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Blank Game
Gabemily Johnson
Played 470 times
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"Blank Game" By Gabby & Emily Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Comforting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "comfort [someone]" or "stay with [someone]" as comforting. Check comforting: say "[The noun] doesn't move." Leaving is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "leave [someone]" as leaving. Check leaving: say "You don't leave [the noun]." Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]" or "reply to [someone]" as talking to. Check talking to: say "[The noun] doesn't reply." Driving is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "drive [something]" or "ride [something]" as driving. Check driving: say "You can't drive [the noun]." Understand the command "read" as something new. Reading is an action applying to one thing requiring light. Understand "read [something]" as reading. A thing can be readable. A thing is usually not readable. A written thing is a kind of thing. A written thing is usually readable. A written thing has some text called writing. The writing of a written thing is usually "Nothing unusual is written here." Check reading when the noun is not readable: say "That's not something that can be read." instead. Report reading: say the writing of the noun. Check burning the candle: if the candle is lit: say “You’ve already done that. The candle is burning brightly.” instead. Check burning the candle: if the player does not carry the lighter: say “You’re pretty good at creating fire, but you need to be holding a lighter to create sparks.” instead. Carry out burning the candle: now the candle is lit. When play begins: say "[italic type]Once again you find yourself in a bar, uncomfortably seated on the rigid bar stool. You attempt to drown out every sound by drinking as much as possible. After downing the last shot, it starts. It's getting fainter, calmer, and quieter-[roman type][paragraph break] [bold type]DAY 1[paragraph break]". The Bedroom is a room. "The abrupt sound of someone speaking jolts you out of your apparent slumber. The words echo throughout your home. The deafening speech only makes your hangover more agonizing. You're lying on your bed, enduring a throbbing headache and you sit upright, struggling to place what happened last night. [paragraph break][bold type]You hear these sounds north of you, which is in the living room. To your east is the kitchen and to your west seems to be an awfully dark room." The Living Room is north of the bedroom. "You stumble into the living room and look around to spot the unbearable sounds... only to find the television playing. You rub your eyes to try and clear the fogginess in your eyes. '[italic type]The TV? When did I turn this on?' [roman type]As the images on the screen start to come into focus, you realize that it's the news channel, covering some story about an accident that occurred a few days prior. You continue to scan your living room and find a few misplaced things." A comfy green couch is a supporter in the Living Room. The comfy green couch is enterable. The description of the comfy green couch is "The fabric is a thick shade of green with the texture of corduroy. I can see a few small stains on the armrest, evident of it's previous life on the street where you found it." The desk is a supporter in the Living Room. The description of the desk is "The desk is made up of what seems to be a nice oak. It's a dark brown colour. I can't help but wonder if I had left something in the drawer." The drawer is part of the desk. The drawer is a closed openable container. The description of the drawer is "A small space, suitable for hiding small items." Inside the drawer is the bottle-opener. The bottle-opener is a thing. The description of the bottle-opener is "My initials are etched into the worn-out tool. Maybe I do have a problem knowing that I've used this too many times." The bottle-opener unlocks the beer. On the desk is a photo of a girl. The photo of a girl is fixed in place. The description of a photo of a girl is "The photo shows a young girl who appears to be around the age of 17. She has brown hair and big, bright eyes that draw me in. You can't help but feel a sense of familiarity as if you have seen her somewhere before. It's a terribly strange feeling." After examining the photo of a girl: increase score by 1; After taking the bottle-opener: increase the score by 1; say "I am feeling a bit thirsty. I wonder what I can drink?" The Kitchen is east of the bedroom. "A shiver goes down your spine as you step foot onto the freezing tiles of the kitchen floor. The chill seems to spread all over your body like an infectious disease and the dryness of your throat is starting to catch up to you. How convenient would it be if there was something you could drink." The sink is in the Kitchen. "[italic type]'I definitely know I didn't pay my water bill to have anything come out of the sink.' [roman type]" The fridge is an openable container in The Kitchen. The fridge is closed. The fridge is fixed in place. The description of the fridge is "A once gleaming white fridge has now dulled down revealing a musty yellow. I don't even know the last time I opened this thing. I usually order takeout." Instead of taking the fridge, say "I wish I were strong enough to carry it." Drink is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "drink [something]" as drink. Check drinking something: if the noun is not drinkable: say "[The noun] is not something you can drink." instead. A thing can be drinkable. Inside the fridge is the beer. The beer is drinkable. The beer is a closed openable locked container. The description of the beer is "I am unbelievably thirsty and they look so refreshing." The lighter is a thing inside the beer. The lighter can be found. The lighter is not found. The description of the lighter is "The lighter is one