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Faction 11
Jessica Napier
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"Faction 11" by Jessica Napier When play begins: say "Overnight, very Whitely, discreetly, Very quietly Our toes, our noses Take hold of the loam, Acquire the air." Use no scoring. Rule for printing room description details: stop. The Bedroom is a room. "Your alarm sounds and you wake, stretching your tired muscles as you get out of bed. The City Corridor is just north of your tiny apartment, but the bathroom and the shower to the south are practically calling to you." The bed is in the Bedroom. The bed is an enterable supporter. The bed is fixed in place. Marvin is a man on the bed. The description of the bed is "Your husband, Marvin, is still sleeping here." The description of Marvin is "He sleeps like a rock. Give him a little more time to sleep." The dresser is a supporter in the Bedroom. An openable container called the drawer is part of the dresser. The description of the dresser is "A sparse piece of furniture with only two drawers. The top one is yours." The drawer is closed. The clothes are in the drawer. The clothes are wearable. The wallet is a portable container. The wallet is closed and openable. The wallet is on the dresser. The ID card is in the wallet. The description of the ID card is "Every citizen of the Hexagon has one of these. They're used to enter every room in the Hexagons and to track your location. Your photo and ID number are printed on the card." The Bathroom is south of the Bedroom. The shower is a container in the Bathroom. The shower is enterable and fixed in place. The mirror is in the Bathroom. The description of the mirror is "Your short blonde hair is dishevelled, but you usually don't take the time to fix it anyway." After entering the shower: say "The hot water is a relief to your aching muscles, but you cannot afford to stay here long. The water bill is already too high, and you are low on time." The City Corridor is north of the Bedroom. "You must take one of three trains to get to work. There is a train to the north, one to the west, and one to the east." The First Train is north of the City Corridor. "You zip along the edge of Hexagon1 in the fast, rattling train. The train skids to a stop and a cool, female voice says, 'West: Hexagon3 - Retail. North: Hexagon4 - Medicine. East: Hexagon5 - Education.'" Hex3 is west of the First Train. "'Welcome to Hexagon3.' Your favorite store is just north of here." The Store is north of Hex3. "You enter the small jewelry store, but you aren't here to shop. Instead, you signal inconspicuously to the shop owner and he gestures west toward the back room." The back room is west of the Store. "A man is seated at a small folding table that is covered with various weapons." Merchant is a man in the back room. The table is a supporter in the back room. The pistol is on the table. Instead of examining Merchant: say "The seedy merchant says in a gravelly voice, 'I've got a black-market laser pistol here that I know you would love'. So you buy it - you can never have enough black-market weaponry."; now the player has the pistol. Hex4 is north of the First Train. "'Welcome to Hexagon4.' The front door of the Hospital is directly north of you." The Hospital is north of Hex4. "A suspicious door to the north catches your eye. You have heard rumors of the government taking poor civilians captive and testing new chemicals and weapons on them. Could they be doing it here, in the Hospital? There is also a perfectly plain door marked 'Supply Closet' to the east." The Testing Facility is north of the Hospital. Instead of going north from the Hospital: say "You are surrounded by government-sanctioned surgeons who are testing new chemicals and drugs on innocent civilians who could not afford to pay their outrageous taxes. They cannot let you leave, so they take you for their next guinnea pig."; end the game in death. The Supply Closet is east of the Hospital. The rope is in the Supply Closet. The description of the rope is "This could be useful.". Hex5 is east of the First Train. "'Welcome to Hexagon5.' An ominous-looking grey steel school building is north of you." The School Room is north of Hex5. "You can see hundreds of children in plain grey uniforms listening to a lecture on the history of the Panopitcon, the name that the world government has taken for itself. What a shame that these poor, impressionable children will never know the truth of the Panopticon's oppression. Still, now is not the time to incite a rebellion. You had better get to Faction 11 as soon as possible - you are already late." The Third Train is west of the City Corridor."A cool female voice speaks over an intercom. 'West - Hexagon 2: Construction. South - Hexagon 1: City Maintenance and the Panopitcon." Hex2 is west of the Third Train. "The door to the construction facility is west of here." The Constuction Facility is west of Hex2. "This area is off limits to civilians! Get back on the train and get to work!" Hex1 is south of the Third Train. The elevator is scenery in Hex1. The description of the elevator is "You don't have clearance to use this elevator - only Panopticaon officals do. You had better leave before you get arrested." The description of Hex1 is "This is where the Panopticon officials gather every day to make decisions for the citizen below. A large glass elevator takes them up to the Dome, where they can observe the entire city, but you don't have clearance to use the elevator. A simple maintenece office is to the west, a staircase is to the south."The Maintenance Office is west of Hex1. The staircase is south of Hex1. "At the bottom of the stair, you see a door marked 'Security' to the west and a plain door that appears locked to those not in the know leads to a tunnel to the south." The Security Office is west of the staircase. Instead of going west from the Staircase: end the game saying "'You aren't supposed to be here!' shouts a burly security officer. 'Only Panopticon officials are allowed this far down!' You are under arrest." The Tunnel is south of the staircase. "A large, steel door with a key pad next to it are at the south end of the tunnel. You enter your ID code - 187898 - and hear the door unlock with a loud clang." The ID Chamber is south of the Tunnel. "The door to Faction 11 is just a little further south and nothing stands in your way now." Faction 11 is south of the ID Chamber. After going south from the ID Chamber: end the game saying "Now that you have made it to this secret underground faction, you can continue your work to undermine the Panopticon and restore freedom to your fellow citizens. >>Please visit www.yourpanopticon.weebly.com for more information.<<" After going west from Hex1: end the game saying "You arrive in a perfectly mundane office, little bigger than a closet. You sit at your desk and begin pushing paper. Maybe you can make it to Faction 11 tomorrow before you give up and return to your conformist job?" The Second Train is east of the City Corridor. "A cool female voice says, 'South - Hexagon 7: Military. 'East: Hexagon 6 - Agriculture.'". Hex7 is south of the Second Train. "Usually, civilians are not permitted in this part of the city, but you have a friend who works in the military. He nods eastward to a dark green curtain behind his desk in the front room." The Armory is east of Hex7. Soldier is a man in the Armory. "A large man in uniform, but with a kind face. The soldier tells you that he received your special order and you see a box of hand grenades on the table before him." The wooden table is a supporter in the Armory. The box is on the wooden table. The description of the box is "Heavy. Be careful with these." The box is an closed openable container. After opening the box: now the description of the box is "Three dozen hand grenades. You'll be sure to put these to good use."; Hex6 is east of the Second Train. "The Farm is the only part of the city that remains at all natural, but even it is enclosed by a large greenhouse-style domed roof. A farmhouse is on the eastern edge of the farm." The Farmhouse is east of Hex6. Farmer Brown is a man in the farmhouse. "The farmer is an old friend of your father's. 'Take anything you need, Anne,' he says and walks out of the room, leaving you in a room full of provisions. There is a small sack of flour, a bag of various fruits, and even a canister of coffee." The sack, the bag, and the canister are in the Farmhouse.