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The Wizard's Trials
tanu shreya
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When play begins: say " Your uncle is the greatest Wizard in all of Droginia. He has come up with and invented many of the most famous spells we use today from the Peace Spell and right up to the simple spell that won't let cooking food burn while no one is taking care of it. You've been begging him for years to be his apprentice because of your fascination with magic. Not to mention the bullies you attracted from not being able to cast even the easiest spells as a child. Now that you're finally 16, your uncle has finally taken it into consideration but in order to be his apprentice you need to prove you are capable. You must retrieve his spellbook from the top of The Wisteria Tree." The Clearing is a room. "You are in [bold type]The Clearing[roman type]. [bold type]North[roman type] of The Clearing there is a [bold type]Gold Door [roman type] at the base of a gigantic Wisteria Tree and South of the Gold Room. [bold type]South [roman type]of The Clearing is a path that leads to [bold type]The Pond[roman type]. To the [bold type]East[roman type] of The Clearing is a path that leads to [bold type]The Animal Pen[roman type], and to the [bold type]West [roman type]of The Clearing is [bold type]The Garden[roman type]. You look around at The Clearing. It is full of soft green grass that covers the whole clearing up to the base of The Wisteria Tree. Everywhere you hear birds chirping and smell beautiful flowers and there seems to be a faint roar from a nearby waterfall. All around The Clearing, there are many many trees creating a sort of canopy overhead and it seems as if nature has almost completely taken over this part of Droginia. In the West corner of The Clearing, there is a large cherry tree that stands out from the rest of the trees because of its pink flowers. If you look closely you can see a bag containing oats underneath the cherry tree. The wind blows gently and you catch a drift of the smell of fresh blueberries and spot a blueberry bush at a small distance from the cherry tree." The Gold Door is north of the Clearing and south of the Gold Room. The Gold Door is a locked door. The elf guard is a person in The Clearing. The description is " The elf guard is unusually tall. He probably looms over 6 feet tall. He is wearing a suit of iron armor. In his hands he is holding a large bow. The bow seems to be fashioned out of ebony and is carved beautifully with images of the elf territories." Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [elf guard]" or “converse with [elf guard]” as talking to. Instead of talking to elf guard: say " ' Hello there.' you say approaching the elf guard. [line break] 'Hello young human. Do you need anything?' he replies looming over you. [line break] 'Why yes I do actually? I was wondering if there is a way into this enormous tree.' you ask trying not to flinch at his piercing gaze. [line break] 'Yes, but only the worthy may enter. For this is the sacred tower of The Great Wizard. He would never send you here.' he says laughingly as if laughing at your scrawniness. [line break] ' I'll have you know that I was sent here by The Great Wizard... He's my uncle!' you almost shout getting impatient. [line break] 'I have to get something for my uncle from inside there.' you say again after he doesn't respond. [line break] 'I don't believe you little boy.' he says looking at you pityingly. 'But there may be a way I can get you in.' he says finally. [line break] 'Really! Thank you so much.' you say eager to finish this task. [line break] ' You need to bring me a fish, to eat, a white lilac, be careful with that though, and an iron nail; one of these will open the Gold Door.' the elf guard says. [line break]'Where am I supposed to find all that?' you ask staring incredulously at the tall elf guard. [line break] 'I'm not sure really. I've been stuck at the bottom of the Wisteria Tree since I was hired. Only a true descendant of The Great Wizard can pass through the Wisteria Tree and other enchanted paths in The Clearing.' " The Wisteria Tree is in the Clearing. The description of the Wisteria Tree is " You look up at the Wisteria Tree. The tree is gigantic almost looming over 60m, you guess. For a tree its size it's been taken care of wonderfully. The Wisteria Tree has a very thick trunk the colour of a cinnamon stick, and there are thousands of purple flowers hanging down from the branches. The tree gives a magical feel to the whole clearing, and you are sure that this must be where your uncle told you to go." There is a Cherry Tree in The Clearing. The Cherry Tree can be climbed. Instead of climbing the cherry tree: say "You climb the Cherry Tree. From the top, you can see where the east path leads. Towards the Animal Pen. You can faintly see some animals but cannot tell what they are." The description of The Cherry Tree is "You look up at the Cherry Tree. It's fairly large but not as large as some of the other pines and maples in the Clearing. It kind of stands out because of its bright pink flowers. That's what drew you to it in the first place. The fact that it wasn't like the other trees. Maybe it's useful somehow." There is a Bag of Oats in The Clearing. The Bag Oats is a closed openable