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"Nickeldrop Alley" by Joshua Bourgeot The story headline is "A Noir Detective Game". Use American dialect, brief room descriptions, and the serial comma. When play begins: say " You push open the door to your office and step in, taking solace from the cold night. Today was another long, unproductive day. After a long string of failures, no one in town wants to hire you and your rent will be due soon. You need a new case desperately. Perhaps someone called while you were away?[line break][line break]**NOTE**[line break] This is an interactive fiction story and thus follows the rules of most interactive fictions. You will be prompted for commands to control the main character, Detective William G. Thomson. You can move in the cardinal directions north, south, west, east, as well as up and down. Places can be (look)ed at, and people and things can be (examine)d. Many different commands are available, but you will discover them through play. [line break] As this is a Detective Game, you will primarily be talking to characters. To simplify the process, in this game you can either (talk to {someone}) or (ask {someone} about {something}). Something can only be another person, a place, or a day of the week. For example, >talk to Goldthorn or >ask Goldthorn about Tuesday. When you are confident you have solved the case, you can (accuse {someone}). Be careful though, as you can only accuse once.[line break]**END NOTE**[line break]" [Start Talking Boilerplate] Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. [ Check Talking: say "[The noun] appears to have nothing to say to you." ] [End Talking Boilerplate] [Start Misc stuff] Understand "Claire", "Claire Vanderbolt", "Vanderbolt", and "The Victim" as "[Claire]". Understand "Charlotte" and "Charlotte Vanderbolt", "The Sister" as "[Charlotte]". Understand "George" and "George Vanderbolt", "The Father" as "[George]". Understand "Dirk", "Dirk Donton", "Donton", and "The Boss" as "[Dirk]". Understand "Jessica" and "Jessica Almond", "Almond", and "The Neighbor" as "[Jessica]". Understand "Bob", "Bob Harmon", "Harmon", "Bartender", and "The Boyfriend" as "[Bob]". Understand "Goldthorn", "Officer", "Officer Goldthorn", and "The Cop" as "[Goldthorn]". Understand "Julian", "Julian Tack", "Tack", and "The Taxi Driver" as "[Julian]". Understand "Tabby", "Tabby Clot", "Clot", and "The Assistant" as "[Tabby]". Understand "Victoria", "Victoria Salmoth", "Salmoth", and "The Girlfriend" as "[Victoria]". Know_Bob_In_Park is a number that varies. Know_Bob_In_Park is usually 0. Bob_Admits_To_Know_Clair is a number that varies. Bob_Admits_To_Know_Clair is usually 0. Know_About_George_Dirk_Deal is a number that varies. Know_About_George_Dirk_Deal is usually 0. Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is a number that varies. Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is usually 0. [End Misc stuff] [Start Donton Manor] Donton Manor is south of Street One. Real Donton Manor is a room. The printed name is "Donton Manor". The description is "Manor is probably the overstatement of the year. Small house would probably fit. The place does not look like much, but given what you pay for your tiny office, this must cost a small fortune as prime real estate on Nickeldrop Alley. There is an exit to the back yard to the south, and a front door to the north". Unlock_Donton is a number that varies. Unlock_Donton is usually 0. Instead of going north in Real Donton Manor: now Unlock_Donton is 1; say "You unlock the front door on you way out, just in case."; now the player is in Street One; Instead of going to Donton Manor: if Unlock_Donton is 0: say "You knock yet unsurprisingly no one comes. You try the door yet it is unsurprisingly locked. You remember the small window in your office and unsurprisingly, a terrible idea pops up in your head."; otherwise: now the player is in Real Donton Manor; Donton Manor Backyard is south of Real Donton Manor. The description is "A small backyard behind Donton Manor. Dirt and dead grass cover the ground, and a door to the north leads into the Donton Manor." Instead of going north in Donton Manor Backyard for the first time: say "You walk in through the back door. A very surprised Dirk Donton stares back at you.[line break][line break]'What the hell are you doing in my house! How did you get in here?'[line break][line break]You realize that it is a bit odd you broke into this man's house. You decide to sooth his fears.[line break][line break]'Relax tiny man. I am an official Detective here to ask you a few questions about a murder that occurred. You have nothing to fear.'[line break][line break]Donton does not look pleased, but nevertheless lets out a long sigh and continues, 'I have had a very long week and I no longer have the willpower to deal with you. Just make you questions quick and leave immediately.'"; now the player is in Real Donton Manor; Dirk is a man in Real Donton Manor. The description is "A short balding man who seems rather upset at you." Understand "Dirk Donton" and "Donton" as Dirk. Instead of talking to Dirk: say "'Just ask your questions, I don't got all day.'" Instead of asking Dirk about "[Claire]": say "'Claire Vanderbolt. What a mess, and the source of so many of my problems. I hired Claire a few months ago. She really impressed me when I interviewed her, but her work ethic turned out to be less then stellar. I guess that's how it goes sometimes. I'll admit, I was on the verge of firing her. Even with her father paying me. But murder, I would never. It doesn't make sense for me to do it either. I mean what would I gain?" Instead of asking Dirk about "[George]": say "'Ah yes. George Vanderbolt. A man who loved his daughter too much. He had come to me first about a month ago, after I had told Claire she needed to step up her game. He must have heard from her that she was in a rough spot and of course there was no way she was going to change so I was his next option. He offered to cover part of her salary, and in exchange, I would be a bit more lenient. The deal made sense at the time, but over the past few weeks Claire's productivity went down and her mistakes up. So I decided to met with him to call it off.'"; now Know_About_George_Dirk_Deal is 1; Instead of asking Dirk about "[Tabby]": say "'Tabby Clot. A true diamond in the rough. I don't have a lot of people I can rely on day in and day out, but Tabby always comes through.'" Instead of asking Dirk about "Dirk Check Cashing": say "'My pride and joy. I built the company from the ground up, with only my blood, sweat, tears, and a bit of elbow grease. Some people might tell you it's not the most ethical system, but our economy ain't ethical either, so I'm not doing much more harm. I'll admit though, running a business can be a lot sometimes. Especially when one of your employees dies.'" Instead of asking Dirk about "Library": say "'Yeah I frequent the Library from time to time. Free knowledge you know, you should check it out.'" Instead of asking Dirk about "Tuesday": say "'Rough day. I had several errands to run in the morning. I checked in with the office around 11 am. Went back home, enjoyed some time to myself. I was looking over our finances when I noticed a problem. Went over to the office around 11 pm with Tabby to figure it out. Took us about an hour. Around midnight I met with George Vanderbolt at the library, to call off our deal. George wasn't happy with that, even after I explained that the fiances didn't make sense. He offered more money but I turned him down. Then he just went off, saying he'd take me down, one way or another. Didn't end up leaving until 2:00 in the morning. Way past my bedtime.'"; now Know_About_George_Dirk_Deal is 1; Instead of asking Dirk about "Wednesday": say "'Tried to sleep in after the debacle the night before. I was not happy getting the call from the police that morning. I was upset to hear that Claire had seen her last day, but I probably didn't show it. The police were asking so many questions. Apparently George Vanderbolt had sworn to them that I was the killer. Luckily my assistant was able to smooth things over somehow, god bless her soul. After that it was back to the office, had to make up for Claire's absence.'" Instead of asking Dirk about "[any thing]": say "Dirk looks at you as if you just asked the stupidest question ever." [End Donton Manor] [Start of the Office] The Office is a room. The description is "A tiny, cluttered room with a single desk, a single chair, and a single small window. While it isn't much, a lot of breakthroughs were made here and you've grown quite found of it. A door to the north leads out to the street." The player is in The Office. The Small Window is a door. The Small Window is scenery. The description is "A small window near the top of the office you could probably climb through if you needed to." The Small Window is west of The Office and east of The Donton Manor Backyard. Climbing through is an action applying to one thing. Understand "climb through [something]", "climb in [something]", "climb out [something]", and "climb out of [something]" as climbing through. Instead of going west from The Office: say "You can't go that way.