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The Haunted Mansion? (a work in progress)
Finn Miller
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"The Haunted Mansion? - Finn Miller" The MaroonLivingRoom is a room. "It is said that the phantom of a little girl is hiding in this house. Many have tried to find her, but have been scared away by the evil spirits. The girl is said to have been murdered many years ago, and haunts the house in anger. But this could all as well be a tall tale. All of the sudden, you hear the front door slam shut behind you, with no one there, and you become slightly afraid. But you look around and take comfort from the leather couches and taxidermy animals hung around the room. You admire the soft red carpet and, although old and dusty, and you appreciate the amenity that this place once was. You take a deep breath and calm down a little bit. To the north is a door to the Girl'sBedroom. To the west is a locked door to the Stairs. To the east is a door. And to the south is the giant wooden door, the only way out..." Instead of looking under the rug: say "You have to move it out of the way first." There is a couch in the MaroonLivingRoom. The couch is an enterable supporter. The description of the couch is "The couch is grand and looks extremely comfortable. It is hard to resist taking a nap." A switch is a kind of device. Carry out switching on a switch: now the noun is lit. Carry out switching off a switch: now the noun is unlit. The lever is a switch. The description of the lever is "The lever is old and looks as though it hasn't been used for ages." The lever is in Park Avenue. Understand "pull [thing]" as pulling. Instead of pulling lever: move player to TransferTube. Instead of looking under the couch when the flashlight is switched on: say "You use the flashlight and shine it under the couch. You see a rusty old lever beneath the couch."; Move the lever to the MaroonLivingRoom. Instead of looking under the couch when the flashlight is switched off: say "It is too dark to see anything but cobwebs and dust under here."; Move the lever to the Park Avenue. There is a carpet in the MaroonLivingRoom. The carpet is an enterable supporter. The description of the carpet is "The carpet is giant and covers the entire floor." Instead of looking under the carpet: say "The carpet is too heavy to lift." The TransferTube is a room. "As you switch on the lever, the house begins to tremble, and the floor opens up. You are sucked into a bright tube and stationed in place in front of a small chromium podium. On the podium is a keyhole to a Golden Door." There is a ChromiumHallway. Instead of switching on the lever: move player to the TransferTube. The Stairs is a room. "You gaze upon a long, light less, seemingly endless cavity of stairs ahead of you. You take a deep breath and notice the dusty, ancient smell as it fills your lungs and the darkness envelopes you. To the north is a door to the Hallway3." The Girl'sHallway is a room. "It is dark and you can see pictures on the walls. Looking at them closer, you see that the eyes are popping out of the pictures, resembling camera lenses. That's odd, you think. You can see a door at the end of the corridor. Suddenly, you hear a shatter in the distance and your heart beats fast... Maybe I shouldn't navigate this place empty handed... It could just be me being paranoid though..." The Hallway1 is a room. "It is a long, dark hallway. You see a light switch on the wall and you try to turn it on, but nothing happens. When you go to turn it back off, you hear a moaning far behind you, and realize the light is already in the off position. Spooky. You get a little uncomfortable, and a shiver rolls down your spine. You can see a doorway at the end of the hallway, to the north." The Hallway2 is a room. "This is a very narrow hallway that you must crouch to travel through. You are cautious of spider webs." The Phantom is a person in the Hallway2. The Hallway3 is a room. "The passage is dimly lit by flickering candles eerily blowing out and lighting again all by themselves. You muster some courage and inspect the candles. Hmm... That's odd. You see that they are electronic. You don't think too much of it, and turn to the hallway again. This is longest hallway you've seen so far. To the east is a bedroom door. To the west is a second bedroom door. To the northwest is another door. And at the end of the hallway, is a massive metal door adorned with sprawled crayon and claw marks." The DiningRoom is a room. "You glance around noticing all of the fine china. Whoever lived here had very classy and elegant taste." The Kitchen is a room. "The Kitchen is a large room enveloped in an eerie glow. Stray pots and dirty pans are thrown around the counter tops and stoves, with knives littered around the floor, some stuck into the walls. The stained glass windows seem to have a dried dark red substance peeling off of them. You decide you maybe shouldn't stay here too long..." The Girl'sBedroom is a room. "You are in a grand, ancient room. It is very dark. A bumpy rug covers the floor in front of a red leather chair. There is a life sized Marionette creepily sitting on the red leather chair in the farthest corner of the room. The moon shines through a broken window to illuminate the eyes of the Marionette. There is a look of despair on its face and it has tightly closed fists. You step towards it, wanting to examine it further, and get a closer look at its eyes. They resemble to same ones that were in the paintings. But you jump back as the moonlight disappears from its face. To the East is a locked door to the GuestBedroomA. To the West is a door to the Girl'sBathroom." Running is an action applying to one thing. Understand "run" as running. Instead of going south from Girl'sBedroom: say "You try the doorknob, but it doesn't move. 