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KoA Demo
Al Golden
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the story title is "Kingdom of Amphibia Demo". the story author is "Al Golden". the story headline is "A Zorkian-type story". the story creation year is 1988. the release number is 0. the story description is "set in an enormous realm.". Section 01 - Setup include (- Serial "000000"; -). include Record-Replay by Al Golden. include Custom Library Messages by David Fisher. include Menus by Emily Short. include Exit Lister by Eric Eve. Table of custom library messages (continued) Message Id Message Text LibMsg
"Quit? Are you sure? " LibMsg
"Restart? Are you sure? " to say /l: say line break. to say /f: say fixed letter spacing. to say /v: say variable letter spacing. to say /p: say paragraph break. to say /bt: say bold type. to say /rt: say roman type. to say (j – a number) spaces: (- spaces({j}); -). to say verbword: (- print(address)verb_word; -). use full-length room descriptions,American dialect ,memory economy,no scoring, MAX_VERBS of 255, MAX_ACTIONS OF 400, and MAX_STATIC_DATA of 300000. to turn off score notification: (- notify_mode=0; -). Rule for printing room description details: stop. After printing the name of an open container: omit contents in listing. the description of the player is "That's you Sailor, in this what will eventually be the largest commercial IF game ever written (in terms of visitable areas)." a thing has a number called price. the price of a thing is usually 0. the price of the Kingdom tour is 1500. a closed openable wearable container called a backpack is worn by yourself. understand "pack" as the backpack. the description is "The pack bears the naval emblem of your ship on it. It is made of durable leather and is extremely sturdy. Its original purpose is for off-ship uses only. It may be carried or worn.". before emptying an open backpack: say "You empty [the list of things in the backpack] onto the ground."; now all the things in the backpack are in the location instead. instead of opening the backpack when the backpack is worn by the player, say "You need to remove the pack and drop it before you open it.". instead of opening the backpack when the backpack is carried by the player, say "You need to drop the pack before you open it.". instead of taking an open backpack: say "You need to close the pack before taking it.". instead of wearing an open backpack: say "You need to close the pack before wearing it.". instead of dropping the backpack when player is in Shipboard: say "You are too exhausted to remove your pack right now." instead. instead of opening or taking off the backpack when the player is in Shipboard, say "You are too exhausted to remove your pack right now." instead. instead of opening backpack when yourself is in AtSea: say "You open your pack at the most inappropriate time and drown!"; end the game in death. the player is wearing a naval uniform. understand "clothes" or "duds" or "outfit" as the naval uniform. the description of the naval uniform is "This is the standard issue uniform which includes [/l]1. A fancy shirt [/l]2. Kerchief [/l]3. The ever-present bell-bottom pants [/l]4. Sailor-type shoes[/p]" a shirt is part of the naval uniform. a pants is part of the naval uniform. a shoes is part of the naval uniform. a kerchief is part of the naval uniform. before dropping something which is part of the uniform: say "You are too exhausted to remove [the noun] right now."; stop. before taking off something which is part of the uniform: say "You are too exhausted to remove [the noun] right now."; stop. instead of taking off the naval uniform when the player is in Shipboard or the player is in AtSea: say "You are too exhausted to remove your uniform right now.". instead of tearing the naval uniform, say "Don't you dare tear that uniform. It's all you've got for now." Shipboard is a region. YourCabin,OnShipsDeck,MastBottom, MastTop are in Shipboard. AtSea is a region. ClingMast and Adrift At Sea are in AtSea. a person is either talked or untalked. a person is usually untalked. a person is either jumped or unjumped. the player is unjumped. a person is either seated or unseated. a person is usually unseated. after jumping for the first time, now the player is jumped. an animal is either talked or untalked. an animal is usually untalked. a thing is either seen or unseen. a thing is usually unseen. a thing is either climbable or unclimbable. a thing is usually unclimbable. after examining something: now the noun is seen. a backdrop can be enterable. a thing can be openable. a thing can be lockable. a thing can be locked. the smast is a backdrop. the printed name is "ship's mast". understand "mast" as the smast. the smast is in MastTop and MastBottom. understand "spar" as the smast. the description is "This ship's mast is huge and tall at around 150 feet. No wonder most people don't want to climb it! [/l]It is not reccommeded for those with acrophobia." instead of climbing the smast: if the player is in MastTop begin; say "You are already at the top of the mast."; else; now the player is in MastTop; end if. instead of climbing down the mast when the player is in MastTop, say "You appear to be trapped at the top of the mast!". Section 02 - Actions instead of taking inventory: if yourself carries something and yourself wears something: say "You are carrying: [/l]"; repeat with item running through things carried by yourself: say "a [item] [/l]"; say "[/l]You are wearing: [/l]"; repeat with item running through things worn by yourself: say "a [item] [/l]"; otherwise if yourself carries something and yourself wears nothing: say "You are carrying: [/l]"; repeat with item running through things carried by yourself: say "a [item] [/l]"; otherwise if yourself wears something and yourself carries nothing: say "You are wearing: [/l]"; repeat with item running through things worn by yourself: say "a [item] [/l]"; otherwise if yourself carries nothing and yourself wears nothing: say "You are neither carrying or wearing anything.". after examining yourself: try taking inventory. after examining someone who is not yourself: if the noun carries something and the noun wears something: say "[The noun] is carrying: [/l]"; repeat with item running through things carried by the noun: say "a [item] [/l]"; say "[/l][The noun] is wearing: [/l]"; repeat with item running through things worn by the noun: say "a [item] [/l]"; otherwise if the noun carries something and the noun wears nothing: say "[The noun] is carrying: [/l]"; repeat with item running through things carried by the noun: say "a [item] [/l]"; otherwise if the noun wears something and noun carries nothing: say "[The noun]is wearing: [/l]"; repeat with item running through things worn by the noun: say "a [item] [/l]"; otherwise if the noun wears nothing and the noun carries nothing: do nothing. to clear the screen:(- VM_ClearScreen(0); -). clsing is an action out of world. understand "cls" as clsing. report clsing:clear the screen. Asking for help is an action out of world. Understand "help" or "hint" or "hints" or "info" as asking for help. understand the command "dirs" as "exits". Carry out asking for help: now the current menu is the Table of Options; carry out the displaying activity; clear the screen; try looking. understand the command "chop" as something new. chopping is an action applying to one thing. understand "chop [thing]" as chopping. chopping it with is an action applying to two things. understand "chop [thing] with [thing]" as chopping it with. instead of chopping the mast when the mast is chopped: say "You've already chopped the mast. Pay Attention!". instead of chopping a chopped mast with the axe: say "You've already chopped the mast. Pay Attention!". instead of chopping the mast when the axe is not visible or the axe is not carried by the player, say "You can't chop the mast with your bare hands!". instead of chopping the broken mast: if the axe is dull, say "The damaged axe won't chop anything it is useless!" instead of chopping the broken mast with the axe: try chopping the broken mast. instead of chopping the broken mast when the axe is sharp for the first time: now the broken mast is scenery; now the mast is chopped; move the firewood to the woodbag; move the torch to woodbag; move the club to woodbag; say "You chop the mast and place the following in the wood bag:[/l] firewood[/l] club[/l] torch body.". shooting is an action applying to one thing. understand "shoot [something]" as shooting . understand "shoot [someone]" as shooting. understand "fire [something]" as shooting. check shooting something (this is the can't shoot what you ain't got rule): if the noun is not carried by the player, say "You don't have [the noun]." instead. shooting it with is an action applying to two things. understand "shoot [something] with [something]" as shooting it with. understand "shoot [someone] with [something]" as shooting it with. shooting it at is an action applying to two things. understand "shoot [something] at [things]" as shooting it at. understand "shoot [something] at [someone]" as shooting it at. understand "fire [something] at [things]" as shooting it at. understand "fire [something] at [someone]" as shooting it at. report shooting something (this is the shooting rule): say "You can't [verbword] [the noun]."; report shooting something with something (this is the shooting something with something rule): say "You can't shoot [the noun] with [the second noun]."; report shooting something at something (this is the shooting at rule): say "You can't [verbword] [the noun] at [the second noun]."; understand the command "climb" as something new. climbing in is an action applying to one thing. climbing on is an action applying to one thing. climbing out is an action applying to one thing. climbing up is an action applying to one thing. climbing down is an action applying to one thing. climbing over is an action applying to one thing. climbing through is an action applying to one thing. climbing under is an action applying to one thing. understand "climb [something]" as climbing. understand "climb in/into [something]" as climbing in. understand "climb on/onto [something]" as climbing on. understand "climb through [something]" as climbing through. understand "climb thru [something]" as climbing through. understand "climb out [something]" as climbing out. understand "climb out of [something]" as climbing out. understand "get out of [something]" as climbing out. understand "climb up [something]" as climbing up. understand "climb down [something]" as climbing down. understand "climb over [something]" as climbing over. understand "climb under [something]" as climbing under. report climbing (this is the climbable rule): say "You climb [the noun]." report climbing over a climbable thing (this is the climb over a climbable thing rule): say "You climb over [the noun]."; report climbing under something (this is the climb under something rule): say "You climb under [the noun]."; report climbing in an enterable container (this is the climbing in an enterable container rule): if the noun is open: say "You climb into [the noun]."; now yourself is in the noun; else: say "You need to open [the noun] before you can do that.". report climbing on an enterable supporter (this is the climbing on an enterable supporter rule): say "You climb onto [the noun]."; now yourself is on the noun. report climbing in something (this is the climbing in something rule): if the noun is not enterable: say "You can't climb into [the noun].". report climbing on something (this is the climbing on something rule): if the noun is not enterable: say "You can't climb onto [the noun].". report climbing an unclimbable thing (this is the unclimbable thing rule): say "You can't climb [the noun]." . report climbing up an unclimbable thing (this is the climbing up an unclimbable thing rule): say "You can't climb up [the noun].". report climbing down an unclimbable thing (this is the climbing down an unclimbable thing rule): say "You can't climb down [the noun].". report climbing through an unclimbable thing (this is the climbing through an unclimbable thing rule): say "You can't climb through [the noun].". report climbing out something (this is the climbing out rule): say "You climb out of [the noun]."; now yourself is in the holder of the noun. blowing is an action applying to one thing. blowing in is an action applying to one thing. blowing on is an action applying to one thing. blowing out is an action applying to one thing. blowing up is an action applying to one thing. understand "blow [something]" as blowing. understand "blow on [something]" as blowing on. understand "blow out [something]" as blowing out. understand "blow [something] out" as blowing out. report blowing something: say "You can't blow [the noun]." report blowing on something: say "You can't blow [the noun]." striking is an action applying to one thing. understand "strike [thing]" as striking. report striking: say "You can't strike that.". understand the command "fill" as something new. filling is an action applying to one thing. understand "fill [something]" as filling. extinguishing is an action applying to one thing. understand "extinguish [something]" as extinguishing. understand "put [something] out" as extinguishing. understand "put out [something]" as extinguishing. understand "douse [something]" as extinguishing. understand "ext [something]" as extinguishing. report extinguishing something (this is the extinguishing noun rule): say "You can't extinguish [the noun].". burning it with is an action applying to two things. understand "burn [something] with [something]" as burning it with. report burning something with a second noun (this is the burning something with something rule): say "You can't burn [the noun] with [the second noun].". cutting it with is an action applying to two things. understand "cut [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "chop [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "slice [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "nick [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "prune [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "sever [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "slit [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "slash [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "lacerate [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "lance [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "pierce [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "scratch [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "graze [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "nick [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. understand "incise [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. report cutting something: let verbword be word number 1 in the player's command; say "You can't [verbword] [the noun].". report cutting something with a second noun: let verbword be word number 1 in the player's command; say "You can't [verbword] [the noun] with [the second noun].". loading is an action applying to one thing. understand "load [something]" as loading. loading it into is an action applying to two things. understand "load [something] into [something]" as loading it into. loading it onto is an action applying to two things. understand "load [something] onto [something]" as loading it onto. loading it with is an action applying to two things. understand "load [something] with [something]" as loading it with. loading it from is an action applying to two things. understand "load [something] from [something]" as loading it from. report loading something (this is the loading rule): say "You can't load [the noun]." report loading something with a second noun (this is the loading something with a second noun rule): say "You can't load [the noun] with [the second noun]." unloading is an action applying to one thing. understand "unload [something]" as unloading. unloading it into is an action applying to two things. understand "unload [something] into [something]" as unloading it into. unloading it onto is an action applying to two things. understand "unload [something] onto [something]" as unloading it onto. unloading it with is an action applying to two things. understand "unload [something] with [something]" as unloading it with. unloading it from is an action applying to two things. understand "unload [something] from [something]" as unloading it from. report unloading something (this is the unloading rule): say "You can't unload [the noun]." report unloading something with a second noun (this is the unloading something with a second noun rule): say "You can't unload [the noun] with [the second noun]." check unloading something with something (this is the can't unload something with nothing rule): if the second noun is not carried by the player, say "You don't have [the second noun]." instead. check unloading something from a second noun (this is the second noun is empty rule): if the number of things in the second noun is 0, say "There's nothing in [the second noun] to unload." instead. check unloading something into a second noun (this is the can't unload