[line break]" instead; Check climbing through: if the noun is The Small Window: if the player is in The Office: say "You step on your desk and pry the small window open. With a considerable amount of effort you push yourself through the window. You stumble and fall out the other side."; now the player is in The Donton Manor Backyard instead; otherwise: say "You reach up to the window and squeeze yourself through again. You fall back down into your office."; now the player is in The Office instead; otherwise: say "You can't climb through [a noun]." instead; The Desk is a supporter in The Office. The description is "A beautiful mahogany desk you bought after your first successful case. While it has become battered and bruised, it still holds its sturdy charm from all those years ago." The Answering Machine is on The Desk. The description is "An old pathetic device you bought second hand many years ago after too many missed phone calls. It surprisingly still works, at least most of the time. You should listen to it to see if you have any messages." Playing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "play [something]" as playing. [There are tabs here for a reason. That reason is that I hate inform 7.] First_Answer_listen is a number that varies. First_Answer_listen is usually 0. Instead of playing or listening to The Answering Machine: say "You reach down and push the play button on the Answering Machine.[line break][line break]*beep*[line break][line break]You have one message.[line break][line break]First new message:[line break][line break]'Hello? This is Charlotte Vanderbolt. I’m calling because I have a case for you. I was recommended by a friend of mine, she said you were thorough and intelligent, capable of tackling even the most difficult situation. And well, this one is difficult. My sister was murdered five days ago, in her apartment. The police have come up with nothing, and they’re ready to close the case. But I just can’t stand that her killer is walking out there, free. I need you to find them, and bring them to justice. I’ll pay your usual fee. I’m currently staying at The Flying Inn, at room 102. Come by as soon as you can and I’ll explain the rest. Thank you.' [line break][line break]*beep*[line break][line break]End of Messages."; if First_Answer_listen is 0: say "[line break]This sounds like it could be a big break for you. The Flying Inn is east down Nickeldrop Ally, you should head there immediately. Although, the Police Station is right next to The Flying Inn, perhaps you should head there first and see if you can get any additional information."; now First_Answer_listen is 1; Instead of playing [something]: say "You cannot play that." Instead of taking The Answering Machine: say "The Answering Machine will work perfectly fine right here." [End of the Office] [Start of Street Connections] Street Two is north of The Office. The printed name is "Nickeldrop Alley". The description is "Your favorite stretch of the famous Nickeldrop Alley. The street continues to the east and to the west. To the north is the Spiritland bar and to the south is Thomson Private Eye, your office." Street One is west of Street Two. The printed name is "Nickeldrop Alley". The description is "The end of the famous Nickeldrop Alley. The street continues to the east, but turns away to the west. To the north is Dirk Check Cashing and to the south is Donton Manor." Instead of going west in Street One: say "You can't leave Nickeldrop Alley yet." Street Three is east of Street Two. The printed name is "Nickeldrop Alley". The description is "The middle and arguably nicest part of Nickeldrop Alley. The street continues to the east and to the west. To the north is a small Park and to the south is a Library." Street Four is east of Street Three. The printed name is "Nickeldrop Alley". The description is "A rather unassuming stretch of Nickeldrop Alley. The street continues to the east and to the west. To the north is the Police Station and to the south the Klin Apartments." Street Five is east of Street Four. The printed name is "Nickeldrop Alley". The description is "The unfortunate other end of Nickeldrop Alley. The street continues to the west, but turns away to the east. To the north is the Flying Inn and to the south there is a Taxi Garage." Instead of going east in Street Five: say "You can't leave Nickeldrop Alley yet." [End of Street Connections] [Start of Spiritland] Spiritland is north of Street Two. The description is "A mostly empty bar with some chill jazz music and a somewhat washed out feel. A bartender in a bright red vest stands polishing glasses and an older man who you can only assume to be George Vanderbolt sits in a corner, downing his glass." George is a man in Spiritland. The description is "While George must typically stand tall and command respect, he now sits completely degraded. His clothes are a mess and his eyes are bloodshot. He seems to be at the end of his wire." Understand "George Vanderbolt" as George. Instead of talking to George: say "Getting George's attention is a bit difficult, but after aggressive hand waving and a loud 'excuse me' he looks up.[line break][line break]'Come to make my life worse. I don't think you can. All that matters to me has been taken away. Nothing left for you to do. Nothing left at all.'" Instead of asking George about "[Claire]": say "'Claire. My daughter. My beautiful daughter. She's gone. Gone, gone, gone. GONE! If only I had been there. If I knew the fucker who did this to her, I'd kill him. An eye for an eye. It's only right!'" Instead of asking George about "[Charlotte]": say "'Charlotte. Oh, Charlotte. She was so upset. But she doesn't get to be upset. Not after what she did. Yelling at her sister, not being there for her when she needed her. Then coming back late, so late. Must have been around 3:00 pm she waltzes back in. A little too happy if you ask me. Too happy for a taxi ride in this dump of a town. No way she did it though. She loved her sister. Loved her. Just not enough in the end I guess. Just not enough.'" Instead of asking George about "[Dirk]": if Know_About_George_Dirk_Deal is 0: say "'Dirk. Dirk! That fuck. Treated my baby like shit he did. Never realized her worth. I bet he was the one who did it. 'Oh but he had no opportunity'. That's what that cop said. Didn't even consider it. Probably Dirk passed him some money under the table to shut him up. If I see him, man, I swear to god I don't know what I'd do.'"; otherwise: say "You ask George about his 'deal' with Dirk Donton.