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Tori Lear
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"Break In" by Tori Lear Use American dialect, full-length room descriptions, and the serial comma. Include Native Time Control by Tim Pittman. Rule for printing the banner text: do nothing. When play begins: Now the time of day is 11:00 pm. At 11:15 pm: say "There's a faint knocking on the front door." At 11:18 pm: say "The knocking is getting louder." At 11:20 pm: say "The knocking has become pounding. Someone is shouting to open the door." At 11:22 pm: say "The knocking has stopped, and you hear a cellphone ringing in the bedroom." At 11:25 pm: say "The cellphone rings a couple more times. Whoever is on the other side of the door shouts in frustration." At 11:28 pm: say "You hear the voice say 'Oh my god, here they fucking are!'" At 11:29 pm: say "Keys are being shaken on the other side of the door. You hear a key slip into the door handle." At 11:30 pm: say "'Goddammit, Ashley, are you too fucking high to answer the fucking door?' a voice calls from the living room."; now the young adult is in the Living Room; When play begins, say "You wake up, your face pressed against a cold, hardwood floor. You feel an intense pain in your forehead, and slowly remember knocking it into something just before everything went dark. You must have hit it pretty hard to knock yourself out, but you don't have the time or the resources to take care of it. You stand up and look around in the dimly-lit room." The Bedroom is a room. The printed name of the The Bedroom is “The Bedroomâ€. "It's a pretty normal bedroom, you think. There's a twin-sized bed pushed into a corner, a nightstand next to it with a rather dusty-looking lamp on top, posters hung up on all the walls--you can't imagine there's anything of interest in here. Glass is scattered on the floor in front of the window, sparkling in the now lit room. There's a white door to the west." The bedroom is dark. The bed is scenery in the Bedroom. The description is “A little small for your taste, but you take what you can get. There's a thick comforter on top, and a couple of pillows arranged neatly near the wall." The glass is scenery in the Bedroom. The description is "Ouch. Wouldn't want to step on that in your barefeet." The posters are scenery in the Bedroom. The description is "They seem to be either promotional posters of various video games, or pictures of an old labrador." The nightstand is a supporter in the Bedroom. The description is "You must have hit your head on this. The nightstand is made of thick, dark wood, and seems fairly sturdy. There's a drawer on the front, and a lamp on top of it." The walls are a backdrop. "White walls with posters hung up." The walls are in the Bedroom. The floor is a backdrop. "Old, uneven hardwood. There's glass by the window." The floor is in the Bedroom. The lamp is on the nightstand. The description is "The lamp is fairly big, taking up almost all of the space on the nightstand. There's a light switch on the power cord." Rule for listing nondescript items: do nothing. The lamp is a device on the nightstand. The lamp is scenery. Understand "light" and "lamp" as the lamp. Instead of switching on the lamp: now the lamp is lit; say "You reach down and turn the lamp on." Instead of switching off the lamp: now the lamp is not lit; Rule for printing the announcement of darkness: if the location is the Bedroom: say "You turn it off, and everything around you disappears into darkness." instead; otherwise: say "It's too dark to see right now." After deciding the scope of the player when the location is the Bedroom: place the lamp in scope Bedroom darkness count is a number that varies. Bedroom darkness count is 0. Rule for printing the description of a dark room: if the location is the Bedroom and the bedroom darkness count is greater than 0: say "Some light from out the window seeps into the room, but your head hurts and you're hardly able to see anything besides a lamp on the nightstand next to you."; otherwise: increase the bedroom darkness count by 1; say "Some light from out the window seeps into the room, but your head hurts and you're hardly able to see anything besides a lamp on the nightstand next to you." An openable container called the drawer is part of the nightstand. The drawer is closed and openable. In the drawer is a knife. Instead of examining the knife, say "Someone's pretty paranoid if they're keeping a kitchen knife next to their bed. It's sharp and thin. You could probably use this for something." Rule for listing nondescript items: do nothing. Instead of taking the the bed: say “Honey, you're not strong enough for that." The white door is a door. The white door is west of the Bedroom and east of The hallway.The oak door is scenery. The white door is lockable and open. The hallway is a room. The printed name of the The hallway is “The Hallwayâ€. "As you exit the bedroom, you notice another door to the west, with light seeping out from a crack near the floor. Aside from that, the hallways is dark, but you can see the living room in the south." Understand "bathroom", "bathroom door", and "locked door" as the bath door. Instead of opening the bath door, say "You rattle the handle, but the door won't budge." Instead of taking the bath door, say "Now how is that going to help anything?" Before unlocking the bath door with the bath door: If the bath door is closed: if the bath door is locked: say "You're going to need something to unlock it." Before going through the bath door: if the bath door is closed: if the bath door is not locked: say "You open the door and exit the room. [paragraph break]"; now the bath door is open; otherwise if the player carries the knife: say "You manage to slide the knife between the lock, and are now able to open the door. [paragraph break]"; now the bath door is unlocked; now the bath door is open. The knife unlocks the bath door. The bath door is a door. The bath door is west of the hallway and east of the bathroom. Before going through the bath door: if the bath door is closed: if the bath door is not locked: