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Toronto Fiend Jail Break
Eason Tu
Played 336 times
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"Jail Escape" by "Eason, Ryan, Kevin" Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]” as talking to. Check talking to: say "[The noun] doesn't reply." Understand "throw [something]", and "toss [something]" as dropping. gears is a number that varies. when play begins: say "The year is 2055 and new mutations have caused the uprising of a new class of supermutants. Fiends, as they are called are enhanced superhumans with a craving for human blood. Your name is James yoo, and he have been imprisioned for the first degree murders of 8 individuals. You are a powerful militant among the fiend community of Toronto and use special gears to further enhance his abilities. Now imprisoned, your gears have been taken away. Now, you are in a jail cell. [line break]" The Jail Cell is a room. " You are in a small, dimly lit jail cell. There is a bed in the corner and a sink in the other corner. Thick and unyielding concrete walls surround you. Only a small window connects you to your cellmates are in the east, and the rusted metal door is shut to the north." The rusted door is a closed locked door. The finished wooden key unlocks the rusted door. The rusted door is south of the main corridor and north of the jail cell. For writing a paragraph about the rusted door: now the rusted door is mentioned. The description of the rusted door is "The rusted metal door looks sturdy and secure, but it's locked. Maybe there's a way to unlock it." The bed is scenery. "It's a simple metal bed with a thin, lumpy mattress." There is a small window in the east side of the Jail Cell. The sink is scenery in the Jail Cell. " " The metal fork is in the sink. The metal fork is a thing. The metal fork can be found. The metal fork is not found Instead of examining the sink: say "It's a small sink with a rusty faucet. There's a rusty metal fork lying within."; now the metal fork is found; Instead of examining the metal fork: say "It's a rusty metal fork. It looks like it could be used to carve something." Jonathan's cell is a room. Jonathan's Cell is east of The Jail Cell. For writing a paragraph about the Jonathan's Cell: now Jonathan's cell is mentioned. The description of Jonathan's cell is "Looking through the window of metal bars, the other cell looks just like yours, but there's another prisoner inside. Jonathan is sitting on his bed, working on something." Jonathan is a person in Jonathan's cell. "This is Jonathan, another prisoner locked up in a cell just like yours." The finished wooden key is in Jonathan's cell. For writing a paragraph about The finished wooden key : now The finished wooden key is mentioned. Instead of talking to Jonathan: if Jonathan does not have the metal fork: say "'Hey, do you need any help?' you ask Jonathan."; say "'Actually, yeah,' he says. 'I'm trying to make a key to escape, but I don't have the right tools.'"; say "'I have a fork that you can use to carve the key,' you say. 'Let me see if I can grab it.'"; Instead of giving the metal fork to Jonathan: now the metal fork is in Jonathan's cell; say "'Thanks, man,' says Jonathan. 'I think I can finish the key now.'"; now the finished wooden key is in the jail cell; say "After an hour of mindless scraping sounds, you hear a large groan as the heavy metal doors swings open. In front of the main door, Jonathan sets the unfinished wooden key on the ground. 'Here, you might need this too,' he says. I'm leaving first. I want to increase the chances one of us gets out. Good luck to the both of us.' You see Jonathan leave and hurry towards the main lobby."; Instead of unlocking the rusted door with the finished wooden key: now the rusted door is unlocked; say "You unlock the door with the wooden key and push it open. You can escape!"; The main corridor is a room. The main lobby is east of the main corridor. The description of the main corridor is "Taking a look around, you see a wave of jail cells, some empty, some occupied. You know you cannot enlist these fiends in helping you, as they are too unpredictable. The main lobby appears to be east of you." The main lobby is a room. The description of the main lobby is "The main lobby feels empty. Guards are resting, and inmates are stuck in their cells. The absence of sound becomes a heavy blanket on your mind as you see the cafeteria in the north, the staircase to the east, and the exit door to the south." The cafeteria is north of the main lobby. The description of the cafeteria is " The unusual sight of rows of tables, side by side, unseated unsettles you. [first time]However, you know that one of your gears are kept in the Kitchen, to the North, when you have been looking for ways out of this jail cell before. [only ]" The Kitchen is north of the Cafeteria. The description of the Kitchen is " As you slowly walk towards the kitchen, the sounds of sizzling and humans startle you. [First