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place holder
Hazel Swartz
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"place holder" [INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say " It's the summer of 1999; you and your high school marching band have gotten on a plane to go to a parade. you fall asleep on the plane and when you wake up your plane is crashing. it has been a couple of months since then, now being early fall." [Crash Site] Crash Site is a room. Crash Site is southwest of Sparse Forest. Crash Site is southeast of Rocky Shore. The description of Crash Site is “You are standing beside the discarded passenger cabin of the plane. when you look around you can see debris that had flown off the plane during the crash landing scattered around the clearing around you." [Clearing] Clearing is a room. Clearing is west of Crash Site. The description of Clearing is "You have entered a clearing with a sparse number of trees. Through the trees to the North, you catch a glimpse of the sun shining off something." [Rocky Shore] Rocky Shore is a room. Rocky Shore is north of Clearing. The description of Rocky Shore is "You stand on the rocky shore of the nearby river. your shoes are placed by a log farther up the beach. To the east of you the river shore turns sandy. if you walk north a tiny bit more in theory you could swim." A stone is here. the stone is fixed in place. "a stone sits here.". The description of the stone is "This stone looks like a pretty perfect skipping rock. if you knew how to skip, that is... now that you think of it, Avery said a couple weeks ago she'd teach you. Guess she never got around to it." [West Wide River] West Wide River is a room. West Wide River is north of Rocky Shore. West Wide River is west of East Wide River. The description of West Wide River is "The water is cold yet refreshing. Your feet barely touch the bottom, and it seems like if you tried to reach the other shore it would take days. You dare not try." A Fish is here. The Fish is edible. After eating the Fish, say " There was too many scales, but it was good.". "You can see something glimmering beneath the water. It's a fish! you can probably catch it.". The description of the fish is "A fish with glimmering scales. you assume it's some kind of trout, but you're not a fisherman so..." [Dense Forest] Dense Forest is a room. Dense Forest is east of Crash Site. The description of Dense Forest is "You have entered a densely wooded area of the surrounding forest. you can't quite see anything through the trees, but you can hear something skittering around to the north. There is also a large berry bush nestled between two trees." A handful of berries is here. The handful of berries is edible. The description of the handful of berries is "A handful of juicy red berries. The juice leaves a stain on your hand.". "Scattered on the berry bush is many red berries. They look really good, but you can never be too careful because they might be poisonous!". After eating the handful of berries, say "The berries weren't very filling, but they were good nonetheless." [Sparse Forest] Sparse Forest is a room. Sparse Forest is north of Dense Forest. The description of Sparse Forest is "The Forest here is less wooded than in the dense forest. Through the trees you see something in the underbrush." a squirrel is here. The squirrel is edible. The description of the squirrel is "A red squirrel with a bushy tail.". "You spot a squirrel in the underbrush. If you creep up on it, you could catch it!". After eating the squirrel, say "Would have been better if you cooked it." [Sandy Shore] Sandy Shore is a room. Sandy Shore is north of Sparse Forest. Sandy Shore is east of Rocky Shore. The description of Sandy Shore is "You stand on the sandy shore of the nearby river, your shoes resting on top of the sand farther up the shore. To the west of you the river shore turns rocky. if you walk north a tiny bit more in theory you could swim." A piece of rope is here. The piece of rope is fixed in place. "A piece of rope tied to a metal ring is here. It seems that the metal ring is fixed in the sand.". The description of the piece of rope is "A piece of rope tied to a metal ring. The end of the rope is frayed and dirty." [East Wide River] East Wide River is a room. East Wide River is north of Sandy Shore. East Wide River is east of West Wide River. The description of East Wide River is "The water is cold yet refreshing. The water here is shallow and to your waist, though you can see the drop off through the water. It seems like if you tried to reach the other shore it would take days. You dare not try." [Handmade Huts] Handmade Huts is a room. Handmade Huts is south of Crash Site. Handmade Huts is southwest of Dense Forest. Handmade Huts is southeast of Clearing. The description of Handmade Huts is "A group of huts created out of sticks and animal pelts sit around a firepit. Your hut is the east