a non-container rule): if the second noun is not an open container, say "[The second noun] is not capable of holding [the noun]." instead. check unloading something onto a second noun (this is the can't unload a non-supporter rule): if the second noun is not a supporter, say "[The second noun] is not capable of supporting [the noun]." instead. instead of unloading something with a second noun (this is the loading with a second noun rule): say "You unload [the noun] with [the second noun]."; now the second noun is in the location. instead of unloading into a second noun (this is the loading into a second noun rule): say "You unload [the noun] into [the second noun]."; now the second noun is in the noun; instead of unloading something onto a second noun (this is the loading onto a second noun rule): say "You unload [the noun] onto a [the second noun]."; now the second noun is on the noun; instead of unloading something from a second noun (this is the loading from a second noun rule): say "You unload [the noun] from [the second noun]."; now the second noun is in the location. understand the command "pay" as something new. paying is an action applying to one thing. understand "pay [something]" as paying. understand "pay [someone]" as paying. paying it to is an action applying to two things. understand "pay [something] to [something]" as paying it to. understand "pay [something] to [someone]" as paying it to. paying it for is an action applying to two things. understand "pay [someone] for [something]" as paying it for. report paying (this is the first paying rule): say "You can't pay [the noun]."; report paying something to a second noun (this is the second paying rule): say "You can't pay [the noun] to [the second noun]."; report paying someone for something (this is the third paying rule): say "You can't pay [the noun] for [the second noun].". understand the command "stand" as something new. standing is an action applying to nothing. understand "stand" as standing. standing on is an action applying to one thing. understand "stand on [thing]" as standing on. report standing on: say "You can't stand on that.". talking to is an action applying to one thing. understand "talk to [thing]" as talking to. report talking to: say "You can't talk to [the noun].". emptying is an action applying to one thing. understand "empty [thing]" as emptying. report emptying: say "You can't empty that.". understand the command "kill" as something new. killing is an action applying to one thing. understand "kill [thing]" as killing. killing it with is an action applying to two things. understand "kill [thing] with [thing]" as killing it with. report killing something with a second noun: say "You can't [verbword] that." understand the command "break" as something new. breaking is an action applying to one thing. understand "break [thing]" as breaking. understand "crack [thing]" as breaking. understand "crush [thing]" as breaking. understand "damage [thing]" as breaking. understand "destroy [thing]" as breaking. understand "fracture [thing]" as breaking. understand "ruin [thing]" as breaking. understand "shatter [thing]" as breaking. understand "smash [thing]" as breaking. understand "snap [thing]" as breaking. understand "trash [thing]" as breaking. understand "wreck [thing]" as breaking. understand "vandalize [thing]" as breaking. before breaking or attacking something: say "I'm sorry but in this freeware module I won't let you [verbword] [the noun] or anything else for that matter. However in the commercial game not only will such foolishness be tolerated,but encouraged in order to make your passage thru the particular module you're playing take longer and become more difficult due to your utterly gross stupidity." instead; breaking it with is an action applying to two things. understand "break [thing] with [thing]" as breaking it with. before attacking something with a second noun: try breaking the noun with the second noun. before breaking something with a second noun: say "I'm sorry but in this freeware module I won't let you [verbword] [the noun] or anything else for that matter. However in the commercial game not only will such foolishness be tolerated,but encouraged in order to make your passage thru the particular module you're playing take longer and become more difficult due to your utterly gross stupidity." instead; attacking it with is an action applying to two things. understand "attack [thing] with [thing]" as attacking it with. report attacking something: say "You can't [verbword] that.". report attacking something with a second noun: say "You can't [verbword] that." understand the command "read" as something new. reading is an action applying to one thing. understand "read [thing]" as reading. understand the command "stow" as "insert". badtexting is an action applying to nothing. understand "open all" or "close all" as badtexting. instead of badtexting, say "If you used OPEN ALL please rephrase to OPENALL . If you used CLOSE ALL rephrase to CLOSEALL or else you can't use that with multiple objects.". understand "board [thing]" as entering. commanding is an action applying to nothing. understand "commands" or "cmds" as commanding. instead of commanding: say "[fixed letter spacing] [/l] Valid Game Commands:[/l] Again Attach Attack Ask Build Buy[/l] Blow Board Brief Burn Close CloseAll[/l] Chop Cls Count Cut Detach Detonate[/l] Dig Down Drop Drink East Eat[/l] Empty Enter Examine Exit Extinguish Fetch[/l] Fill Find* Fire Fire At Fix Give[/l] Hello Help Inv Ins Insert Join[/l] Jump Kill Kick Look List Exits Leave[/l] Light Load(With) Lock North Northeast Northwest[/l] Open Openall Oops Pay Play Put [/l] Push/Pull Quit Read Remove Repair Ring[/l] Roll Restore South SouthEast Southwest Score[/l] Save Secure Script Sell Shoot Smell[/l] Sit Stab Stand Steal Stow Strike[/l] Swim Take Talk to Tear Tell Throw(At)[/l] Turn Up Uncoil Unload Unroll Unlock[/l] Unscript Untie Vandalize Verbose West Wait[/l] Wear Yell Zap* * For the Game Designer Only! See the Instructions. [variable letter spacing][/rt][/p]" zorking is an action applying to nothing. Understand "zork" as zorking. report zorking:say "NOT at your service!". helloing is an action applying to nothing. understand "hello" as helloing. instead of helloing, say "Who the hell are you helloing to?". sailoring is an action applying to nothing. understand "hello sailor" as sailoring. understand "sailor hello" as sailoring. report sailoring: say "Hey Sailor! This ain't Zork! ! !" instead of killing or attacking something: if the noun is a person or the noun is an animal, say "You can't do that in this demo version.!". instead of attacking something with a second noun: if the noun is a person or the noun is an animal, say "You can't do that in this demo version.!". instead of killing something with a second noun: if the noun is a person or the noun is an animal, say "You can't do that in this demo version.!". playing is an action applying to one thing. understand "play [thing]" as playing. instead of playing with something, say "You feel extremely foolish playing with [the noun].". playing with is an action applying to one thing. understand "play with [thing]" as playing with. scramming is an action applying to nothing. understand "scram" as scramming. understand "vamoose" as scramming. screaming is an action applying to nothing. understand "scream" or "yell" or "shout" or "holler" or "bellow" as screaming. instead of screaming, say "EEEEEYYYYYYYYOOOOWWWWW! ! ! [/l] You ruin your throat with this foolish act!". stealing is an action applying to one thing. understand "steal [thing]" as stealing. report stealing: say "YOU WERE SPECIFICALLY TOLD NO STEALING!! NOW GET ON WITH THE GAME.". understand "asshole" or "cunt" or "prick" or "fucker" or "motherfucker" or "asswipe" or "hell" or "damn" as swearing obscenely. lieing on is an action applying to one thing. understand "lie on [thing]" as lieing on. instead of swearing obscenely: say "[one of] You kiss those of the opposite sex with that mouth?[/l] [or]Hey Toilet Mouth Shuddupp Already![/l] [or]Better not let the King hear you talk like that![/l] [or]Where's that bar of soap from 'Curses' so[']s I can wash your filthy mouth out with it?[/l] [at random]". instead of entering an animal, say "[The noun] really wouldn't appreciate that!". instead of entering a person, say "[The noun] really wouldn't appreciate that!". before lieing on a person: say "[The noun] really wouldn't appreciate that!"; stop. instead of standing on the mainsail, say "Not really a very bright idea!". instead of entering the pedestal: say "The King DEFINITELY would not appreciate your entering the pedestal.". instead of standing on the pedestal: say "The King DEFINITELY would not appreciate your entering the pedestal.". instead of lieing on the pedestal, say "The King DEFINITELY would not appreciate your lieing on the pedestal.". instead of reading something, say "[The noun] is unreadable.". assembling is an action applying to one thing. understand "assemble [thing]" as assembling. instead of assembling something: say "That's not something you can assemble.". coiling is an action applying to one thing. understand "coil [thing]" as coiling. counting is an action applying to one thing. understand "count [thing]" as counting. understand the command "shit" as something new. crapping is an action applying to nothing. understand "crap" or "shit" as crapping. instead of crapping, say "Not here! It attracts flies." detaching is an action applying to one thing. understand "detach [thing]" as detaching. detonating is an action applying to one thing. understand "detonate [thing]" as detonating. disarming is an action applying to one thing. understand "disarm [thing]" as disarming. detaching it from is an action applying to two things. understand "detach [thing] from [thing]" as detaching it from. following is an action applying to one thing. understand "follow [thing]" as following. uncoiling is an action applying to one thing. understand "uncoil [thing]" as uncoiling. kicking is an action applying to one thing. understand "kick [thing]" as kicking. understand the command "lock" as something new. locking is an action applying to one thing. understand "lock [thing]" as locking. understand the command "unlock" as something new. unlocking is an action applying to one thing. understand "unlock [thing]" as unlocking. understand "lock [thing] with [thing]" as locking it with. understand "unlock [thing] with [thing]" as unlocking it with. openalling is an action applying to nothing. understand "openall" as openalling. instead of openalling when the player is in Shipboard or the player is in AtSea, say "Not till you reach landfall.". instead of openalling when the tflag is on: say "You've already opened all the containers."; stop the action. carry out openalling: if the backpack is carried by the player, say "You need to remove and/or drop the backpack first."; stop. instead of openalling when the backpack is worn by the player, say "You need to remove then drop the backpack first.". instead of openalling when the backpack is carried by the player, say "You need to drop the backpack first.". carry out openalling when the backpack is not carried by the player: repeat with item running through closed containers: now the tflag is on; now the item is open. carry out openalling when the backpack is not carried by the player: repeat with item running through closed containers: now the tflag is on; now the item is open. after openalling: now the cabinet is closed; now the tchest is closed; now the gchest is closed; say "You have opened all the containers in the game.". closealling is an action applying to nothing. understand "closeall" as closealling. instead of closealling when the player is in Shipboard or the player is in AtSea, say "Everything is closed already.". carry out closealling: repeat with item running through open containers: now the item is closed; instead of closealling when the tflag is off: say "You've already closed everything."; stop the action. after closealling: now every open container is closed; say "You have now closed all the containers in the game."; now the tflag is off; pissing is an action applying to nothing. understand "pee" or "piss" or "urinate" as pissing. instead of pissing, say "Your bladder aint full enough yet to do that!". ringing is an action applying to one thing. understand "ring [thing]" as ringing. rolling is an action applying to one thing. understand "roll [thing]" as rolling. topicing is an action applying to nothing. understand "topics" as topicing. instead of topicing in the presence of Jack: say "He has no topics.". instead of topicing in the presence of the Tourguide: say "These are the topics you can ask him about: [/l]himself, the individual tours, the carpet, ,the whistle, the key, [/l]the bell, the king, the queen, the manorlords, the kingdom, [/l]the castles, the caves, the dungeons, the Maze, the military post, [/l]lore and legends, the pedestal, and the Kingdom Tourbook." unrolling is an action applying to one thing. understand "unroll [thing]" as unrolling. tearing is an action applying to one thing. understand "tear [thing]" as tearing. understand "rip [thing]" as tearing. understand "shred [thing]" as tearing. understand the command "throw" as something new. throwing is an action applying to one thing. understand "throw [thing]" as throwing. before throwing something: say "There is absolutely NO THROWING ALLOWED in this demo game."; stop. before throwing something at a second noun: say "There is absolutely NO THROWING ALLOWED in this demo game.."; stop. understand the command "wear" as something new. zwearing is an action applying to one thing. understand "wear [thing]" as zwearing. instead of zwearing a wearable thing: Now the noun is worn by the player; say "You put on [the noun].". swimming is an action applying to nothing. understand "swim" as swimming. report swimming: say "You can't swim here." finding is an action applying to one visible thing. understand "find [any thing]" as finding. understand "locate [any thing]" as finding. before finding something: say "'FIND' was used for debugging is not included in this demo." instead. zapping is an action applying to one thing. understand "zap [thing]" as zapping. before zapping something: say "'ZAP' was used for debugging and is not included in this demo." instead. understand the command "eat" as something new. zeating is an action applying to one thing. understand "eat [thing]" as zeating. instead of zeating an edible thing: Remove the noun from play; say "Deelish ! ! ! !". xyzzying is an action applying to nothing. understand "xyzzy" or "plugh" or "plover" as xyzzying. instead of xyzzying, say "A hollow voice yells out: [one of]'Asshole!'[/l] [or] 'Cretin!'[/l] [or]' Dumerazel [or] 'Dumkoff!'[/l] [or] 'Fool!'[/l] [or] 'Imbecile!'[/l] [or] 'Moron!'[/l] [or]'Sheiskopf!' [or]'Shmuck!'[at random]". Section 02 - The Game Begins after printing the banner text when not requesting the story file version: say "[/l][/bt]Type 'Help' or 'Info' for Help[/rt] [/p] © copyright 1989-2013 by Al Golden. All Rights Reserved [/l] including source code and output. [/p] The big day has finally come at last. After much hemming, hawing, and graft, (from your governmental relatives!) you managed to get yourself an appointment to the Naval Academy. You have graduated and attained the rank of Sailor 1st Class and after four long hard years of massive partying and very little study (crib sheets not withstanding) you have managed to squeak by and been assigned to the USS Intrepid for its voyage to a far-away country that has recently been discovered by ships from the fleets of other countries. Their ships attempted to land on the shores of the uncharted nation but were lost at sea to typhoons and other storms that suddenly and mysteriously arose from out of nowhere. [/p]As the military has vested interests into whatever it can stick its nose, your crew's assignment is to journey to this new land, explore it to its fullest extent and report your findings back to an expectant and hopeful nation. [/p]Your ship has been traveling for several months. At present you are in your bunk, when you feel the terrible swaying and rocking of the ship. There is a great commotion above decks and you have just come off a nerve- killing 16 hour watch, are dreadfully exhausted, and hit your bunk fully clothed and wearing your backpack. [/p]From above you hear frightened cries for help. You shake off your weariness and look about your cabin. Pictures are falling from the bulkheads and there seems to be something falling wherever you look. As the ship takes a roller coaster-churning plunge, so does your stomach. It's time to get outta here!!!!"; when play begins: now exit listing is disabled; now the left hand status line is ""; now the right hand status line is ""; change the current menu title to "Amphibia Help Menu"; say "Would you like to restore a saved game? > "; if the player consents begin; try restoring the game; else; clear the screen; change the turn count to 0; now the left hand status line is "[location]"; now the right hand status line is "Moves: [turn count]"; end if. Section 03 - At Sea YourCabin is a room. the printed name is "In Your Cabin". the description of YourCabin is "[if player is on bunk] You are lieing in your bunk inside your cabin on the swaying heaving ship. In fact you are so tired from your watch that you didn't even shuck your uniform or your backpack. Time to hop to it sailor. [else] You are in your cabin on the swaying heaving ship. The only 2 ways out of here are UP to the topdeck, or like those two shmucks Clinton/Bush you can re-enter your Bunk.