[line break][line break]'Yeah, you're right. I had a deal with him. And yeah I met with him on the library. But that doesn't change anything. It doesn't change anything at all.'" Instead of asking George about "[Jessica]": say "'Jessica. That Claire's neighbor right?. She's a good apple I tell you. So kind, only one who actually cared. She told me she knew Claire went to heaven. She's a good girl. I hate that she was the one that had to find the body.'" Instead of asking George about "[Goldthorn]": say "'Corrupt cop that one. Gave up after four days. Man probably wouldn't know the murder from his ass if he came up and shot him. Don't know how he got on the force.'" Instead of asking George about "[any thing]": say "'Ah? I got no idea what you talking about boy.'" Bob is a man in Spiritland. The printed name is "The Bartender". The description is "A tall man with big arms and a clean haircut. He wears a bright red vest and appears to have mastered the art of polishing glasses." Understand "Bartender", "Harmon", and "Bob Harmon" as Bob. Instead of asking Bob about "[Claire]": if Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is 1: say "Bob just sneers at you."; otherwise if Know_Bob_In_Park is 0: say "'That's the girl that died right? I keep hearing our friend here wailing about it. She was a frequent customer. Shame she's gone now.'"; otherwise: say "You ask [Bob] about his relation to Claire, mentioning that he was seen with her in the Park.[line break][line break].'Alright, I'll admit it. Claire was a bit more than a customer to me. We might have messed around a bit. I didn't want to say anything because my girlfriend Victory would be upset if she knew. Nothing happened between us but Victoria gets worked up about stuff like that. It doesn't change anything. You happy now?'[line break][line break][Bob]'s tone has changed, he seems much more on edge now."; now Bob_Admits_To_Know_Clair is 1; Instead of asking Bob about "[Victoria]": if Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is 0: say "'Victoria's my girl. Great one at that too. We've had quite some fun nights up in Klin Apartments.'"; otherwise: say "'I'm done answering your questions.'"; Instead of asking Bob about "[Julian]": if Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is 0: say "'Fastest taxi driver in Nickeldrop Alley. Would be a great drinking buddy if he ever paid for the drinks.'"; otherwise: say "'I'm done answering your questions.'"; Instead of asking Bob about "[Bob]": if Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is 0: say "'That's me, Bob Harmon in the flesh.'"; now the printed name of Bob is "Bob"; otherwise: say "'I'm done answering your questions.'"; Instead of asking Bob about "[George]": if Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is 0: say "'Yeah, he's been here the past few days, wallowing in his sorrow.'"; otherwise: say "'I'm done answering your questions.'"; Instead of asking Bob about "Klin Apartment": if Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is 0: say "'Yeah I go there from time to time to visit my girlfriend Victoria.'"; otherwise: say "'I'm done answering your questions.'"; Instead of asking Bob about "Spiritland": if Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is 0: say "'I mean I can't say I want to work here for the rest of my life. But it pays the bills and I get to meet a lot of fun people here.'"; otherwise: say "'I'm done answering your questions.'"; Instead of asking Bob about "Park": if Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is 1: say "'I'm done answering your questions.'"; if Know_Bob_In_Park is 0: say "'Yeah I think I went once. It's nice enough.'"; otherwise: say "You ask [Bob] about meeting with Claire in the park.[line break][line break]'Yeah so I met with her in the park. We had some stuff to talk about and we talked about it. What else is there to say?'"; now Bob_Admits_To_Know_Clair is 1; Instead of asking Bob about "[any thing]": if Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is 0: say "'Don't got anything to say to that.'"; otherwise: say "'I'm done answering your questions.'"; [End of Spiritland] [Start of Police Station] The Police Station is north of Street Four. The description is "A busy station with police officers working at different desks, all in a miriade of different emotional states. An old friend of yours, Officer Goldthorn, sits at one of the desks, a newspaper in his hand." Goldthorn is a man in The Police Station. The description is "A short and chubby man of unbelievable charisma. A happy father of two energetic boy's who uses the word 'bud' a bit too much. While his intelligence is certainly lacking, he is always in such a good mood that everyone likes him. And despite all olds, he can often be helpful in a case." Understand "Officer" and "Officer Goldthorn" as Goldthorn. First_Goldthorn_Talk is a number that varies. First_Goldthorn_Talk is usually 0. Instead of Talking to Goldthorn: if First_Goldthorn_Talk is 0: say "'What's up bud? How you doing? Going to try and do my job again today?'[line break][line break]Goldthorn gives you a little first bump on the arm. You are not amused."; now First_Goldthorn_Talk is 1; otherwise: say "'Any luck with the case? You got any questions for yours truly?'" Instead of asking Goldthorn about "[Claire]": say "'Oh you must be talking about Claire Vanderbolt. Crazy sad case. Young girl murdered in her apartment. Right here in Nickeldrop Alley too, at Klin Apartments last Tuesday. Pretty little thing. We tried our best but there was nothing to go off of. That must be why you're on the case. Someone unhappy with our performance. Well give it a shot bud, doubt you'll do much better then us." Instead of asking Goldthorn about "[Charlotte]": say "'Victims sister. She was upset about the death, but I don't know, something seemed a little off. She didn't quite seem as surprised or as sad as I would have expected. I can't exactly say why, just something was a little off. If you think about it, I mean she knew the victim, had a key to her apartment, was the last known person to see her alive... I don't know. We ruled her out because the Dad vouched for her, but something was off. " Instead of asking Goldthorn about "[George]": say "'The victim's dad. Yeah. He's not doing so hot. Basically spent the last 3 days at Spiritland. Not much to say about him. We didn't even look into it. I mean no way he had anything to do with the murder. No motive. I mean the man is drinking himself to death as we speak. Granted, not sure where he was at the time, but I mean come on.'" Instead of asking Goldthorn about "[Jessica]": say "'Victim's neighbor. She was the one who called us. Freaked her out, seeing the body. She wouldn't stop talking the moment we got there. Just on and on 'How could this have happened. What am I going to do?'. Listen to me, it wasn't her. Girl wouldn't hurt a fly. She's got no motive, and besides, she's the one who called in the murder, it just doesn't make any sense." Instead of asking Goldthorn about "[Julian]": say "'Julian. I don't know a Julian. You just pulling names out of a hat now?'" Instead of asking Goldthorn about "[Dirk]": say "'Victim's boss. Not a nice man, could not believe he had to take time out of his 'busy day' to talk with us'. I don't think he liked the girl. But he had no opportunity to do it. His assistant said he was with her the whole time. Anyway, if he didn't like Claire, should have just fired her. No point in killing." Instead of asking Goldthorn about "[Bob]": say "'That's the guy who works as a bartender at Spiritland right? Bob Harmon. Talked to him a few times, seems about as ordinary as they get.'"; now the printed name of Bob is "Bob"; Instead of asking Goldthorn about "Klin Apartment": say "'Scene of the murder. Not much to say. We found her there on the floor. Stabbed with a knife. We couldn't find the knife. Perp must have taken it. No traceable evidence either, we must be dealing with a pro.'" Instead of asking Goldthorn about "Spiritland": say "'Ah, the bar. Drinks suck but the atmosphere's nice. Bartender confirmed Claire and Charlotte got there at around 9:00pm. Had a bit of an argument. They left separately at around 10:00pm.'" Instead of asking Goldthorn about "Tuesday": say "'Day of the murder. Not much to tell. From what we gathered she went to work for most of the day. Met up with her sister at Spiritland at night. Came back alone. Then she was attacked in her apartment. No signs of forced entry though, so we thought it was somebody she knew. Doc said she died between 1:00am and 2:00am.'" Instead of asking Goldthorn about "Wednesday": say "'Day we found the body. Her neighbor Jessica found the body around 8:00 am, called us and we got there around 8:30. Sectioned everything off, examined for all the clues. Didn't find much. Body was sent to the morgue soon after. We got in contact with Charlotte and George Vandorbolt. Shared the bad news, heard their sides of the story. After that we talked with Dirk and his assistant, not much going on there. Finally got a bit more info out of Jessica when she calmed down. That was about it.'" Instead of asking Goldthorn about "Thursday": say "'Just working the case, you know how it is. Nothing to note.'" Instead of asking Goldthorn about "[any thing]": say "'I don't think that's relevant to the case bud.'" [End of Police Station] [Start of Dirks Check Cashing] Dirk Check Cashing is north of Street One. The description is "A small office that is much too bright. A few chairs sit around a table, some plastic plants attempt to humanize the space. Even though he isn't here, you can practically feel Dirk Donton sneering at you.