container. There are wheat grains inside the Bag of oats. The description of the Bag of Oats is "You examine the Bag of Oats The bag itself seems to be made of some sort of mesh but holds the grains in well. Other than that you see no other clue to what it could be useful for." instead of giving the white lilac to the elf guard: say " The elf guard glances down at you, thanks you for the flower. He will eventually give it to his wife for its herbal properties. But the gold door will not open with this." if the player carries a fish; instead of giving the fish to the elf guard: say " The elf takes the fish from you and says ' I needed to eat thank you for bringing it to me. But the gold door will not open with this.'" [When the gold nugget is in the inventory; instead of giving the gold nugget to the elf guard: say " The elf guard also takes the gold nugget you hand him, and carefully tucks it into his pocket. ' Your uncle owed me that' he says. [line break] 'Oh so NOW you believe that he's my uncle!' you say grinning as he steps aside from the Gold Door."] There is a Blueberry Bush in The clearing. There are some blueberries on the Blueberry Bush. The blueberries are edible. The description of the Blueberry Bush is " The Blueberry Bush has a wonderfully fresh smell coming from it. The blueberries are big and juicy and would probably be delicious." The Animal Pen is east of The Clearing. The Animal Pen is a room. " You enter the Animal Pen through the east path. It is a large area that is cleared of all trees. In the middle of this area, there is a wooden fence in the shape of a square. As you approach the pen you can see that the animals in the pen are not normal animals, but actually mystical creatures; Griffins. (Griffins are half eagle and half lion) You never knew your uncle owned Griffins! The pen itself is very habitable for the Griffins it seems. There are dens in which the Griffins can rest, and large trees that provide shade where you see some of them already resting. A long river winds through the pen and there are flower meadows on either side of it. You even spot those lanterns your uncle invented that magically light up at dark but are carefully blended into the trees so that the Griffins do not notice them. The Griffins are fidgeting and are very restless, but you cannot tell why." The Griffins are in the Animal Pen. The description of the Griffins is " You look closely at the Griffins again. They are magnificent; Coloured a rare golden that shies through the light and almost blinds your eyes. They seem to be disturbed though and are surrounding a certain small tree in their pen. You know for sure that if you go in now they will attack. You need to calm them down somehow to get to the small tree they are surrounding." There is a wooden fence in the Animal Pen. The wooden fence can be climbed. Instead of climbing the wooden fence: if the player does not carry the wheat grains, say " That is not such a good idea. The Griffins are agitated and will surely attack. They are well known to be dangerous creatures if not befriended."; otherwise say " You climb the wooden fence around the Animal Pen and jump down on the other side. The Griffins don't pay you any attention." The description of the wooden fence is " You take a look at the wooden fence. Its made out of pink ivory wood. The pink colour kind of contrasts with the rough golden-brown of the Griffins inside the Animal Pen. All around the fence, there is what looks like the legend of The Griffins written in carved pictures. (The legend of The Griffins is exactly what it sounds like, a story about how the Griffin came to be) You want to read the whole thing but decide you don't have enough time and will ask your uncle about it later. " if the wheat grains are in inventory; instead of dropping the wheat grains in the Animal Pen: say " You drop the wheat grains behind the wooden fence that creates the Animal Pen. Seconds later the Griffins come running straight towards you, with the intent of eating the wheat grains dropped. The Griffins are calmed down and they are too preoccupied with eating to see you. This is the perfect time to sneak into the pen and examine the small tree the Griffins were crowding around earlier when you came into the Animal pen." There is a small tree in the Animal Pen. The small tree can be climbed. The description of the small tree is " The tree is an oak and small, but other than that it is not any different from the other trees. You glance down at the base of the tree but see nothing of interest. Maybe you should try climbing it?" There is a chest in the small tree. The description of the chest is " The chest is pretty small. It might just be large enough to fit something. The chest is also made of wood, as seem to be many things in the Animal Pen. There is a simple inlay of metal on the lid of the chest that forms the shape of runes. These runes are so rusted that you can only make out one word; PAY." The chest is a closed openable container. There is a iron nail in the chest. The description of the iron nail is "There is nothing really special about the iron nail. Its rusty; its old. What would the elf guard do with it."; instead of giving the iron nail to the elf guard: now the Gold Door is unlocked; say "The elf guard also takes the iron nail you hand. As the elf guard touches the iron nail it turns into a gold nugget. ' Your uncle owed me that' he says.