[end if]" an enterable supporter called a bunk is scenery in YourCabin. understand "bed" as the bunk. the description is "[if the player is on the Bunk]This is the sleeping device where you rest your weary bones after spending many long grueling hours topside. You are currently lying in it. In fact you are so tired from your watch that you didn't even shuck your uniform or your backpack. Time to hop to it sailor. [else]This is the sleeping device where you rest your weary bones after spending many long grueling hours topside.[end if]". the player is on the bunk. the blankets,sheets and pillow are part of the bunk. instead of taking the blankets, say "Leave them alone!". instead of taking the sheets, say "Leave them alone!". instead of taking the pillow, say "Leave it alone!". instead of standing when yourself is on the bunk: try exiting. instead of lieing on the bunk: say "You lie down on the bunk."; move yourself to the bunk, without printing a room description. instead of looking under the bunk, say "Nothing but empty space." instead of searching the bunk, say "All you find are blankets,sheets, and a pillow." instead of taking the bunk, say "Don't be ridiculous! It's securely fastened to the bulkhead." after exiting when the player is on the Bunk, say "You get off the bunk and are now in the cabin." instead of standing on the Bunk, say "Better not let the captain or other naval brass see you doing that!"; carry out lieing on the bunk: say "You lie on the bunk."; now the player is on the bunk; stop. instead of going nowhere, say "Sorry sailor! You can't go that way!". OnShipsDeck is above YourCabin. the printed name is "On Ship's Deck". "You are on the ship's top deck. All around you there is mass confusion as your shipmates are running around like chickens with their heads cut off! It looks like mutiny since no one wants to put their butts on the line!!! The mast is east of where you're standing." a man called Captain Jack is in OnShipsDeck. "You can see the ship's captain here.". understand "captain" or "captn" or "cap'n" or "cappy" or "man" or "cap" or "ship's" as Jack. The description is "The ship's captain (name of Jack) is the veteran of many untold and long battles with the naval bureaucracy. How he managed to stay in the Navy after fighting the top brass is a question of total amazement." instead of talking to Jack for the first time, say "I need a volunteer to go up and secure the topsail. Someone has to go up the mast and save the ship. That someone is you Sailor! GET GOING!". instead of talking to Jack for the second time: remove Jack from play; say "The captain (having no more time for you) says: 'Get going Sailor!!! I[']m out of here!!!', and like a flash he's gone with the wind." MastBottom is east of OnShipsDeck. the printed name is "Bottom of Mast". the description is "You are at the bottom of the mast. [/l]You can go back west and face the captain [/l]or go up from here. Hurry Maybe you can save the ship!" MastTop is above MastBottom. the printed name is "Top of Mast". the description is "You are at the top of the mast. The storm's force has increased, and you appear to be stuck up here. There is only ONE way down from here!" instead of going down when the player is in MastTop, say "You appear to be trapped at the top of the mast!". the mainsail is fixed in place in MastTop. "The ship's huge mainsail is here". understand "sail" as the mainsail. the mainsail is either secured or unsecured. the mainsail is unsecured. the description is "This enormous mainsail has a measured square footage of 7544 square feet.". securing is an action applying to one thing. understand "secure [thing]" as securing. instead of securing the mainsail: if the mainsail is unsecured begin; now the mainsail is secured; say "You secure the sail to the mast."; else; say "The mainsail is already secured!"; end if. jumping off is an action applying to one thing. understand "jump off [thing]" as jumping off. report jumping off: say "You can' jump off that." instead of jumping off the smast when the mainsail is unsecured: say "Activate the hints if you haven't disabled them. You will need to restart the game and read the instructions on character interaction since you apparently didn't do so.". instead of jumping when the mainsail is unsecured: now the player is jumped; say "You will need to restart the game and read the instructions on character interaction since you apparently didn't do so.". instead of jumping when the mainsail is secured, now the player is in ClingMast. instead of jumping off the smast when the mainsail is secured, now the player is in ClingMast. ClingMast is a room. the printed name is "Clinging to Mast". the description is "The ship has sunk,you appear to be the lone survivor. and the mast has broken free from the ship and you are now in the water clinging precariously to it." before jumping when the player is in MastTop and the mainsail is secured, say "You jump off the mast into the water." instead of swimming when the player is in ClingMast, now the player is in Adrift At Sea. Adrift At Sea is a room. "You are adrift at sea and start swimming." instead of swimming when the player is in Adrift: move the backpack to Landfall; remove the uniform from play; now the smelly rags is worn by the player; now the player is in Landfall. Section 04 - Landfall and Welcome Areas Landfall is a room. "[if smelly rags is worn] You look around. The only way out of here appears to be North[/l] as the ocean is to the South. East and West does you diddly squat as well. There is an absolutely terrible odor permeating the air here![else] You look around. The only way out of here appears to be North[/l] as the ocean is to the South. East and West does you diddly squat as well.[end if]" instead of going south when the player is in Landfall: say "You've had enough of the ocean at this time. Maybe at the end of the [/l]game things will change and you'll be rescued. Maybe in another module.[/l] Who knows? The Game Designer does."; instead of going nowhere when the player is in Landfall, say "You are unable to travel in that direction.". before smelling when the player is in LandFall: if the rags is untorn begin; say "The odor is enough to make a maggot gag!" instead; else; say "All you smell is the salt air." instead; end if instead of smelling the odor: if the rags is untorn begin; now the odor is smelled; say "Its enough to make a maggot gag."; else; say "The smell evaporated when you tore the rags."; end if. a terrible odor is scenery in Landfall. understand "aroma" or "stench" or "stink" or "smell" as the odor. the odor is either smelled or unsmelled. the odor is unsmelled. instead of doing anything except smelling to the odor: if the rags is torn or the rags is untorn, say "I'll give you $100 Billion when you show me how to do that!". instead of examining the odor when the smelly rags is visible, say "Sorry Sailor, but we [/bt]only[/rt] SMELL odors here in the Kingdom.". an enterable supporter called a broken mast is in Landfall. the mast is either chopped or unchopped. the mast is unchopped. understand "spar" or "wood" or "wooden" or "broken" or "driftwood" as the mast. the description is "[if broken mast is unchopped]The broken mast from your ship is here. [else]Your chopping of the mast has left absolutely nothing![end if]". instead of cutting the mast, say "Please rephrase that to CHOP MAST. Danke Schoen!" instead of examining or taking a chopped mast: say "What mast?". instead of taking the broken mast, say "The mast is way way too heavy for you to take it!". instead of pushing the broken mast, say "The mast is way way too heavy for you to push it!". instead of turning the broken mast, say "The mast is way way too heavy for you to turn it!". instead of pulling the broken mast, say "The mast is way way too heavy for you to pull it.". instead of entering the broken mast when the mast is chopped, say "How can you sit on something that ain't here?". instead of entering the broken mast when the player is on the mast, say "But you're already on it.". instead of entering the broken mast: if the spare uniform is not worn begin; say "Ouch you get splinters in your cute little bare tush."; else; say "You sit on the mast and feel kind of ridiculous for doing so."; end if. instead of entering the broken mast when the mast is chopped, say "How can you stand on something that ain't here?". instead of entering broken mast when the mast is chopped, say "How can you sit on something that ain't here?". instead of standing on the mast: if the spare uniform is not worn begin; say "Ouch you get splinters in your bare feet!"; else; say "You were smart enough to wear your new uniform and shoes which prevented your feet from getting splinters."; end if. Welcome Area is north of Landfall. "You check your surroundings. It is extremely desolate here. Although the beach stretches for endless miles to the east and west[/l] you are very unsure about which of the two directions to turn.[/l] The place where you landed is south and northward appears to be blocked." a fixed in place thing called a welcsign is in Welcome Area. understand "tours" or "prices" or "lettering" or "price sign" or "welcome sign" or "sign" as the welcsign. the printed name of the welcsign is "[if bell is unrung]welcome sign [else]price sign[end if]". the description of the welcsign is "[if bell is unrung]The sign is badly weathered from years in the elements. However you can still read it's faded message. [else]This price sign is rather large and unlike the other sign is very gaudy and immensely readable.[end if]". instead of reading the welcsign when the bell is unrung, say "[/l] [/bt]WELCOME TO AMPHIBIA !!!![/l] TRAVEL BEYOND THIS POINT [/l] RESTRICTED TO USE OF CARPET ONLY[/l] NUDITY,VANDALISM TO/STEALING OF[/l] KINGDOM PROPERTY SEVERLY PUNISHED! RING BELL FOR ASSISTANCE KING KENNETH XLIVth.[/p]". instead of reading the welcsign when the bell is rung, say "[/bt] AMPHIBIA TOUR PRICES Tour# Tour Name Price* [fixed letter spacing] [/l]00 Kingdom 1500 [/l]01 Avia 1000 [/l]02 Aqua 1000 [/l]03 Reptilia 1000 [/l]04 Rodentia 1000 [/l]05 Regalia 4000 [/l]06 Castles 2000 [/l]07 Caves 500 [/l]08 Dungeons 500 [/l]09 Great Maze 3000 [/l]10 Military Posts 2500 [/l][/l]* PAYABLE IN GOLD COIN ONLY [/l]NUDITY,VANDALISM TO/STEALING OF [/l]KINGDOM PROPERTY SEVERLY PUNISHED [/rt][variable letter spacing][/l]". an Avia Tour is part of the WelcSign. the description is "You should ask Milo about it." an Aqua Tour is part of the WelcSign. the description is "You should ask Milo about it." a Reptilia Tour is part of the WelcSign. the description is "You should ask Milo about it." a Rodentia Tour is part of the WelcSign. the description is "You should ask Milo about it." a Regalia Tour is part of the WelcSign. the description is "You should ask Milo about it." a Castles Tour is part of the WelcSign. the description is "You should ask Milo about it." a Caves Tour is part of the WelcSign. the description is "You should ask Milo about it." a Dungeons Tour is part of the WelcSign. the description is "You should ask Milo about it." a Maze Tour is part of the WelcSign. the description is "You should ask Milo about it." a Military Tour is part of the WelcSign. the description is "You should ask Milo about it." a Kingdom Tour is part of the WelcSign. the description is "You should ask Milo about it.". the price of the Kingdom Tour is 1500. an enterable supporter called a carpet is in Welcome Area. the printed name is "[if carpet is unrolled]unrolled carpet [else]rolled-up carpet[end if]". "[if carpet is rolled]There is a rolled-up carpet here. [else]There is an unrolled carpet here with a control panel in it." understand "carpet", "rug" ,"flyer", "transporter" as the carpet. the carpet is either rolled or unrolled. the carpet is rolled. The description is "This fancy carpet looks like one of those Fisbee Magical[/l] Flying J97 Models. It is currently [if carpet is rolled]rolled up. [else]unrolled. You see a control panel in the carpet.[end if]" instead of entering the carpet, say "Try entering the carpet instead.". instead of lieing on the carpet, say "Try entering the carpet instead.". instead of exiting when the player is on the carpet: now the player is in the location; say "You get off of the carpet." instead of exiting when the player is on the carpet and the switch is inserted and the player is in Welcome Area, say "You decide to turn the key and get on with this adventure.". instead of opening the carpet, say "You can only UNROLL the carpet." instead of closing the carpet, say "You can only ROLL the carpet." instead of going when the player is on the carpet, say "Try EXIT CARPET instead!". instead of entering the carpet while the carpet is carried by the player, say "You need to drop the carpet before you sit on it."; instead of entering carpet when the carpet is rolled and the TourGuide is paid, say "You need to unroll the carpet before doing that.". instead of entering the carpet when the carpet is unrolled and the TourGuide is paid: now the player is seated; say "You sit on the carpet." instead of exiting when the player is seated: now the player is unseated; now the player is in the location; say "You get off the carpet.". instead of entering the carpet when the TourGuide is unpaid and the Tourguide is not visible, say "A disembodied voice booms from out of the void:[/l] 'NO messing around with that carpet till the TourGuide has been paid!!!'" instead of entering the carpet when the TourGuide is unpaid and the Tourguide is visible, say "Milo says 'You need to pay me before you can do that!'"; instead of entering the carpet when the TourGuide is paid and the carpet is rolled, say "You need to unroll the carpet first!". instead of entering the carpet when the player is in Crossroads and the backpack is visible, say "Get on with the game.". instead of standing on the carpet while the TourGuide is unpaid, say "A disembodied voice booms from out of the void:[/l] 'NO messing around with that carpet till the TourGuide has been paid!!!'" instead of standing on the carpet when the TourGuide is paid, say "The King will only allow you to SIT on the carpet.[/l] Thank you velly much!"; instead of taking the carpet when the player is on the carpet, say "You need to get off the carpet before you can take it." instead of taking the carpet when the TourGuide is visible and the tourguide is unpaid, say "Milo says: 'Not till you've paid me.'". instead of taking the carpet when the TourGuide is not visible and the TourGuide is unpaid, say "A disembodied voice booms from out of the void:[/l] 'NO messing around with that carpet till the TourGuide has been paid!!!'" instead of taking the carpet when the TourGuide is paid: now the carpet is carried by the player; say "You take the carpet." instead of unrolling the carpet when the TourGuide is visible and the TourGuide is unpaid, say "Milo says: 'Not till you[']ve paid me.'". instead of unrolling the carpet when the TourGuide is not visible and the TourGuide is unpaid, say "A disembodied voice booms from out of the void:[/l] 'NO messing around with that carpet till the TourGuide has been paid!!!'" instead of unrolling the carpet: if the carpet is unrolled begin; say "You've already unrolled the carpet."; else; now the carpet is unrolled; now the cpanel is on the carpet; say "You unroll the carpet revealing a control panel."; end if. instead of rolling the carpet when the player is on the carpet, say "You need to get off the carpet before you roll it up!" instead of rolling the carpet when the TourGuide is paid and the carpet is unrolled: remove the cpanel from play; say "You roll up the carpet." instead of rolling the carpet when the carpet is rolled, say "The carpet is already rolled up!" instead of rolling the carpet when the TourGuide is not visible and the TourGuide is unpaid, say "A disembodied voice booms from out of the void:[/l] 'NO messing around with that carpet till the TourGuide has paid!!!'" instead of rolling the carpet when the player is on the carpet, say "You need to get off the carpet first."; an enterable supporter called a pedestal is fixed in place in Welcome Area. the printed name is "book pedestal". understand "stand" or "oak" or "book pedestal" as the pedestal. the description is "This masive oak pedestal is evidently used to place the books while one is reading them since they are too large to hold.". a closed locked openable container called a cabinet is in Welcome Area. the printed name is "book cabinet". the cabinet is fixed in place. "There is an extremely ornate book cabinet here. There is a padlock here (on the cabinet)." . understand "doors" as the cabinet. the cablock is part of the cabinet. the cablock is locked and lockable. the printed name is "cabinet lock". understand "lock" or "padlock" as the cablock. the description is "[if key is inserted]There is a padlock here (with a key inserted in it). [else]There is a padlock here (on the cabinet).