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Cupcake hunting
hannah fishburn
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"Treasure Hunting with Hannah" by Hannah The parlor is a room. "The parlor is a small room, with faded pink roses wallpaper, and leather, antique looking furniture. Upstairs (up) is the bedroom. East is the kitchen. West is the library. North is the door to the street. South is the office. Downstairs (down) is the cellar. Ben is your best friend." Ben is a person in the parlor. Understand "Ben" as Ben. The description of Ben is "Dark hair and pale eyes. He's wearing a red t-shirt and khaki pants. Your best friend. He just wants some cupcakes." The note is in the parlor. The note is an object. The description of the note is "A small piece of pale blue stationary, folded in half and lightly creased. The message is scrawled in dark brown ink, with lovely calligraphy. It says 'Hello. If you are reading this, then you have some thinking to do. We have taken the cupcakes that were on this tray and we have hidden them. Your first clue: Some place where you go to get lost in a book.' Examine things. To talk to Ben in the appropriate situations, say 'tell ben about something.'" Instead of telling Ben about something, say "'Hmm... What is that?' Ben reads the little note, his eyes widening in disgust. 'WHAT? Somebody has hidden our cupcakes? And they are trying to send us on a wild goose chase to find them? How cruel! How inhumane! Its horrid!" Every turn: if the player is in a room (called the current space): move Ben to the current space. Understand "kiss [someone]" as romantic kissing. Romantic kissing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking. Talking is an action applying to one thing. Instead of kissing Ben, say "'Hey! Cut it out! I have a girlfriend.' You think its funny to freak out Ben." West of the parlor is the library. The Library is a room. "The shelves are stacked to the ceiling against every wall, and lined with books of all colours and sizes. You look around, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. Then, Ben walks over the the desk in the corner, and you see what he sees. He picks up a map. 'Hey, Hannah... Look at this. It has the same handwriting as the cupcake note.'" The map is in the library. The map is an object. The description of the map is "You unfold the dusty piece of yellowing paper, and see that it is an ancient looking map of the house. You already knew that the house was old, passed down from generation to generation, but somebody must have made this map a long time ago. The map shows a cutaway view of your house, drawn in old ink, probably by some cartographer who died long ago. And taped to the map is a little note saying 'Go here!' Beside the note, somebody recently circled the closet door in red pen. 'The closet?' You say. Ben shrugs. 'Let's go. I'm hungry. The bedroom is up." The bedroom is up of the library. The bedroom is a room. "The bedroom is a small place, with dark blue walls, and a bedspread with sunflowers on it. It reminds you of a bed and breakfast. The closet door is painted white, and starting to chip in the corner. You immediately go to it, because thats what the map said to do. Examine the door after you open it!" The closet door is east of the bedroom and west of the closet. The closet door is a closed locked door. The key unlocks the closet door. The description of the door is "Whoops... it seems to be locked. Who would lock their closet? Not my grandfather! You need a key. Your grandfather probably keeps his keys in the kitchen. The kitchen is downstairs. (TYPE DOWN)" The kitchen is down of the bedroom. The kitchen is a room. "On the far wall is a dresser, filled with drawers. There are three drawers, called big drawer, little drawer, and medium drawer. The fridge is in the corner. On the far wall is a coat rack, with your grandfather's coat hanging from it. Go around the kitchen, and see what you can find. Examine things. Take things. You never know what might end up useful." The dresser is in the kitchen. The dresser is an object. The dresser is fixed in place. The description of the dresser is "A tall, wooden thing, built into the wall, made from gleaming black cherry wood. It is your grandfather's prized possession, and it has been in the family for at least one hundred years, but probably more. To pull out a drawer, type 'open big drawer,' or 'open little drawer' or 'open medium drawer.'" The Big drawer is part of the dresser. The big drawer is an openable and closed container. The code is in the big drawer. The code is an object. The description of the code is "A strange list of numbers: '06 43 89.' Could it be the combination to a padlock?" The Medium drawer is part of the dresser. The medium drawer is an openable and closed container. The glasses are in the medium drawer. The glasses are a wearable object. The description of the glasses is "Strange, thick lensed glasses with wide metal frames." After wearing the glasses, say "They look Like Harry Potter's glasses. Yes, they look ridiculous on me." The little drawer is part of the dresser. The little drawer is an openable and closed container. The money is in the little drawer. The money is an object. The money is fixed in place. The description of the money is "Ooh! Twenty dollars! But.. that's Grandpa's, and I don't think he would appreciate me stealing from him." The coat is in the kitchen. The coat is a wearable object. The description of the coat is "A dark green, fuzzy old thing that Grandpa likes to wear around. Hm, I wonder what is in the pocket? To check in the pockets type 'open pocket.'" The pocket is part of the coat. The pocket is an openable and closed container. In the pocket is the key. The key is an object. The description of the key is "A small, flat silver key with some indecipherable words etched onto the surface. The key to the closet! Time to go try it in the closet door! The closet is upstairs. (UP)" "You rush to the closet door! Will the door open? Ben stands beside you, and waits for you to try the lock. The closet is north of where you stand. To enter the closet, go north after you unlock it." The closet is a room. The closet is north of the closet. The closet door is a locked door. It is north of the closet-door and the closet door is south of the closet. "The closet is a dark, musty box of a room, with your grandfather's stiff plaid shirts hanging on a metal bar in the back. There isn't much remarkable about it. 'Whats so special about this closet?' Ben says, but you see it. In the back of the closet, it a little metal box, with a piece of the blue stationary pressed onto the lid. You kneel down beside it. 'Hey, Ben, look at this!' You see a little purple padlock dangling from the latch. To open the box, type in 'Unlock the box with (enter combination here.)'"