[line break] 'Oh so NOW you believe that he's my uncle!' you say grinning as he steps aside from the Gold Door. The Gold Door opens majestically with a flash of gold. " Instead of climbing the small tree: say " You climb to the top of the small tree and look around. There!! On one thick branch is a chest." The Gold Room is a room. " You are in a Gold Room. Everything is not physically gold, but so many things in here shine so brightly that they appear to be gold. On the circular wall, you see three paintings, a landscape painting, a portrait painting and a still life. To the North, there is a staircase leading up to the next floor. On the left, there is a velvet couch, and beside it a coffee table. There are some bookshelves embedded into the wallpapered walls behind the couch. To the right, there is a fireplace and on both sides of the fireplace are shelves with glass doors. As you noticed before everything seems to give off a faint glow." There is a landscape painting in the Gold Room. The description is "The waterfall in this painting is beautiful. You will need to ask your uncle to take you there someday. It's not useful for anything though." There is a portrait painting in the Gold Room. The description of the portrait painting is " This painting is painting with oil paint. The girl in the painting is very familiar, but you can't think about who it is right now. She is posing in a field of flowers, blue ones to be precise. The flowers contrast nicely with her blond hair. You can also see two other paintings beside this one." There is a still-life painting in the Gold Room. "You take a look at the still life. It is a watercolour painting of the room you are in. You wonder who painted this. It's fairly good and you never knew your uncle to be into fine arts, so it probably wasn't him. As you look at it closer though you notice that the fireplace looks a little different in the painting than it did in real life." The fireplace is in the Gold Room. The description of the fireplace is "You take a look at the fireplace. It does look different than it did in the watercolour painting! That's because it has been used and there are ashes all over it. You brush some of the ashes off the mantle. It seems as if the mantle piece is made of granite and there is a small crest emblazoned in gold leaf. You can't recognize the emblem, but you believe it to be your grandfather because your uncle inherited most of the furniture from him, and your dad most of the money." There is paper in the fireplace. The description of the paper is " Unlike most of the things in this room the paper does not sparkle. You look closer and see it says something on it. LOOK FOR THE GODDESS OF BALANCE AND PLACE HER ON THE BALANCE AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PASS." There is a bookshelf in the Gold Room. The bookshelf is a closed openable container. The description of the bookshelf is " The bookshelves are made of wood and have the same cinnamon colour as the bark on the Wisteria Tree you are in. Through the glass windows, you can see a small statue. The bookshelf overall is very fancy. You guess your grandfather was pretty rich then. " The statue is in the bookshelf. The description of the statue is " The statue is made of black granite. It's a representation of the Greek goddess of balance Dike. Your lucky your father used to read Greek myths to you as a child or else you would never have known who the statue was representing. Dike is depicted holding a scale/balance. Her face is delicately carved and you wonder why it was locked up." The stone staircase is a door. The staircase is down from the Artist's Studio. The staircase is up from the Gold Room. The staircase is locked. The staircase can be unlocked with the statue. The description of the staircase is " You want to know about the staircase? Well, it is just your average staircase. Made of normal stone..." Instead of putting the statue on the coffee table: now the stone staircase is unlocked; say " You place the statue on the coffee table. Immediately the staircase opens and you are allowed to pass through it to the room above." The coffee table is in the Gold Room. The description of the coffee table is "The coffee table is probably the most normal thing in the room. Its also wood and seems pretty bear. When you examine it again though you see a picture of a balance emblazoned on the table." There is a couch in the Gold Room. The description of the couch is " The couch is made of red velvet and beautifully embroidered with gold thread. The couch looks comfy but does not have any other use." The Flower Garden is a room. "You are now in the Flower Garden. The garden is bright and spacious. It has a nice calming air to it. The area looks beautiful, and the fresh scent of the flowers is soothing. You find that there are four types of flowers growing in this garden. To one side there is a pink hydrangea bush and a lavender bush. On the other side there is a yellow rose bush and an orange hibiscus bush. All the flowers are in bloom. At the end of the pebble pathway there is a large statue of a faerie. To the east is the Clearing." The Clearing is east of the Flower Garden. The Pink Hydrangea Bush is in the Flower Garden. The Hydrangea Bush