[end if]". instead of breaking the cabinet: say "Vandalism is not allowed in the Demo Game." instead of unlocking the cablock, try unlocking the cabinet. instead of unlocking the cabinet: if the key is inserted: now the Cabinet is unlocked; say "You unlock the Cabinet."; else if the Key is not carried by the player: say "You don't have the key.". instead of examining the cablock when the cablock is inserted, say "This lock has the key inserted into it.". instead of examining the cablock when the cablock is uninserted, say "This very sturdy padlock is in dire need of a key! Don't Ya Know??". instead of locking the cabinet when the Key is carried by the player and the cabinet is unlocked, say "You need to insert the key into the lock and turn it in order to do that.". instead of locking the cabinet when the cablock is inserted, say "You need to turn the key to do that.". instead of unlocking the cabinet when the Key is carried by the player, say "You can not JUST unlock the cabinet you have to do 2 steps in order to do that.". instead of locking the cabinet when the Key is in the cablock, say "You need to turn the key to do that.". instead of unlocking the cabinet when the cablock is not inserted, say "You need to Insert the key into the lock first and then turn the key.". instead of locking the cabinet when the cablock is not inserted, say "You need to Insert the key into the lock first and then turn the key.". instead of lieing on the cabinet, say "You'd be very uncomfortable lieing on the cabinet.". instead of standing on the cabinet, say "The cabinet is way too tall for you to stand on.". instead of entering the cabinet, say "The cabinet is way too tall for you to sit on.". to report the books: say "[/l]The bottom shelf has 10 smaller volumes titled:[/p] [fixed letter spacing] 'Avia' 'Castles'[/l] 'Aqua' 'Caves'[/l] 'Reptilia' 'Dungeons'[/l] 'Rodentia' 'Great Rodentian Maze'[/l] 'Regalia' 'Military Installations'[variable letter spacing][/p]". instead of examining the cabinet: if the cabinet is open and the Kingdom Tourbook is in the cabinet, say "This book cabinet has two filthy glass doors which are currently open. There is a plaque on the cabinet which reads: TOURBOOKS PROPERTY OF KING KENNETH On the inside you see a total of 11 books on 2 shelves: The top shelf has a single huge volume entitled 'Kingdom TourBook'"; report the books. instead of examining the cabinet: if the cabinet is open and the Kingdom Tourbook is not in the cabinet, say "This book cabinet has two filthy glass doors which are currently[/l] open. There is a plaque on the cabinet which reads TOURBOOKS PROPERTY OF KING KENNETH On the inside you can see a total of 11 books on 2 shelves [/l] The top shelf is now empty."; report the books. instead of examining the cabinet when the cabinet is locked, say "This book cabinet has 2 glass doors which are currently closed and locked. [/l]Due to the filthyness of the glass you can not see inside. There is a plaque on the cabinet which reads: TOURBOOKS PROPERTY OF KING KENNETH[/l]" instead of examining the cabinet: if the cabinet is closed and the cabinet is unlocked, say "This book cabinet has two glass doors which are currently closed and unlocked. [/l]Due to the filthyness of the glass you can not see inside. There is a plaque on the cabinet which reads: TOURBOOKS PROPERTY OF KING KENNETH[/p]". instead of examining the cabinet while the Kingdom Tourbook is in the cabinet: say "This book cabinet has two filthy glass doors which are currently open. There is a plaque on the cabinet which reads: TOURBOOKS PROPERTY OF KING KENNETH On the inside you see a total of 11 books on 2 shelves:[/l] The top shelf has a single huge volume entitled 'Kingdom TourBook'"; report the books. instead of examining the cabinet while the Kingdom Tourbook is not in the cabinet: say "This book cabinet has two filthy glass doors which are currently open. There is a plaque on the cabinet which reads: TOURBOOKS PROPERTY OF KING KENNETH On the inside you can see a total of 11 books on 2 shelves. [/l] The top shelf is now empty."; report the books. a plaque is part of the cabinet. the description is "This plaque shows the ownership of the books.". instead of reading the plaque: say "[/l]TOURBOOKS PROPERTY OF KING KENNETH[/p]". a book is a kind of thing. a book is openable. understand "tourbook" or "tour book" or "book" or "manual " as a book. instead of taking a book which is not the Kingdom Tourbook, say "Didn't you listen to Milo?[/l] The only book you can take is the Kingdom Tourbook!". instead of reading a book which is not the Kingdom Tourbook, say "Didn't you listen to Milo?[/l] The only book you can read is the Kingdom Tourbook!". a book called a Kingdom Tourbook is in the cabinet. the Kingdom Tourbook is either opened or shut. the Kingdom Tourbook is shut. the Kingdom Tourbook is openable. understand "cover" as the Kingdom Tourbook. the description of the Kingdom Tourbook is "This humungous TourBook looks like it could come in handy[/l] during your travels. This is the most comprehensive volume[/l] written to date and is chock full of functional knowledge.[/l] and is a definite prerequisite for getting around the kingdom.[/l] The cover's title is in the same English-type script as the sign.[/l] Inside there is an index." instead of opening the Kingdom Tourbook when the Kingdom Tourbook is shut: now the Kingdom Tourbook is opened; say "There is a index in the Kingdom Tourbook.". instead of opening the Kingdom Tourbook when the Kingdom Tourbook is open: say "[The noun] is already open.". instead of closing the Kingdom Tourbook when the Kingdom Tourbook is opened: now the Kingdom Tourbook is shut; say "You close [the noun]." instead of closing the Kingdom Tourbook when the Kingdom Tourbook is shut: say "[The noun] is already closed". instead of reading the Kingdom Tourbook: say "The cover shows the title as: [/bt]K I N G D O M O F A M P H I B I A M A S T E R T O U R B O O K[/rt][/p]" Instead of opening the Kingdom Tourbook when the Kingdom Tourbook is not on the pedestal, say "You need to place [the noun] on the pedestal before opening it." Instead of reading the index when the Kingdom Tourbook is not on the pedestal, say "You need to place [the noun] on the pedestal before reading the index." an index is part of the Kingdom Tourbook. understand "contents" or "table of contents" as the index. the description is "The index or table of contents of the TourBook." the Kingdom Tourbook has a table-name called the contents. The contents of the Kingdom Tourbook is the Table of Kingdom Stuff. Instead of consulting the Kingdom Tourbook about a topic listed in the contents of the Kingdom Tourbook: say "[reply entry][/p]". instead of consulting the Kingdom Tourbook about: say "You flip through [the noun], but find no reference to [the topic understood].". Table of Kingdom Stuff topic reply "Avia/Aqua/Reptilia/Rodentia" "You have to consult the appropriate fiefdom book for that." "Castles/Caves/Dungeons/Maze" "You'll have to consult the appropriate book for that." "fiefdoms/cities/military/posts/installations" "That will be found on the commercial CD." "history/historical facts/lore/legends" "That will be found on the commercial CD." instead of reading the index when the Kingdom Tourbook is shut, say "You'll have to open the book before doing that.". instead of inserting the Kingdom Tourbook into the Cabinet: if the Kingdom tourbook is not in the Cabinet: say "Since you need the book in your travels you decide to take it instead."; else: say "It's already in the Cabinet.". instead of opening the Kingdom Tourbook when the Kingdom Tourbook is not on the pedestal, say "You need to put the book on pedestal before you can open it.". instead of reading the index: say "[/l][/bt] T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S I. CASTLE/ESTATE PICTORIALS/DESCRIPTIONS A. Frogbert Freehold E. Frogmeyer Allodium [/l]B. Bucktooth Estates F. Durtle Manor [/l]C. Mander Mansions G. Molar Digs [/l]D. Newton Aerie H. Legs Rookery [/l]I. Regalia Royale II. FIEFDOM-CITY PICTORIALS & DESCRIPTIONS [/l]Fiefdom City [/l]1. Avia 1. Plover [/l]2. Aqua 2. Hydro [/l]3. Reptilia 3. Lizarda [/l]4. Rodentia 4. Vermina [/l][25 spaces]5. Regalia (Capital)[/p]"; say "III. MILITARY POSTS [/l]1. Avia-tors Air Fields [/l]2. Naval Ports/Shipyards [/l] a. Port Ternsby c. Port Scalia [/l] b. Port Aquatia d. Port Furbearia 3. Army Outposts [/l]a. Fort Feather c. Fort Scalar [/l]b. Fort Liquia d. Fort Harbia[/p]"; say "IV. HISTORICAL FACTS [/l]A. Fiefdom-City Founding & Histories [/l][/l]B. Migration of Inhabitants [/l]C. Territorial Disputes/Settlements [/l]D. ManorLords['] Estates-Histories [/l]E. King Kenneth[']s History [/l]F. Guild Founding Histories[/p]"; say "V. LORE AND LEGENDS OF AMPHIBIA A. LORE [/l]1. FAUNA AND FLORA [/l]2. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM [/l]3. A GUIDE TO THE ZOOLOGICAL INHABITANTS [/l]4. THE DOMESTIC MILITARY CAMPAIGNS [/l]5. THE FOREIGN MILITARY CAMPAIGNS B. LEGENDS[/l] [/l]1. THE LEGEND OF THE FOUNDERS[/l] [/l]2. THE LEGEND OF MAJESTIC MOUNTAIN[/l] [/l]3. THE LEGEND OF THE QUAD CITIES[/l] [/l]4. THE LEGEND OF THE LOST CROWN JEWELS[/rt][/p]" a book called an Avia TourBook is in the cabinet. a book called an Aqua TourBook is in the cabinet. a book called a Reptilia TourBook is in the cabinet. a book called a Rodentia TourBook is in the cabinet. a book called a Regalia TourBook is in the cabinet. a book called a Castles TourBook is in the cabinet. a book called a Caves TourBook is in the cabinet. a book called a Dungeons TourBook is in the cabinet. a book called a Maze TourBook is in the cabinet. a book called a Military TourBook is in the cabinet. instead of going north from Welcome Area, say "Didn't you read the description? You CAN'T go North!". instead of going nowhere when the player is in Welcome Area, say "You are undecided in going this direction.". a large bell is [fixed in place] in Welcome. the bell is either rung or unrung. the bell is unrung. the description is "[if rope is untied] The bell is very large weighing over 10 tons, but on further[/l] examination you find that although there is a clapper inside it [/l] there appears to be no visible way to ring it.[/l] It is however capable of being rung.[else] The bell is very large weighing over 10 tons and has a rope attached to it. [end if]". the bell has a number called ringtimes. the ringtimes of the bell is 0. report taking the bell: say "Hey Booby! You ain't Superman!"; stop. instead of lieing on the bell, say "Don't be silly!! Besides that, the bell has no flat[/l] surfaces on which you could stand anyway!" instead of entering the bell, say "Don't be silly!! Besides that, the bell has no flat[/l] surfaces on which you could stand anyway!" instead of standing on the bell, say "Don't be silly!! Besides that, the bell has no flat[/l] surfaces on which you could stand anyway!" instead of attacking the bell with the hammer, try attacking the bell. instead of attacking the bell with the axe, try attacking the bell. instead of attacking the bell when the hammer is not visible or the axe is not visible: say "You nearly break your hand trying this futile feat!". instead of attacking the bell when the bell is unrung and the axe is carried by the player and the mast is unchopped for the first time: now the axe is dull; say "The axe just bounces off the bell which by the way DOESN'T get rung. You have damaged the axe and it has become useless as either a weapon or a tool. You need to RESTART THE GAME since you've placed yourself in an unwinnable position.". instead of attacking the bell when the bell is unrung and the axe is carried by the player and the mast is unchopped: say "You've done enough damage to the axe for one day.". instead of attacking the bell when the bell is unrung and the axe is carried by the player and the mast is chopped for the first time: now the axe is dull; say "The axe just bounces off the bell which by the way DOESN'T get rung. You have damaged the axe and it has become useless as either a weapon or a tool. You were smart enough to chop the mast so you don't really need it any more.". instead of attacking the bell when the bell is unrung and the axe is carried by the player and the mast is chopped: say "You've done enough damage to the axe for one day.". instead of attacking the bell when the bell is unrung: increase the ringtimes of the bell by 1; award 250 points; now the TourGuide is in the location; now the Key is carried by the TourGuide; now the summoning whistle is carried by the TourGuide; now the bell is rung; say "You hit the bell so hard with the hammer, that its tone resounds throughout the entire area. A fine mist materializes and when it disperses a man known as the TourGuide appears and you notice that the lettering on the sign has changed and you receive 250 points for doing so.". instead of attacking the bell when the ringtimes of the bell is 3: say "[/bt]HEY Sailor!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!! LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN!!!!! You're all done ringing that[/l] (CENSORED!) bell in this Module! Kapiche? Comprende? Fehr Shtaydt?" instead of attacking the bell when the ringtimes of the bell is 2: increase the ringtimes of the bell by 1; say "[/bt]Blam!!! Blam!!![/l] The TourGuide takes out his revolver and shoots[/l] you deader than a doornail. You are instantly resurrected. He screams at you:[/l] 'HEY Sailor!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!! LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN!!!!! You're all done ringing that[/l] (CENSORED!) bell in this Module! Kapiche? Comprende? Fehr Shtaydt?'" instead of attacking the bell when the ringtimes of the bell is 1: increase the ringtimes of the bell by 1; say "The TourGuide yells at you: [/p][/bt]'STOP RINGING THAT (CENSORED) BELL![/l] THE NEXT TIME YOU DO, YOU'RE A DEAD SAILOR!'" instead of ringing the bell when the ringtimes of the bell is 3, say "[/bt]'HEY Sailor!!! [/p]LISTEN TO ME!!!!! [/p]LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN!!!!! [/p]You're all done ringing that (CENSORED!) bell in this Demo! [/p]Kapiche? Comprende? Fehr Shtaydt?" instead of ringing the bell when the ringtimes of the bell is 2: increase the ringtimes of the bell by 1; say "[/bt]Blam!!! Blam!!![/l] The TourGuide takes out his revolver and shoots you deader than a doornail. You are instantly resurrected. He screams at you:[/l] 'HEY Sailor!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!! LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN!!!!! You're all done ringing that[/l] (CENSORED!) bell in this Demo! Kapiche? Comprende? Fehr Shtaydt?'" instead of ringing the bell when the ringtimes of the bell is 1: increase the ringtimes of the bell by 1; say "The TourGuide yells at you: [/bt]'STOP RINGING THAT (CENSORED) BELL![/l] THE NEXT TIME YOU DO, YOU'RE A DEAD SAILOR!'". instead of ringing the bell when the rope is tied and the bell is unrung: increase the ringtimes of the bell by 1; now the TourGuide is in the location; now the Key is in the location; now the summoning whistle is carried by the TourGuide; now the Key is carried by the TourGuide; now the bell is rung; say "[/bt]BOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGG![/l] Upon ringing the bell its rich full LOUD tone[/l] resounds throughout the entire area. A fine mist[/l] materializes and when it disperses a man known as the[/l] TourGuide appears and you notice that the lettering on[/l] the sign has changed."; Section 05 - The Crossroads Amphibian Crossroads is a room. the description is "You are at the Crossroads of the Kingdom.[/l] The fiefdoms of Avia Aqua Reptilia Rodentia[/l] and the capital city of Regalia are accessed from this point.". instead of going nowhere in Crossroads: say "All you can do is talk to the King." a cross_sign is fixed in place in Crossroads. "You see a sign here.". the printed name is "crossroads sign". understand "crossroads sign", "crossroads" as the cross_sign. the description is "There is the obligatory large well painted sign here.". understand "sign" or "lettering" or "message" or "posting" as the cross_sign. instead of reading the cross_sign: say " AVIA AQUA[/l]"; say " \ /[/l]"; say " \ /[/l]"; say " \ /[/l]"; say " X -----------REGALIA[/l]"; say " / \[/l]"; say " / \[/l]"; say " / \[/l]"; say " REPTILIA RODENTIA[/l] [/l] X = YOU ARE HERE ! ! ! [/l][/l][variable letter spacing]". an man called King Kenneth is in Crossroads. understand "lizard" or "ruler" or "man" or "Ken" or "Kenny" as Kenneth. the description is "King Kenneth the 44th who is the king of this realm is here.