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A not-so-normal Temple... - Gabriel Zega
Gabriel Zega
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When play begins: say "After days of nail-biting anxiousness you finally gain permission to enter the greatest discovery of the 21st century. Your whole team was responsible for finding the temple, but being the bold explorer you are, only you and one rookie will be entering. You found the massive structure buried about 30 metres below the surface of a hill using advanced subterranean scanning techniques, but drilling down would be too dangerous for the expectedly fragile building material. Instead, you and Bartholomew Indiana III, who goes by Bart, rappel down the west side of the mountain, where after carefully scraping away the 10cm thick layer of dirt, you finally see an entrance. Make sure to carefully examine everything you come across, as your bosses will be furious with you horrible archeology practices if you don't. You can also keep track of all the items you have collected by opening your inventory. As you enter the ancient structure you're struck with a cold, seemingly moist atmosphere. Suddenly, you start to feel a tremor. Maybe an earthquake, maybe not. Then, you see the frail dirt around the entrance start to dribble downward, and sure enough, the whole entrance is sealed within seconds. Not to fret, the dirt will be easy enough to clear away with a shovel." The Temple-Entrance is a room. "You turn to look around the entrance. The massively tall ceiling interconnects with carefully carved stone pillars, resisting the seemingly immeasurable mass of the surrounding mountain. Entombed within the four pillars stands a spiral staircase with a wooden trapdoor at the top. Moss sparsely covers the dark-grey stone walls, and you notice a dark hallway leading directly away from the cliff-side entrance hiding away behind the substantially sized staircase. The spiral-staircase is made of thick stone slabs arranged in a seemingly structurally stable manner. It seems considerably stable considering the age. However, you'll need a light source for the dark hallway." The hallway is a door. The hallway is east of the Temple-Entrance and west of the Kitchen The barrel is inside the Temple-Entrance. The barrel is fixed in place. "The room holds only a long wooden barrel laying flat in the bottom left corner, and is only illuminated by the bright setting sun shining through the remaining gaps at the top of the collapsed circular entrance." The description of the barrel is "A long thin wooden barrel. Too small to hold anything useful." The barrel is a closed openable container. The torch is an object. The torch is inside the barrel. "Thankfully you stored a lighter in your backpack just in case. You better ignite the torch as soon as possible!" The description of the torch is "Voila, the perfect light source." Bartholomew Indiana III is a person in Temple-Entrance. Understand "Bart" and "Indiana" and "Indian" as Bartholomew Indiana III. The description of Bartholomew Indiana III is "Your friend and fellow adventurist, he's proven loyal and would follow you to the ends of the Earth." Instead of showing torch to Bartholomew Indiana III, say “Great, you can go into that dark hallway now. I’ll follow you closely.” Every turn: if the player is in a room (called the current space): move Bartholomew Indiana III to the current space. Instead of showing something to Bartholomew Indiana III: say "Interesting, there must be a use for that... let's find it." Instead of giving something to Bartholomew Indiana III: say "You can keep it, must be useful." Instead of asking Bartholomew Indiana III about something: say "That's not my expertise, you should ask someone else." Instead of telling Bartholomew Indiana III about something: say "That's interesting, let's focus on this temple." The staircase is a door. The staircase is up from the Temple-Entrance. The staircase is down from the Living-Quarters. The hallway is a door. The hallway is west of the Kitchen. The hallway is east of the Temple-Entrance. The hallway can be locked or unlocked. The hallway is locked. After taking torch: say "The wooden torch is long and ancient. After igniting the end of it with your standard-issue lighter you can now travel through the hallway."; now hallway is unlocked. Living-Quarters is a room. "The first thing you notice is the light. How could there possibly be light? As you look upward you notice thinly bored holes leading to the surface, leaking light through the thick hilltop soil. Your team's topographical scans must have missed the straw-thick holes. As you look around you notice rows of flat stones with soft organic material, most likely leather, covering the stones. They must be beds! There seems to be a green-dyed path between all the beds, leading to the north west corner of the room, where you can see a tall and thick green stone shelf. You can barely make out the blue-dyed container, stone cube, and red-dyed key behind the thick pane of imperfect glass, distorting the shapes as you walk around. You also can see a noticeably thicker bed in the exact centre of the rectangular room, with a circular hole on a smaller side of it. A stone door leads to the east." The stone shelf is inside the Living-Quarters. The stone shelf is fixed in place. The stone shelf is a container. The stone shelf is lockable and locked. Green key unlocks the stone shelf. The blue container is in the stone shelf. The blue container is a container. The blue container is fixed in place. The blue container is lockable and locked. Instead of taking blue container, say "This container is glued directly to the shelf. It isn't going anywhere." The blue key is an object. The blue key is in the big bed. The blue key unlocks the blue container. The description of the blue key is "A dull blue surrounds an otherwise normally shaped key." The stone cube is an object. The stone cube is inside the stone shelf. The description of the stone cube is "Smooth and nearly perfectly shaped, you wonder what use such an absurd shape would hold. Perhaps it was a child's toy?" The red key is an object. The red key is inside the stone shelf. The description of the red key is "A bold red stand out against the inside of the shelf, while holding it you can feel some of the ancient dye rubbing off. It looks like a normal key, but slightly bigger." The big bed is a container. The big bed is in the Living-Quarters. The big bed is fixed in place. The big bed is lockable and locked. The red cube is in the big bed. The bottle unlocks the big bed. The Kitchen is a room. The Armoury is a room. The Treasury is a room. "This room appears to be a storage for valuables of some sort. All of the walls are made of smooth light grey stone, and have imprinted lines leading to the centre-point of the ceiling where you spot light-holes. As you look around you spot a gold key, unknown silver metals, and some roughly