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Silent Home
Hazel Swartz
Played 9 times
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"Silent Home" [INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say "Summer of 1992. Los Angeles. You are standing in your entryway. Your sister is out with her friends and your parents are on a date, so you have the house to yourself." [Entry Way] Entry Way is a room. Entry Way is north of Living Room. The description of Entry Way is "You're standing Infront of your front door." [Living Room] Living Room is a room. Living Room is south of Entry Way. The description of Living Room is "You enter the living room. Two orange armchairs Sit against the front wall, and a couch sits across from them under a quilted tapestry your grandmother gifted you back in '89." A copy of fahrenheight 451 book is here. "A book lays open. When you flip it over, the cover depicts a burning man in a uniform. you can't read the words on the cover.". The description of the copy of fahrenheight 451 is "your too young to be able to read the words inside or outside, but you like the cover." [Dining Room] Dining Room is a room. Dining Room is east of Living Room. The description of Dining Room is "You enter your Dining Room. a large table that has enough chairs to fit 7 people sits in the middle of the room. above it is a large light and across from it is a large case that holds many fancy glasses. Your dad says they used to belong to your grandpa, back in '76. He died before you were born." a Chocolate Poptart is here. the Chocolate Poptart is edible. After eating the Chocolate Poptart, say "These get better every time you eat them.". The description of the Chocolate Poptart is "A sweet treat wrapped in foil. You can't read, but the packaging shows a chocolate one. Thats your fav.". "A pile of Poptarts rest on the table. The packaging depicts a chocolate flavor from what you can tell. they look pretty good." [Kitchen] Kitchen is a room. Kitchen is south from Dining Room. The description of Kitchen is "You enter your kitchen. the stove sits in the western corner of the room, bordered by shelves and countertops. The sink sits in the eastern corner of the room, surrounded by countertops and cabinets, a lazy suzan containing tupperware installed in one of the countertops beside it. A pantry and a fridge sit across from eachother in the north and south corners of the room. an island table takes up the rest of the space in the room besides walkways. some pop-rock song is playing on the radio, and your not a fan." A Kiwi is here. The Kiwi is edible. After eating Kiwi, say "Every part of these things is good.". The description of the Kiwi is "A brown fuzzy fruit with a vibrant green center.". "A pile of Kiwis sit in the center of the island. Big sis says your strange for eating every part of kiwis, but you think the skin AND center are equally good." [Hallway] Hallway is a room. Hallway is west of Kitchen. Hallway is south of Living Room. The description of Hallway is "You enter your hallway. to the north is the staircase that leads up to the bedrooms, and to the south is your bathroom. In the nook next to the stairwell is a pile of shoes." a Pair Of Cyan Light-Up Sneakers is here. the Pair Of Light-Up Sneakers are wearable. after wearing the Pair Of Cyan Light-Up Sneakers, say "These are pretty comfy, and they look quite dashing on you!". The description of the Pair Of Cyan Light-Up Sneakers is "Two cyan sneakers. when you stomp they light up!!". "Your pair of shoes lie in the corner. they're a pair of cyan sneakers, and when you step they glow in an array of pretty colors!" [Upper Hallway] Upper Hallway is a room. Upper Hallway is north of Hallway. The description of Upper Hallway is "You walk up the staircase enter the upper hallway. To the east is your room. To the west is Big sis' room. To the north is mom and dad's room." [Your Room] Your Room is a room. Your Room is east of Upper Hallway. The description of Your Room is "You enter your room. your bed is shoved into the corner by a small window. curtains dotted with stars hang over the windows, blocking the light that floods in. Your dresser is nearby the door, in a corner. Your closet door is in the eastern corner of your room." A Birth Certificate is here. The description of the Birth Certificate is "Mom once read you the words on this. 