[line break][line break]A lady sits at the front desk. Her name tag reads Tabby Clot." Tabby is a woman in Dirk Check Cashing. The description is "A polity dressed middle aged woman who holds herself well." Understand "Tabby Clot" and "Clot" as Tabby. First_Tabby_Talk is a number that varies. First_Tabby_Talk is usually 0. Instead of Talking to Tabby: if First_Tabby_Talk is 0: say "'Hello, how can I help you? Oh, you're looking for Dirk's assistant? Well you've found her. I've had to take our receptionist's place after the murder. Can you believe that, a murder? I can't say I'm surprised though, that girl was always asking for trouble. No modesty about her. Anyway, what can I help you with?'"; now First_Tabby_Talk is 1; otherwise: say "'Hello again. What can I help you with?'"; Instead of asking Tabby about "[Claire]": say "'The girl who got murdered. Yep, she use to work here. Not great at her job I must say, but she had the looks to keep it anyway. I can't imagine any other reason Mr. Donton would have kept her on. Still, such a ghastly business. I do hope someone finds the killer, I haven't felt quite as safe on Nickeldrop Alley these past few days.'" Instead of asking Tabby about "[Dirk]": say "'Mr. Donton owns the place of course. He isn't always the easiest person to get along with, but that's just because people don't understand the stress of managing a business. He wasn't the murderer though, I can tell you that. Of course he wasn't always happy about Claire's work, but that's just par for the course with those kinds of people. Anyway, Mr. Donton isn't here right now, he's taking a much needed day of. You're welcome to try talking to him in his home across the street, but I doubt he'll let you in. Mr. Donton is not a fan of strangers.'" Instead of asking Tabby about "[George]": say "'Claire's father? He came in here a few times yelling for me to bring him Mr. Donton. I even had to call the police on time to get him out.'" Instead of asking Tabby about "[Charlotte]": say "'Claire's sister right? She's nice enough. Don't think she's a huge fan of our establishment, but at least she had the manners to keep it to herself'". Instead of asking Tabby about "Dirk Check Cashing": say "'Well what's there to say, it's our fine establishment. Business isn't always booming, but Mr. Donton has a vision and he makes it happen.'" Instead of asking Tabby about "Donton Manor": say "'That's were Mr. Donton lives, its just across the street. He likes to keep an eye on his business. He's single so its just him.'" Instead of asking Tabby about "Tuesday": say "'Let's see. I got to work around 8:00am, Claire showed up around 9:00am. It was a pretty slow day. Mr. Donton came by for a bit around 11:00, but he didn't stay long. Claire left for lunch around 12:00. She usually eats in the Park. I would never, too much riffraff. Claire came back around 1:00pm. She left for the day at 6:00pm after we closed up shop. I went home and read some of my book. Mr. Donton called me around 11:00pm, said there were some discrepancies with the ledger we keep. It took us about an hour to find the problem. It was a typo Claire had made the day before. We left at around midnight. I went back home went to sleep.'" Instead of asking Tabby about "Wednesday": say "'Like Tuesday, I got to work around 8:00am. I thought it was weird that Claire didn't show up on time. I even tried calling her. Of course it wasn't until the police came by around 2:00pm and I heard the news. They said they needed to talk with Mr. Donton, so I called him and we went to talk with the police at the station. Don't tell anyone I said this, but when the police asked how long we were at the office on Tuesday, I told them until 2:00am. It was just a little exaggeration because I knew they were going to be suspicious of Mr. Donton otherwise even though he had nothing to do with it. Of course I'm telling you because you're smart enough to know the truth.'" Instead of asking Tabby about "[any thing]": say "'I don't know if I have anything to say about that.'" [End of Dirks Check Cashing] [Start of Klin Apartments] Klin Apartments Lobby is south of Street Four. The description is "A somewhat sparse welcoming space with a few chairs and tables scattered around. Stairs in the back right corner lead up to the next floor." Floor Two is up of Klin Apartments Lobby. The description is "A dimly lit hallway stretches out. To the west is apartment 200, to the north is apartment 201, and to the east is apartment 202." Apartment 200 is a room. Door 200 is west of Floor Two and east of Apartment 200. Door 200 is a door. Door 200 is lockable and locked. Apartment 201 is a room. Door 201 is north of Floor Two and south of Apartment 201. Door 201 is a door. Door 201 is lockable and locked. Apartment 202 is a room. Door 202 is east of Floor Two and west of Apartment 202. Door 202 is a door. Door 202 is lockable and locked. Victoria is a woman in Apartment 202. The description is "A redheaded young lady who seems quite nervous talking to you." Understand "Victoria Salmoth" and "Salmoth" as Victoria. Check opening Door 202: say "It seems to be locked, perhaps you should try knocking?" instead; Before going to Floor Two: now Victoria is in Apartment 202; Instead of talking to Victoria: say "'Well? Ask you questions.'"; Instead of asking Victoria about "[Claire]": if Bob_Admits_To_Know_Clair is 0: say "'That was the girl that was murdered? Ah god. I didn't really know her, but we would wave when we passed on the stairs. She's really gone? Wow, death always comes when you least expect it. I heard the police on Wednesday, but I wouldn't have expected that.'"; otherwise: say "You ask Victoria about Claire, telling her that her boyfriend had 'messed around with' Claire.[line break][line break]'What! No, that can't be true. He would never do something like that... I just. Really?'[line break][line break]Victoria is silent for a while.[line break][line break]'I guess it would explain a lot of things. [Bob] has been acting very weird lately.'"; now Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is 1; Instead of asking Victoria about "[Bob]": if Bob_Admits_To_Know_Clair is 0: say "'Yeah, Bob's my boyfriend. We're in a bit of a rough patch right now, because of what happened Tuesday.'"; now the printed name of Bob is "Bob"; otherwise: say "You ask Victoria about Bob, telling her that her boyfriend had 'messed around with' Claire.[line break][line break]'What! No, that can't be true. He would never do something like that... I just. Really?'[line break][line break]Victoria is silent for a while.