'Where do you think you're going?' The Marionette jumps out of the chair and starts crawling towards you. It looks like it's ready to kill. All you can think of is to either kill the Marionette with the Katana or go through the trapdoor."; move radiator to Girl'sBedroom. Radiator is an object. Instead of going east from Girl'sBathroom when radiator is in Girl'sBedroom: say "It isn't safe to go in there with all of the radiation."; stop the action. Instead of going west from GuestBedroomA when radiator is in Girl'sBedroom: say "It isn't safe to go in there with all of the radiation."; stop the action. Instead of going north from Girl'sHallway when radiator is in Girl'sBedroom: say "It isn't safe to go in there with all of the radiation."; stop the action. Instead of going through trapdoor when trapdoor is locked: say "It is locked." Running is correct behaviour. Instead of correct behaviour: say "You sprint towards the Girl'sBathroom. Leaping into the room and slamming the door behind you, you find the farthest corner in the room and hide."; move player to Girl'sBathroom. Instead of switching on flashlight while in Girl'sBedroom: say "Your flashlight doesn't seem to be working too well right now."; stop the action. Instead of taking the Marionette: say "I'm not going near that thing."; stop the action. Instead of going north from Girl'sHallway when flashlight is carried: say "Your flashlight starts to malfunction and won't turn on."; continue the action. Instead of going east from Girl'sBedroom while flashlight is carried: say "Your flashlight starts to work a little better now."; continue the action. Instead of going west from Girl'sBedroom while flashlight is carried: say "Your flashlight starts to work a little better now."; continue the action. Instead of going south from Girl'sBedroom while flashlight is carried: say "Your flashlight starts to work a little better now."; continue the action. The description of the Marionette is "You are very hesitant as you stare at the Marionette, but it entrances you. You hear a faint, static voice begin to speak that paralyses you with fear: 'It is brave of you, young traveler, to enter into this place. But I advise you to leave. Your worst nightmares will be awakened if you travel any further. Look for the key within this room and the door to which your freedom will gained. However, if you choose to stay, I will whisper you a secret. Do not fear those that once lived life in performance, for they may be willing to join your show. ' Should I leave while I still can?" The Marionette is a person. The Marionette can be killed. Understand "kill [person]" as killing. Killing is an action applying to one thing. Instead of killing Marionette when the radiator is not in Girl'sBedroom: say "I'm not laying a finger on that thing."; stop the action. Instead of killing Marionette when the radiator is in Girl'sBedroom: say "You unsheathe your Katana and charge towards the Marionette. It jumps at you, but you chop off its head mid flight. It's head and body roll into the darkness."; move Marionette to Park Avenue.; say "Relieved, you take a deep breath and relax. But suddenly, a women's voice starts emitting from the Marionette's head. It says, 'Security breached, radiational discharge activated.' A radiation blast! You panic and think of what to do next. You think to go to the trapdoor and hide or to run." First, Instead of not killing marionette when radiator is in Girl'sBedroom: say "Before you can even move, the Marionette pounces on you and rips you to shreds."; end the game in death. The description of the rug is "the rug is old and dusty. There looks like something might be under it..." The Leather Chair is in Girl'sBedroom. The Leather Chair is an enterable supporter. The Marionette is on the Leather Chair. The description of the leather chair is "It is an old, ripped up chair that is blood red..." The pile of dust is an enterable supporter. The pile of dust is in Park Avenue. The Golden Door is closed, locked, and openable door. The Golden Key unlocks the Golden Door. The Golden Key is in Park Avenue. The description of the Golden Key is "The key is old but is solid gold. It looks important..." Instead of searching the pile of dust: say "You blow away the dust to reveal a Golden Key."; move key to Girl'sBedroom. Instead of looking under the Leather Chair when the window is closed: say "It is too dark to see anything but spiderwebs." Instead of looking under the Leather Chair when the window is open: say "The full moon reveals a dusty old key adjacent to an oddly shaped pile of dust. The key is probably to the trapdoor hidden within this room."; move the pile of dust to Girl'sBedroom; continue the action. After opening window: say "As you pry open the window, the room floods with light. Now you can see things a little better." The Girl'sBedroom contains a window. The window is a