'This to certify that Charlotte 'Charlie' Marie Peterson, Weighing 5 ibs. And 11 oz. Was Born On 9/16/1986 To Loralie Shirley Peterson And Jonathan Peterson.'". " A birth certificate sits on top of your dresser." [Closet] Closet is a room. Closet is east of Your Room. The description of Closet is "You enter your closet. Many dresses, skirts, and blouses hang here, but your favorite outfit catches your eye." A Pink Dress And Pair Of Pale Cyan Socks is here. The Pink Dress And Pair Of Pale Cyan Socks is wearable. After wearing the Pink Dress And Pair Of Pale Cyan Socks, say "The dress is a tiny bit scratchy, but it looks quite nice on you. The socks feel the same as any other, but you like the color.". The description of the Pink Dress And Pair Of Pale Cyan Socks is "A pretty frilly pink dress and a pair of light cyan socks. paired with your light up cyan sneakers and friendship bracelet, this is your favorite outfit.". "A Frilly pink dress hangs in your closet, and shoved in the pocket is your favorite pair of socks! they're cyan, since its your favorite color." [Big Sister's Room] Big Sister's Room is a room. Big Sister's Room is west of Upper Hallway. The description of Big Sister's Room is "You enter your sisters room. A large window lets in plenty of light across from you, and you can see the evening sun shining into your eyes. Her bed sits in the western corner of the room, two side tables beside it. her wardrobe and desk are right next to each other." A Team Photo is here. the Team Photo is fixed in place. The description of the Team Photo is "A photo of your sisters girls soccer team. She is circled with red pen on the glass, with her name written under it. Kristen is pretty cool.". "A photo of big sis's soccer team sits on her desk. You heard her say once that she didn't like soccer, which seemed weird to you. But she's pretty good at soccer, so it's a win-lose?" A Computer is here. the Computer is fixed in place. "Your big sister's computer sits here. She said that she saved up since she was 10 to get this thing, which is a lot of years! she said she even drove mom's car to the shop to get it!". The description of the Computer is "A black computer with a weird rainbow apple marking on it." [Mom And Dad's Room] Mom And Dad's Room is a room. Mom And Dad's Room is north of Upper Hallway. the description of Mom And Dad's Room is "You enter Mom and Dad's room. Their bed sits under a few large windows, with sweeping orange curtains. The walls are painted a off-white color and wooden shelves litter the room. a collection of flower paintings rest on the walls, the most of them being on mom's side of the room." a Landline is here. The Landline is fixed in place. The description of the Landline is "A cherry red Landline. You wonder who that was that was just calling, and why they asked for mom.". "The Landline sits on your parents' wardrobe. Its ringing, and when you pick up you hear the sound of a man's voice. He's asking for mom, and you hang up on him." [Bathroom] Bathroom is a room. Bathroom is south of Hallway. The description of Bathroom is "You enter your Bathroom. A sink and toilet sit beside each other on one side of the room, and a bathtub sits on the other side. The bathtub is full. before mom left, she told you to take a bath before she and dad got back." A Mirror is here. The Mirror is fixed in place. "If you stand on your tippy-toes, you can see the mirror. what looks back is a young girl with shoulder-length brown hair and hazel eyes. Aren't you pretty, Charlie?". The description of the Mirror is "A Mirror lined with silver accents, theres not much special about it." A Rubber Ducky is here. The description of the Rubber Ducky is "A yellow Rubber Ducky. It floats when you put it in water. It's your favorite bath toy.". "A Rubber Ducky floats in the water. It floats around and you like to watch it, as it goes. someone at school told you once that Rubber Ducky's can get super bad mold in them, but lets hope not. You tend to chew on that thing a lot." [Television Room] Television Room is a room. Television Room is west of Hallway. The description of Television Room is " You enter your TV room. The Television sits on the ground, and some beanbags and cushions sit around it. you, your sister, and some of your friends come here every morning to watch the kids network before school. a toybox and dog bed rest in the back corner of this room, and your dog Dottie is curled up inside it." A Television Remote is here. The description of the Television Remote is "A black cylinder with colorful buttons. the most notable of which being the red power button and the pause and unpause buttons.". "A Television Remote sits on the ground beside the TV. Its kinda boxy and ugly, but who cares? it doesn't NEED to be pretty."