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Emily Brenton
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"Manor" by Emily Brenton Your Bedroom is a room. The description of Your Bedroom is "The sun is barely coming up, but you are already late. Your bedroom is spotless, yet bare of all decoration. Not the glamorous room that you've dreamed of, but good enough for a kitchen maid." Your manuscript is an object. Your manuscript is in Your Bedroom. After taking the manuscript: say "You fell asleep re-reading this again last night, might as well take it with you while you complete your chores." ; increase score by 20. Your apron is an object. Your apron is in Your Bedroom. After taking the apron: say "Time to get to work."; increase the score by 10. The Kitchen is a room. The Kitchen is east of Your Bedroom. The description of Kitchen is "A dingy and dark room. The wood is just starting to blacken in the fireplace." Cook is a woman. The description of Cook is " She is a disheveled and hard-faced woman. She is displeased that you are late." The Cook is in the kitchen. The breakfast tray is an object. The description of the breakfast tray is "two hardboiled eggs, toast and tea. The usual breakfast of the master of the house. He will be the only one up at this hour." The breakfast tray is in the Kitchen. Understand "tray" as the breakfast tray. Instead of giving the tray to Cook: say "Cooks says, 'What would I do with that?' and glares at you."; decrease score by 5. Instead of talking to Cook: say "Cook says 'Don't you have work to do?'" After taking the breakfast tray: say "Cook says 'The master of the house is waiting for his breakfast up in the Dining Room, so you'd better hurry.' "; increase score by 20. The Stairs are above the Kitchen. The Dining Room is east of the Stairs. The description of the Dining Room is "Only one place is set at the long and extravagant mahogany dining table." The master of the house is a man. The master of the house is in the dining room. The description of the master of the house is "He is still in his dressing gown, unusual for him despite the early hour. Frankly, he looks a bit shaken, but it would be out of line for you to comment." Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [a person]" as talking. Instead of talking to the master of the house: say "You must still be dreaming; you only speak to the master of the house if he speaks to you first." Instead of giving the breakfast tray to the master of the house: say "The master of the house begins to say thank you but his hands are shaking and he almost drops the tray."; move the tray to the master of the house; increase the score by 20. The Parlor is north of the Dining Room. The rusty key is in the Parlor. The description of the Parlor is "You always like to begin the chore of building the fires in the parlor, even though it rarely gets used by the family." The Drawing Room is north of the Parlor. The description of the Drawing Room is "The blinds have not been drawn in here yet, but the lady of the house is sitting on her favorite settee in the dark." The lady of the house is a woman. The lady of the house is in the drawing room. The description of the lady of the house is "You are shocked to see her up at this hour. Even more shocking is her perfectly coiffed hair and beautiful silk dress. She stares blankly into space and doesn't notice that you have entered." Instead of talking to the lady of the house: say "She doesn't seem to have heard you." After taking the rusty key: increase score by 10. The Library is east of the Parlor. The description of the library is "You've cleaned this room hundreds of times, but never noticed a row of red books forming a line down the middle shelf. It seems as though they are pushed farther into the bookcase than the other books." The Secret Door is a door. The Secret Door is lockable and locked. The rusty key unlocks the Secret Door. The description of the rusty key is "You've never seen a key like this before in the house. You wonder what it unlocks." After opening the Secret Door: increase the score by 20. The Secret Door is south of the Library. The Secret Passage is south of the Secret Door. The description of the secret passage is "A dim and narrow room. Inside is a writing desk covered with writing paraphernalia." a letter is an object. a letter is in the Secret Passage. The description of the letter is "It is addressed to the master of the house, by his first name. You know that even the lady of the house doesn't refer to him by that anymore." After taking the letter: say "You know that you shouldn't read someone else's correspondence but you can't help yourself. Your heart is pounding as you read the letter because you know that this was hidden for a reason. Some choice passages include 'your fire on that night keeps me warm while we are apart' and 'what I wouldn't give to see the passion in your eyes this very instant.' This is better than anything you could have included in your novel. "; increase score by 40. Instead of giving the letter to the master of the house: say "The master of the house says 'How dare you snoop in my personal belongings, you ingrate!' "; end the game saying "You have been fired." Instead of giving the letter to Cook: say "Cook says 'You have shamed this house with your prying eyes. Be gone!' "; end the game saying "You have been fired." Instead of giving the letter to the lady of the house: say "The lady of the house says 'Thank you. I have been searching for this. This is the proof I need to get what I want out of my marriage. If there is anything that I can do to repay you, do let me know.'"; increase score by 50. After giving the letter to the lady of the house: instead of giving the manuscript to the lady of the house: say "The lady of the house smiles a sad smile and says 'With his lordship's connections and my newfound leverage, of course I can get this published."; increase the score by 100; end the game in victory. Instead of giving the manuscript to Cook: say " Cook says 'So is this what you have been doing instead of working?' "; end the game saying "You have been fired." Instead of giving the manuscript to the master of the house: say "The master of the house says 'What would I want with that? Is the job that I gave you not satisfactory?'"; end the game saying "You have been fired." The maximum score is 290.