most one." [Personal Hut] Personal Hut is a room. Personal Hut is east of Handmade Huts. The description of Personal Hut is "you enter your hut. laid on the ground is a shabby handmade bed, made out of a blanket, a couple pelts, and the pillow you brought with you in your suitcase. Shoved in a corner is your suitcase, holding your clothing." A Navy jacket is here. The Navy jacket is wearable. "A navy jacket lined with fleece is hung on a stick poking out of the wall.". The description of the navy jacket is "A navy jacket your mom bought you last winter, its lined with fleece and exceptionally warm. your name is written on the tag in sharpie." A Silver locket is here. The Silver locket is wearable. "Hung on the same stick as the jacket, there is a locket made out of silver. there aren't any pictures inside.". The description of the silver locket is "A pretty silver locket with engraved patterns of flowers and spirals." [Amara's Hut] Amara's Hut is a room. Amara's Hut is southeast of Handmade Huts. The description of Amara's Hut is "You enter Amara's Hut. She gives you a sideways smile, with a hint of confusion. hung on a stick is her pink duffle bag, which is unzipped and most of the clothes that used to be inside have now fallen on the ground. her bed looks the same as yours, made out of a blanket and some pelts." [Charlie's Hut] Charlie's Hut is a room. Charlie's Hut is south of Handmade Huts. The description of Charlie's Hut is "you enter Charlie's Hut. She doesn't seem to be here currently. Her suitcase is upright beside the door. On her bed is what you presume to be her next outfit laid out, it consists of a Fiona Apple shirt, one of her jackets, jeans, and a few bracelets." A bracelet is here. The bracelet is wearable. "You feel a tiny bit tempted to take one of Charlies bracelets. She won't miss it... right? she has plenty.". the description of the bracelet is "a pretty crystal bracelet. Your pretty sure Charlie told you once that it was moss agate when you asked, but you're not sure." [Eleanor's Hut] Eleanor's Hut is a room. Eleanor's Hut is southwest of Handmade Huts. The description of Eleanor's Hut is "You enter Eleanor's Hut. She doesn't seem to be here currently. Her clothes are neatly folded in her open suitcase and all her blankets are neatly laid out on her bed." A Lord of the Flies book is here. "Resting on Eleanor's blankets is a copy of 'Lord of the Flies' that you lent her a while ago. You should probably take it and drop it back at your hut.". the description of the Lord of the Flies book is "The boy with the fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and began to pick his way through the lagoon. Though he had taken off his school sweater and trailed it now from one hand... are you really going to make me read all of this?" [Scarlett's Hut] Scarlett's Hut is a room. Scarlett's Hut is west of Handmade Huts. The description of Scarlett's Hut is "You enter Scarlett's Hut. Shes sitting on her bed, writing in her journal. She seems to be entranced, barely noticing you. sitting in the corner of the hut is her large backpack, containing her clothes." A tapestry is here. The tapestry is fixed in place. "Hanging over scarlett's bed is a crocheted tapestry she seems to have created herself. you knew she brought yarn with her but it's insane to you that someone would even think of bringing so much yarn on a trip that was supposed to be for a week or so.". The description of the tapestry is "the tapestry consists of bright colors, mostly pink, cyan, and purple. it depicts colorful flowers, and you know scarlett had been working on this since you first landed and had just recently finished." [Avery And Nora's Hut] Avery And Nora's Hut is a room. Avery And Nora's Hut is northwest of Handmade Huts. The description of Avery And Nora's Hut is "Avery and Nora are out hunting together, so neither are in their shared hut. Avery's side of the hut is a mess with clothes and blankets strewn everywhere, while Nora's side of the hut is plain and clean, with a small raggedy stuffed cat lying beside her pillow." A pair of glimmering earrings is here. The pair of glimmering earrings is wearable. "Two glimmering earrings catch your eye. Nora has so many earrings and she never wears these, so in theory you could take these, and she probably wouldn't notice, right?". The description of the pair of glimmering earrings is "A pair of glimmering earrings. They are made of silver with a small crystal embedded inside the hanging piece of the earring. your pretty sure its glass." [Forest Path] Forest Path is a room. Forest Path is northeast of Handmade Huts. Forest Path is east of Dense Forest. The description of Forest Path is "A path leads through this part of the woods. it leads northeast and southwest, though the part of the path leading northeast slowly wanes until its nearly invisible. the path is clearly made by many people walking this way and trampling the underbrush."