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Playficmons Beta
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A mon is a kind of person. Mons have a number called baseHP. The baseHP of a mon is usually 2. Mons have a number called baseAttack. The baseAttack of a mon is usually 2. Mons have a number called baseDefense. The baseDefense of a mon is usually 2. Mons have a number called level. The level of a mon is usually 5. Mons have a number called caprate. The caprate of a mon is usually 80. Mons have a number called maxHP. Mons have a number called HP. Mons have a number called Attack. Mons have a number called Defense. Mons have a number called Move1. The Move1 of a mon is usually 1. Mons have a number called Move2. The Move2 of a mon is usually 1. A Kokochan is a kind of mon. The description of a Kokochan is "Kokochan, the Baby Koala Pokémon. Kokochans usually win battles by just looking at their foes. The foe is knocked out by Kokochan's cuteness." Kokochans have baseHP 3. Kokochans have baseAttack 1. Kokochans have caprate 100. A Kowaii is a kind of mon. The description of a Kowaii is "Kowaii, the Cute Koala Pokémon. This adorable koala Pokémon is a favorite of the Pokémon Fan Club". Kowaiis have baseHP 8. Kowaiis have baseDefense 4. Kowaiis have caprate 50. A Toastormenter is a kind of mon. The description of a o Toastormenter is "Toastormenter, the Evil Toaster Pokémon. Toastormenters like to scare sleeping children by toasting bread and then popping the toast of itself very loudly." Toastormenters have baseHP 1. Toastormenters have baseAttack 6. Toastormenters have Move1 2. Toastormenters have Move2 2. Pokeballs is a number that varies. Pokeballs is 10. A mon can be caught or uncaught. A mon is usually uncaught. A mon can be untamed or tamed. A mon is usually untamed. Catching is an action applying to one thing. Understand "catch [mon]" as catching. Check catching: if pokeballs in less than 1, say "You don't have any Pokéballs!" instead; if the noun is tamed, say "That Pokémon cannot be caught!" instead. Carry out catching: now pokeballs is pokeballs minus 1; let catch be a random number from 1 to 100; let catch be catch plus the maxHP of the noun minus the HP of the noun; if catch is less than the caprate of the noun begin; say "The capture was successful! [printed name] was added to your party!"; now the noun is tamed; now the noun is caught; end if; if catch is more than the caprate of the noun begin; say "Aww! The wild [printed name] broke out!"; end if. The current mon is a mon that varies. Every turn: now the current mon is in the curplace. The curplace is a room that varies. Every turn while the player is in a room(called xyz): now the curplace is the xyz. The oppo is a mon that varies. Switching is an action applying to two things. Understand "switch [mon] with [mon]" as switching. Carry out switching: now the first noun is off-stage; now the second noun is in the curplace; say "The two Pokémon were switched." Basicmove is an action applying to one thing. Understand "use move 1 on [mon]" as basicmove. Carry out basicmove: if the Move1 of the current mon is 1 begin; say "[the current mon] used Tackle!"; let xdam be the level of the current mon times 2; let xdam be xdam plus 10; let xdam be xdam divided by 250; let zdam be the Attack of the current mon; let zdam be zdam divided by the Defense of the noun; let xdam be xdam times zdam; let xdam be xdam times 40; let xdam be xdam times 2; end if; if the Move1 of the current mon is 2 begin; say "[the current mon] used Astonish!"; let xdam be the level of the current mon times 2; let xdam be xdam plus 10; let xdam be xdam divided by 250; let zdam be the Attack of the current mon; let zdam be zdam divided by the Defense of the noun; let xdam be xdam times zdam; let xdam be xdam times 40; let xdam be xdam times 2; end if. Wild Kokochan is a Kokochan. Chef James' Toastormenter is a Toastormenter. Chef James' Toastormenter has HP 5. Chef James' Toastormenter has Attack 17. Chef James' Toastormenter has Defense 5. Chef James' Toastormenter has level 3. Seabreeze Town is a room. "Ah, Seabreeze Town! This town, located on the beach, is a very relaxing place to be. North is Route 1." Route 1 is north of Seabreeze Town. "This grassy path is a nice place for young children to play. South is Seabreeze Town." Every turn while the player is in Route 1: let encounter be a random number from 1 to 2; if encounter is 2 and Kokochan is uncaught begin; move Wild Kokochan to Route 1; let xlevel be a random number from 2 to 4; let IV be a random number from 1 to 5; now the HP of Wild Kokochan is IV plus xlevel times 3; now the Attack of Wild Kokochan is IV plus xlevel; now the Defense of Wild Kokochan is IV plus xlevel times 2; now the level of Wild Kokochan is xlevel; say "A level [xlevel] wild Kokochan appeared![line break]HP:[the HP of Wild Kokochan][line break]Attack:[the attack of Wild Kokochan][line break]Defense:[the defense of Wild Kokochan]"; end if.