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Black Bellamy
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When play begins: say "[italic type]You've finally made it. You've been wandering the island for hours but are no closer to finding the buried treasure of the legendary pirate Black Bellamy. [roman type]" The Island is a room. "You are standing in the center of the island. You knew before you arrived here that the island had not been inhabited for many years since the outbreak of the flu decimated the population, and the only signs of life you notice are the plants and the chirping of birds. A forest surrounds you, but you can still hear the sound of the sea. An overgrown, narrow path makes its way both north and south. " The Forest is here. It is scenery. The description is "The trees around you seem impossibly old. You have to crane your neck to see its canopy. You see many tropical birds and just barely catch a glimpse of a monkey before it scurries off The boulder is a supporter in the island. It is undescribed. The description is "The boulder is large and towers over you. When you make your way around the stone, you find some carving etched into the stone. There are wavy lines that you understand to mean water carved to the left of an etched square." The Falls is north of the island. "You come to a clearing surrounded on three sides by a tall cliff. There is a waterfall on the west cliff, obviously flowing from some kind of river above you. The sound it makes as it falls into a pond by your feet is soothing. If you squint, you can just barely make out that there is an object behind the waterfall's shower. A path leads south." The waterfall is here. The description is "You know nothing about science so you can't calculate the rate at which it is falling, but the pragmatic in you tells you that there is a fair amount of water falling over the side of the cliff." The cavern is west of the Falls. "You step through the waterfall's cascade, enjoying the refreshing shower of water that rains over you. On the other side of the waterfall is a small cave. Nestled amongst some rocks along the far side of the wall, you find a plain wooden chest." The chest is here. It is undescribed. The chest is a closed openable lockable locked container. The matching key is the black pendant. Description is "As you pick up the small chest, your heart starts beating a little bit faster. The stories never really said what was in Black Bellamy's treasure, only that the famed pirate had hid away a treasure that nobody had ever known existed until after the pirate's death. The box is smaller than you would expect a box presumably filled with hoards of treasure to be. When you shake it, it doesn't rattle with the sound of coins, but rather makes a small thumping noise. You can't open it despite how hard you try, but upon further inspection find a small indent in the wood where a handle should be." The willow is south of the island. "A large weeping willow tree sleeps gracefully by a small stream filled with swimming minnows who seem to be swimming around a small object. A path leads east and you hear strange sounds coming from the southeast." A paper is here. The description is "You can't fully make out the handwriting, but the bit you are able to read seem to be a page of Black Bellamy's diary. Surprisingly, the handwriting is graceful and elegant. The entry, or what you can read of it, simply states 'I hid my treasure so that nobody could ever know.'" Instead of examining the stream for the first time: say "The stream slowly slowly by, lazy in its journey towards the sea that brought you here. As you gaze at the waters, a gleam catches your eye and you notice a small black pendant in the water." The black pendant is in the willow. It is undescribed. The description is "As the sun filters through the willow tree's branches, you see a gleaming object in the water. Small fish dart around it, sending ripples to the surface." The stream is a supporter in the willow. It is undescribed. After taking black pendant, say "The piece of jewelry is threaded onto a heavy and thick chain that was used to weight it down in the water. After a few minutes, you're able to remove the silver object from its anchor." The tree is a supporter in the willow. It is undescribed. The description is "The tree seems ancient and peaceful. You know that it has sat in this exact location for generations and you wish that it could tell you all it knows about Black Bellamy." The aviary is southeast of the willow. "As you walk, the air around you fills with the songs of birds. You hear cheerful singing and chattering, and you start seeing bold colors amongst the green of the trees. A large parrot sits preening himself on a wooden perch, on which you can see a silver pendant." The silver pendant is here. It is undescribed. The description is "Under the parrot's watchful eye, a silver pendant rests on the perch." Report asking a person about: say "[italic type]Squawk![roman type]" instead. A man called parrot is in the aviary. "The parrot [one of]tucks its head beneath its wing[or]tilts its head to study you[or]flaps its wings at you[stopping] as you approach." Instead of examining the parrot, say "'[italic type]Squawk![roman type] Stranger on island! [italic type]Squawk![roman type]'" Instead of asking the parrot about "Black Bellamy", say "'[italic type]Squawk![roman type] Pretty pirate! [italic type]Squawk![roman type]'" Instead of asking the parrot about "pendants", say "'[italic type]Squawk![roman type] Open box! Open box! [italic type]Squawk![roman type]'" Instead of asking the parrot about "flu", say "'[italic type]Squawk![roman type] Birds not sick! [italic type]Squawk![roman type]'" Instead of asking the parrot about "pirate", say "'[italic type]Squawk![roman type] Precious treasure! [italic type]Squawk![roman type]'" Instead of asking the parrot about "treasure", say "'[italic type]Squawk![roman type] Secret! [italic type]Squawk![roman type]'" Instead of asking the parrot about "chest", say "'[italic type]Squawk![roman type] Name will open! [italic type]Squawk![roman type]'" The graveyard is east of the willow. "As you walk, the air around slowly starts to fill with mist and fog. You walk in silence for a few moments before finding yourself standing in the middle of a cemetery. The tombstones are crumbling and the graves are covered with weeds. A quick glance at the closest tombstone shows that those laid to rest here were the last victims of that fearful flu, and you wonder who was left to dig their graves. As you search through the cemetary, you come across a tombstone with a somewhat familiar name. You can just barely make out the path leading west that brought you here." A blue pendant is here. It is undescribed. The description is "Your eye is caught by a shimmering light. When you follow the sun's beam, you realize that the source of a light is a small blue gemstone." The tombstone is a supporter in the graveyard. It is undescribed. The description is "This carved piece of stone has been battling with storms since it was first placed here. The writing on it has been faded but you are still able to make out the names and the words. 'Bellamée Noir. My body will be tossed overboard to sleep with the fishes, but my secret soul will forever be at peace here.' Carefully placed in a small notch in the stone is a blue pendant." Instead of unlocking the chest with the black pendant, end the story finally saying "You open the chest which reveals a photograph of a beautiful woman that looks remarkably like the famous painting of Black Bellamy and a long strand of pearls. The back of the photograph, written in the same handwriting as was on the piece of paper you found, says 'My mother's pearls for her daughter.' You spend some digging a small hole by the tombstone you had found and carefully buried everything you had found, letting the soul of the woman be undisturbed."