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Escape Emma Lam
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French room 211 is a room. "You're in a classroom. There are rows of desks and chairs along the whole room with posters of french verbs and other meanings of everyday saying in french on the walls. The atmosphere feels suffocating as you're anxious that Emma Lam will find you and take you. You have to find 4 tall skinny white boys to go and temporarily distract Emma Lam to take the key and possibly escape with the love of your life, Brady Lee, as well. You can see your inventory by typing 'inventory' and you can look around the room by typing 'look' The east seems to be blocked... I think you have to collect a few items in the other rooms to visit it first". Understand "French room" as French room 211. The teachers desk is in the French room. The desk is in the French room. "There is a Teachers desk with a drawer. The drawer is closed." On the desk is a Pride flag. The description of the desk is "It is your standard Teachers desk with a desktop and a single drawer." The description of the drawer is "This drawer is part of the desk." The description of the Pride flag is "This is a Pride flag." There are 5 more rooms. Maths room is north of French room 211. “Your walking has taken you to the Maths room which has lines of desks with math homework that was left there before the disaster happened. There are posters on the walls explaining mathematical equations. Near the end of the Maths room you see another slightly larger Maths table so you head there to see if theres anything else to grab from it. As you head to the table, You see a Tall skinny white boy. Take it... It might be useful later. On the base of the statue, it says 'Tall skinny white boya' pick it up." The Maths table is in the Maths room. The Table is in the Maths room. "There is a Maths table." On the table is a Tall skinny white boya. The description of the table is "It is your standard Maths table with piles of unmarked tests." The description of the Tall skinny white boya is "It's a Tall skinny white boya." The Drama room is south of French room 211. "You decided to walk a minute south of the french room and see another room with an open door and bright lights shining on a fixed spot in the center of the room. lined against the walls are endless cabinets... Maybe there's something you can use to your advantage in the cabinets? You look around for a while in the cabinets and on the last cabinet you open you see a Tall skinny white boy! The name carved into the base of the statue says 'Tall skinny white boyc' pick it up." The Cabinet is in the Drama room. "There is a Cabinet." On the Cabinet is a Tall skinny white boyc. The description of the Cabinet is "It is your standard Cabinet with useless things in it." The description of the Tall skinny white boyc is "Its a Tall skinny white boyc." Cafeteria is west of French room 211. "You were deciding which way to go and your feet took you to the large school Cafeteria. You see a small human like figure made out of clay and painted so delicately so that it looks exactly like a real person.. but obviously 10x smaller than an actual human. you decide to go up to it in curiosity. You get closer... It looks useful. You should take it. On the base of the statue it says 'Tall skinny white boyb' pick it up." The stage is in the Cafeteria. On the stage is a Tall skinny white boyb. The description of the stage is "It is your regular old school stage." The description of the Tall skinny white boyb is "That is a Tall skinny white boyb" The Science room is east of French room 211. "You enter a room filled with lab tables and direction tools on them. The class looks like it's in the middle of being used yet there are no students in the room and the lights are dimmed. Suddenly, you feel some vibrations on the floor and the tools on the lab desks start shaking... IT'S EMMA LAM!!! The big bad Emma Lam has finally caught up to you, you need to quickly find a place to hide so she doesn't burn your ears with all of her complaints!" The Storage closet is north of Science room. "You quickly run into the small storage closet in the back of the Science room. You quietly, but quickly, close the closets doors and put your hand over your mouth to prevent any unwanted noises that would let Emma Lam know where you are. You unintentionally hold your breath while doing that. You stay in the closet for a few minutes, while listening to Emma Lam completely destroy the science room outside of the closet you're in. Once you hear Emma lam leave, you turn on the closet light so you can find the door. When stepping towards the door you almost trip on something... It's the last Tall skinny white boy!!! take it and leave the closet and head east to the gym to end this madness!!!" The Floor is in the Storage closet. On the Floor is a Tall skinny white boyd. The description of the Floor is "It is your regular old school Floor." The description of the Tall skinny white boyd is "That is a Tall Skinny White Boyd" The Gym is east of Storage closet. "You enter the gym with all 4 skinny white boys in your hands. you can hear above you, the vicious beast Emma lam stomping around still trying to find you. You walk up to the huge display and place all 4 statues on the 4 open spots provided. The second you place the last tall skinny white boy, you hear Emma Lam's stomping get louder, faster, and closer. You jump when Emma Lam barges into the gym but... she doesn't go for you. Emma Lam runs straight towards the statues of Tall skinny white boys and starts drooling over them... This is your chance to escape!!! You speed walk towards Emma Lam and take the key in her pocket. You continue speed walking to the gym exits when another open door catches your eye... BRADY LEE!! your love, Brady lee is trapped in one of the rooms.. How long has he been here? should you save him and risk your life? or should you just exit now while you have the chance. the door is to your east and the room with Brady lee is to the north. Which will you pick?" The Brady lee room is north of Gym. "You run for your life to your one and only true love. He's. asleep... you slap him lightly on the face and shake him but it's no use. He's been surrounded by the toxicity of Emma Lam for too long. With a short amount of time left, you grab Brady lee and throw him over your shoulder. hey, look! there's another door in here. You head to that door with Brady still plopped over your shoulder. You use the key you stole from Emma Lam and opened the door, got out, and SLAMMED it shut... Thank god it worked. You and Brady were free to live your lives... you were free from Emma Lam before it was too late" The Exit door is east of Gym. "You run towards the exit door. You fumble with the key and accidentally dropped it. You quickly bend down and grab the keys. You take a deep breath and calm down as much as you can. You bring the key to the keyhole and attempt to insert it but it doesn't go. You keep trying to shove the key into the lock but keep failing. You have the wrong door. Everything goes quiet until you start hearing growling from right behind you. You spin your head around and get grabbed by Emma Lam. You didn't make it. Emma Lam brings you closer to her and starts screaming into your ears, slowly making you disintegrate. You take a look at the passed out brady once more before you finally disappear"