[/l] He is of the lizard variety, more like an iquana type.". instead of kicking Kenneth: say "The King kicks you back extremely hard in a very sensitive spot and you spend the next 5 minutes or so doubled over in excruciating pain.". instead of talking to King: end the story finally saying "The King says to you: 'The object of the game is to find the four parts of the game winning scroll. There is one part hidden in each of the four caves in the 4 fiefdoms. When you have all 4 parts then you issue the command 'ASSEMBLE SCROLL'. Do not try to read it because you can[']t. Only I can read it. You need to bring it to me in the City of Regalia. I will be in front of my castle. Then: [/l]GIVE SCROLL TO KING [/l]KING, READ SCROLL. I will read the message on the scroll.You have now WON and FINISHED the game. You will need to follow me to the password chamber for the passwords so you can finish the commercial game when you purchase the CD. [/p] Good Luck Sailor!!!! he exclaims,and then disappears in cloud of smoke. The Demo is over."; Section 06 - Game Object Storage Area Storage is a room. a smelly rags is in Storage. the indefinite article is "some". the rags is either torn or untorn. the rags is untorn. understand "rag" or "uniform" or "sewer" or "garbage" or "dump" or "cesspool" or "toilet" or "clothes" as the rags. the description of the rags is "Your former uniform has turned into a bunch of smelly rags which smell worse than a toilet, sewer, garbage dump,and cesspool combined!". instead of dropping or taking off the rags, say "You are unable to remove the rags from your body. There is a way to get rid of them however, and you need to very soon or you will die from the smell!" the smelly rags has a number called ragturns. the ragturns of the smelly rags is 11. every turn when the smelly rags is worn: decrease the ragturns of the smelly rags by 1. every turn when the smelly rags is worn: if the ragturns of the smelly rags is 9, say "[/l]You're starting to become nauseous.". every turn when the smelly rags is worn: if the ragturns of the smelly rags is 8, say "You're at the puking stage!". every turn when the smelly rags is worn: if the ragturns of the smelly rags is 7, say "Your eyes start to roll in their sockets!". every turn when the smelly rags is worn: if the ragturns of the smelly rags is less than 7, say "Hey Sailor you only have [ragturns of the smelly rags] turns left to get rid of those smelly rags before the smell kills you.". every turn when the smelly rags is worn and the ragturns of the smelly rags is 0: say "The stench of your rags has finally killed you."; end the game in death. instead of tearing the rags for the first time: now the rags is torn; remove the smelly rags from play; now the d-rags is in the location; say "You tear the smelly rags off your body. [/l]They disintegrate into nothingness.". the d-rags is in Storage. the d-rags is scenery. understand "rags" as the d-rags. instead of tearing the d-rags, say "What rags? They are histwah!". instead of smelling the rags when the rags is untorn, try smelling the odor. instead of smelling the d-rags, say "What rags? They are histwah!". instead of examining the d-rags, say "The rags are history and can no longer be examined." a closed openable wearable container called a coin purse is in the backpack. the description is "This purse is purple velveteen like that of a[/l] Seagrams Crown Royal container and is fairly heavy,[/l] It has a picture of a round yellow coin on it and can also be worn.". a gold coins is in the coin purse. the indefinite article is "some". the gold coins has a number called qty. the qty of the gold coins is 6500. instead of counting the coins, say "There are [qty of the coins] coins in the purse.". instead of inserting something into the coin purse: if the noun is not the gold coins, say "The only things that fit in the purse are coins!"; instead of inserting the coin purse into something which is not the backpack, say "The purse can only be placed back in the backpack.". instead of taking off the coin purse when the coin purse is worn, say "For your own safety the Game Designer feels that you should[/l] wear the purse at all times. You will be able to remove it in the[/l] commercial version of the game.". a closed openable container called a boombox is in the backpack. the printed name is "Boom Box". understand "boomer" or "box" or "boom box" as the boombox. the description is "This explosives box (AKA 'boomer' or 'boom box') contains highly unstable explosives. It has some printing on it.". instead of inserting something which is not an explosive into the boombox, say "Only fuses & explosives go in the box!". instead of inserting the boombox into something which is not the backpack, say "The Boom Box can only be stored in the backpack.". instead of reading the boombox, say "[/bt]F I S B E E E X P L O S I V E S C O.[/p]D A N G E R !!!! [/p]H I G H E X P L O S I V E S[/p]HANDLE WITH CARE !!!! [/p]The life you don't blow up may be your own![/rt]". an explosive is a kind of thing. an explosive called a bfuse is in the boombox. understand "fuse" or "fuses" as the bfuse. the indefinite article is "several". the printed name is "bomb fuses". the plural of bfuse is fuses. the bfuse has a number called the fnum. the fnum of the bfuse is 4. the bfuse is either lit or unlit. the bfuse is unlit. the bfuse is either taken or untaken. the description is "These fuses are used to set off the bomb. They are of the generic long white stringy type which happen also to be waterproof,shockproof, idiotproof and fail-safe. You need to read the survival manual to learn how to use them.". instead of counting the bfuse: say "[if the fnum of the bfuse is not 0] There are [fnum of the bfuse] bomb fuses left in the box.[end if] [if the fnum of the bfuse is 1] There is 1 bomb fuse left in the box.[end if] [if the fnum of the bfuse is 0] There are no fuses left in the box.[end if]" instead of detaching the bfuse when the bomb is fused, say "You can not remove the fuse from the bomb once it's attached.". instead of taking the bfuse when the bomb is fused, say "You can not remove the fuse from the bomb once it's attached.". instead of removing the bfuse from the bomb when the bomb is fused, say "You can not remove the fuse from the bomb once it's attached.". instead of taking a bfuse when the bfuse is untaken: now the bfuse is taken; decrease the fnum of the bfuse by 1; say "you have [fnum of the bfuse] left in the box.". instead of inserting the bfuse into the boombox when the bomb is unfused: increase the fnum of the bfuse by 1; say "You place the fuse back in the box.". instead of taking a bfuse when the bfuse is taken, say "You already have a fuse!" instead of tying the bfuse to the bomb when the bomb is fused, say "The bomb already has a fuse attached to it." instead of tying the bfuse to the bomb when the bomb is unfused: now the bomb is fused; decrease the fnum of the bfuse by 1; move bfuse to the player; now the boombox is closed; say "You remove a fuse from the box and then close the box.[/l] There are [fnum of the bfuse] fuses left in the box.". instead of burning the bfuse when the bomb is unfused, say "You need to attach the fuse to the bomb first.". instead of burning the bfuse when the bomb is fused: now the bfuse is lit; say "You light the fuse. You can now detonate the bomb at will.". instead of inserting the bfuse into something which is not the boombox, say "The fuse can only be stored in the Explosives Box!" instead of inserting the bfuse into the boombox: increase the fnum of the bfuse by 1; now the bfuse is in the BoomBox; say "You replace the fuse back in the box.[/l] There are [fnum of the bfuse] fuses in the box." instead of tying the bfuse to the bomb when the bomb is unloaded, say "You need to load the bomb first." instead of tying the bfuse to the bomb when the bomb is open, say "You need to close the bomb before you do that.". instead of tying the bfuse to the bomb: if the fnum of the bfuse is 0, say "You have no fuses left!". instead of tying the bfuse to the bomb: if the bfuse is not carried by the player, say "You haven't got the fuse!". instead of tying the bfuse to the bomb: if the bomb is fused, say "The fuse is already attached!". instead of tying the bfuse to the bomb: if the bomb is open, say "You need to close the bomb first!". instead of tying the bfuse to the bomb: if the bomb is loaded and the bomb is closed, now the bomb is armed; now the bomb is fused; say "You attach the fuse to the loaded bomb it is now armed!". an explosive called a dynamite is in the boombox. the indefinite article is "a bundle of". understand "tnt" as the dynamite. the description is " This dynamite is so powerful, that just a little dab'll do ya just like Brylcream.". instead of taking the dynamite when the dynamite is in the bomb, say "You can't unload the bomb once you've loaded it."; instead of inserting the dynamite into the bomb, say "Please rephrase that to LOAD BOMB WITH TNT.". instead of loading the bomb with the dynamite when the dynamite is not carried by the player, say "You haven't got [the second noun]!" instead of loading the bomb with the dynamite when the bomb is closed, say "The bomb ain't open!"; instead of loading the bomb with the dynamite when the bomb is open and the bomb is unloaded: remove the dynamite from play; now the bomb is loaded; now the bomb is closed; say "You load the bomb with the dynamite and then close it.". an explosive called a nitro is in the BoomBox. the indefinite article is "some unstable". understand "nitroglycerine" as the nitro. the description is "This nitroglycerine is just what the doctor ordered for blowing up things etc.". instead of taking the nitro when the nitro is in the bomb, say "You can't unload the bomb once you've loaded it.". instead of inserting the nitro into the bomb, say "Please rephrase that to LOAD BOMB WITH NITRO.". instead of loading the bomb with the nitro when the bomb is open and the bomb is unloaded and the nitro is carried by the player: remove the nitro from play; now the bomb is loaded; now the bomb is closed; say "You load the bomb with the nitroglycerine and close it". instead of loading the bomb with the nitro when the nitro is not carried by the player, say "You haven't got [the second noun]!". instead of loading the bomb with the nitro when the Bomb is closed, say "The bomb ain't open!" an explosive called a French plastic is in the BoomBox. the indefinite article is "a quantity of". understand "C4" or "plastique" as the plastic. the description is "This explosive is also known as C4 (or plastique) which comes from France's finest chemical warfare factories.". instead of taking the plastic when the plastic is in the bomb, say "You can't unload the bomb once you've loaded it.". instead of inserting the plastic into the bomb, say "Please rephrase that to LOAD BOMB WITH PLASTIC.". instead of loading the bomb with the plastic when the bomb is open and the bomb is unloaded and the plastic is carried by the player: remove the plastic from play; now the bomb is loaded; now the bomb is closed; say "You load the bomb with the French plastic and then close it.". instead of loading the bomb with the plastic when the plastic is not carried by the player, say "You haven't got [the second noun]!". instead of loading the bomb with the plastic when the Bomb is closed, say "The bomb ain't open!" a closed openable container called a woodbag is in the backpack. the printed name is "wood bag". understand "woodie" or "bag" as the woodbag. the description is "The wood bag (or 'woodie') has some printing on it.". instead of reading the woodbag: say "[/l ][/bt]F I S B E E W O O D P R O D U C T S[/p]". a wearable thing called a spare uniform is in the backpack. understand "clothes" or "outfit" or "duds" as the spare uniform. the description is "This uniform is an identical to the one you were[/l] wearing at the start of this grand little adventure." instead of tearing the spare uniform, say "Don't you dare tear that uniform. It's all you've got for now." instead of wearing the spare when the smelly rags is worn, say "Not till you've gotten rid of those smelly rags Sailor!" instead of smelling the spare uniform, say "This spare uniform doesn't smell anything at all like the ragged one you destroyed. It smells like April freshness !"; before taking off the spare uniform, say "Since nudity is NOT Allowed in the Kingdom, and is punishable by immediate death if viewed by the King, Queen, Manorlords, or TourGuide,the Game Designer feels that you should wear the Uniform at all times. You will be able to remove it when you purchase the CD, and thus expose youself to danger ! ! !" instead. a naval rope is in the backpack. understand "hemp" as the rope. the rope is either coiled or uncoiled. the rope is coiled. the rope is either tied or untied. the rope is untied. the rope is either cut or uncut. the rope is uncut. the description of the rope is "This hemp rope is just the ticket for those who are into tying things up. [/l]It is 10 feet long and is [if rope is coiled]coiled up. [else]uncoiled. [end if]". instead of inserting the rope into something which is not the backpack, say "That only goes in the backpack!". instead of inserting the uncoiled rope into the backpack, say "You need to coil the rope before replacing it in the backpack." instead of cutting the rope when the rope is cut, say "You're all done cutting the rope in this game!". instead of cutting the rope when the rope is untied, say "The rope isn't tied to anything!". instead of cutting the rope with something when the rope is untied, say "The rope isn't tied to anything!". instead of cutting the rope when the rope is tied and the switchsword is not carried and the knife is not carried by the player, say "You have nothing to cut the rope off the bell with.". instead of cutting the rope when the rope is tied and the knife is carried by the player, try cutting the rope with the knife. instead of cutting the rope with something when the rope is tied: if the switchsword is carried by the player or the knife is carried by the player, now the naval rope is carried by the player; now the rope is untied; now the rope is cut; say "You cut the rope off of the bell."; instead of taking the rope when the rope is tied, say "You have tremendous difficulty removing the rope from the bell. [/l]there is a way to remove it though.". instead of uncoiling the rope: if the rope is uncoiled begin; say "The rope is already uncoiled!"; else; now the rope is uncoiled; say "You uncoil the rope."; end if. instead of coiling the rope: if the rope is coiled begin; say "The rope is already coiled!"; else; now the rope is coiled; say "You coil the rope."; end if. instead of pulling the rope when the rope is tied, try ringing the bell. instead of ringing the bell when the rope is untied, say "The bell must be rung indirectly. ". instead of ringing the bell when the rope is tied: say "BOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGG![/l] Upon ringing the bell its rich full LOUD tone[/l] resounds throughout the entire area. A fine mist[/l] materializes and when it disperses a man known as the[/l] TourGuide appears and you notice that the lettering on[/l] the sign has changed."; instead of pulling the rope when the rope is untied, say "Pulling on the rope does you absolutely no good." instead of pulling the rope when the rope is tied, try ringing the bell. instead of tying the rope to the bell when the rope is cut, say "You're done with that puzzle.[/l]Get on with the game!". instead of tying the rope to the bell when the rope is coiled, say "You need to uncoil the rope before you can tie it to the bell.". instead of tying the rope to the bell when the rope is uncoiled: now the rope is tied; now the rope is in the Welcome Area; say "You tie the rope to the bell.". instead of inserting the club into something which is not the weapons pouch, say "That only goes in the weapons pouch!" instead of inserting the torch into something which is not the woodbag, say "That only goes in the wood bag!" instead of inserting the firewood into something which is not the woodbag, say "That only goes in the wood bag!" a firewood is in Storage. understand "wood" as the firewood. the indefinite article is "some". the description is "This wood will be used later in your travels for firewood and building materials.". instead of burning the firewood, say "You don't need to light the firewood in the freeware version.". a torch is in Storage. understand "body" as the torch. the torch has a number called tturns. the tturns of the torch is 101. the torch is either lit or unlit. the torch is unlit. the description is "[if torch is unlit]This torch body is your only source of light for the freeware module.[/l] It is currently unlit and has been designed to last for exactly 100 turns. [else] The torch is is lit and has [tturns of the torch] turns left before expiring.[end if]". every turn when the torch is lit: decrease the tturns of the torch by 1; if the tturns of the torch is 15: say "You now have 15 turns left before your torch goes out. Hope you have more matches."; else if the tturns of torch is 0: now the torch is unlit; now the tturns of the torch is 100; now the torch is unlit; say "The torch has extinguished itself. Hopefully you still have some unstruck matches left." after dropping a lit torch: now the torch is unlit; now the tturns of the torch is 100; say "You drop the torch and it automatically goes out.