is scenery in the Flower Garden. Understand "hydrangea" and "pink hydrangea" as Pink Hydrangea Bush. The description of the Pink Hydrangea Bush is "A beautiful large bush, with many blooming hydrangea. The bright shade of pink is stunning. You can't take your eyes off of it." Instead of taking the Hydrangea Bush: say "The hydrangea have been enchanted with a spell that stops you from taking it." The Lavender Bush is in the Flower Garden. The Lavender Bush is scenery in the Flower Garden. Understand "lavender" as Lavender Bush. The description of the Lavender Bush is "A beautiful collection of lavender. The lovely shades of purples and violets are incredible to look at. The wonderful scent of the lavender soothes your mind." Instead of taking the Lavender Bush: say "The lavender have been enchanted with a magic that stops you from taking it." The Yellow Rose Bush is in the Flower Garden. The Yellow Rose Bush is scenery in the Flower Garden. Understand "roses" and "rose" and "yellow rose" and "yellow roses" as Yellow Rose Bush. The description of the Yellow Rose Bush is "An absolutely stunning bundle of roses. They must have been grown with a lot of care. The scent is wonderful, and you wish to sit here all day." Instead of taking the Yellow Rose Bush: say "The thorns on the roses seem dangerous. You decide against taking them. You may only admire them." The Orange Hibiscus Bush is in the Flower Garden. The Orange Hibiscus Bush is scenery in the Flower Garden. Understand "hibiscus" and "orange hibiscus" as Orange Hibiscus Bush. The description of the Orange Hibiscus Bush is "The colours of the hibiscus are so vibrant and warm. You spend some time taking in the view. You think that this flowers must have been really cared for. " Instead of taking the Orange Hibiscus Bush: say "You decide against taking the flowers from the garden. You think they look beautiful just where they are." The Statue of the Faerie is in the Flower Garden. The Statue of the Faerie is fixed in place. The description of the Statue of the Faerie is "A large beautifully carved statue. The white marble is stunning. The faerie is looking up and their hair is falling below their shoulders. They're holding their hand up, as if holding it out for a bird." Instead of taking the Statue of the Faerie: say "You are far too weak to take this statue." A white lilac is on the Statue of the Faerie. The description of the white lilac is "A beautiful cream coloured flower. Elves are fond of these flowers." The Small Pond is a room. “You are now in the small oval-shaped pond. There is a big oak tree next to the pond. Under the oak tree there is a small tea table with tea and dessert. You decided to sit on the chair for a moment. While you are enjoying dessert, you are looking around the pond. You can see a few things here. The pond is surrounded by different shaped rocks and beautiful purple irises. Aqua blue water made the pond more mysterious. Goldfish and pumpkinseed are swimming in the pond and water-lilies are habitat for the fishes. There are some frogs on the water lilies too. " The Clearing is north of the Small Pond. Big oak tree is in the Small Pond. The description of the big oak tree is “You looked up at the 30m tall oak tree. Large branches of the tree striking out at wide angles. In the spring, many animals take a rest under the tree.” Different shaped rocks are in the small pond. Description of different shaped rocks is “Different shapes and size of the rock makes the pond more natural. It also made a boundary between the pond and the land.” Purple irises are in the small pond. Description of purple irises is “Bunch of lovely purple irises around the pond. Beautiful color of the iris and its scent made the pond more lively and colorful. You can’t take your eyes from it.” Instead of taking purple irises: say "You cannot take these beautiful purple irises out this pond.” Goldfish is in the small pond. Description of goldfish is “Cute small fishes. They swim around playfully in the clear aqua pond.” Understand "fish" as goldfish. Water lilies are in the small pond. Description of water lilies is “Beautiful pink water lilies. It makes the small pond more harmonized. Small frogs are jumping on the water lilies. " Small tea table is in the small pond. Description of the small tea table is “Small iron tea table with tea and sweet dessert. Under the shade of the oak tree, a cool breeze is blowing instead of hot sunlight. Small tea cups look cute and desserts are delicious. " Artist's Studio is a room. “You are in the artist's studio right now. Your uncle used to come here to paint. There are few traces of your uncle in here. On one side of the wall, there are two statues made of marble. On the other side there is a large painting, white canvas leaning against the wall. Next to it, wide windows are on the wall and a long rectangle desk is in front of it. In the middle of the studio there is a small round podium with a big statue on it. On the one left side, you can see the wood staircase that leads to the next room." Two statues are in the artist's studio. Description of the statues is “The statues made of marble. One of them is a statue of a roaring lion. A lion has a big shining mane and is holding one side of its leg. The other one is a statue of an ancient Greek god. However, part of the statue