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The life of a sqpv
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"The life of SQPV" [INTRODUCTION] When play begins, say "You latch on the cell with your proteins, inserting them into the cell receptors. You push through and drift inside, you appear to be in the inter-membrane space. This reminds you of when you were a young virus when you first were born. You remember when . . ." [first home] The first home is a room. The description of the first home is "you move around slowly, your virus body slowly coming to existence. Where are you? you wonder as you move around. You feel all the genetic machinery crafting more of your kind. This is my home you realize. But all homes will come to an end. . .up ALWAYS!!!! leads to more memories" [Breaching ] The breaching is a room. The breaching is up of the first home. The description of the Breaching is "Our home has gotten too crowded to live in, to many viruses. You all press against the wall, this home has all no more materials to support us you think. As the thousands of viruses join you. The wall bursts open launching all of you out into the cruel world... up leads to more memories." [The empty abyss] The empty abyss is a room. The empty abyss is up of the Breaching. The description of the empty abyss is "A great abyss stretches out before you, empty, desolate, painful. You miss your home. Wait, you feel something in the abyss. Could this perhaps be a new home. You drift forward and slowly but surely realize that this is a new home,up leads to the present! " [Inter membrane space] The inter membrane space is a room. The inter membrane space is up of the empty abyss. The description of inter membrane space is "Oh I went out again you think. Sometimes you just get lost in your memories. You see a big bendy, hmm if you were a human you might call the place a hallway. This place goes around the cell you think. ahead of you you see the cell wall. Behind you, you see the plasma membrane and some torn off membrane bits." The membrane bits are a thing in the inter membrane space. The membrane bits unlock the cell.The description of the membrane bits is "Some torn up bits from a cell. What could these be used for? " [cytoskeleton] The cytoskeleton is a room. The cytoskeleton is north of the Inter membrane space. The description of the cytoskeleton is "As you push through the cell wall you see a yellow ridged twisty line made of strange proteins. There is some strange microtubules on the cytoskeleton you might want to take a look at those. Also You feel strange nutrient filled juices around you. You know the cell can use this,so you can use this too. You think the cytoskeleton might lead somewhere. Do you think you should Hijack the cytoskeleton to go north or go a different direction." The microtubules are a thing in the cytoskeleton. The microtubules are fixed in place. The description of the microtubules is "these microtubules seem to be networks of communication for the cell.Messages seem to be saying that viruses have been detected in the cell. Those molecules will be sent out to warn the immune system. Maybe you should hurry up! " The nutrient filled juices are a thing in the cytoskeleton. The nutrient filled juices are edible.The description of the nutrient filled juices is " Cytoplasam you heard the other virons call this. This is strange and slimy you think. The cell fills their body with this,every where there is not an organelle there is this." After eating nutrient filled juices: increase score by 1; say " You take some of the juices in the environment and use them to fuel the cell for replicating you. Instead of parts of the cell. Oh you're actually taking over your first and probably last cell!! " [peroxisome] The peroxisome is a room. The peroxisome is west of the cytoskeleton .The description of the peroxisome is "Before you,you feel a strange pink oval structure. The structure feels massive and seems to be made of many molecules in a complex pattern. You think you might be able to use them for something. Suddenly strange molecules leave the peroxisome and go north. Do you follow ?" [mitochondria] The mitochondria is a room. The mitochondria is north of the Peroxisome and west of the nucleus. The description of the mitochondria is " The molecules lead to a strange structure that remind you of the bacteria you've felt before when you left the first cell you were in. This bacteria seems to be less than they once were,all dried up shriveled and dead. After a little bit, different molecules start appearing and Seem to leave the cell. I wonder what's happening? I have a feeling that they're not good. Should you try to stop them" The molecules are a thing in the mitochondria.The description of the molucules is "Big ball shaped things, Which are moving away fast! " After taking molecules: increase score by -2; say "You try to latch onto the molecule but you cannot stop them.They carry you out of the cell with you still attached on! Out of the cell you drift a while with the molecules but manage to get free.as you drift around the open space wondering what to do strange proteins latch onto you covering your proteins you try to move but your utterly immobilized. As your body slowly melts away,exposed to the outside air,you hope that some other viruses continue your species."; end the game in death. [lysosome] The lysosome is a room. The lysosome is north of the mitochondria. The description of the lysosome is "you feel a strange blue ball with lots a bumps .You feel a painful sensation as strange acids that seem to be excreted from the ball bite into your protein shell and ripping apart your insides. Do you try to run away" Every turn: if the player has been in the Lysosome for 1 turn, say "your dna is slowly rotting away at the acid bites in your flesh and than as your conscious melts slowly away and you hope that someone else will continue your species" Every turn: if the player has been in the lysosome for 1 turn, increase score by -4. Every turn: if the player has been in the lysosome for 1 turn, End the game