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Machine Project Adventure
Isaac Schankler
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"Machine Project Adventure" by Isaac Schankler Instead of telling someone about something, try asking the noun about it. Instead of answering the noun that something, try asking the noun about it. Artist is a kind of person. An artist can be present or absent. An artist is usually absent. Ezra Buchla is a male artist. Chris Kallmyer is a male artist. Jason Torchinsky is a male artist. Emily Lacy is a female artist. Understand "artist" as artist. The description of an artist is "[if a random present artist is male]He[otherwise]She[end if] seems pretty busy with the [occupation of a random present artist] [presentation of a random present artist]." Instead of asking an artist about something, say "You don't want to interrupt the [presentation of a random present artist]!" Occupation is a kind of value. An artist has occupation. The occupations are viola, beekeeping, Arduino, gastrochromatography, field recording. Presentation is a kind of value. An artist has presentation. The presentations are workshop, lecture, performance. Style is a kind of value. An artist has style. The styles are improvisational, psychic, minimalist. To say (O - an object) in upper case: let T be "[O]" in upper case; say T. To say (V - a value) in upper case: let T be "[V]" in upper case; say T. When play begins: now a random artist is present; now a random present artist is in Machine Project; now the occupation of a random present artist is a random occupation; now the presentation of a random present artist is a random presentation; now the style of a random present artist is a random style; North Alvarado Street is a room. "You're on the sidewalk just west of Machine Project, with its bright red door and large window. It looks just like the pictures you saw on the internet!" Machine Project is a room. "Welcome to Machine Project! This is the main room where stuff happens. It's pretty big and rectangular. You can go west to the street or explore further to the east." Machine Project is inside from North Alvarado Street and west of the Back Room. The recursive chamber is a backdrop in Machine Project. "Yep, it's a mighty fine room, all right." Understand "room" as the recursive chamber. The Back Room is a room. "Well, okay, this isn't so much a room as a small space that's been partitioned off. You can go west back to the main room, or down to the basement." The Basement is a room. "This is where all the equipment and debris from past and future events is stored. What sort of wonders can be found here? Stairs lead back up to the main floor." The Basement is down from the Back Room. The small portable marquee is a thing in North Alvarado Street. "A small portable marquee is set up here." The description of the marquee is "It reads: '[a random present artist in upper case]: [style of a random present artist in upper case] [occupation of a random present artist in upper case] [presentation of a random present artist in upper case]'". The large window is a backdrop in North Alvarado Street. The window is a backdrop in Machine Project. The description of the window is "[if the player is in North Alvarado Street]It's hard to see inside through the glare of the sun.[otherwise]You are momentarily mesmerized by the stream of cars and bikes and people outside." The bright red door is an open door. It is scenery. The bright red door is east of North Alvarado Street and west of Machine Project. The happenstance is a backdrop in Machine Project. The description of the happenstance is "You observe the [presentation of a random present artist] for a while. Pretty cool!" Understand "[presentation]" as happenstance. The stylething is a backdrop in Machine Project. The description of the stylething is "You observe the [presentation of a random present artist] for a while. Fascinating!" Understand "[style]" as stylething. The occupything is a backdrop in Machine Project. The description of the occupything is "You observe the [presentation of a random present artist] for a while. Neato!" Understand "[occupation]" as occupything. The clear tube is a container in Machine Project. "A clear tube is visible on the north wall." The description of the clear tube is "The open end of the tube extends upward, snaking across the ceiling and ending at a cone-shaped receptacle at the east end of the room. There is a glowing button next to the tube." Understand "end" and "cash machine" and "machine" as the tube. The tube has a number called suckiness. The suckiness of the tube is 0. The tube can be tested or untested. The tube is untested. Every turn: If the suckiness of the tube is greater than 0, decrement the suckiness of the tube. Every turn when the player is in Machine Project: If the suckiness of the tube is greater than 1, say "The tube is producing a deafening roar."; If the suckiness of the tube is 1, say "The roaring sound of the tube dies down." Instead of inserting a thing (called the item) into the clear tube: If the suckiness of the tube is greater than 0, say "The air in the tube snatches it from your hands! You see it zip across the ceiling and land in the cone-shaped receptacle in the corner.