is broken. It has a crack on its face.” The wall is scenery in the artist's studio. Large painting is on the wall. Description of a large painting is “The small pond with a big oak tree is in the painting. This picture was drawn by your uncle looking at a small pond. Many different colors are harmonized with each other and make a beautiful painting. You stared at the painting for a moment. This painting made you feel comfortable.” White canvases are in the artist's studio. Description of the white canvases is “Canvases leaning on the wall. They are clear unused canvas. This does not seem to be important to you.” Large window is in the artist's studio. Description of the large window is "A plain, large window that you can usually see anywhere. You can see a big tree through the window.” Long rectangle desk is in the artist's studio. Description of the long rectangular desk is “Normal wooden desk that your uncle used, while he is painting.” A paint palette is on the long rectangle desk. Description of paint palette is “There are many different colors of paint on the palette. Hard paint shows that it has not been used for a very long time. Clean brushes on the palette are organized by their size and thickness.” Crayons is on the long rectangle desk. Description of crayons is “Colorful crayons with the trace of use. Some of the crayons are broken and some of them are very short. " Notes is on the long rectangle desk. Description of notes is "White notes only have a few pages. You can see some of the ripped pages and some of the pages have beautiful paintings. In the opening note, there is a statue on the round stadium and a door.” Carving knives are on the long rectangle desk. Description of carving knives is “Different shapes and lengths of carving knives. It seems to be used for the statue. " Desk lamp is on the long rectangle desk. Description of the desk lamp is “Antique black desk lamp. The lamp is very dusty and it no longer lights up.” Small round podium is in the artist's studio. Description of the small round podium is “Normal round podium with the shining iron statue on it. Shining statue of the Greek god looks like a perfect statue. Statue is authoritative and beautiful. This must be your uncle’s favorite statue. There is a tiny lever on the left eye of the statue.” The shining statue is on the small round podium. Tiny lever is on the shining statue. Description of tiny lever is "It is made of wood, just like the staircase. Maybe you should pull it." Instead of pulling tiny lever: say "Good job, you found out what to use to open up the wood staircase. Now that you have pulled it, say 'unlock wood staircase with tiny lever' to unlock the staircase." The wood staircase is a door. The Artist's Studio is down from the wood staircase. The Kitchen is up from the wood staircase. The wood staircase is locked. Tiny lever unlocks the wood staircase. Kitchen is the room. “You are in the kitchen. It looks like it hasn't been used for a long time. Sunlight from the window is the only light that brightens the room. Most of the things in the kitchen are made of wood. The wooden furniture made the kitchen cozy and warm. You felt a little hungry after you came into the kitchen. You can find a few things here. One side of the kitchen is filled with a drawer with the sink and gas range. On the other side, there is a table. Mysterious door is located next to it. Big windows are next to the table. A big boiling pot is in the middle of the room. The mysterious door that leads you to the next door is north of the kitchen and west of the weapons room.” The mysterious wood door is north of the kitchen. The mysterious wood door is a closed locked door. A wood lever unlocks the mysterious wood door. The tile floor is scenery in the kitchen. On the tile floor is the wood lever. Instead of pulling the wood lever: say "Try pushing." Instead of pushing the wood lever: say “Congratulations! Finally the mysterious door is opened. You can now move on to the next room. Remember to say that you want to unlock the door.” Understand “wood door” and “door” as mysterious wood door. The drawer is on one side of the kitchen. Description of the drawer is “Old drawer made of wood. The drawer is filled with magical things that you have never seen.” Potions is in the drawer. Description of potions is “Magical potions. There are potions that you have never seen. Those dangerous potions are unimportant to you.” Herbs is in the drawer. Description of herbs is "Beneficial and dangerous herbs. These herbs are ones that you have not come across before. You believe these herbs to be unimportant." Glass bowls is in the drawer. Description of the glass bowls is “Normal glass bowls. They are very rusty and dirty. It does not seem special.” Cups is in the drawer. Description of cups is "Average looking cups. They look old and unused. The cups seem useless to you." Gas range is within the drawer. Description of the gas range is “Be Careful! It might burn the whole kitchen.” Broken sink is within the drawer. Description of the broken sink is “The sink is very dusty. It was broken a long time ago, you cannot do anything with this.” Round desk table is on one side of the kitchen. Description of the round desk table is “Dusty round desk table with two chairs. There is a glass of water, apple, herb soup, bread and