[line break][line break]'I guess it would explain a lot of things. [Bob] has been acting very weird lately.'"; now Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is 1; Instead of asking Victoria about "Spiritland": say "'Spiritland? That's where my boyfriend works. I don't know what that has to do with anything though.'" Instead of asking Victoria about "Tuesday": say "'Tuesday was a weird day for me. It started out normal enough. In fact almost all of the day was normal enough. But at around 1:30am Bob comes by banging on my door. He was upset and his clothes were stained. He told me that he had had an accident at the bar. He asked me to wash them. I asked why he couldn't do it himself, but he was in this upset mood. So I washed his clothes, but I found this keep that had the number 300 on it. I thought that was very weird.'" Instead of asking Victoria about "Wednesday": if Victoria_Knows_About_Bob is 0: say "'That was the day I heard the cops. I also gave Bob his clothes back. He told me we have to stop seeing each other for a while, and I don't know why he did.'"; otherwise: say "'That was the day I heard the cops. I also gave Bob his clothes back. He told me we have to stop seeing each other for a while, and I don't know why he did. It probably has something to do with Claire.'"; Floor Three is up of Floor Two. The description is "A dimly lit hallway stretches out. To the west is apartment 300, to the north is apartment 301, and to the east is apartment 302." Apartment 300 is a room. Door 300 is west of Floor Three and east of Apartment 300. Door 300 is a door. Door 300 is lockable and locked. The Apartment 300 Key is a thing in Apartment 300. The description is "An old beat up key with the number 300 on it." Apartment 301 is a room. The description is "A messy apartment with many posters on the walls and potted plants wherever they could fit. The exit is to the south." Door 301 is north of Floor Three and south of Apartment 301. Door 301 is a door. Door 301 is lockable and locked. Apartment 302 is a room. Door 302 is east of Floor Three and west of Apartment 302. Door 302 is a door. Door 302 is lockable and locked. Check opening Door 301: say "It seems to be locked, perhaps you should try knocking?" instead; Jessica is a woman in Apartment 301. The description is "A young woman with bright blue hair. She has several piercings and tattoos and appears to have trouble sitting still." Understand "Jessica Almond" and "Almond" as Jessica. Checked_Key is a number that varies. Checked_Key is usually 0. Check opening Door 300: if the player carries The Apartment 300 Key: say "You attempt to open the door with Jessica's key, yet the lock won't turn. You try jiggling it a bit and forcing it at different angles, but it just won't budge. Something is weird, you should go talk to Jessica again."; now Checked_Key is 1 instead; First_Jessica_Talk is a number that varies. First_Jessica_Talk is usually 0. Give_Key is a number that varies. Give_Key is usually 0. Instead of going south through Door 301: now the player is in Floor Three. Instead of Talking to Jessica: if First_Jessica_Talk is 0: say "'So yeah. I was the one who found the body and reported it to the police. I can't say I was super close to Claire, I mean we talked from time to time and she was always asking to borrow like eggs and sugar or whatnot from me, but our relationship ended at neighbors. Still, it was so hard to see her like that. A lifeless corpse on the floor. I... I just hope the killer is caught soon.'"; now First_Jessica_Talk is 1; otherwise: say "'Hi again. You got more questions?'"; Instead of asking Jessica about "[Claire]": say "'Claire was a force of nature. She just walked with so much confidence, I don't know. I feel like I was always kind of jealous of her life. Being able to hold her head that high. Guess not anymore. Anyway, I know that she didn't like her job, and she had never really been in a long term relationship. She would almost always be on and off with someone.'"; if Give_key is 0: say "'Anyway, I do have the key to her apartment, if you'd like to check it out. Her room is 300. I don't really know what you'll find in there, but good luck.'"; now the player carries The Apartment 300 Key; now Give_key is 1; Instead of asking Jessica about "Klin Apartment": say "'Yeah this place is fine. View kinda sucks, amenities only work some of the time. But the rent's cheap and the landlord doesn't care about much as long as you pay on time.'" Instead of asking Jessica about "Tuesday": say "'Yeah, Tuesday. I didn't do much. Went to work at around 8:00am. I work about a half hour away from here at a pet shop. I came back around 5:00pm. Just sat around catching up on some tv shows that night. A little after midnight I heard two people arguing in Claire's apartment. It doesn't happen super often, but it does happen so I kinda left it alone that night. I really regret that now.'" Instead of asking Jessica about "Wednesday": say "'I got ready for work, like most days. But before I left I decided to check in on Claire. I was almost sure it was nothing but I thought to myself, might as well check. I didn't hear anything so I went in. The door being unlocked was probably a bad sign. But then I saw her there on the floor. And the blood...'[line break][line break]'There was a lot of blood, so much blood. I immediately went back to the apartment and called the police. They showed up and examined the scene. They talked to me, they asked a lot of questions, but I really didn't have that many answers. After that I kinda was just in a daze for the rest of the day.'" Instead of asking Jessica about "[any thing]": say "'I'm sorry but I don't know about what your asking.'" [End of Klin Apartments] [Start of the Flying Inn] The Flying Inn is north of Street Five. The description is "A cheap inn for people who don't want a lot of questions or problems. Nothing here is fancy, but it certainly gets the job done. To the north there is a hall that connects the rooms." The Hall is north of The Flying Inn. The description is "A short hall with a very unpleasant smell. To the west is room 100, to the north is room 101, and to the east is room 102." Room 100 is a room. Door 100 is west of The Hall and east of Room 100. Door 100 is a door. Door 100 is lockable and locked. Room 101 is a room. Door 101 is north of The Hall and south of Room 101. Door 101 is a door. Door 101 is lockable and locked. Room 102 is a room. The description is "A small room with two beds, both unmade. A tv sits in the corner and there is a bathroom to the north, and the exit is to the west." The Bathroom is north of Room 102. The description is "A small bathroom with nothing of note. Why did you even come in here. What where you hoping to find? You must be losing your edge. You can leave by going to the south." Door 102 is east of The Hall and west of Room 102. Door 102 is a door. Door 102 is lockable and locked. Check opening Door 102: say "It seems to be locked, perhaps you should try knocking?" instead; Instead of going west through Door 102: now the player is in The Hall. Charlotte is a woman in Room 102. The description is "What appears to normal be nice young woman currently looks like she hasn't slept in years. Her shoulders hunch and her hair is a mess, yet she manages to force a smile when you make eye contact." Understand "Charlotte Vanderbolt" as Charlotte. First_Charlotte_Talk is a number that varies. First_Charlotte_Talk is usually 0. Instead of Talking to Charlotte: if First_Charlotte_Talk is 0: say "Before you can even introduce yourself, Charlotte starts talking.[line break][line break]'Thank you so much for coming, this past week has been so hard and I don't know if I could take another thing going south. I guess I'll just start at the beginning. I'm Claire's sister. I live on the other side of the country, but my father, George, and I flew in last week on Monday to celebrate Clair's birthday. We arrived late, from a delayed flight. So neither of us talked to Clair that day. She had work on Tuesday, but after she got off I went to have drinks with her at the Spiritland bar, I think it was around 9:00pm. We talked for a while, but then we got into an argument about her work at Dirk Check Cashing, and her boss Dirk Donton. It was stupid but she told me she needed some time away from me and left at around 10:00pm. That was the last I saw her. Next morning we get a call from the police. Claire's dead. Just like that.'[line break][line break]Charlotte's breath catches and she stays silent a moment.[line break][line break]'I'm sorry, I still just can't believe that the last thing I said to her was how stupid she was. Guess I was the stupid one.'