[/l] We can't have you burning down the Kingdom now can we? You'll have to relight it!". instead of dropping an unlit torch: now the torch is in the location; say "You drop the torch. Better pick it up!". instead of burning the torch when the torch is not carried, say "You need to take the torch before you light it.". instead of burning the torch: if the smatch is not carried by the player, say "Hey Booby you ain't got a lit match in your hot widdle paddies!". instead of burning the torch when the smatch is visible and the smatch is unstruck, say "Hey Booby the match ain't lit!". instead of burning a lit torch, say "Hey Booby!!![/l] The torch is already lit, !!![/l] PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!!" instead of burning the torch with the smatch, try burning the torch. instead of burning an unlit torch when the torch is not carried by the player, say "You need to take the torch before lighting it." instead of burning an unlit torch: if a lit smatch is carried by the player, now the torch is lit; now the tturns of the torch is 101; say "You light the torch. It will last for 100 turns before it expires.". instead of burning a lit torch, say "Hey Booby! Get some glasses! The torch is already lit!" . instead of extinguishing a lit torch: now the torch is unlit; say "You extinguish the torch. You will get a fresh set of 100 turns when you re-light it." instead of extinguishing an unlit torch: say "Say there you Big Silly! How do you extinguish a torch that ain't lit?". instead of burning something with a lit torch, say "Arson is not permitted in the Kingdom.". instead of burning something, try burning the noun with the torch. instead of burning something which is not the torch with the torch, say "Arson is NOT allowed in the freeware version of this game." a Key is carried by the TourGuide. the printed name is "ignition key". understand "key" as the Key. the Key unlocks the tchest and the gchest. the key is either inserted or uninserted. the key is uninserted. the description is "This multipurpose key is made of pure gold/silver alloy to make it sturdy enough for use. It is very valuable and in fact could even be used as money. Anyone who wanted to buy it would have to pay 1000 gold coins for it.". instead of inserting the Key into the cablock: now the key is inserted; now the Key is part of the cablock; say "You insert the key into the cabinet lock.". instead of inserting the Key into the switch: if the key is carried by yourself: now the key is inserted; now the Key is part of the switch; say "You insert the key in the ignition switch."; else if the key is part of the cablock: say "Unitl you remove it from the cabinet lock that ain't happening!"; else if the key is not carried by yourself: say "You haven't got the key." instead of taking the Key when the Tourguide is unpaid, say "Milo says: 'Not till you[']ve paid me!'" instead of taking the Key when the switch is inserted, say "Better turn it and get on with the game.". instead of taking the Key when the key is inserted: if the key is part of the Cablock: now the key is uninserted; now the Key is carried by the player; say "You remove the key from the cabinet lock."; else if the key is part of switch: now the key is uninserted; now the Key is carried by the player; say "You remove the key from the [switch]."; instead of turning the key when the key is part of the cablock: if the key is part of the cablock: if the cabinet is locked: now the cabinet is unlocked; say "You unlock the cabinet."; else: now the cabinet is locked; say "You re-lock the cabinet."; instead of turning the Key when the key is part of the switch: if yourself is unseated: remove the carpet from play; end the story finally saying "The carpet takes off without you! [/p] GAME OVER MAN!"; else if the player is seated: if the backpack is enclosed by the player: now the key is carried by the player; now the player is unseated; now the carpet is rolled; now the carpet is in the backpack; now the key is uninserted; now the cpanel is closed; now the cpanel is in Storage; say "As you turn the key you hear what sounds like jet turbines starting up. Quickly the carpet rises and starts floating out over this vast land. When it lands you are now in the Crossroads Area of the Kingdom. You roll up the carpet, remove the key from the switch, and place the Carpet in the backpack."; now the player is in Crossroads; else: end the story finally saying "You take off without your Backpack and it's GAME OVER MAN!"; a closed openable container called a cpanel is in Storage. the printed name is "control panel". understand "controls" or "writing" or "control" or "panel" as the cpanel. the description is "This panel looks like it used very little.[/l] In fact its probably been used only once or twice!!!! There is some writing on the panel." instead of inserting something into the Cpanel, say "You cannot put anything new in the panel." instead of reading the Cpanel: say " MAGIC CARPET INSTRUCTIONS [/l]To operate carpet: [/l]1. Sit on Carpet [/l]2. Open Panel [/l]3. INSERT Key in Ignition Switch [/l]4. Turn Key[/p]". an ignition switch is in the cpanel. the description is "[if the key is uninserted]There is an automotive-type ignition switch here in need of a key. [else]There is an automotive-type switch here with a key in it.[end if]". instead of inserting something which is not the Key into the switch, say "That will not fit in the switch.". after inserting the Key into the ignition switch: now the Ignition switch is inserted; now the Key is part of the switch; say "You insert the key into the switch.". a closed openable container called a toolkit is in the backpack. the printed name is "tool kit". understand "tools" or "kit" as the toolkit. the description of the toolkit is "The tools in this tool kit will all be used at some [/l]point in this module and all 11 others. It has some printing on it.". instead of reading the toolkit, say "[/p]T O O L S[/p]". a tool is a kind of thing. a tool called an axe is in the toolkit. the printed name is "woodsman's axe". understand "ax" or "J72" or "veeblefitzer" as the axe. the axe is either dull or sharp. the axe is sharp. the description is "[if the axe is sharp]This Axe is the standard Veeblefitzer Model J72. It is a double bladed instrument that is extremely sharp,and is shaped in the tradional Norwegian/Swedish Viking pattern. [else] This Axe is the standard Veeblefitzer Model J72. It is a double bladed instrument that was (before you damaged it!) extremely sharp. It was formerly shaped in the traditional Norwegian/Swedish Viking pattern, but is now totally dulled and bent out of shape. In short it is NOW totally useless![end if]". instead of inserting a tool into something which is not the toolkit, say "[The noun] can only be placed back in the tool kit.". a tool called a carpenter's hammer is in the toolkit. the description of the hammer is "This Fizbo Model 554 SlamHammer has been thru the mill [/l]and despite having driven an estimated 100 trillion [/l]nails still looks as new as the day it was manufactured. [/l]Even though it takes two hands to control,it is still very efficient.". a tool called a shovel is in the toolkit. the printed name is "handy shovel". the description of the shovel is "This Yutzy Model 959 Shovel will come in handy [/l]in other modules.It has been implemented here [/l]by the Game Designer so he doesn't forget to include it later." a tool called a sturdy nails is in the toolkit. the indefinite article is "some". the description of the nails is "These nails are not only bulletproof waterproof and foolproof but are also idiotproof and built to excellent standard specs.". a tool called the work gloves is in the toolkit. the work gloves is wearable. the work gloves is plural-named. the indefinite article is "some". the description of the gloves is "These gloves are used for holding all kinds of [/l]icky and very hot objects. They also are good for the [/l]protection of your lily white paddies." a tool called a handy flashlight is in the toolkit. understand "flash" or "light" as the flashlight. the description of the flashlight is "This Handy Flashlight is manufactured by the WhizBang Electrical Company and is run by four standard 'D' cell batteries. It is a red herring and has been rendered inoperable in this freeware module. Since a light source is needed to finish this game, you will have to figure out how to acquire said source. When you purchase the commercial game it will be usable.". instead of burning or switching on the flashlight, say "The batteries have been rendered inoperative for the freeware game.". instead of switching off the flashlight, say "The flashlight is already off and doesnt work anyway since the batteries are worn out!". instead of inserting something which is not a tool into the toolkit, say "That doesn't go in the Tool Kit!". instead of inserting a tool into something which is not the toolkit, say "[The noun] can only be placed back in the tool kit.". a closed openable container called a survival packet is in the backpack. the description is "This survival packet will prove to be a lifesaver.[/l] Don't let it out of your possession. It has some printing on it.". instead of reading the survival packet, say "[/p]N A V Y S U R V I V A L P A C K E T[/p]". instead of inserting the packet into something which is not the backpack, say "The packet can only be placed back in the backpack." a survival manual is in the packet. understand "cover" as the manual. the manual is openable. the manual is either opened or shut. the manual is shut. the description is "This manual is necessary for your survival[/l] in foreign places. You might want to open and read it." instead of inserting something into the manual, say "Nothing fits in the manual." instead of inserting the manual into something which is not the packet, say "The manual can only be placed back in the Survival Packet." instead of reading the manual , say "The manual is currently closed and the printing on the cover says: [/l] N A V A L [/l] S U R V I V A L [/l] M A N U A L [/p]". a toc is part of the survival manual. the printed name of the toc is "table of contents". understand "index" or "contents" or "table of contents" as the toc. the description is "This is the table of contents of the manual." instead of opening the manual: now the manual is opened; say "You open the manual and see the table of contents inside.". instead of reading the toc when the manual is shut: say "You need to open the manual before reading the table of contents.". report reading the toc : say "N A V A L S U R V I V A L M A N U A L RATIONS INFO: CONTENTS OF FOOD POUCH:[/l] BREAD[/l] MEAT[/l] VEGETABLES[/p] WATER BOTTLE (MAX USES = 4 )[/l] MATCHBOX (MAX CAP = 12)[/p]"; say "TOOLS INFO [/l] To use wood axe: (CHOP) OBJECT [/l]To use hammer: (DRIVE) NAILS [/l]To build something: (BUILD) (ASSEMBLE) or (CONSTRUCT) OBJECT THINGS THAT CAN BE BUILT:[/l] 1. RAFTS 5. BATTERING RAMS[/l] 2. SHELTERS 6. FIRES[/l] 3. CATAPULTS 7. BOATS[/l] 4. SIEGE TOWERS 8. VEHICLES[/p]"; say "(Game Designer's note: Nothing can be built in this module.[/l] You'll be be able to build things in the commercial game.)[/p]"; say "WEAPONS INFO NOTE: Only 1 weapon can be taken at a time. Weapons must be TAKE(n) before they can be used. METHODS OF KILLING: [/l]You can use the Sword or Knife to STAB CREATURE [/l]You can use the Mace to BASH CREATURE [/l]You can KILL (CREATURE) WITH (WEAPON)[/p]"; say " To Use CROSSBOW:[/l] 1. TAKE CROSSBOW[/l] 2. TAKE BOLT[/l] 3. LOAD CROSSBOW with BOLT[/l] 4. FIRE (or SHOOT) BOW AT OBJECT or CREATURE[/p]"; say "EXPLOSIVES INFO CONTENTS OF EXPLOSIVES BOX [/l]75 LBS OF NITRO [/l]25 LBS OF TNT [/l]50 LBS OF C4 PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE"; say "[/p]BOMB INFO [/l]BOMB is Guaranteed for as long as you live! TO ARM BOMB:[/l] 1. OPEN BOMB[/l] 2. LOAD BOMB WITH (EXPLOSIVE)[/l] 3. CLOSE BOMB[/l] 4. ATTACH FUSE to BOMB (BOMB IS NOW ARMED and DEADLY ! ! !) TO DISARM BOMB: [/l]Once the bomb is armed it must be DETONATED. [/l]You can NOT disarm it. TO USE BOMB[/l] 1. PLACE BOMB next to|under|inside|behind|on OBJECT[/l] 2. LIGHT FUSE[/l] 3. DETONATE BOMB[/p]". an edible thing called a food is in the survival packet. the printed name is "survival food". the indefinite article is "some". the description is "The food is very tasty and will come in handy when[/l] you are nowhwere near any food sources." instead of inserting the food into something which is not the packet, say "The food can only be placed back in the Survival Packet.". instead of eating the food, say "You have eaten a portion of the food and have some left over." a closed openable container called a water bottle is in the survival packet. understand "canteen" as the water bottle. the description is "The bottle (actually a canteen) has a maximum life of 4 uses. Please use them wisely. It is of course refillable at various sources of fresh water." instead of filling the water bottle: if the drinks of the freshwater is greater than 0, say "The canteen isn't empty yet![/l] You still have [drinks of the freshwater] uses left before its empty!"; instead of filling the water bottle when the water bottle is closed, say "You need to open the canteen before you fill it!" instead of filling the water bottle: if the drinks of the bottle is 0, now the drinks of the freshwater is 4; move the freshwater to the water bottle; say "You refill the canteen". instead of inserting the bottle into something which is not the packet, say "The water bottle can only be placed back in the Survival Packet." a freshwater is in the water bottle. the indefinite article is "some". the printed name is "fresh water". understand "fresh" and "water" and "potable" and "drinkable" as the freshwater. the description is "There is a quantity of fresh potable water here.". the freshwater has a number called drinks. the drinks of the freshwater is 4. before drinking the freshwater: if the drinks of the freshwater is 0, remove the freshwater from play; say "The canteen is empty. You can refill it elsewhere in the Kingdom.". instead of drinking the freshwater: if the drinks of the freshwater is greater than 0, decrease the drinks of the freshwater by 1; say "You take a drink from the canteen.[/l] It is extremely cold and very refreshing.[/l] You have [drinks of the freshwater] uses left before you need to refill your canteen." a closed openable container called a colorful matchbox is in the survival packet. the printed name is "matchbox". understand "match box" or "box" as the matchbox. the description is "This colorful matchbox has a picture of a huge match on it.". instead of opening the matchbox: now the matchbox is open; say "You open the matchbox revealing [/l] [qty of the matchbox] unstruck Matches[/l]and [burnouts of the matchbox] burned out matches.". the matchbox has a number called qty. the qty of the matchbox is 12. the matchbox has a number called burnouts. the burnouts of the matchbox is 0. instead of reading the matchbox, say "All you can see is the picture of the huge match.". instead of searching the matchbox, say "You search the matchbox revealing [/l] [qty of the matchbox] unstruck matches and [/l] [burnouts of the matchbox] burned out matches.". after deciding the scope of the player: if the matchbox is in the location, place the smatch in scope. a smatch is in the Matchbox. understand "match" or "matches" or "sulphur" or "sulfur" as the smatch. the printed name is "sulphur match". the plural of smatch is matches. the printed plural name is "sulphur matches". the smatch is either struck,unstruck or burnedout. the smatch is unstruck. the smatch has a number called burntime. the burntime of the smatch is 10. the description is "[if smatch is unstruck]This is a very colorful sulphur match which will last exactly 10 turns before burning out[/l] or you can extinguish it anytime before that. [else]The match has been struck and has [burntime of the smatch] turns left before it self-extinguishes.[end if]" instead of taking the smatch: decrease the qty of the matchbox by 1; now the smatch is carried by the player; say "You remove a match from the box.". instead of taking the smatch when the smatch is carried by the player, say "You've already got one.". every turn when the smatch is struck: decrease the burntime of the smatch by 1. every turn when the burntime of the smatch is 0: increase the burnouts of the matchbox by 1; now the matchbox is closed; now the smatch is in the matchbox; now the smatch is unstruck; now the smatch is unlit; now the burntime of the smatch is 10; say "The lit match has gone out by itelf.[/l] You place the extinguished match back in the matchbox, and have [qty of the matchbox] unstruck matches left for your further use.