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My New Game
Emma Levin
Played 1,355 times
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The player wears denim overalls and a white tee shirt. The player is carrying a satchel which contains a knife, empty water bottle and a 10 foot rope. When play begins, say "You are in a room with a sick girl. She says 'Hurry, hurry. You must find the Oracle pill and the Wild Flower. Tell the Oracle you are getting it for Opal Hurds. Hurry go. Go east no south? One of those. Gooooo....... 'The girl is unconscious. You are on your own now. Good luck." Opal's House is a room. The description of Opal's House is "It is very tight and small. It smells sickly." Opal is a person in Opal's House. The description of Opal is "She is sick in the Small Bed. She said to get the pill and flower." Small Bed is supporter in opal's house. The description of small bed is "This bed has ragged sheets and there is a small sick girl laying in it." Small round table is fixed in place in Opal's House. The description of Small Round table is "This table is about four feet tall and 2 feet in diameter. It is a sand color and it is very smooth." The note is on the table. The description of the note is "It is a off white color and it reads Opal Hurds, Sickness-Jotlifoma, prescription- Oracle drink." Dust is on the table. Instead of examining the dust, say "As you approach the dust, your breath blows it away." Scraggly Walls is scenery in Opal's House. Wooden Floor is scenery in Opal's House. Loy Hall Door is a door. It is south of Opal's House and north of Sim Shed. Sim Shed is a room. The description of Sim Shed is "There is caramel walls and espresso metallic floors. It is very small in here." Lawn Mower is fixed in place in Sim Shed. The description of Lawn Mower is "This object is a very deep red color." The Tag is on the Lawn Mower. The description of the Tag is "It says PROPERTY OF THE ORACLE if found return to ca... the rest is all smudged." Caramel Walls is scenery in Sim Shed. Espresso Metallic Floor is scenery in Sim Shed. Black cloth is a door. It is east of Sim Shed and west of Circular Greenhouse. Circular Greenhouse is a room. The description of Circular Greenhouse is "The walls are transparent and the floors are covered with grass and flowers." Transparent walls is scenery in Circular Greenhouse. Grass floor is scenery in Circular greenhouse. Plant Shelf is an openable, closed container in the Circular Greenhouse. It is fixed in place. The Wild Flower is in the Plant Shelf. The Wild Flower is edible. Oak Door is a door. It is east of Circular Greenhouse and west of Broker Garden. Paper is in the plant shelf. The description of the paper is "This paper says Healing Plant." Before examining the paper, say "As you approach the paper, you notice a spot of blood on it." Broker Garden is a room. The description of Broker Garden is "The ground is covered with ice you must be careful." Purple shelf is a supporter in broker garden. Ice floor is scenery in broker garden. All around is scenery in broker garden. Gold coin is on purple shelf. The description of gold coin is "This coin is obviously golden and is is worth 100,000,000,000,000 dollars. Hey. That is how much jotlifoma medicine costs. This could be helpful." Spider Door is a door. It is north of Broker Garden and south of The End. The End is a room. After going from Broker Garden to The End: End the story saying "You are trapped." Hole is a door. It is south of Broker Garden and north of Cave. Cave a is a room. The description of Cave is "This room is filled with medicine. Now you can bring it back to Opal's House." Black Walls is scenery in cave. Rock Floor is scenery in cave. Red Table is fixed in place in cave. The description of the red table is "This table is obviously red and it is about 3 feet high. Other than that there is nothing special about it." Medical drink is on the table. Medical drink is edible. The description of medical drink is "It is an off white color and looks just gross." Oracle is a person in Cave. The description of Oracle is "There is a strange looking woman in this dark cave. gasp. It must be the Oracle. She said the pill is on the coffee table."