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Erin Sparling
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apartm.net is a room. "669 Manhattan Ave, between Nassau and Norman. [if the front door is locked] The front door seems to be locked. [end if]". The iphone is a thing. The iphone is carried by the player. The description of the iPhone is "The iPhone 5. A classic example of the finest technology that one can be consumed by. At the moment, the Foursquare app is open on your iPhone." [if in apartm.net] The description of the player is "Your necessity to get a haircut is somewhat masked by the post-ironic, wrinkle-free plaid shirt you grabbed off of the floor today, while in a hurry on your way to go do nothing. Good thing you left that extra button un-fastened. The iPhone in your pocket has created a rounded rectangle wear pattern in your skinny jeans. Perhaps you should get a case for that." [end if] The front door is a closed locked openable door in apartm.net. The front door is undescribed. The front door is above the apartm.net and below the hallway. The description of the front door is "The front door contains years worth of graffiti, covered in years worth of coats of identical brown paint, covered in years worth of graffiti. In what appears to be the most recent addition to the graffiti, a scrawled message reads 'Check in to get in.' There is a small buzzer next to the door.[if the front door is unlocked] The door is open, and leads up to the hallway.[end if]" The foursquare is a thing. The foursquare is undescribed. The foursquare is in apartm.net. The foursquare unlocks front door. The description of the foursquare is "The finest in all the land of mobile social location-based applications. While the merits of doing so are constantly in question, this application can be used to 'check in' to place. Perhaps the occupants of this building have specified here as a venue." The here is a thing. The here is undescribed. The here is in apartm.net. The buzzer is a thing. The buzzer is in apartm.net. The buzzer is undescribed. The description of the buzzer is "There are three buttons on the buzzer. The bottom buzzer is labelled 2FL, and has the wear of an object that has been pressed numerous times." The 2FL button is a device. The 2FL button is on the buzzer. Understand "2fl" as the 2FL button. The 3F button is a device. The 3F button is on the buzzer. The 3R button is a device. The 3R button is on the buzzer. Carry out pushing the 2FL button: say "After some time, it becomes obvious that the occupants are too distracted to respond to your request."; After pushing the 2FL button, do nothing. Carry out pushing the 3F button: say "Much like the rest of this city, the couple that lives here have better things to do than sit at home waiting for you to show up."; After pushing the 3F button, do nothing. Carry out pushing the 3R button: say "While the rental apartment occupancy rate in Manhattan and its surrounding boroughs is at an all-time high, this apartment is apparently empty."; After pushing the 3R button, do nothing. Checking in is an action applying to one thing. Understand "check-in here" as checking in. Understand "check in on [something]" as checking in. Understand "check-in" as checking in. Understand "check in [something]" as checking in. Understand "check [something]" as checking in. Understand "check in to [something]" as checking in. Before checking in: now the front door is open; now the front door is unlocked; say "BZZZZZZZZ. The door opens."; award 1 point. Carry out checking in the foursquare: say "A deep noise can be heard from the buzzer mounted on the door frame. The front door pops open, as if some unseen force knew you were standing in front of it, wanting to come inside."; After checking in: end the game in victory. The hallway is a room. "The dark hallway is dark. There is a door down to the street, an entrance to the kitchen ahead of you, a door to the left to the bathroom." After entering the hallway: say "Welcome."; award 50 points.