in death [Ribosome] The Ribosome is a room.The Ribosome is east of the lysosome and north of the nucleus.The description of the ribosome is "you feel a strange blue orange ball and you think has something great inside. The missing component of life. You want to be in here,you think you feel like you can unlock something here." The RNA is a thing in the Ribosome. The description of the RNA is "You cannot see this RNA but you can feel there presence.You need this you really really need this.You must do everything in your power to take this." After taking RNA: increase score by 7; say "You feel so much joy as you rip your body apart unleashing your DNA into the world. The ribosome that you latched on too began replicating the dna. Fellow viruses join you and help you,unleashing their DNA. As your conscious falls away your glad that you continued your species."; end the game in victory. [Nucleus] The Nucleus is a room. The Nucleus is north of the cytoskeleton. The description of the nucleus is "Before you you see a great red house,a mansion. Before you, you feel the center of the cell. You feel marvelous inter connecting membranes coating the DNA of the cell. Is this a FOE or friend? In addition you see two viruses there,S_25 and ,Y--30?fellow of your kind! An SQPV like you! Your y--30 is not your favorite virus though he's a member of a rival strain." S_25 is a person in the nucleus. y--30 is a person in the nucleus. Every turn when the player can see S_25: say "S_25 sends you some particles that say Hey do you know what you should do with this DNA, I don't. Should we try to destroy them or be friends? I think they might be our enemy. " Every turn when the player can see y--30: say " I don't think this place is important y--3o's particles say we should leave, and if this place is we should definitely not destroy them . I think we should become a part of this thing." The DNA is a thing in the nucleus.The description of the DNA is " Inside of this nucleus somewhere is them, the DNA. You have this to you think so why would you need them? For some reason though you want to take them." After taking DNA: increase score by 5; say "You take the DNA you slowly integrate yourself inside of them like a mothers arms wrapping around a child. You slowly become a part of each other,is this victory or defeat? You do not know you go through many lifetimes cell after cell after cell. Reshaping evolution."; end the game in victory. [Golgi Body] The Golgi Body is a room.The golgi body is east of the Nucleus. The description of the golgi body is "You feel a strange multi layered Organelle that seems to be taking particles and distributing them around the cell. You think you could use this to transport around the cell. You could jump on one of the proteins to follow to another location. They seem to be going a lot of directions but you feel a strong pull west. BUT you feel some viral particles up north. Do you follow the proteins or the viral particles?" [ vacuole ] The vacuole is a room. The vacuole is north of the Golgi body and east of the Ribosome. The description of the vacuole is "Before you, you feel a great big tear shaped organelle with lots of holes pumping waste matter out of the cell. Your careful not to get to close. Around the cell you see your favorite virus friend 9_o He was the first virus you saw and you found him! Hello you shoot out in your particles." 9_o is a person in the vacuole. Every turn when the player can see 9_o: if the player has not been in the vacuole for more than 1 turn, Increase score by 1. The maximum score is 1. Every turn when the player can see 9_o: say "you and 9_o are delighted to see each other and have a delightful chat about everything that has happened on your adventures. He tells you a story about almost escaping a macrophage! After a good long chat you decide you must leave and say goodbye to each other again. They say you can always come back to talk to me if you want " [Bodily fluids] The Bodily fluids is a room. The bodily fluids are south of the inter membrane space. The description of the bodily fluids is "You Decide to exit the cell maybe later you think. As you drift through the empty nothingness of the bodily fluids you begin to think you might want to turn back. You also seem to see some strange particles in the air,these you think are some particles viruses left to communicate with you! Maybe you should read them? Your body is starting to rot away without the safe comfort of a cell. But out of nowhere You feel a cell,the gigantic wonderful body of a cell you try to get through but the cell will not let you in. You do not have anything to disguise yourself with, anything to make the cell think you're a cell like them. Oh how will you get in? You need some sort of way to unlock the doors to the cell." The particles are a thing in the bodily fluids. The description of the particles is " These particles seem to tell you to take a subtle approach when infiltrating the cell to integrate yourself into the cell rather than destroy them. Hmm you wonder what to do with this information." The cell is a closed locked door. The membrane bits unlock the cell. The cell is south of the bodily fluids. The description of the cell is "The cell is very large, a titanic circle of flesh receptors cover the cell letting random particles in and out,But how will you get in? " After unlocking cell with membrane bits: increase score by 8; say "Oh! you take the membrane that you have and try to get in. YOU manage to slip inside! Two whole cells to explore,your species will be greatly benefited. Oh what joy in your little virus body."; end the game in victory. Every turn: if turn count is 20, say "Suddenly the cell begins to self destruct and pieces of cell mercenary collapse and are destroyed. The cytoplasm breaks and is destroyed. You watch in hororr as all your hopes of continuing your species are destroyed. The immune system must have figured out you were in here. Well you hope you find a new cell. " Every turn: if turn count is 20, increase score by -5 Every turn: if turn count is 20, end the game in death.