container. The window is closed, unlocked, and openable. The window is fixed in place. The trapdoor is down of the Girl'sBedroom and north of the Girl'sBathroom. The trapdoor is a door. It is closed, locked, and openable. The trapdoor can be found or hidden. The trapdoor is hidden. The Glass Key unlocks the trapdoor. The Glass Key can be found or hidden. The Glass Key is hidden. The description of the Glass Key is "It is made out of glass and is old and cracked. You can see bloody fingerprints on it..." Instead of taking rug when the trapdoor is hidden: now the trapdoor is found; move trapdoor to Girl'sBedroom.; Continue the action. Instead of opening trapdoor while rug is in Girl'sBedroom: say "I don't know where it is. It must be somewhere around here..." The rug is in the Girl'sBedroom. The rug is scenery. The trapdoor is a hidden door. The rug can be taken. Dragging is an action applying to one thing. Moving is an action applying to one thing. Kicking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "move [thing]" as moving. Understand "drag [thing]" as dragging. Understand "kick [thing]" as kicking. Blowing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "blow [thing]" as blowing. Blowing the dust is mild behaviour. Instead of mild behaviour: say "You blow away the dust to reveal a Golden Key."; move key to Girl'sBedroom. Pulling the rug is the Girl'sBedroom is bad behaviour. Taking the rug in the Girl'sBedroom is good behaviour. Moving the rug in the Girl'sBedroom is bad behaviour. Dragging the rug in the Girl'sBedroom is bad behaviour. Kicking the rug in the Girl'sBedroom is bad behaviour. Instead of bad behaviour: say "You yank at the rug to reveal a trapdoor beneath it. You push it into the darkness. Now I can escape!"; move rug to Park Avenue. Instead of good behaviour: say "It's too big for me to bring with me. But I could drag it out of the way..." Understand "drag the rug" as taking. To drag is an action applying to one thing. Instead of taking rug: say "You drag the rug out of the way to reveal a trapdoor."; move rug to Park Avenue. Instead of looking under the Leather Chair when the Glass key is hidden: now the Glass key is found; move the Glass key to the Girl'sBedroom. Instead of going through the trapdoor: say "You step forward, relieved that you have finally escaped. But as you start to walk down the steps, the Marionette cackles and slams the door. You hear the lock turn and glass smash. In the darkness, you stumble and fall to your death."; end the game in death. The Girl'sBathroom is a room. "This bathroom is so dusty you start to cough. It is bright pink and extremely lavish for a little girl. It even has a hot tub! What I wouldn't give to be in a hot tub right now... Focus! I have to figure out whats going on with this place." The GuestBedroomA is a room. "A grand, spacious area, with a beautiful vanity, although it's dusty and aged. But the bed looks remarkably disturbed..." The GuestBathroomA is a room. "What a nice bathroom. You walk to the bathtub and peer into it, seeing that it has water in it. The water is a deep maroon and very dirty, and you cannot see the bottom of the tub. You decide against letting the water out of it. You look up and see the mirror is caked with dirt and dust. Gross." The GuestBedroomB is a room. "This bedroom looks almost identical to the one downstairs. There is ceiling fan is turning slowly above you." The GuestBedroomC is a room. "You see a porcelain doll sitting in the middle of the bed. It's eyes are bright white and it gives you the creeps. The eyes almost look as if they are watching you..." The GuestBathroom is a room. "You can faintly hear the sound of dripping water from the bathtub faucet. You try to turn it off, but see that the dials have been smashed off, so you can't turn them. The toilet has a very large visible crack in it. You wonder how it got to be like that..." The Cathedral is a room. "This room is no doubt the largest room in this entire place. The ceiling towers above you and you footsteps echo as you walk. You see so many seats leading up to a beautiful Stage with very elegant curtains. On the stage, you can see a Ghost Lamp and some other things. You look up and jump, seeing Marionettes hanging in the rafters." The Stairs is west of the MaroonLivingRoom. The Girl'sHallway is north of the MaroonLivingRoom. The Hallway1 is east of the MaroonLivingRoom. The Girl'sBedroom is north of the Girl'sHallway. The Girl'sBathroom is west of the Girl'sBedroom. The Hallway2 is east of the Girl'sBedroom. The Kitchen is north of the Hallway1. The Hallway3 is north of the Stairs. The GuestBedRoomA is north of the Hallway2. The GuestBathroomA is east of the GuestBedroomA. The DiningRoom is east of the Kitchen. The GuestBedroomB is north of the second bedroom door. The GuestBedroomC is north of the room door. The GuestBathroom is northwest of the Hallway3. The Cathedral is north of the Big Metal Door. The Big Metal Door is north of the Hallway3. The Wooden Door is south of the MaroonLivingRoom. The room door is east of the Hallway3. The second bedroom door is west of the Hallway3. The Park Avenue is south of the Wooden Door. The TransferTube is west of Park Avenue. The ChromiumHallway is west of the Golden Door. The TransferTube is east of the Golden Door. The Grand Stage, and Marionettes are fixed in place in the Cathedral. The