[line break][line break]'The police searched for a few days but they didn't find anything, bunch of incompetent morons. I know you can do better, and find you did this to her. I'll pay you your usual rate, $400 per day. Just find the bastard that did this, please.'"; now First_Charlotte_Talk is 1; otherwise: say "'Just let me know if you have any more questions.'"; Instead of asking Charlotte about "Spiritland": say "'God awful bar. But the only one nearby. My father is probably there now, drinking away his sorrow.'" Instead of asking Charlotte about "[George]": say "'My father. He's a good man, even if he's bad at expressing himself. He really hasn't handled Claire's death well. I mean who would, losing your daughter, and so young. He's resorted to drinking these last few days. I tried to stop him, but honestly I can't blame him.'" Instead of asking Charlotte about "[Claire]": say "'How can I describe Claire. She was always so vibrant and alive. She wanted to be an actress you know, all her life. Never quite made it happen, but still. She had to resort to working some dead end job at Dirk Check Cashing. She hated it, but a girl's got to eat. I'm surprised she never made it big, with all that confidence. Got her in trouble quite a few times as well, constantly believing that she was in the right. She was a crazy girl. And now she's gone. And... And I'll never get to see that smile again.'" Instead of asking Charlotte about "Klin Apartment": say "'That's Claire's apartment. She lived in 302. It was a small place but she decorated it up nicely, she was quite fond of the space. I guess there are worse places to go, then your own room. Did I mention that? They found her in her apartment. Her neighbor did, Jessica. I use to have a key, but some how in the craziness of the past few days I lost it.'" Instead of asking Charlotte about "[Jessica]": say "'Claire's neighbor. Such a sweet girl. Could talk non stop for hours. I don't think her and Claire where that close, but they must have at least said hi everyday. Must have been such a shock finding the body.'" Instead of asking Charlotte about "[Dirk]": say "'Claire's boss. I've never met the guy thankfully, but I from what Claire told me, he's a really piece of work. Didn't send any condolences or anything either. Just a mean old dude who thinks the world revolves around him.'" Instead of asking Charlotte about "[Julian]": say "'You know about Julian? Of course you know about Julian? Little detective doing all his detective work. I didn't say anything because it isn't important, but we'll that night after Spiritland I was just not ready to go back all worked up like that so I decided to have a little fun with a taxi driver. I mean who can blame me? I know I should have told you, but I just felt so bad. Hooking up with a taxi driver while my sister was...'[line break][line break]Charlotte goes silent.'" Instead of asking Charlotte about "Monday": say "'That was the day we arrived. We came in late, around 10 or so. We basally just checked into the room and went to sleep.'" Instead of asking Charlotte about "Tuesday": say "'I spent most of the day in here, watching tv and talking with Dad. I did go to the Library around noon, but I didn't end up checking anything out. I went to Spiritland with Claire around 9:00. I took a taxi back here around 10:30 and went to bed.'" Instead of asking Charlotte about "Wednesday": say "'The worst day of my life. I can still remember getting that phone call. I couldn't believe it. I honestly don't remember much of what happened that day. It's all just a blur'". Instead of asking Charlotte about "[any thing]": say "'Not ringing any bells for me, sorry.'" [End of the Flying Inn] [Start of Taxi Garage] The Taxi Garage is south of Street Five. The description is "A greasy noisy taxi garage office overlooking rows and rows of taxis. A lone worker sits in the corner reading a newspaper." After going to The Taxi Garage for the first time: say "The man in the corner looks up at you.[line break][line break]'Yo, my name's Julian. What can I help you with today?"; Julian is a man in the Taxi Garage. The description is "A tall man with slicked back hair and a short beard. He doesn't seem like very complicated person. Probably takes life one thought at a time." Understand "Julian Tack" and "Tack" as Julian. First_Julian_Talk is a number that varies. First_Julian_Talk is usually 0. Instead of Talking to Julian: if First_Julian_Talk is 0: say "You introduce yourself to Julian and explain that you are currently investigating a murder case and would like to ask him a few questions.[line break][line break]'Yo yo yo, you here to arrest me? Nah I'm just playing with you man, I done nothing wrong. I don't know how much I can help with your case man, but hey, can't hurt to ask right?'"; now First_Julian_Talk is 1; otherwise: say "'Heyyyyy Detective man. What can I do for you?'"; Instead of asking Julian about "[Claire]": say "'I can't say I know a Claire, she from around here?'[line break][line break]You inform Julian about Claire's unfortunate and untimely death.[line break][line break]'Damn man, that's a tough way to go. Sorry but yeah, never heard of her.'" Instead of asking Julian about "[Charlotte]": say "'Yeah I know a Charlotte. Girl from out of town who came in about a week ago. Last Tuesday she road in my taxi, and then a little bit more if you know what I mean. Must have been up until 3:00 am that night. Ah, she stopped picking up the phone though, and I haven't talked to her since. Shame." Instead of asking Julian about "[Dirk]": say "'Yeah I know Dirk fucking Donton. Son of a bitch screwed me over with his check cashing a few times. He's a real piece of work. Now that you mention it I saw him going to the library last Tuesday. Which is weird because I'd bet money that man can't even read." Instead of asking Julian about "[Bob]": say "'Yeah, Bob Harmon's a buddy of mine. He works at Spiritland. Great man to have a few drinks with, but man does he go wild after about beer four.'"; now the printed name of Bob is "Bob". Instead of asking Julian about "Library": say "'Never been myself.'" Instead of asking Julian about "Dirk Check Cashing": say "'Yeah I know Dirk fucking Check Cashing. Place screwed me over a few times. Not looking to go back there in this lifetime.'" Instead of asking Julian about "Tuesday": say "'Yeah Tuesday was fun. Started my route around noon, drove people around. Not much to note. But at the end of the day I picked up this fine little thing. Gave the night a fun little end.'" Instead of asking Julian about "[any thing]": say "Julian just shrugs." [End of Taxi Garage] [Start of Library] The Library is south of Street Three. The description is "A large library containing an eclectic collection of literature. A few books catch your eye: Nickeldrop Alley History, Finance for Dummies, and One Thousand uses for Bleach Plus Other Cleaning Supplies". The Shelve is a supporter in the Library. The description is "The average American Library Shelf. Good at holding books." Nickeldrop Alley History is a thing on The Shelve. The description is "An interesting history on Nickeldrop Alley. In the back you find a nice map:[line break][line break]+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+[line break]| Dirks Check | Spiritland | The Park | Police | The Flying |[line break]| Cashing | | | Station | Inn |[line break]+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+[line break]| Nickeldrop Alley |[line break]| Street |[line break]+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+[line break]| Donton | Thomson | Library | Klin | Taxi |[line break]| Manor | Private Eye | | Apartments | Garage |[line break]+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+". Finance for Dummies is a thing on The Shelve. The description is "A thick book detailing many aspects of finance, with many helpful pictures. In the front you notice the last person to check out the book was a Mr. Donton on Tuesday at 3:00 am." One Thousand uses for Bleach Plus Other Cleaning Supplies is a thing on The Shelve. The description is "A sturdy book which details many uses of Bleach and other cleaning products. You notice that the last person to check out the book was a Mr Harmon on Tuesday at 2:00 am." [End of Library] [Start Park] The Park is north of Street Three. The description is "A small park with a surprisingly calming atmosphere. Several trees are scattered around and a few benches provide rest to the travels who pass by. A Monk sits cross legged on one of the benches with his eyes closed." Monk is a man in The Park. The description is "A man with a shaved head and simple garments who appears untroubled by the world around him." First_Monk_Talk is a number that varies. First_Julian_Talk is usually 0. Instead of Talking to Monk: if First_Monk_Talk is 0: say "You walk up to the monk and stare down at him. You debate asking the man a few questions, but decide he would probably have nothing interesting to say. Right as you are about to walk away, the monk speaks up.