[/l] You then close the matchbox." check burning the smatch: if the smatch is not carried by the player, say "You don't have one in your hands."; stop. instead of burning an smatch, say "Try STRIKE or IGNITE MATCH.". instead of dropping the smatch, say "No littering is allowed in the kingdom. Place the match back in the matchbox or the game will do it for you automatically if it self-extinguishes." instead of striking the smatch: if the smatch is not carried by the player, say "You haven't got the match in your hands."; instead of striking an unstruck smatch: now the smatch is struck; now the smatch is lit; say "You strike the match.". instead of striking a lit smatch, say "The match is already lit.". instead of blowing out the smatch, try extinguishing the smatch. instead of extinguishing a lit smatch: now the smatch is unstruck; now the smatch is unlit; now the smatch is burnedout; increase the burnouts of the matchbox by 1; say "You extinguish the match.". instead of extinguishing an unstruck smatch, say "The match is already extinguished.". after inserting an unlit smatch into the matchbox: increase the qty of the matchbox by 1; say "You replace the unstruck match back in the matchbox." before inserting a burnedout smatch into the matchbox: now the smatch is unstruck; now the smatch is in the matchbox; say "You replace the burned out match into the matchbox."; stop. instead of inserting a lit smatch into the matchbox: remove the matchbox from play; remove the smatch from play; say "WHOOOOOSH! The matchbox goes up in flames. You are without the capability of re-lighting your torch. Either restore from a saved game or start over.". instead of taking the smatch when the matchbox is closed: say "The matchbox ain't open!". instead of counting or examining the smatch when the matchbox is closed or the smatch is not visible: say "The matchbox ain't open!". instead of searching the matchbox when the matchbox is closed: say "The matchbox ain't open!". instead of striking the smatch when the smatch is not carried by the player, say "You haven't got a match!". instead of counting the smatch: say "There are [/l] [qty of the matchbox] unstruck Matches and [/l] [burnouts of the matchbox] burned out matches.". a closed openable container called a weapons pouch is in the backpack. the description is "This pouch contains the means of your protection. [/l]It has some printing on it.". instead of reading the weapons pouch, say "[/p]W E A P O N S[/p]" instead of inserting something into the weapons pouch: if the noun is not a weapon or the noun is not the quiver, say "Only weapons and the quiver go in the pouch.". instead of inserting the pouch into something which is not the backpack, say "[The noun] can only be placed back in the backpack". a weapon is a kind of container. a weapon can be openable. a weapon is usually not openable. check opening a weapon which is not the bomb: say "[The noun] can't be opened." instead. instead of inserting a weapon into something which is not the pouch, say "[The noun] can only be placed back in the Weapons Pouch.". a weapon called a deadly mace is in the weapons pouch. the description is "This mace is used for bashing only." a weapon called a club is in Storage. the printed name is "wooden club". the description is "This massive club can kill a dinosaur if used correctly and violently. It is primarily used for bashing unfriendlies.". a person is either equipped or unequipped. a person is usually unequipped. after taking a weapon: now the player is equipped; say "Taken.". after dropping a weapon: now the player is unequipped; say "Dropped.". instead of inserting a weapon into the pouch: now the player is unequipped; now the noun is in the pouch; say "You stow the [noun] back in the weapons pouch.". instead of taking a weapon when the player is equipped, if the noun is not the weapon carried by the player, say "Only 1 weapon at a time can be taken.". before taking a weapon when the player is equipped: if the noun is carried by the player, say "You've already got [the noun].". a weapon called a switchsword is in the pouch. understand "sword" as the switchsword. the printed name is "switch sword". the description is "This sword is like a switchblade except that it is sword-sized with an retractable blade (similar to a stiletto). It is a Minzelfrotz Model Q57 manufactured only 2 years ago and is very very sharp.". a weapon called a knife is in the pouch. the printed name is "sailor's knife". understand "blade" as the knife. the description is "This a medium to full sized knife like as seen in Crocodile Dundee. (the first one) NOW THAT'S A KNIFE! ! !" a weapon called a self-regenerating bomb is in the weapons pouch. the bomb is openable. the bomb is either fused or unfused. the bomb is either loaded or unloaded. the bomb is either armed or unarmed. the bomb is unfused,unloaded, and unarmed. the bomb has a number called uses. the uses of the bomb is 3. after opening the bomb: now the bomb is open; say "You open the bomb.". instead of examining the bomb when the uses of the bomb is not 0 and the bomb is unarmed: say " This UNARMED bomb is very powerful and is used for offensive as well as demolition purposes. It has tremendous explosive power depending upon what you place in it. Because of it's small size it makes you appreciate the genius of the mad scientist who designed it. It's most unique feature is that when you have blown something up, it regenerates waiting for the next explosive to be placed inside. It has some printing on it and it has a total of [uses of the bomb] uses left." instead of examining the bomb when uses of the bomb is 1 and the bomb is unarmed: say "This UNARMED bomb is very powerful and is used for offensive as well as demolition purposes. It has tremendous explosive power depending upon what you place in it. Because of it's small size it makes you appreciate the genius of the mad scientist who designed it. It's most unique feature is that when you have blown something up, it regenerates waiting for the next explosive to be placed inside. It has some printing on it and it has only 1 use left." instead of examining the bomb when the bomb is armed and the uses of the bomb is greater than 1, say "The bomb is now ARMED the printing on it has changed and it still has a total of [uses of the bomb] uses left in it.". instead of examining the bomb when the bomb is armed and the uses of the bomb is 1: say " The bomb is now ARMED the printing on it has changed and it has only 1 use left.". instead of examining the bomb when uses of the bomb is 0: say "The bomb is once again UNARMED and has been used up.". instead of kicking the bomb when the bomb is loaded and the nitro is in the bomb: say "You kick the loaded bomb with the nitro in it and blow yourself to smithereens!"; end the game in death. instead of disarming the bomb when the bomb is unarmed, say "It ain't armed!" instead of disarming the bomb when the bomb is armed, say "The bomb can not be disarmed. Better use it." instead of reading the armed bomb, say "The printing on the device reads: [/l][/l] F I S B E E D E M O L I T I O N C O MODEL JX 7544 SELF-REGENERATING BOMB BOMB IS CURRENTLY ARMED" instead of reading the loaded bomb, say "The printing on the device reads: F I S B E E D E M O L I T I O N C O MODEL JX 7544 SELF-REGENERATING BOMB BOMB IS CURRENTLY LOADED". instead of reading the unloaded bomb, say "The printing on the device reads: F I S B E E D E M O L I T I O N C O MODEL JX 7544 SELF-REGENERATING BOMB BOMB IS CURRENTLY UNLOADED". instead of inserting something which is not an explosive into the bomb, say "Only explosives go in the bomb.". instead of loading the bomb when the bomb is loaded, say "The bomb is already loaded with other explosives!" instead of loading the bomb, say "What do you want to load the bomb with?". instead of loading the bomb with something: if the second noun is not an explosive, say "That's not something you can put into the bomb!". instead of loading the bomb with something when the bomb is closed, say "You need to open the bomb first." instead of loading the bomb with something when the bomb is open: now the noun is in the bomb; now the bomb is loaded; say "You load the bomb with [the second noun].". instead of detonating the bomb when the bomb is unarmed: say "The bomb hasn't been armed yet.". instead of detonating the bomb when the uses of the bomb is 0, say "Sorry sailor the bomb has no more uses left.". instead of detonating the bomb when the bomb is unloaded, say "Not till you load the bomb, attach a fuse and then light it.". instead of detonating the bomb: if the bomb is loaded and the bomb is unfused, say "Not until you attach a fuse to the bomb and then light it". instead of detonating the bomb when the bfuse is unlit, say "You need to light the fuse first.". instead of detonating the bomb: if the bomb is loaded and the bomb is fused and the bfuse is lit, decrease the uses of the bomb by 1; move the bfuse to the boombox; now the bfuse is unlit; now the bomb is unfused; now the bomb is unarmed; now the bomb is unloaded; say "BOOM! You detonate the bomb.". instead of opening the bomb when the bomb is closed and the bomb is loaded, say "You can't back down now. You have to go ahead and finish prepping the bomb.". a weapon called a trusty crossbow is in the weapons pouch. understand "bow" as the crossbow. the crossbow is either loaded or unloaded. the crossbow is unloaded. the description is "This is the Aching Truss Company's Handy-Dandy Model 959.[/l] It is currently [if crossbow is loaded] loaded. [else] unloaded [end if]" instead of inserting the crossbow into something which is not a container, say "the crossbow can only be placed back in the Weapons Pouch.". instead of shooting the crossbow when the crossbow is not carried by the player, say "You need to take the bow before you can shoot it."; instead of shooting the crossbow when the crossbow is unloaded, say "The crossbow ain't loaded!" instead of shooting the crossbow when the qty of the quiver is 0, say "You are out of bolts Sailor!" instead of shooting the player with the crossbow, say "C[']mon! You ain[']t suicidal are you?" instead of shooting the crossbow at the player, say "C[']mon! You ain[']t suicidal are you?" instead of shooting the crossbow: say "What do you want to fire the bow at?". instead of shooting the crossbow at a person who is not the player, say "Don't even think of it! You need to finish this game[/l] and if you don't stop being silly I will slap you silly!" instead of shooting the crossbow at something: now the crossbow is unloaded; say "You fire the bow at the [second noun]. The bolt sticks in it.". instead of loading the crossbow when the crossbow is loaded, say " The bow is already loaded."; instead of loading the crossbow when the qty of the quiver is 0, say "You're out of bolts." instead of loading the crossbow with something which is not the cbolt, say "[The second noun] doesn't go in crossbow.". instead of loading the crossbow with the cbolt, try loading the crossbow. instead of loading the crossbow: now the crossbow is loaded; say "You load the Crossbow.". instead of unloading the crossbow when the crossbow is unloaded, say "But the Crossbow isn't loaded." instead of unloading the crossbow when the crossbow is loaded, say "You decide to fire the bow at something.". a weapon called a machine gun is in the weapons pouch. the description is "The Machine Gun can NOT be used in this module.". instead of doing anything except examining to the machine gun, say "You can't do anything except examining the Machine Gun in this module.". a weapon called a porta cannon is in the weapons pouch. the description is "This is a small portable cannon. very similar to a bazooka. It can NOT be used in this module." instead of doing anything except examining to the porta cannon, say "You can't do anything except examining the porta cannon in this module.". an open wearable container called a quiver is in the weapons pouch. the printed name is "bolt quiver". the description is "This a quiver to hold the bolts that go in your crossbow. [if the qty of the quiver is 0]The quiver is empty.[end if]". the quiver has a number called qty. the qty of the quiver is 3. instead of dropping the quiver: if the quiver is carried by the player begin; now the quiver is in the location; say "You drop the quiver on the ground at your feet."; else; say "But you don't have the quiver."; end if. instead of opening the quiver, say "The quiver has no cover or lid and is perpetually open." instead of closing the quiver: say "The quiver has no cover or lid and can not be closed." instead of inserting something which is not a cbolt into the quiver, say "Only bolts go in the quiver!" instead of inserting the cbolt into the quiver when the cbolt is taken, say "Since you've already taken the bolt you decide to load the bow." instead of unloading the crossbow when the crossbow is loaded, say "You decide to leave the bolt in the bow." instead of searching the quiver: if the qty of the quiver is not 0 begin; say "The quiver has [qty of the quiver] bolts left in it."; else; say "The quiver is empty."; end if. instead of inserting the quiver into something which is not the weapons pouch, say "The quiver can only be placed back in the Weapons Pouch.". a cbolt is a kind of thing. the printed name of the cbolt is "crossbow bolt". understand "bolt" or "bolts" as the cbolt. three cbolts are in the quiver. the description is "This bolt is 1 foot long and is one of the deadliest weapons in your arsenal.". instead of inserting the cbolt into the quiver when the cbolt is taken, say "Since you've taken the bolt, you need to load the bow!". instead of taking the cbolt when the crossbow is loaded, say "Fire the bolt in the crossbow before you take another.". instead of taking the cbolt when the cbolt is taken, say "You already have a bolt in your hand.". instead of taking a taken cbolt: say "You've already got one.". instead of taking the cbolt when the qty of the quiver is not 0: decrease the qty of the quiver by 1; say "You take the Crossbow Bolt. There are [qty of the quiver] bolts left in the quiver.". instead of taking the cbolt when the qty of the quiver is 1: now the qty of the quiver is 0; say "You take the crossbow bolt. The quiver is now empty.". instead of counting the cbolt: if the qty of the quiver is not 0 begin; say "There are [qty of the quiver] bolts left in the quiver."; else; say "The quiver is empty."; end if. a man called the TourGuide is in Storage. "Milo, The Amphibian TourGuide is here.". understand "guide" or "tour guide" or "Milo"or "himself" or "man" or "Amphibian" as TourGuide. the TourGuide is either paid or unpaid. the TourGuide is either warned or unwarned. the TourGuide is unpaid and unwarned. the description is "The TourGuide is the Information Officer and Cashier for the King's Tour business. He is an elderly,short and mousey-looking man except for the bulging arms underneath his tunic sleeves. He could be powerful,but then again maybe not. Are those arms just fat ones masquerading as muscles? Who knows? The Game Designer does!!!"; before giving something to TourGuide: if the noun is the gold coins: try buying the Kingdom Tour instead; otherwise: say "The only thing he's interested is your Gold Coins." instead. before taking TourGuide: say "Milo backs away when you try that." instead. instead of asking the TourGuide for the Key: if the TourGuide is unpaid, say "The TourGuide says: 'Pay me first and then you'll get it.". instead of asking the TourGuide for the whistle: if the TourGuide is unpaid, say "The TourGuide says: 'Pay me first and then you'll get it.". instead of asking the TourGuide for the Key: if the TourGuide is paid, say "Hey Booby! I already gave it to you.". instead of asking the TourGuide for the whistle: if the TourGuide is paid, say "Hey Booby! I already gave it to you.". instead of asking the TourGuide for something: say "The TourGuide says: 'The [second noun] is not mine to give you!"; instead of asking the TourGuide about something when the spare uniform is not worn by the player and the TourGuide is unwarned: now the TourGuide is warned; say "The man yells at you:[/l] [/bt]'GET SOME CLOTHES ON BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO WORM FOOD!!![/l] I AIN'T ANSWERING ANY QUESTIONS TILL YOU DO!" instead of asking the TourGuide about something when the spare uniform is not worn by the player and the TourGuide is warned: say "You were told to get some clothes on! Now you're dead."; end the game in death. instead of asking the TourGuide about "bell": say "'This bell weighs in the neighborhood of[/l] around 10 tons. I'm amazed you had the brains to figure out how to ring it.'". instead of asking the TourGuide about "cabinet": say "'The Cabinet is locked to prevent intruders like yourself from[/l] making off with the books. After you've paid me for the Kingdom[/l] Tour (and not a second sooner), you get the key to unlock it and[/l] can ONLY take or read the Kindom Tourbook.'". instead of asking the TourGuide about "carpet": say "'The carpet is indeed a replica of one of Fisbee Magical's best models. It needs a key to be operated. When you pay me for the Tour, I will give you the key to this little beauty. I will explain its use in the other modules when you access them.'" instead of asking the TourGuide about "tour/tours": say "Which do you mean? the Kingdom Tour, the Avia Tour, the Aqua, Tour, The Reptilia Tour, the Rodentia Tour, the Regalia Tour, the Castles Tour, the Caves Tour, the Dungeons, Tour, the Maze Tour, or the Military Tour?". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Kingdom Tour": say "'The cost of this Tour is 1500 gold coins and is the only tour you can take in this demo. I will collect the fee from you and give you the summoning whistle and the key to unlock the cabinet. This is the only Tour you can take in this demo." instead of asking the TourGuide about "Avia Tour": say "The cost of this Tour is 1000 gold coins. You will tour the fiefdom of Avia and visit the Land and Water Holdings along with the central city of that magnificent realm. You can not visit Avia in this demo.". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Aqua Tour": say "The cost of this Tour is 1000 gold coins. You will tour the fiefdom of Aqua and visit the Land and Water Holdings along with the central city of that magnificent realm. You can not visit Aqua in this demo.". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Reptilia Tour": say "The cost of this Tour is 1000 gold coins. You will tour the fiefdom of Reptilia and visit the Land and Water Holdings along with the central city of that magnificent realm. You can not visit Reptilia in this demo.". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Rodentia Tour": say "The cost of this Tour is 1000 gold coins. You will tour the fiefdom of Rodentia and visit the Land and Water Holdings along with the central city of that magnificent realm. You can not visit Avia in this demo.". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Regalia Tour": say "The cost of this Tour is 1000 gold coins. The cost is 4000 gold coins. You will visit the Capital city of Regalia,including Regalia Royale Castle, The Guilds, Neighborhoods, Court/Legal Areas, Industrial Areas, as well as the Growing, Water, and Tournament Areas. You can not visit Regalia in this demo.". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Castles Tour": say "The cost of this Tour is 2000 gold coins. You will tour the castles of the 8 Manorlords who inhabit our realm. You may explore the estates and inner realms of these magnificent structures. You can not visit Avia in this demo.". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Caves Tour": say "The cost of this Tour is 500 gold coins. You will venture throughout the North and South branches of both the Cumulo and Skylar Cave Systems. Note that a light source is needed in these generally unlit caves. You can not visit Avia in this demo.". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Dungeons Tour": say "The cost is 500 gold coins. Each of the 9 castles in the Kingdom have their own unique dungeons and vault areas where both prisoners and treasure abound. You can not visit the Dungeons in this demo.". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Maze Tour": say "The cost is 3000 gold coins. When you get to Rodentia you will encounter the Great Rodentian Maze that will have your head spinning like a top. You'll need very good mapping skills and will have to beware of the monsters that guard the treasures within. You can not visit the Maze in this demo.". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Military Posts Tour": say "The cost is 2500 gold coins. You will tour the Kingdom's installations of both offensive and defensive might, including the AVIA-tors airfield, the Naval Bases and the Army Outposts. You can not visit the Military Posts in this demo.". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Key": say "'The key is used for more than just the cabinet.[/l] It is an all-purpose key and fits just about[/l] any lock and certain other devices here in the kingdom.'". instead of asking the TourGuide about "king": say "'King Kenneth the 44th is one of the most miserable tyrants[/l] one could ever come across. However if you speak to him nicely[/l] he may tell you what you want.'". instead of asking the TourGuide about "queen": say "'Queen Cyna is Kenneth's wife. I really don't see how she puts[/l] up with him though!'". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Amphibia/Kingdom": say "'The Kingdom is really huge. I suggest you take the Tourbook from the Cabinet after you've paid me, since you'll need it to guide you thru this monsterous realm.'" instead of asking the TourGuide about "fiefdom/fiefdoms/avia/aqua/reptilia/rodentia/regalia": say "'A general outline is provided in the Kingdom Tourbook. However you'll have to purchase the Commercial Game in order to learn more about it.'". instead of asking the TourGuide about "lord/lords/manorlord/manorlords": say "'You will encounter the following manorlords on your travels in the Kingdom:[/l]Sir Frogbert,Sir Frogmeyer,Sir Bucktooth,Sir Durtle, Sir Mander,Sir Molar Sir Legs, and Sir Newton.'" instead of asking the TourGuide about "castles": say "You'll have to look up 'Castles' in the Kingdom Tourbook and the individual Castle Tourbook when you play the commercial Game." instead of asking the TourGuide about "cave/caves": say "You'll have to look up 'Caves' in the Kingdom Tourbook and the individual Caves Tourbook when you play the commercial Game." instead of asking the TourGuide about "dungeons": say "You'll have to look up 'Dungeons' in the Kingdom Tourbook and the individual Dungeons Tourbook when you play the commercial Game." instead of asking the TourGuide about "maze": say "You'll have to look up 'Maze' in the Kingdom Tourbook and the individual Maze Tourbook when you play the commercial Game." instead of asking the TourGuide about "military/installations/posts": say "You'll have to look up 'Military Posts' in the Kingdom Tourbook and the individual Military Posts Tourbook when you play the commercial Game." instead of asking the TourGuide about "lore/legends/history": say "You'll have to consult the Historian in the Commercial game to find about that.". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Whistle": say "'The whistle is very loud and shrill. I will appear from out of the void when you blow it. You should only use it to summon me for a worthy purpose. After I get there, if you want me to leave just say MILO,SCRAM'" instead of asking the TourGuide about "Pedestal": say "'The pedestal is for placing the Tourbooks[/l] upon as they are really heavy. A hefty fee will be[/l] charged if you need to read the Kingdom Book anyplace else but here.'". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Tourbook": say "'After you've paid me for the Kingdom Tour, I'll give you the key[/l] to unlock the cabinet You may NOT take,read,or examine any book except[/l] the Kingdom Tourbook. It outlines the castles, fiefdoms military posts history, lore and legends of the Kingdom.'". instead of asking the TourGuide about "Milo/himself/guide/TourGuide": say "'First of all, my name is Milo. Other than that, what can[/l] I tell you except that I was born about 175 years ago in[/l] a little hamlet near the city of Regalia. I've had this job[/l] for about the last 150 some-odd years. I[']ll be retiring after[/l] you finish all 12 modules and not a moment before.[/l][/l] We don[']t have Socialist Insecurity here in the Kingdom[/l] and since my pension is only good for about the next 100 years,[/l] I'll have to re-up at that time for this lousy stinkin['] job.'". instead of asking the TourGuide about something: say "'I really can't tell you very much about that!'". instead of asking the TourGuide to try giving something to the player: if the second noun is the whistle or the second noun is the Key, say "Milo says: 'NOT til you've paid me." instead of asking the TourGuide to try scramming when the TourGuide is unpaid: say "Milo says: You better pay me first because you need the key and the whistle to continue this adventure.". instead of asking the TourGuide to try scramming when the TourGuide is paid: remove the TourGuide from play; say "Milo says: 'OK if you insist, I am out of here!' and disappears in a puff of smoke.". instead of kicking the TourGuide, say "The TourGuide kicks you back extremely hard[/l] in a very sensitive spot and you spend the next 5 minutes or so doubled over in excruciating pain." instead of buying the welcsign when the gold coins is not visible, say "You need some coins and then pay the man.". instead of buying the welcsign when the TourGuide is paid, say "The TourGuide has already been paid!" instead of buying the welcsign when the gold coins is visible and the gold coins is not carried by the player, say "You need to take the coins in order to pay Milo.". instead of paying the TourGuide: try buying the Kingdom Tour; instead of giving the coins to the TourGuide, try buying the Kingdom Tour; instead of paying the coins to the TourGuide, try buying the Kingdom Tour; instead of paying the TourGuide for Kingdom Tour: try buying the Kingdom Tour; instead of giving the coins to the Tourguide, try buying the Kingdom Tour; instead of paying the TourGuide: try buying the Kingdom Tour; instead of buying the Kingdom Tour: if the gold coins is not carried by yourself: say "You need to take the coins first."; otherwise: remove the TourGuide from play; decrease the qty of the gold coins by 1500; now the summoning whistle is worn by the player; now the Key is carried by the player; now the gold coins is in the purse; now the purse is closed; now the TourGuide is paid; say "After paying the Guide the price of the Kingdom Tour you now have [qty of the gold coins] coins left. You replace the remaining coins in the purse and close it. He places the whistle around your neck, hands you the key and says: [/p] All you will be able to do on this tour is: [/l][/f] 1. Use/take/read the Kingdom TourBook (NO Other TourBooks Allowed)[/l] 2. Visit the outsides of castles (NO Castle Entry/Exam Allowed)[/l] 3. Visit the top levels of mines (NO Mine Entry/Exam Allowed)[/l] 4. Exit the elevator in the caves/mazes (NO Level Exploration Allowed) [/l] 5. Open chests/examine treasures (NO Stealing Allowed)[/l] 6. Visit general areas of the Cities (NO Further Exploration Allowed). [/v][/p]You will be able to do the above prohibitions when you buy the commercial game on CD-ROM. [/p]Before you can question him further he says [/l] 'See you later Agitator!', and then, in a flash he[']s gone in a puff of smoke."; instead of talking to the TourGuide when the spare is not worn by the player and the TourGuide is unwarned: now the TourGuide is warned; say "The man yells at you: GET SOME CLOTHES ON BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO WORM FOOD!!! I AIN'T TALKING TO YOU TILL YOU DO!". instead of talking to the TourGuide when the spare is not worn by the player and the TourGuide is warned: say "You were told to get some clothes on! Now you're dead."; end the game in death. instead of talking to the TourGuide when the spare is worn by the player, say "The TourGuide says: 'Start asking questions Sailor, since I[']m a busy man and haven[']t got much time to waste with the likes of you in this Demo Game.' Say [/bt]TOPICS[/rt] for what you can ask him about.". a wearable thing called a summoning whistle is carried by the TourGuide. the whistle is either blown or unblown. the whistle is unblown. the description of the whistle is "This whistle can be blown a total of 12 times throughout this first tour before it needs recharging.[/l] Recharging at the King's discretion will cost you a bundle." the whistle has a number called blows. the blows of the whistle is 12. after blowing the whistle: if the whistle is carried by the player or the whistle is worn by the player, decrease the blows of the whistle by 1. instead of examining the whistle when the whistle is blown, say "This whistle can be blown a total of x 2 times throughout this first tour before it needs recharging. It appears to have blown and has [blows of the whistle] uses left." before dropping the whistle: say "For your own safety the Game Designer feels that you should[/l] wear the whistle at all times.[/l] You will be able to remove it[/l] in the commercial version of the game."; stop. instead of taking off the whistle, say "For your own safety the Game Designer feels that you should[/l] wear the whistle at all times.[/l] You will be able to remove it[/l] in the commercial version of the game." instead of taking the whistle when the TourGuide is unpaid, say "Milo slaps your hands away and snarls:[/l] 'Pay me then I'll give you the whistle.'" instead of taking the whistle when the TourGuide is paid, say "You're already wearing it!". instead of blowing the whistle when the TourGuide is unpaid, say "Milo says: 'Not till you[']ve paid me!'". instead of blowing the whistle: if the TourGuide is visible, say "Milo says: 'Save your breath and get some glasses Sailor! I[']m already here!'"; stop the action. instead of blowing the whistle: if the blows of the whistle is 0, now the whistle is unblown; say "You are wasting your breath till you get the whistle recharged.". instead of blowing the whistle when the blows of the whistle is 0 and the whistle is unblown: now the TourGuide is in the location; say "Milo appears and says:[/l] 'The whistle is all blown out! It will need recharging at a very hefty price!" instead of blowing the whistle when the blows of the whistle is greater than 0: decrease the blows of the whistle by 1; now the TourGuide is in the location; say "Milo appears and asks 'You blew Sailor? I see you only have [blows of the whistle] uses left of the whistle. Use them wisely. Now what do you want of me?'". the tflag is a thing. understand "flag" as the tflag. the tflag is either on or off. the tflag is off. the cmds is a thing. the cmds has some text called text1. the cmds has some text called text2. the text1 of the cmds is "AGAIN (G): [/l] Repeats the last command given by the player. BRIEF: [/l] Causes location descriptions to be brief. CLS: [/l] Clears the screen. COMMANDS: [/l] Displays a list of both valid and 'red herring' commands.[/l] The command menu has all the needed actions for winning the game.[/l] There is NO MORE 'guess the verb' garbage. DIRS or EXITS: [/l] Displays a list of exits from your current location. FIND/ZAP: [/L] Used in Debugging by the author not for the player. INVENTORY (I): [/l] Displays an inventory list of carried/worn items. HELP: [/l] Displays this message.[/l] May be typed at any time during the game. LOOK: [/l] Gives you a brief/full location description. OOPS: [/l] Allows you to edit (using the cursor keys, and the delete,[/l] insert and backspace keys) your previous input command.[/l] For example if you enter THORW ROPE by mistake,OOPS will enable[/l] you to edit this command and correct it to THROW ROPE. [/p]" the text2 of the cmds is "QUIT:[/l] Quits the current game session. Always exit using QUIT.[/l] You should use the SAVE command (below) before doing this. RECORDING ON:[/l] Allows you log all your commands to an output file.[/l] just the typed command will show up unlike the SCRIPTing command. RECORDING OFF:[/l] Turns off the above command. REPLAY: After you have finished a session with RECORDING ON and have[/l] QUIT the game you can replay the entire session by typing this[/l] and the name of the recording file you specified with RECORDING ON. RESTORE:[/l] Restores a previously saved game from disk. SAVE:[/l] Saves the current game status on disk. Use BEFORE the QUIT command. SCORE:[/l] Summarizes your progress, so far. SCRIPT:[/l] Causes all output to go to a disk file[/l] named whatever you decide to name it and which is in[/l] the same directory as the other game files. (See UNSCRIPT) UNSCRIPT:[/l] Causes output to go to the screen only. (See SCRIPT) VERBOSE:[/l] Causes full location descriptions to be given.[/l]" Section 07 - Help Table of Options title subtable description toggle "About" -- "Just the beginning of the game from the Ship to the Crossroads." "Intro to [story title]" a table-name "A short snippet of the full Amphibia Game coming in 2015. To download the freeware game go to www.if-archive.org/if-archive/games/glulx. and click on the file 'Kingdom of Amphibia.'" a rule "Instructions" Table of Instructions -- -- "Hints" -- "Sorry no hints available." -- Table of Instructions title subtable description toggle "NPC Interaction" -- "NPC stands for NON PLAYER CHARACTER ASK | TELL NPC about (NOUN)[/l] TALK TO or WITH NPC ABOUT OBJECT or SUBJECT[/l][/l] Giving orders to NPCs[/l] Use the form NPC, (ORDER)[/l]nNPC, JOIN will have the addressed character join you[/l] NPC, SCRAM gets the character out of your party.[/l][/l] Some of the NPCs may tell you to 'buzz off'.[/l][/l] IMPORTANT: Talk to all NPCs or you could get stuck very early in the game." -- "Actions" -- "THROW |DUMP| NOUN AT | TO| IN | INTO | INSIDE NOUN [/l] ATTACK | KILL | FIGHT | HIT (CREATURE) with NOUN[/l] LOCK NOUN with NOUN[/l] UNLOCK NOUN with NOUN [/l] TAKE| GET NOUN ALL[/l] PUT DOWN | DROP ALL[/l] OPEN (NOUN) with (NOUN)[/l] CLOSE |SHUT (NOUN)[/l] EXAMINE |X|CHECK|INSPECT| (NOUN)[/l] LOOK (AROUND) LOOK AT (IN) (UNDER) (BEHIND) (NOUN)[/l] READ (NOUN)[/l] EAT (NOUN)[/l] DRINK (NOUN)[/l] PLAY (with) (NOUN)[/l] PUT | PLACE (NOUN) in|into|inside|behind|under (NOUN)[/l] PUSH | TURN| PULL | TOUCH (NOUN) with (NOUN)[/l] TURN (NOUN) (ON) |(OFF)) TURN (ON) |(OFF) (NOUN)[/l] LIGHT (NOUN) [/l] EXTINGUISH (or EXT) (NOUN)[/l] SHOOT | FIRE (NOUN) at (CREATURE)[/l] SHOOT (CREATURE) with (NOUN)[/l] PUT ON |WEAR (NOUN) (ALL)[/l] TAKE OFF | REMOVE (NOUN) (ALL)[/l][/l]" -- "Travel Directions" -- "Directions you can travel:[/l][/l] NORTH (N) SOUTH (S) EAST (E) WEST (W)[/l] NORTHEAST (NE) NORTHWEST (NW) SOUTHEAST (SE)[/l] SOUTHWEST (SW) UP (U) DOWN (D) ENTER | GO (IN |INTO)[/l] EXIT | LEAVE[/l]" -- "Useless Voice Actions" -- "SCREAM |YELL|SHOUT|HOLLER| BELLOW" -- "Special Commands" -- "[text1 of the cmds][text2 of the cmds]" --