time] Going down into a crawl, as you press yourself against the wall and look inside, you see it. Your gear. The power that was taken away from you. A shimmering blue liquid in a cylindrical container lies carelessly in the corner of the kitchen. [only]" instead of going in the Kitchen for the first time: say "You realize you need a distraction. Something to distract the cooks quickly, to grab your gear and leave quickly."; Check dropping: if the player does not carry the finished key: say "There's nothing to throw." instead; otherwise if the location is not the kitchen: say "You'll want to use your key later!" instead of dropping the key: now the finished key is in the kitchen; remove key from play; say "The wooden key makes a hollow sound as it flies across the Kitchen, dropping down on the west side of the kitchen. Confused, the chefs are clamoring and slowly assembling in that area. Now, it seems like you have a few seconds to grab your gear unnoticed. Make your actions quick!"; the first gear is an object in the kitchen. For writing a paragraph about the first gear: now the first gear is mentioned. the description of the first gear is "The strange neon liquid seems to be pulsing, shining brightly." . the gear 1 is an object. instead of taking the first gear: if player carries nothing: now the player carries the first gear; say "Success! That's the first of 4 gears to be found. Drink it to receive your power! The others should be in their research facilities."; otherwise: say "You will need to distract the chefs" instead of drinking the first gear: now the player carries the gear 1; say "Power quickly courses through your veins, running down from your head down to the tips of your toes. Your next steps feel much easier. It seems that you have regained your super strength."; The Stairwell is a room. The stairwell is east of the main lobby. The Research Facility is up of the Stairwell. "You appear in a dimly lit stairwell. The air is stale and musty, and the walls are slick with moisture. The stairs lead to the research facility." The Research Facility is down of the Stairwell. gear 1 is an object. gear 2 is an object. The Stairwell is a room. "You are located in the stairwell facing east." Research Facility 1 is a room. Research Facility 1 is east of the Stairwell. The description of Research Facility 1 is "You slip inside the facility through an open window. The air is filled with the smell of chemicals and disinfectant. The room is dimly lit by flickering fluorescent lights. To your left, you see a row of computers and monitors displaying complex scientific data. To your right, you see a large lab bench cluttered with beakers, test tubes, and microscopes. In the center of the room, you see a large stainless-steel examination table with straps and restraints. The walls are lined with shelves filled with jars of preserved organs, bones, and tissues." Professor Ezekiel is a person in Research Facility 1. "You see Professor Ezekiel in a lab coat, poring over a microscope at the lab bench." instead of going in the Research Facility 1 for the first time: if the player carries Gear 1: say "You defeated Professor Ezekiel and found a vial of Gear 2 in his lab coat pocket. You take it with you."; now the player carries Gear 2; say "You have your super speed powers back."; otherwise: say "Professor Ezekiel sniffs the air and notices you are not carrying the gear. 'I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave alive,' he says as he lunges at you."; end the game in death. Research Facility 2 is east of Research Facility 1. The description of Research Facility 2 is "The walls are painted a sterile white, and the air is cool and dry. You can hear the hum of machinery in the background, and the sound of footsteps echoing through the halls." The office is east of Research Facility 2. The description of the office is "a spacious room with large windows letting in the bright daylight. The windows are covered with blinds, which cast stripes of light and shadow across the room. There is a large oak desk in the center of the room, cluttered with papers and pens. Against one wall is a bookshelf filled with technical manuals and research journals. The room smells faintly of coffee, and there is a coffee maker on a small table by the door." The washroom is south of the office. The description of the washroom is "a small, utilitarian room with a sink and toilet. The walls are painted a pale blue, and there is a small window high on one wall. There is a medicine cabinet mounted above the sink, and a small trash can next to the toilet. The room smells of disinfectant." The vault is west of the washroom. The description of the vault is "a secure room with a thick metal door and a digital keypad. The walls are reinforced concrete, and there is a large steel safe in one corner of the room. The safe is locked with a combination lock, and there is a small keyhole in the door. The room is cool and dark, and the only light comes from a small, green LED