[line break][line break]'Hello wary one. I sense a great weight sits on your shoulders today. May I help alleviate it for you?'[line break][line break]You are dumbfounded for a moment but quickly regain your bearings.[line break][line break]'Yes, would you happen to meditate in this park very often?' you ask the monk.[line break][line break]'All the time', he replies.[line break][line break]'Would you happen to see people as they pass by?' you continue.[line break][line break]'I see all', the monk informs you.[line break][line break]You somewhat doubt this as you have yet to see his eyes open, but perhaps this man might have some information that could be useful to you. After all, it couldn't hurt to ask. Right?"; now First_Monk_Talk is 1; otherwise: say "'I see you have returned wary one? What weighs on you mind at the moment?'"; Instead of asking Monk about "[Claire]": say "'I do not know of this woman, however I sense she is no longer with us. The cycle of life never stops, after all.'" Instead of asking Monk about "The Park": say "'I find peace in this park. So have many others.'" Instead of asking Monk about "Tuesday": say "'I often saw a young woman eat her lunch in this park. Tuesday was the last day I saw her. She had a dark aura about her. A man in a bright red vest arrived not much after her and darkened her mood considerably. I often wonder why the universe works they way it does, yet I have yet to find a reason. Perhaps this meaninglessness is where true meaning is born.'"; now Know_Bob_In_Park is 1; Instead of asking Monk about "[any thing]": say "[one of]'You ask a misguided question. You must think outside of your own mind to move forward.'[or]'Your angle of approach will not bring you closer to your goals. Erase your current understanding and try again.'[or]'Blagour. Troushi. Damanacota hy ty. Doshta to.'[or]The monk remains silent.[or]'No no no. You have done too much thinking. It is time to start feeling.'[or]'I already know the answer you seek. However you must ask the correct question.'[in random order]" [End Park] [Start Knocking] First_Knock_102 is a number that varies. First_Knock_102 is usually 0. First_Knock_202 is a number that varies. First_Knock_202 is usually 0. First_Knock_301 is a number that varies. First_Knock_301 is usually 0. First_Knock_302 is a number that varies. First_Knock_302 is usually 0. Knocking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "knock on [something]" as knocking. Check knocking: if the noun is Door 102: if First_Knock_102 is 0: say "You knock on the door. You hear footsteps and a short lady with bright red hair opens the door.[line break][line break]'You must be Detective Thomson, please come in.'[line break][line break]She steps aside and you walk in. You hear her close the door behind you."; now First_Knock_102 is 1; otherwise: say "Charlotte opens the door and lets you in."; now the player is in Room 102; otherwise if the noun is Door 301: if First_Knock_301 is 0: say "You knock on the door. A young lady with bright blue hair opens the door.[line break][line break]'Hello? You're here about Claire Vanderbolt? You'd like to ask me a few questions? I guess that's fine. Please come on in. My room's a bit of a mess, sorry. I was Claire's neighbor, Jessica Almond.'"; now First_Knock_301 is 1; now the player is in Apartment 301; otherwise if Checked_Key is 1: say "Jessica opens the door. You inform her that her key does not work.[line break][line break]'Really? That's strange.'[line break][line break]Jessica walks over to Apartment 300 and tries to open the door. She has about as much success as you do. She turns back to you.[line break][line break]'You know now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever opened that door with this key before. Claire gave it to me just in case, but there was never a time when I needed it. Weird. I totally thought I had at some point. Sorry about that. I guess I'll just throw it away.'[line break][line break]Jessica returns to her apartment."; now The Apartment 300 Key is in Apartment 300; otherwise: say "Jessica lets you in."; now the player is in Apartment 301; otherwise if the noun is Door 202: if First_Knock_202 is 0: say "You knock on the door and a short while later a young lady opens it up a crack peering at you from the other side. You introduce yourself as Detective Thomson.[line break][line break]'Oh, detective? Am I in trouble?'[line break][line break]'No Ms...'[line break][line break]'Victoria, Victoria Salmoth.'[line break][line break]'No Ms. Salmoth you are not in trouble, I just want to ask you a few questions related to a murder that happened on this building last week.'[line break][line break]'Oh, ok', Victoria says as she step out of her apartment, closing the door behind her."; now First_Knock_202 is 1; otherwise: say "Victory opens the door and steps outside of her apartment.[line break][line break]'Hello again detective.'"; now Victoria is in Floor Two; otherwise if the noun is Donton Manor: say "You knock at the door and receive no response. You think about the small window in your office and suddenly a terrible idea pops into your head."; otherwise: say "There is no response."; [End Knocking] [Start of Accusing] Accusing is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "Accuse [any thing]" as Accusing. Before Accusing [someone]: if the player is not in The Police Station: say "You aught to go to The Police Station to accuse someone." instead; [There has got to be a better way to do this] ClaireHolder is a Room. Claire is a woman in ClaireHolder. Understand "Claire" and "Claire Vanderbolt" as Claire. Instead of accusing Claire: say "You call Charlotte over to the police station and announce your findings in front of her and Officer Goldthorn.[line break][line break]'Claire committed suicide. The weight of her failing job and unsuccessful acting attempts were too much and after a tough argument with her sister, she took her own life. I am terribly sorry.'[line break][line break]Officer Goldthorn is the first to speak. 'It does sort of fit. Strange she managed to stab her self so many times...'[line break][line break]Charlotte interjects, 'My sister would never kill herself. I admit she was in a rough patch, but she was just not that kind of person. Thank you for your time Detective, but I'm afraid I'm going to look at different avenues.'[line break][line break]You leave the station and head back to your office. Were you correct, and Charlotte simply couldn't handle the truth? Or is there a deeper mystery here? Perhaps you will never know."; end the story; Instead of accusing Charlotte: say "You call Charlotte over to the police station and announce your findings in front of her and Officer Goldthorn.[line break][line break]'Claire was killed by her sister, Charlotte!'[line break][line break]You point at Charlotte as you say this and Officer Goldthorn gasps.[line break][line break]'Me? I would never! I loved my sister. Sure we had the occasional argument, but all sisters do. Even if you don't believe me, I spent the night of the murder with a taxi driver, Julian Tack. Ask him, he'll support my alibi.'[line break][line break]You and Officer Goldthorn go and speak to Julian Tack, who does in fact support Charlotte's story. Charlotte seems disappointed in your performance[line break][line break]'Thank you for your time Detective, but I'm afraid I'm going to look at different avenues.'[line break][line break]You leave the station and head back to your office. Were you correct, and Charlotte has fooled everyone? Or is there a deeper mystery here? Perhaps you will never know."; end the story; Instead of accusing George: say "You call Charlotte over to the police station and announce your findings in front of her and Officer Goldthorn.[line break][line break]'Claire was killed by her father, George Vanderbolt.'