of those small, disposable plastic ones. Despite being wet, the lighter seems functional. I wonder what I could use this for." After unlocking beer with bottle-opener: say "The bottle-opener pops the cap in one satisfying click. The beer bottle opens and you hear the faint hiss of carbonation escaping the bottle. That feeling, that amazing feeling. I can finally drink the beer."; now the lighter is found. Instead of drinking the beer: if the beer is unlocked: say "The beer quenches your ever-so-longing thirst. After drinking all 6 bottles you notice a lighter inside one of the beer bottles. You must open the beer first before taking the lighter."; else if the beer is locked: say "The beer is locked you need something to unlock the beer." After drinking the beer: increase the score by 1; say "How refreshing." Instead of eating the beer: say "That's not something you should eat. You can break your teeth." After taking the lighter: increase the score by 1; say "The lighter is one of those small, disposable plastic ones. Despite being wet, the lighter seems functional. I wonder what I could use this for."; The Awfully-Dark Room is west of the bedroom. The Awfully-Dark Room is a room. "You manage to keep your balance while entering this room. Your heart is racing as you try to find yourself in the pitch-blackness of the suffocating room. The air feels thick, making it hard to breathe. '[italic type]I don't remember this. What's going on here?' [roman type][paragraph break]You fumble around for a light switch, but only find yourself grabbing onto the only visible thing in the room. A candle." The candle is a thing in the Awfully-Dark Room. The candle is fixed in place. The description of the candle is "It's a waxy pure white. One of the only things I can see in this room." check burning candle: say "The glow spreads across the once-dark room. Your breathing begins to calm as the light from the candle fills the space. As you move further into the room, the silence becomes more pronounced. You can now only hear your heartbeat and the blood pumping through your veins. [paragraph break]Suddenly, the blaring honk of a car horn jolts you from your silence. The noise echoes in off the walls and into your delicate ears. You turn to run but it's too late. A split second later you feel a sharp impact. The glass chards cut your skin, your body quickly shuts down, and everything goes white."; move the player to the Bar. The Bar is a room. "[paragraph break][bold type]DAY 2[paragraph break] [roman type]As your eyes slowly open, the blinding lights of a bar come into focus. You glance around the room, and everything seems unfamiliar, causing a wave of confusion to wash over you. Suddenly, a flashback hits you, '[italic type]I remember being hit by a car, but how did I end up here?' [roman type][paragraph break]This wasn't your usual bar. You would recognize the sticky stools and the reek of booze, but here was different. You feel a sense of disorientation and start to wonder what happened to you during the time you were unconscious. You struggle to piece together your memories as the bartender looks at you, concerned. [paragraph break][bold type][italic type]Today you need to follow directions.[roman type]" The bartender is a man in the Bar. "He turns to you as if he is aware of exactly what you're going through. He seems to be holding something back. [paragraph break][italic type][bold type]You should talk to the bartender. [roman type]" The description of the bartender is "He has dark curly and seems to be cleaning some glasses with a white towel." Instead of talking to Bartender: say "[bold type]CONVERSATION WITH THE BARTENDER: [paragraph break][roman type]'Excuse me, do you know how I got here?' you ask the bartender. [paragraph break][italic type]'What can I get for you?' he asks nervously. [paragraph break][roman type]You become more agitated and say, 'No, I don't want a drink. I want to know how I got here. The last thing I remember is being hit by a car.' [paragraph break][italic type]'Well, we have a great selection of drinks. What can I get for you?' [paragraph break][roman type]'Are you not listening to me? I need to know how I got here.' [paragraph break][italic type]'Look, buddy, I'm not a doctor or a therapist. Maybe you should go outside and get some fresh air.' [paragraph break][roman type]'That's it? Why won't you just tell me what happened?' [paragraph break][italic type]'I'm sorry, but I don't know how to help you. Maybe someone OUTSIDE can assist you.' [paragraph break][roman type]'This is ridiculous. Fine, I'll go outside.' [paragraph break][italic type][bold type]You need to go north. [roman type]"; The Parking Lot is north of The Bar. "The darkness of the night envelops you, and you feel a sudden contrast in the air as you step out of the building. The cool breeze hits you like a shock, a refreshing respite from the stuffy atmosphere inside. The smell of alcohol that once filled your senses has disappeared, replaced by a calm and peaceful stillness. [paragraph break]As you glance around, your eyes catch a black sedan parked not that far away from you. A creeping sense of unease settles in as you realize that you do not recognize the car, or own a black sedan. A sense of unease begins to grow as you realize nothing is making sense. [paragraph break][bold type][italic type]You need to examine the black sedan. You don't have many choices today. [roman type]" The black sedan is a thing in the Parking Lot. The description of the black sedan is "A small black sedan is parked in front of you. The car's presence raises questions, enticing you to enter the car and figure out why the bartender lead you here. [paragraph break][bold type][italic type]You need to go north to enter the car." The Car is north of the Parking Lot. "The inside of the car is absolutely empty. Nothing but the fabric seats and the keychain dangling from the ignition. As you settle into the driver's seat, you notice a note lying on