[paragraph break]David Eng says, 'Great! Looks like the cash machine is working perfectly.'"; If the suckiness of the tube is greater than 0, now the item is in the cone-shaped receptacle.; If the suckiness of the tube is greater than 0, increase the score by 1.; If the suckiness of the tube is less than 1, say "It just falls out the open end of the tube onto the floor."; If the suckiness of the tube is less than 1, now the item is in the location. The cone-shaped receptacle is a container in Machine Project. The cone-shaped receptacle is scenery. The description is "Transparent like the tube, with a wide top and narrow bottom, which looks like it can be opened." Understand "cone" and "bottom" and "flap" as the cone-shaped receptacle. Before taking a thing which is in the cone-shaped receptacle, say "You carefully open the bottom flap and extract the contents." Instead of inserting a thing into the cone-shaped receptacle, say "You try to stuff it into the bottom of the cone, but it's too awkward to reach in that way. Maybe there's another method?" Instead of opening the cone-shaped receptacle: say "You open the bottom flap of the cone[if there is more than one thing in the receptacle], and [the list of things in the receptacle] come tumbling out onto the floor[otherwise if there is one thing in the receptacle], and [the list of things in the receptacle] comes tumbling out onto the floor[otherwise], but there's nothing inside[end if]. You carefully shut the flap again."; now all of the things in the receptacle are in the location. The glowing button is a thing in Machine Project. The glowing button is scenery. The description is "Next to the tube on the wall is a small button, emitting a soothing orange glow." Instead of pushing the glowing button: say "You press the glowing button. A roaring sound fills the room as air flows through the tube."; now the suckiness of the tube is 5. A dollar bill is a portable thing carried by the player. The description is "A regular old one dollar bill." A crumpled note is a portable thing in the cone-shaped receptacle. The description is "You wonder what the note might say." After taking the note: say "Taken."; change the description of the note to "You can barely read the writing on this scrunched up piece of paper: H L S VE M HI E P OJ T." After dropping the note: say "Dropped."; change the description of the note to "You can't read the note from here." A quarter is a portable thing in the cone-shaped receptacle. The description is "A shiny American quarter!" The equipment is a backdrop in the Basement. The description of the equipment is "It would take days to sort through all this cool stuff." Understand "debris" or "wonders" as the equipment. A bunch of other people is a person in Machine Project. The description of the bunch of other people is "They look pretty [one of]engaged with[or]enraptured by[or]excited about[at random] the [presentation of a random present artist]." Instead of asking a bunch of other people about something, say "You don't want to interrupt the [presentation of a random present artist]!" David Eng is a man in Machine Project. "[if Machine Project is unvisited]David Eng sees you walk in. 'Oh hey! Can you check if the cash machine is working properly?' He hands you a dollar bill and points to the tube on the wall[otherwise]David Eng is here[end if]." Elizabeth Cline is a woman in the Back Room. "Elizabeth Cline is here. She's Machine Project's assistant director." The description of Elizabeth Cline is "A super smart and classy lady." Understand "Liz" as Elizabeth Cline. Instead of asking Elizabeth Cline about something, say "'Are you the new intern? I think Mark's looking for you downstairs.'" Mark Allen is a man in the Basement. "Hey, Mark Allen is here! He's the director of Machine Project." The description of Mark Allen is "It's really Mark Allen! I know it's hard to believe, but it really is him. He has a beard." Instead of asking Mark Allen about something: say "'Hey, you must be the new intern! You're here just in time. Machine Project is in trouble and only YOU can save us!'"; end the story saying "To be continued". The beard is a thing carried by Mark Allen. The description of the beard is "It is a fine, full, dignified beard."