[line break][line break]Both Charlotte and Goldthorn stare at you blankly. Goldthorn speaks up first.[line break][line break]'Son that makes exactly zero sense. Have you even spoken to George, there is no way that man had any motive or opportunity to kill his daughter.'[line break][line break]Charlotte interjects as well.[line break][line break]'I agree with Goldthorn. Thank you for your time Detective, but I'm afraid I'm going to look at different avenues.'[line break][line break]You leave the station and head back to your office. Were you correct, and George has fooled everyone? Or is there a deeper mystery here? Perhaps you will never know."; end the story; Instead of accusing Jessica: say "You call Charlotte over to the police station and announce your findings in front of her and Officer Goldthorn.[line break][line break]'Claire was killed by her neighbor, Jessica Almond. Claire trusted her enough to let her into the apartment, and that is where Jessica committed the crime. She called the police the next day in an attempt to make herself appear more innocent.'[line break][line break]Office Goldthorn seems skeptical.[line break][line break]'But what motive could Jessica have?'[line break][line break]You find that you have no answer to the question. Perhaps you didn't think this through all the way. Charlotte interjects as well.[line break][line break]'I agree with Goldthorn, I talked to the girl and honestly I just can't see it. Thank you for your time Detective, but I'm afraid I'm going to look at different avenues.'[line break][line break]You leave the station and head back to your office. Were you correct, and Jessica has fooled everyone? Or is there a deeper mystery here? Perhaps you will never know."; end the story; Instead of accusing Goldthorn: say "You call Charlotte over to the police station and announce your findings in front of her and Officer Goldthorn.[line break][line break]'Claire was killed by Officer Goldthorn! The very man standing in front of me. I don't know how he did it, but I'm sure of it.[line break][line break]Both Goldthorn and Charlotte stare at you.[line break][line break]'Funny joke bud. But probably not in good taste.'[line break][line break]Charlotte shakes her head and walks out the door.[line break][line break](Normally the game would end here, because you accused someone. But that was so bad I'm going to assume you mistyped or were making a joke or something, so I'm going to let you continue along.)" Instead of accusing Julian: say "You call Charlotte over to the police station and announce your findings in front of her and Officer Goldthorn.[line break][line break]'Claire was killed by a taxi driver, Julian Tack. He must have drove her home and somehow made it into her apartment, stabbing her there.'[line break]Charlotte is the first to speak.[line break][line break]'Julian had no motive, and I can personally attest he was not at the apartment during the time of the murder, because he was with me. Thank you for your time Detective, but I'm afraid I'm going to look at different avenues.'[line break][line break]You leave the station and head back to your office. Were you correct, and Julian has fooled everyone? Or is there a deeper mystery here? Perhaps you will never know."; end the story; Instead of accusing Victoria: say "You call Charlotte over to the police station and announce your findings in front of her and Officer Goldthorn.[line break][line break]'Claire was killed by Victoria, a tenet of Klin Apartments.'[line break][line break] Goldthorn is the first to speak up.[line break][line break]'Did this Victoria have any motive, or any opportunity to commit the murder?'[line break][line break]Nothing comes to mind.[line break][line break]Then Charlotte adds her thoughts.[line break][line break]'I agree with Goldthorn. Thank you for your time Detective, but I'm afraid I'm going to look at different avenues.'[line break][line break]You leave the station and head back to your office. Were you correct, and Victoria has fooled everyoneL Or is there a deeper mystery here? Perhaps you will never know."; end the story; Instead of accusing Monk: say "You call Charlotte over to the police station and announce your findings in front of her and Officer Goldthorn.[line break][line break]'Claire was killed by a Monk, a man who often mediates in the park.'[line break][line break] Goldthorn is the first to speak up.[line break][line break]'Did this Monk have any motive, or any opportunity to commit the murder?'[line break][line break]Nothing comes to mind.[line break][line break]Then Charlotte adds her thoughts.[line break][line break]'I agree with Goldthorn. Thank you for your time Detective, but I'm afraid I'm going to look at different avenues.'[line break][line break]You leave the station and head back to your office. Were you correct, and The Monk fooled everyone? Or is there a deeper mystery here? Perhaps you will never know."; end the story; Instead of accusing Dirk: say "You call Charlotte over to the police station and announce your findings in front of her and Officer Goldthorn.[line break][line break]'Claire was killed by Dirk Donton, her former boss. He was unhappy with her performance, and instead of firing her, decided that the best way to remove the problem was to kill her.[line break][line break] Goldthorn is the first to speak up.[line break][line break]'Did Dirk Donton have any opportunity to commit the murder? And why wouldn't he have just fired the girl?'[line break][line break]You reach to the back of you mind, but you find you cannot answer his questions in a meaningful way..[line break][line break]Then Charlotte adds her thoughts.[line break][line break]'I agree with Goldthorn. Thank you for your time Detective, but I'm afraid I'm going to look at different avenues.'[line break][line break]You leave the station and head back to your office. Were you correct, and Dirk Donton fooled everyone? Or is there a deeper mystery here? Perhaps you will never know."; end the story; Instead of accusing Tabby: say "You call Charlotte over to the police station and announce your findings in front of her and Officer Goldthorn.[line break][line break]'Claire was killed by Tabby Clot, Dirk Donton's assistant. Dirk was unhappy with Claire's performance, and instead of firing her, decided that the best way to remove the problem was to have Tabby kill her.[line break][line break] Goldthorn is the first to speak up.[line break][line break]'Did Tabby have any opportunity to commit the murder? And why wouldn't Dirk have just fired the girl?'[line break][line break]You reach to the back of you mind, but you find you cannot answer his questions in a meaningful way..[line break][line break]Then Charlotte adds her thoughts.[line break][line break]'I agree with Goldthorn. Thank you for your time Detective, but I'm afraid I'm going to look at different avenues.'[line break][line break]You leave the station and head back to your office. Were you correct, and Tabby Clot fooled everyone? Or is there a deeper mystery here? Perhaps you will never know."; end the story; Instead of accusing Bob: say "You call Charlotte over to the police station and announce your findings in front of her and Officer Goldthorn.[line break][line break]'Claire was killed by Bob Harmon, the bartender at Spiritland Bar. Bob was in an affair with Claire and he worried that his current girlfriend Victoria would find out about their relationship. He was able to get into the apartment with a key Claire had given him, and once he had done the deed, his knowledge of mixing different alcohols would have allowed him to disinfect the crime scene. He had motive and opportunity, and I am sure it was him'[line break][line break]'We'll, if you're sure,' Officer Goldthorn says. He grabs several other officers and together they arrest Bob at Spiritland. After only an hour of questioning, Bob breaks and admits to the murder. Charlotte thanks you for your help, and pays you your fee. You return to you office, content with solving the case.[line break][line break]Good job detective, it looks like you still got it."; end the story; Instead of accusing [any thing]: say "'That is not something you can accuse.'" [End of Accusing]