carved gems, all entrenched with dust. In the south west corner of the room you notice a heavily tinted bottle laying on the floor. You can also see a chest made of red wood laying upside down in the opposite corner of the room, as if it were knocked over in a moment of panic." The stairs are a door. The stairs are above the Kitchen. The stairs are below the Treasury. The red chest is a container. The red chest is inside the Treasury. The red chest is fixed in place. The red chest is lockable and locked. The red key unlocks the red chest. The blue cube is an object. The blue cube is inside the red chest. The description of the blue cube is "Roughly takes the shape of a cube. You can rub off the dull blue dye easily." The bottle is in the Treasury. The bottle is an object. The gold key is an object. The gold key is in the Treasury. The gems is an object. The gems is in the Treasury. The metal is an object. The metal is in the Treasury. The stone door is a door. The stone door is west of the Treasury. The Stone door is east of the Living-Quarters. Armoury is south of Kitchen. "The room is dark, so you grab out your torch and notice a few spears on the wall and a wooden chest in the middle. You walk carefully, watching out for any traps set in place. Kitchen is towards the north." The spear is in the armoury. The description of the spear is "Sharp ancient blade with a bar attached, looks sharp and new for its age. It is hanging on the wall along with other old weapons." The wood chest is in the armoury. The wood chest is openable, closed, lockable, and locked container. The description of the chest is "Medium sized chest with a gold keyhole that rattles when you shake it, there seems to be something inside. [if the player is not carrying the gold key]Seems like you need a gold key to unlock this chest. [otherwise]You unlock the chest.[end if]". It is fixed in place. The gold key unlocks the wood chest. A shield is inside the wood chest. The description of the shield is "Old wooden shield with a metal handle, seems to still be holding together well." After taking shield: award 1 point. The Kitchen is north of the Armoury. "Room resembles what seemed to be a kitchen, everything is misplaced and messy. There is a furnace with wood scattered all over the floor. A nasty stench is coming from a cup on a stone. Armoury is south. Treasury is upwards. You spot a hazy glass door leading towards the east." The cup is in the kitchen. The description of the cup is "Half covered ancient stone carved cup, there is a green liquid inside. You overheard your partners say that this temple contains an ancient potion of luck. Should you risk it and eat the mystery potion?" The cup is edible. Understand "potion" as cup. After eating the cup: say "You slowly start feeling dizzy and soon die of poison. Try again."; end the game in death. Wood logs is in kitchen. The description of wood logs is "Some wood covered with mold, seems to be used to light the campfire." Furnace is in the kitchen. The interior is part of Furnace. Furnace is fixed in place. The description of Furnace is "An old furnace, seems to be something hidden under the wood. You should search the interior." Green key is in the interior. Grand Entrance is a room. "You carefully take your foot off the pressure plate in front of the entrance, and see that there is only one more pressure plate in the room, at the other door in the room. The room seems to be more of a path than a room with some purpose." Grand Entrance is east of kitchen. After player going to the Grand Entrance: If score is 1: say "You see a very long oval shaped room, with a grid pattern on the walls and ceiling, along with statues along the edges. As you take your first step into the room you feel a click and then you hear a sharp, piercing noise directly in front of you. Thankfully you took that old shield, an arrow was just about to fly into your skull. "; continue the action; If score is less than 1: say "An arrow comes flying at your head and kills you. Should have found something to protect your head."; end the game in death. The tall door is a door. The tall door is west of the Final room. The tall door is east of the Grand Entrance. The Final room is a room. "As you enter the breathtaking room, you are struck with a sense of discovery and a blast of cold fresh air. Among the edges of the massive circular room you find statues of both bizarre creatures and humans. The floor is dyed a mix of red and blue, contrasting against the dull grey stone. In the exact middle of the room, you see a barely minded book laying surrounded by grimy metal bars on a pedestal. You wonder what could be learnt from this book. New languages? New time period estimations? New understanding of this societies culture? So much to learn, but alas the knowledge lays trapped behind the troublesome bars. Then, you see a symbol of a cube carved into the side of the pedestal. Maybe you could open it somehow? After further exploring the room, you come across a blue alter and a red alter, with the blue one trapping a stone tablet, perhaps an older relic, and the red one trapping a fossil." The pedestal is a container. The pedestal is inside the Final Room. The pedestal is fixed in place. The pedestal is lockable and locked. The stone cube unlocks the pedestal. The book is an object. The book is inside the pedestal. After taking the book: say "You drop your shield to be able to carry the precious artifact. Wow! imagine all the secrets inside! Your boss wants 3 total relics."; award 1 point. The blue alter is a container. The blue alter is inside the Final Room. The blue alter is fixed in place. The blue alter is lockable and locked. The blue cube unlocks the blue alter. The tablet is an object. The tablet is inside the blue alter. After taking the tablet: say "You drop your shield to be able to carry the precious artifact. Weird looking thing. Could prove to be even older than this civilization if it was being kept here. Keep in mind that your boss wants 3 relics."; award 1 point. The red alter is a container. The red alter is inside the Final Room. The red alter is fixed in place. The red alter is lockable and locked. The red cube unlocks the red alter. The fossil is an object. The fossil is inside the red alter. After taking the fossil: say "You drop your shield to be able to carry the precious artifact. Odd, you don't recognize the bone imprints, maybe it's an undiscovered species! Keep in mind that you boss wants 3 relics."; award 1 point. Every turn while in the Final Room: if score is 4 begin; say "You have finally found all 3 relics and maybe stashed some gems for personal gain! However, you are too encumbered to be able to hold the shield up to return the way you came. Thankfully, you can radio your colleagues and have them help you out. After doing that, you now safely dig your way out of the temple and show your bosses and colleagues your findings!"; end the game in victory; end if.