Grand Stage is scenery. The Marionettes are scenery. The counter is fixed in place in the Kitchen. The counter is scenery. The description of the Marionettes is "You hear the marionettes whispering. They seem to be singing...?: Brave soul hath discovered the Celestial Remote. Go forth, be wise and be brave. You hath found many treasures. Go forth and offer one, for it is the only way to once again gain entrance to the outside world. But heed our words, if you do not hold the obtain the sacred trinkets of the royal family, your fate shall be sealed posthaste." Table of the phantom's Movement destination GuestBedroomB Hallway3 MaroonLivingRoom Every turn when the player can see the Phantom: repeat through the Table of the phantom's Movement: let last space be the location of the phantom; if the phantom can be seen by the player, say "You see the phantom lurking in the shadows with a menacing look on it's face that frightens you. You grip the Katana. It glares at you and slowly drifts through the wall to [the destination entry]."; move the phantom to destination entry; if the phantom can be seen by the player, say "the Phantom, it lurks in the shadows in [the last space]."; blank out the whole row; break. Instead of asking the Phantom about something: say "The phantom speaks to you in a low raspy voice. You can barely hear it but at the same time you hear him loud and clear: You are not welcome. Leave...this...place. Leave...it...now..." The Big Metal Door is a closed locked door. The Gold Key unlocks the Big Metal Door. The Wooden Door is a closed locked door. The Purple Marble unlocks the Wooden Door. The Flashlight is in the Girl'sHallway. The Gold Key is in the GuestBedRoomA. The Brass Key is in the DiningRoom. On the Grand Stage is the Celestial Remote. The Candy Bar is in the Kitchen. On the counter is the Dusty Katana. Objects can be killed if they are in a room. After taking the Celestial Remote: say "The Celestial Remote...Wow. It's so beautiful. But what now? How do I get out of here?" After taking the Flashlight: say "A flashlight... you test it out. It still works!...Sort of. The light is dim, but at least I can see a little better." The Green Marble is in the GuestBedRoomB. The Yellow Marble is in the GuestBedRoomC. The Purple Marble is in the Girl'sBathroom. The silver key is in the GuestBathroom. After taking the Dusty Katana: say "A Katana...It's beautiful. By the looks of it, this is not just a wallpiece, it's the real deal. It's very sharp and through the dust, you see writing engraved in a language you do not understand. You feel a bit safer now holding this." The Candy Bar is edible. The description of the Candy Bar is "This looks fresh. The expiration date hasn't happened yet so I can still eat this. How is that possible? Is someone living here?" Instead of going north from the Girl'sHallway while the dusty Katana is not carried: say "You decide to go forth into the Girl'sBedroom. You see a life-size marionette hanging in the corner of the room. It has an evil looking expression on it's face. Suddenly, it advances toward you, crawling on all fours and not taking its eyes off of you. Defenceless, you run away, but it pounces on you and rips you to shreds."; end the game in death. Instead of going south from the MaroonLivingRoom while the green marble is not carried: say "The Phantom begins to screech a terrible cry. Suddenly, there is a rumbling and it causes you to fall. All the sources of light in the entire building goes out you cannot see anything in the darkness. Everything you had, has fallen and scattered everywhere. Everything goes quiet, and the phantom disappears. You are locked inside forever and eventually perish."; end the game in death. Instead of going south from the MaroonLivingRoom while the Celestial Remote is not carried: say "The Phantom begins to screech a terrible cry. Suddenly, there is a rumbling and it causes you to fall. Your items drop and gets busted and all the sources of light in the entire building goes out you cannot see anything in the darkness. Everything goes quiet, and the phantom disappears. The door locks and you are locked inside forever and eventually perish."; end the game in death. The room door is a closed locked door. The Brass Key unlocks the room door. Instead of going north from the Hallway1 while the flashlight is switched off: say "It seems to be getting darker this way. I can barely see anything at all. I wonder if there are any flashlights around..."; stop the action; Instead of going north from the Hallway1 while the flashlight is switched on: say "You use the flashlight to illuminate the hallway"; continue the action; The second bedroom door is a closed locked door. The Silver Key unlocks the second bedroom door. After going south from the MaroonLivingRoom: say "Finally, I made it out! And I even have a few souvenirs! I have never been so glad to get outside in my life! You run to your car and speed off. Never again will you go venturing into a place that even slightly looks haunted. At least I found the Celestial Remote though! To bad I didn't find out what it does..." ; end the game in victory. A light source is a kind of device. Carry out switching on a light source: now the noun is lit. Carry out switching off a light source: now the noun is unlit. The flashlight is a light source. The flashlight can be switched on and off.