other diverse ingredients on it. Surprisingly, the ingredients were kept fresh.” Glass of water is on the table. Description of the glass of water is “ It is just a cup of water. It seems unimportant.” Here is an apple, herb soup, piece of cheese, and bread on the table. Description of apple is "A tasty looking apple. It looks like it could ease your hunger. However, you are wary of whether or not the apple is edible." Description of bread is "Tasty looking bread sitting on the table. It looks like your energy will be replenished if you eat it. You are careful, for the bread might be inedible." Description of soup is "Delicious looking soup. The soup smells wonderful, and you think that one sip of it could probably cure any illness. You are cautious because there is a chance of poisoning. You never know." Apple is edible. After eating the apple: say "Apple you ate was poisoned. You are dead now. Would you like to start again?"; end the game in death Bread is edible. Instead of eating the bread: say “Mmm.. This is the most delicious bread you ever had. You are full now, you feel much better!” Herb soup is edible. Instead of eating herb soup: say “Mmm.. Warm soup makes you feel more comfortable. Now you feel much better!” Piece of cheese is edible. Instead of eating cheese: say “Mmm.. Delicious plain cheese. This is the best cheese you ever had. You feel much better now!” Circular window is in the kitchen. Description of the circular window is "normal window. Handle of the window is broken, you can't open it." Long brush is in the kitchen. Description of the long brush is “The long brush looks very old. The floor of the kitchen is very dusty. If you want, you can clean the floor with it. Who knows? you might find something on the floor!” Big pot is in the middle of the room. Description of a big pot is “Pot is just a pot. It does not look special to you.” The Weapons Room is a room. "You are now in the Weapons Room. The room is dimly lit, and there are few things you see here. On one side there is a table with three helmets lying on top. Next to it, on the wall, three swords are on display. On the other side , there are two suits of armor on display. In the middle of the circular room there is a maroon carpet, with intricate designs. It's a pretty dull room, in your opinion. The Magic Staircase is north of the Weapons Room and south of the next room. The wood door is west of the Weapons Room." The Weapons Room is east of the mysterious wood door. The Magic Staircase is north of the Weapons Room and south of the Study Room. The Magic Staircase is a closed locked door. The rusting sword unlocks the Magic Staircase. The description of the Magic Staircase is "Ohhhh, you want to know what this issss... it's magicalllll....." The wooden table is in the Weapons Room. The description of the wooden table is "A regular wooden table with four legs. There is a gold helmet, an iron helmet, and a rusting helmet on top of it." On the wooden table is a gold helmet. The gold helmet is a closed, openable container. The description of the gold helmet is "A helmet too shiny for your liking. Its regular sized, no scratches, and you can see your reflection in it. " On the wooden table is an iron helmet. The iron helmet is a closed, openable container. The description of the iron helmet is "A plain helmet. Looks kind of dull, and there are scratches on it. It doesn't look special to you. " On the wooden table is a rusting helmet. The rusting helmet is a container. The rusting helmet is a closed, openable container. The description of the rusting helmet is "It is super rusty, and honestly kind of disgusting. What an old helmet. " The rusting helmet contains an old paper. The description of the old paper is "On the paper it says something important to someone must be used to unlock the stairs. " The wooden wall is scenery in the Weapons Room. On the wooden wall is a gold sword. The description of the gold sword is "What a useless sword. You think it seems good for nothing but decoration. You wonder how much it cost, and whether you could ever afford that. You want to have the kind of money your uncle has." On the wooden wall is an iron sword. The description of the iron sword is "This just seems like a plain sword. It barely seems used. You are kind of disappointed there is such a plain looking sword around." On the wooden wall is a rusting sword. The description of the rusting sword is "Woah, this thing is really falling apart. It must have been used a lot. Hmm... Are those my uncle's initials? I guess he used to practice the sword a lot." The dark oak side is scenery in the Weapons Room. On the dark oak side is a gold suit of armor. The description of the gold armor is "A gold armor , huh? I wonder if my uncle likes gold a bit too much. Apart from its shine, it doesn't seem special." On the dark oak side is an iron suit of armor. The description of the iron armor is "It's the exact same as the gold armor but not gold. Very plain and boring. It seems unimportant." The wood floor is scenery in the Weapons Room. On the wood floor is a maroon carpet. The description of the maroon carpet is "This is just a large maroon carpet. It has some designs, but it looks like a plain, medieval carpet." The Study Room is a room. "You are now in the Study Room. Your uncle used to spend an endless amount