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"Space Troubles" by ibid Sleeping Quarters is above Hallway. "This is where you sleep. There are a few beds. [if Sleeping Quarters is unvisited] You wake up to the sound of the alarm. Bright lights are flashing everywhere. [end if] A door leading out to to the hallway is below you." The finger print scanner is a closed locked door. It is north of Hallway and south of The Cockpit. The description of the scanner is "This opens the door to the cockpit, but you do not have access.". dead people unlock the finger print scanner. The Cargo Bay is south of Hallway. "A door to the hallway is north." Outside of the Cargo Bay is an airlock. The airlock is an open door. Outside of the airlock is Outer Space. The description of the airlock is "This leads to outer space. It's cold out there." Sleeping Quarters is a room. An alarm is here. "The alarm is flashing loudly. This probably means something is wrong in the cockpit." It is scenery. There are some beds in Sleeping Quarters. They are enterable. They are scenery. In the beds are some dead people. Understand "crew/captain/men/humans" as dead people. The description of the beds is "The beds are very soft. Most of the crew is in them, including the captain. They are not moving." After taking the dead people: say "A bit heavy, but you got it". The examine containers rule is not listed in any rulebook. [so the player doesn't find out about the dead bodies] Hallway is a room. "Sleeping Quarters is above you, the cockpit is in front of you. Behind you, towards the south, is the cargo bay." The alien is a person. The description of the alien is "The alien looks non-humanoid." Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Understand "talk to [something]" as talking to. Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Instead of telling someone about something, try asking the noun about it. Instead of answering the noun that something, try asking the noun about it. After talking to the alien, say "Nice to see you again. Do you have the goods we agreed on?" After asking the alien about "goods/agree/agreed", say "The dead humans of course. You know I love buying these dead humans off of you." After asking the alien about something, say "Never mind that, do you have the goods we agreed on?" Instead of showing something to someone, try giving the noun to the second noun. Instead of giving the dead people to the alien: say "Perfect, just like you advertised. Here's the money we agreed upon, same time next week? The Alien gets back into his ship and flies away. You return to Earth to find a new crew for next week...."; end the story; The Cockpit is a room. "The alarm here is even louder. You can see some text on the computer screen". In the cockpit is a computer screen. It is scenery. The description of the computer screen is "Ship approaching and requesting permission to dock. Press button to authorize docking." The button is a device in the Cockpit. It is scenery. Understand "text" as the computer screen. Before listing nondescript items of the Cockpit: now the scanner is not marked for listing. Before listing nondescript items of the Outer Space: now the airlock is not marked for listing. The button is switched off. The button is fixed in place. The description of the button is "Press this to authorize the other ship to dock." Instead of pushing a button: try switching on the button. Instead of switching on the button: now button is switched on. Docking is a scene. Docking begins when the button is switched on. When Docking begins: say "You press the button and the ship docks to the airlock in the cargo bay. The alarm turns off."; now the Alien is in the cargo bay; now the description of the cockpit is "This is the cockpit of the ship."; now the description of the computer is "The other ship has docked in the cargo bay."; Before entering airlock during docking, say "the alien is in the way." instead. Every turn: if the player is in Outer Space: say "It is very cold in outer space and hard to breathe."; end the story saying "You have died"; if scanner is unlocked: now scanner is open;