on the keypad." Gear 3 is an object. The description of Gear 3 is "a sleek, black suit with glowing blue accents." The vault contains Gear 3. Equipping is an action applying to one thing. Understand "equip [something]" as equipping. After equipping Gear 3, say "You now have telekinetic and regenerative powers. The suit hums softly as it powers up, and you head to the final room, which is south of the main lobby." Attacking it with is an action applying to two things and requiring light. Understand "attack [something] with [something]" and "hit [something] with [something]" as attacking it with. The inspector is a person. the inspector is in the final room. The final room is a room. The final room is south of the main lobby. The gear 1 is an object. The gear 2 is an object. The gear 3 is an object. The gear 4 is an object. instead of going in the final room: say "Walking to the heavy metal doors and looking through the sliver of light in between the almost air tight gaps, an unassuming man in a suit stood tall. His ragged beard and dull blue eyes meant only one thing; it was Perses. You remember him vividly, as he stood above you in the rainy alleyway that fateful night; he was the one to imprison you.The strict yet relaxed stance of Perses as he stands in the way of your freedom compels you to attack him. [first time] But your body involuntarily holds back. Although in your previous fight, he had the help of his team, you still needed most of your powers to defeat him. It is up to you whether to make the decision to attack or power up.[only]"; now the player is in the final room; instead of attacking the inspector: say "Standing in the corridor, the lights are dim and the alarms are blaring. Despite the utter chaos and confusion taking place behind this room, Perses looks unruffled. He sighs, standing up with tremendous effort. 'So,' he drawled, looking at you with degrees of contempt, hatred, and the smallest bit of boredness, 'Are you looking for the same fate as that night, or Jonathan just earlier?' [line break] There were no words to exchange. Every wasted breath was time bought for the guards outside. The sound of footsteps echoed throughout the narrow corridor as you charged up into a run. As you got close, propelling at Perses at the speed of a bullet, the inspector lunged towards you, fists clenched and ready to strike."; if the player carries gear 1: if the player carries gear 2: if the player carries gear 3: say “In this battle of pure strength and attrition, it was clear to both sides that you were the winner. This did not stop Perses from putting up a fight, however. Strikes were well-timed and accurate, but you easily anticipated the inspectors’ attacking angles. The superhuman strength and speed you had proved unmatched when compared to the slightly altered human. The fight came down to the last few exchanges, where by finding an opening after blocking Perses’ punch, you managed to land a devastating blow on his arm, rendering it useless. The fight concluded not long after that, and with your newfound freedom, you rush into the open sky and night lit city bustling with life.”; end the game in victory; otherwise: say “Although you haven’t fully recovered your full strength, the last time Perses defeated you, he had his squad and preparation time. Rushing forward, you and the inspector clashed again and again, looking to gain an edge in this close fight. Sending the inspector flying across the cell with your strength, he regained his footing and retaliated back with a flurry of strikes. As the battle raged on, it came down to the key moment where you read Perses’ intentions perfectly. As he moved to incapacitate your arm, you leaned into his movement, sacrificing your limb to land the devastating counterattack onto his head. [line break] Eyes watery, throat dry, and the sensation of your missing arm burning, you slowly drag yourself to the open air of the night sky, experiencing the feeling of freedom once more.”; end the game in victory; otherwise: say “For a while, it seemed like you had the upper hand. Your speed and agility proved crucial to evading Perses’ lightning-fast blows. The inspector was no pushover, however. A flurry of well-placed hits and kicks weathered you down, slowly turning the tides of the fight. Realizing you were outmatched, you tried a quick maneuver. The inspector saw the attack coming. As you flew past him, Perses just naturally sidestepped, grabbed his arm, and twisted it behind your back. You were done. While you had some of your powers back, it just wasn’t enough to reclaim your former strength.”; end the game in death; otherwise: say "You charge towards the inspector, but you realize too late that you are no match for his incredible speed and skill. He sidesteps your attack effortlessly and delivers a swift punch to your gut, knocking the wind out of you. As you gasp for air, you feel his fist connect with your jaw, and everything goes black. You have been defeated."; end the game in death.