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Zuratustra Guerra
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"Roshambo" by Zura Guerra. The story genre is "Luck". The story headline is "A rock-paper-and-scissors game". The story creation year is 2015. The maximum score is 2. When play begins: silently try switching score notification off; now right hand status line is "Roshambo". The White cube is a room. "You are inside a large glowy white cube, all alone." The computer is a person in the White cube. The description of the computer is "A fancy TRS-80 looking at you with fiery white uni-pixel eyes.[Paragraph Break]'Wanna play something, human? Just take those Ãtems and show me the one you prefer.'" Instead of taking the computer, say "Hey, don't even touch me, dude!" The rock is a thing in the White cube. The description of the rock is "A cold stone." The sheet of paper is a thing in the White cube. The description of the sheet of paper is "A blank sheet of paper." The pair of scissors is a thing in the White cube. The description of the pair of scissors is "A silver pair of scissors with the form of an ibis." Instead of examining the computer: say "A fancy TRS-80 looking at you with fiery white uni-pixel eyes.[Paragraph Break]'Wanna play something, human? Just take those Ãtems and show me the one you prefer. I know you know how to play rock-paper-and-scissors.'"; if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: say "The computer emits a loud 'beep', you suppose it's calculating its answer..."; otherwise if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: say "The computer emits a loud 'beep', you suppose it's calculating its answer..."; increase the score by 1; otherwise: say "The computer emits a long beep, you suppose it's calculating its answer..."; increase the score by 2; Instead of showing the rock to the computer: if the score is 0: say "A pixelated rock is displayed on the screen."; say "'Arrrgh, a tie! Let's play again!'"; end the story; otherwise if the score is 1: say "A white rectangle, which seems to be a sheet of paper, is displayed on the screen."; say "'I win this time!'"; end the story; otherwise: say "A pixelated pair of scissors is displayed on the screen."; say "'You won... Let's play again!'"; end the story; Instead of showing the paper to the computer: if the score is 0: say "A pixelated rock is displayed on the screen."; say "'You won... Let's play again!'"; end the story; otherwise if the score is 1: say "A white rectangle, which seems to be a sheet of paper, is displayed on the screen."; say "'Arrrgh, a tie! Let's play again!'"; end the story; otherwise: say "A pixelated pair of scissors is displayed on the screen."; say "'I win this time!'"; end the story; Instead of showing the scissors to the computer: if the score is 0: say "A pixelated rock is displayed on the screen."; say "'I win this time!'"; end the story; otherwise if the score is 1: say "A white rectangle, which seems to be a sheet of paper, is displayed on the screen."; say "'You won... Let's play again!'"; end the story; otherwise: say "A pixelated pair of scissors is displayed on the screen."; say "'Arrrgh, a tie! Let's play again!'"; end the story;