the passenger's seat. [paragraph break][bold type][italic type]You must read the note. [roman type]" The note is in the Car. The note is readable. The description of the note is "[italic type]'There seems to be only one way you can go. Go north to drive.' [roman type]" Instead of going North in Car: say "The feeling of the wind against your face was something that you always enjoyed when driving at night. As you drive down the familiar street, your surroundings appear distorted, with only your headlights illuminating a single lane stretching through endless fields on either side. [paragraph break]The bleak atmosphere is interrupted by a sudden broadcast on the radio detailing a fatal hit-and-run accident involving a high school student. [paragraph break][italic type]—Breaking news, we have just received reports of a fatal hit-and-run accident involving a high school student. The incident took place at the intersection of Elm Street and Main Street just moments ago. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene, and the driver responsible for the accident has fled— [paragraph break][roman type]You quickly turn off the radio. A sense of sympathy for the victim engulfs you, followed by a sharp pain in your head. You become unbelievably dizzy and you struggle to stay alert as drowsiness consumes you. Suddenly, a girl emerges on the road ahead of you. You attempt to scream a warning but can only manage a weak whisper before a deafening crash envelops you."; move the player to Blank Room. The Blank Room is a room. "You find yourself in a completely empty room. The emptiness is so vast that it's disorienting, and you're unable to tell which direction you're facing. The silence is deafening, and the absence of any features or objects makes it feel like you're floating in a void. The only thing that stands out is a door to your [bold type]west[roman type], which appears out of place among the otherwise blank walls. Its presence makes you wonder where it leads and why it's there, leaving you anxious." The Choice is west of The Blank Room. "As you open the door, a heart-wrenching sound overwhelms you. It's the sound of a teenage girl sobbing on the floor. There she lay, in a blank room, huddled in the corner, with puffy eyes and tear-streaked cheeks. Seeing her feel so defeated, you feel your heart starting to ache, and you're faced with a choice. You can either comfort her and offer her a shoulder to cry on or leave the girl and retreat back to the original room." Instead of comforting the crying girl: say "After a moment of hesitation, you decide to stay and offer comfort to the teenage girl. You approach her with light, gentle steps, and as you sit down beside her, you see her sobs slowly subside. She takes a deep breath and then exhales, calming herself down. As you look at her, a sense of guilt washes over you, but why? The girl meets your gaze you feel the urge to talk to her." The crying girl is a person in the Choice. The description of the crying girl is "The girl has familiar dark hair and big bright eyes, but the eyes are soaked in tears. Her face is puffy and red and covered in snot." Instead of talking to the crying girl: say "'Are you alright?' you ask hesitantly, 'What's wrong?' [paragraph break][italic type]'I'm okay. I'm going to be okay.' she replies quietly. 'Come with me.' [paragraph break][roman type]Accepting your fate, you realize that you're not quite in charge of anything anymore. These past few days have been a blur that you can't patch together. You follow the girl and a flash of light blinds you for a split second. The brightness dims down and you appear to be at a funeral. Watching from the side, next to the girl making sure not to disturb anything. [paragraph break][italic type]She looks at you and says, 'Beautiful ceremony isn't it?' [paragraph break][roman type]'Yes, it is. It's always sad to see someone go.' [paragraph break][italic type]'Yeah, especially when it's your fault.' [paragraph break][roman type]'Huh, what do you mean?' [paragraph break][italic type]'I mean, you killed me. I'm the one in the casket down there.' [paragraph break][roman type]'No, no, that can't be true. I would never do that.' [paragraph break][italic type]'No, but it is true. You drove drunk when you hit me. I didn't stand a chance.' [paragraph break][roman type]'Oh God. No! What's been going on these past few days?' [paragraph break][italic type]'You actually died recently. Funny, isn't it? How we both died from your mistakes?' [paragraph break][roman type]'What? What do you mean?' [paragraph break][italic type]'You died of an alcohol overdose, just recently. These past few days have been you reliving events you could have prevented if you didn't drink. There have been some twists and turn especially with you being hit and hitting someone with a car, over and over again. But, I mean, it's too late for that now.' [paragraph break][roman type]'I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen.' [paragraph break][italic type]'I know. It's okay. It's okay.'"; end the game in victory. Instead of leaving the crying girl: say "The door quietly shuts behind you, cutting off the cries of the girl. As you enter the original room, your heart skips a beat at the sight of a second door that wasn't there before. Anxiety builds as you approach it, heart pounding in your ears. You open the door and step into complete darkness. The crying girl, Mia Davis, appears before you and explains that you are there because of what you did. Before you can turn back, the door slams shut, and the lights flicker on, illuminating pictures of Mia on all the walls. As you inspect them, you realize they capture the moments before your car hit her and drove away. Overwhelmed with guilt, you drop to your knees and beg for forgiveness. But Mia disappears, leaving you alone with the accusing stares of the pictures on the walls. You feel yourself losing grip on reality as there seems to be no escape."; end the game in death.