say "You open the door and enter the bathroom. [paragraph break]"; now the bath door is open; otherwise if the player carries the knife: say "You manage to slide the knife between the lock, and are now able to open the door. [paragraph break]"; now the bath door is unlocked; now the bath door is open. The player carries a lockpick set. Instead of unlocking the bath door with the lockpick set: if the player does not carry the lockpick set: say "You left your lockpicking set somewhere."; otherwise if the bath door is not locked: say "You don't need to unlock it now."; otherwise: now the bath door is not locked; say "You take out your lockpicking set and get to work, unlocking the door in no time flat." The bath door is lockable and locked. The Bathroom is a room. The printed name of the The Bathroom is “The Bathroomâ€. "As you open the door, light floods out into the dark hallway, blinding you momentarily. You slowly regain your vision and see a sink, a bathtub, a mirror and medicine cabinet, and a girl sitting on the toilet. The exit is to the east." Some fixtures are scenery in the Bathroom. Understand "sink", "toilet", "faucet", "bathtub", "tub","basin", "shower", "towel", "bath", and "mat" as the fixtures. The description is "You don't have time to admire the clean porcelain or the pretty blue tiling." Instead of doing anything other than examining with the fixtures: say "You have more important things to do right now than fiddle with the bathroom fixtures." The Girl is a woman in the Bathroom. "The girl jumps as you enter the bathroom, and lets out a sharp screech. She struggles to pull her shorts back up and stumbles against the tub. As she recovers her balance, she assumes a fighting stance and begins asking what the fuck you want."The description is "This girl looks like she's about to knock you out, though she's only about as tall as your chest." The Girl is wearing a tank top and pajama shorts. Instead of kissing the Girl, say "You begin to approach her, and she screams even louder. You decide not to risk someone calling the police." Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]†as talking to. Instead of talking to the girl: say "You can ask about her, the apartment, the money, or the meds." Understand "girl", "the girl", and "her" as "[girl]". Instead of asking the Girl about "[girl]": say "'I just wanted to spend the night with my boyfriend,' she tells you in a wavering voice." Understand "the apartment","apartment","my apartment", and "this apartment" as "[apartment]". Instead of asking the Girl about "[apartment]": say "'This is my boyfriend's apartment!' she yells at you. 'And he's right outside, so if you don't get the fuck out--' Her voice falls short and she lets out a small whimper." Understand "money" and "the money" as "[money]". Instead of asking the Girl about "[money]": say "'I don't know nothing about no money,' she tells you, acting as if she were talking to a police officer. 'Honest!'" Understand "pills", "meds", "medication", "the meds", and "the pills" as "[meds]". Instead of asking the Girl about "[meds]": say "'There's some meds in the medicine cabinet,' she says, pointing at the mirror protruding from the wall." Understand "apartment", "the apartment", "this apartment", and "my apartment" as "[apartment]". The mirror is a supporter in the Bathroom. The description is "The mirror protrudes slightly from the wall, due to the medicine cabinet behind it." An openable container called the medicine cabinet is part of the mirror. The medicine cabinet is closed and openable. Advil is in the medicine cabinet. The description is "A bottle of advil. You shake it in your hand and hear a substantial amount of pills inside". Understand "cough" and "syrup" as the cough syrup. Cough syrup is in the medicine cabinet. The description is "Some cough syrup. The liquid inside coats the bottle as you swirl it around". Understand "prescription", "pain killers","pills", and "pain pills" as the prescription pain killers. Prescription pain killers is in the medicine cabinet. The description is "An orange container of prescription pain killers. It sounds like there's still a couple left". Taking-Meds is a scene. Taking-Meds begins when the medicine cabinet is open. Taking-Meds ends when the player carries prescription pain killers. The Girl Leaving is a scene. The Girl Leaving begins when Taking-Meds begins. When Girl Leaving begins, say "As you root through the medicine cabinet, you're aware of the girl slipping out of the bathroom behind you. You decide not to worry about it, as she does not seem to have any way of hurting you." The Girl Leaving ends when Taking-Meds ends. When Girl Leaving ends: now the girl is in the bedroom; if the player carries the knife: say "You hear an audible gasp from the bedroom, followed by the girl scrambling to lock the bedroom door."; now the white door is closed; now the white door is locked; otherwise: now the girl carries the knife; now the white door is closed; now the white door is locked. The living room is south of The hallway. The printed name of the The living room is “The Living Roomâ€. "It's a pretty shabby living room. There's a blue couch agains the south wall, a coffee table in front of it, a couple of end tables with lamps on them, and a large square dining table with a couple of chairs around it. The only thing of interest is the purse lying on the coffee table. The kitchen is to the west, and the hallway is to the north." Instead of examining the Living Room: if the young adult is in the Living Room: say "It's a pretty shabby living room. There's a blue couch agains the south wall, a coffee table in front of it, a couple of end tables with lamps on them, and a large square dining table with a couple of chairs around it. The only thing of interest is the purse lying on the coffee table.