and are terrified to see your father. Your hand [if player has knife]tightens its grip on your knife [else]balls up into a fist of its own accord." In the kitchen is Father and some indiscriminate furniture. The description of the furniture is "That's not important right now. Father's here." The description of Father is "[if player carrying knife]Father looks down at you with cold, narrowed eyes, the corners of his mouth pulling down into a tight frown. 'What is that?' He asks, and you look away in response.[else]Father looks down at you disapprovingly. 'I thought you were in your fucking room,' he growls, pushing you back toward the bedroom." After player examining Father: say "[if player carrying knife]You stab him before it's too late and then stare down with a wide grin at his body." After player examining Father: say "[if player not carrying knife]You look up at him in fear, and he strikes you down in the hallway, forcing you to fall. You look for something to defend yourself with, but you aren't strong enough to stop him. He keeps on hurting you until you can't open your eyes, and as your conscience slowly leaks away, you think 'It's my fault for being so useless.'" After player examining Father: if player carrying knife, say "You have slain your father. The game is over." After player examining Father: if player not carrying knife, say "You father has struck you down. You cannot move. The game is over."