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Haunted House
hannah zanghi
Played 1,339 times
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When play begins, say "You wake up, theirs a haunted house in front of you." The In Front of a haunted house is a room. The description of the in front of a haunted house is "Its a cold windy night, the house has broken windows and there seems to be movement through the window,there is also a oak door north of you." The stick is scenery in In Front of a Haunted House. The window is scenery in In Front of a Haunted House. Instead of examining the window, say "Looks like there is blood inside, SCREECH you take a step back." [The door is scenery in In Front of a Haunted House Instead of examining door say " slowly it opens."] the oak door is a door.It is north of In Front of a haunted house and south of Living room. The description of the living room is "Theirs lots of blood and a portrait of a mysterious woman on the wall SCREECH the oak door slams behind you." the portrait is scenery in Living room. The chest is a container in Living room. The shelf is a supporter in Living room. Before examining portrait for the first time, say "Theirs a little girl screaming and a woman squeezing her." Instead of examining portrait, say "Looks like there seems to be a crying little girl and a mysterious woman squeezing her. The whole house shakes and the portrait falls theres a note on the other side of the portrait." The note is scenery in the Living room. Instead of examining note, say " it seems to be very crinkly, you start to read, If your in this house and your reading this note your locked in, there is a hidden key somewhere but I couldn't find it, and watch out for the ghosts." bloody hallway is a room. The description of the bloody hallway is "there is peeling paint, looking around the room you spot a knife above it is a portrait of a bloody little girl with messy hair and a white dress There is also a candle." The knife is scenery in bloody hallway. Instead of examining knife, say "you pick it up, it feels warm, THAT MY KNIFE! you look around but no ones there. You drop the knife." The stair case is a door. It is east of the Living room and west of the bloody hallway. Fell through wall is a dark room. It is north of bloody hallway. The description of fell through wall is "There is a rocking chair, moving but there is no one is sitting on it, there is a little opening with a bright light on the other side." The candle is in bloody hallway. It is lit. Instead of taking candle, say "You should go north." little closet is a room. It is west of Fell through wall. The description of little closet is "The little closet is comforting ,a little teddy bear in the corner, hanging up there is a fancy dress with ruby red buttons on it."