[paragraph break]A young man now stands in the room, suprised and angry to see you."; otherwise: say "It's a pretty shabby living room. There's a blue couch agains the south wall, a coffee table in front of it, a couple of end tables with lamps on them, and a large square dining table with a couple of chairs around it. The only thing of interest is the purse lying on the coffee table." The couch is scenery. The description is "It doesn't look very comfortable, really." The end tables are scenery. The description is "Pretty similar to the nightstand in the bedroom. Nothing really special about them." The lamps are scenery. The description is "These are just as dusty as the one in the bedroom." The coffee table is a supporter in the Living Room. The description is "It's a rather plain wooden table. There's a purse on top of it." The purse is an openable container on the coffee table. The description is "A black leather purse. You're not really sure how else to describe it." The purse is closed and openable. In the purse is a couple $20 bills. Understand "bills" and "money" as $20 bills. Instead of examining the $20 bills, say "Nice. You could get a nice meal with this kind of cash." The young adult is a man. The printed name of the young adult is "the young man". "A young man now stands in the room, suprised and angry to see you." Understand "the young man", "young man", "man" and "young" as the young adult. Instead of examining the young adult: if the young adult is not in the living room: say "There's no one here, luckily."; otherwise: say "You feel a mixture of shock and dread as the young man glares angrily at you. 'Who the fuck are you?' he shouts, his voice bellowing and echoing throughout the room." End Game is a scene. End Game begins when the young adult is in the Living Room and the player is in the Living Room. Instead of going during End Game: say "You've locked eyes with the young man, you can't walk away now." Attacking it with is an action applying to two things and requiring light. Understand "attack [something] with [something]" and "hit [something] with [something]" as attacking it with. The young adult's dead body is a thing. The description is "You feel a rush of addrenaline and sickness as you look at it. You have to get out of here." Instead of talking to the young adult: say "He doesn't look like he wants to talk right now. In fact, he looks like he's about to--[paragraph break]The young man lunges at you, taking you by surprise and knocking you to the ground." Instead of attacking the young adult: if the player carries the knife: Let X be a random number from 1 to 5; if X is 1: say "You manage to get your knife out and thrust it into the young man's chest. He jumps back from you, sputtering as a small layer of blood covers the inside of his mouth. He looks at you again, fear and pain clouding his eyes, and then collapses."; end the story saying "You stand up, feeling bile rise in the back of your throat as you stare down at the dying man's body. You can hear the bedroom door rattling, the girl screaming 'What's going on?!', and you realize you need to get out of here. You open the small porch door and shuffle off into the darkness, wondering if this was all worth it."; otherwise if X is 2: say "As you pull out the knife, the young man snatches it from your hand. He holds it within his clenched fist and drives it down into your chest. Stars fill your final vision of the man jumping off of you, and you listen to the sounds of his remorse as you drift off."; end the story saying "You picked the wrong house to break into."; otherwise: say "You try getting to your knife, but the two of you are wrestling around too much.".; otherwise: Let X be a random number from 1 to 5; if X is 1: say "As you're wrestling with the young man, you hear the bedroom door open. You try to glance over and see what's happening, but you receive a hard blow to the head, which leaves you disoriented for a few moments. Just as your senses are coming back to you, the young man pulls you up into a sitting position, and you feel a cold blade slice open your throat. You cough up a copious amount of blood, fall back onto the hardwood floor, and drift off into unconsciousness."; end the story saying "You picked the wrong house to break into"; otherwise if X is 2: say "As you're wrestling with the young man, you hear the bedroom door open. The young man briefly glances over, and you take this momentary distraction to deal a strong blow to the side of the man's head. His body goes limp for a moment, and you hear his girlfriend screaming at the end of the hallway. You look over as she begins running towards you, clenching a knife in her hands, and you barely have time to throw her boyfriend's body in front of you as a shield.[paragraph break]There's a long moment of stillness as the man gasps in pain, looks over at his girlfriend with shocked, pained eyes, and passes out on top of you. You shimmy out from beneath him as the girl lets out a wail, collapsing on top of her dying boyfriend, exclaiming that she didn't mean to kill him."; end the story saying "You want to be sick at the sight of all the blood covering your hands, but you don't have time. While the girl is sobbing over her boyfriend's body, you slip out of the front door, wondering if all this trouble was worth breaking in."; otherwise: say "You wrestle with the young man, exchanging punches, but making no progress in the fight." The kitchen is west of The living room. The printed name of the The kitchen is “The Kitchenâ€. "The kitchen is extremely tiny, barely a little wider than you, and about five steps long. It has the normal kitchen appliances, such as a stove, sink, fridge. On the counter you see a large, half-full bottle of vodka. The living room is back to the east." Some appliances are scenery in the Kitchen. Understand "oven", "sink", "stove", "faucet", "fridge","refrigeratot", "freezer", "cabinet", "rug", and "drawers" as the appliances. The description is "You really don't have time for that right now. Get what you need and go." The counter is a supporter in the Kitchen. The description is "Kinda messy. You would give it a proper wipe down if you had time, but you don't. There's a bottle of vodka sitting open on the counter." The vodka is on the counter. The description is "A half-full bottle of vodka. The pungant smell of alcohol reaches your nose, and you can feel your cravings growing."