of time here. In here you see a desk at the center of the room. There are two large shelves filled to the brim with books. On the floor is a textile carpet of a navy blue colour. Behind the desk is a stunning torchiere floor lamp. The lamp is made of brass and full of beautiful intricate designs." The cherry wood desk is in the Study Room. The description of the cherry wood desk is "A sturdy cherry wood desk, with just one red drawer. On top of the desk is a black book and a black ink bottle." The red drawer is a part of the cherry wood desk. The red drawer is a closed, openable, locked container. The red key unlocks the red drawer. The description of the red drawer is "Just some ordinary drawer. The handle looks nice, though." The red drawer contains a red ink bottle. The description of the red ink bottle is "A beautiful glass bottle containing red ink." The red drawer contains a scroll of paper. The description of the scroll of paper is "The paper appears to be made by the finest paper brand in our lands. In red ink, the words written are 'You need to do one more thing in order to find what you are looking for. Look for the things similar to what you found in the drawer.' " On the cherry wood desk is a black book. The black book is a closed openable container. The description of the black book is "A thick book. The title of the book is 'The Key to Opening Up to Others' by an author you have never heard of. You think it is a weird book." The black book contains a red key. The description of the red key is "A key that unlocks the drawer." On the desk is a black ink bottle. The description of the black ink bottle is "A normal ink bottle used for writing. There is nothing special about it." The red shelf is in the Study Room. The description of the red shelf is " A large and stunning piece of woodwork." On the red shelf is a blue book. The blue book is a closed, openable container. The description of the blue book is "Amongst all the other books, this was one of the few that you thought were important. The title of the book is 'The Magical Birds of Urle Island' " The blue book contains a red quill. The description of the red quill is "One of the finest quills you have ever set your eyes upon. It is a daring, fiery red colour. " On the red shelf is a green book. The green book is a closed openable container. The description of the green book is "This is one of the few books you believed would be helpful. The title of this book is 'Venus Fly Traps: Why are they over 6 ft tall?' " The green book contains a leaf. The description of the leaf is "A simple, green leaf." On the red shelf is a purple book. The purple book is a closed, openable container. The description of the purple book is "One of the few books that seemed good enough to look at. The title of this book is 'The Magic of Wisteria' " The purple book contains a wisteria flower. The description of the wisteria flower is "A beautiful violet coloured flower." The brown shelf is in the Study Room. The brown shelf is a closed, locked container. The red quill unlocks the brown shelf. The description of the brown shelf is "A sturdy and beautiful piece of woodwork. The translucent glass of the doors on the shelf are intricately designed and prevent you from seeing inside." In the brown shelf is an orange book. The orange book is a closed, openable container. The description of the orange book is "A brightly coloured book that you thought was interesting. The title of this book is 'The History of Fire Magic' " The orange book contains a bookmark. The description of the bookmark is "A plain, used bookmark. You don't think it has any special need." In the brown shelf is a yellow book. The yellow book is a closed, openable container. The description of the yellow book is "A bright book that caught your attention. The title of this book is 'How the Two Suns Give us Energy' " In the brown shelf is a red book. The red book is a closed, openable container. The description of the red book is "One of the few books you decided would be worth your time. The title of the book is 'Magic and Tricks.' " The torchiere floor lamp is in the Study Room. The description of the torchiere floor lamp is "A beautifully designed and crafted floor lamp. It is dazzling." Understand "lamp" as torchiere floor lamp. The wizard is a man. "A majestic, wise looking man appears before you!" The description is "Upon closer inspection, you see that this wizard is your uncle." Understand "uncle" as the wizard. Instead of opening the red book: now the wizard is in the location of the red book; remove the red book from play; say "As you open the book, in place, your uncle, the wizard, appears. 'Congratulations,' your uncle declares. 'You have passed the test! I am very proud of you! Do you want to know how to get home(say ask wizard about home)?' " Instead of asking the wizard about "home" : say "' That is a good question,' your uncle replies. 'The only thing I can tell you is that if you get me something purple to make my tea with, I'll send you home.'" Instead of giving the wisteria flower to the wizard: say " 'Thank you for giving this to me,' says your uncle. ' Let's send you home now, shall we ? Say home(tell wizard about home). " After telling wizard about "home": say "Congratulations!! You have completed your Trials!"; end the game in victory.