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Odias: Virtual Reality
Tori Lear
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"Odias: Virtual Reality" by Tori Lear Use American dialect, full-length room descriptions, and the serial comma. When play begins, say "You place the VR helmet over your head, enjoying the quiet darkness it immerses you in. You are the first person allowed to test this incredibly new piece of technology. Settling down in a long chair, similar to those you knew from the dentist's office, you allow the humming of the computers to lull you into a relaxed state. The scientist in charge of monitoring your progress within the game, as well as your mental and physical state, turns on the helmet, and you are immediately sent into the world of Odias.". Rule for printing the banner text: do nothing. Include Simple Chat by Mark Tilford. Rule for listing nondescript items: do nothing. [[CHAPTER 1]] [Rooms] The Forest is a room. The printed name of The Forest is "The Forest". "The breeze blowing across your bare arms feels so real, you shiver a little from the unexpected touch. The dirt ground beneath you is completely solid, and you kick up a bit of dust as you kick your heel against it. You look around and see that you're in a clearing, surrounded by thick trees, a canopy of green leaves opening above you to show the pale blue sky. There's a small path leading through the woods to the north." Forest Trees are scenery in The Forest. Understand "trees", "woods", and "forest" as Forest Trees. "They look so real; rough, brown bark, thick green leaves...Exactly how you imagine a forest should look." Instead of touching Forest Trees: say "You push your hand against the trunk and it doesn't yield or turn out to be a hallucination. It's a real tree!" Forest Floor is scenery in The Forest. Understand "floor", "ground", and "dirt" as Forest Floor. "You stamp your feet, kick at rocks, and bend down to scrape at it with your fingers; this ground is completely solid!" Instead of going west in The Forest: say "You begin to wander, but a voice from above tells you to stay to the path. The other areas probably aren't rendered yet." Instead of going east in The Forest: say "You begin to wander, but a voice from above tells you to stay to the path. The other areas probably aren't rendered yet." Instead of going south in The Forest: say "You begin to wander, but a voice from above tells you to stay to the path. The other areas probably aren't rendered yet." The Burnt Forest is north of The Forest. The printed name of The Burnt Forest is "The Forest". "Everything in this area is completely burnt. The trees are charred sticks, crumbling against the slightest breeze. The ground looks like it was scorched by some pretty intense flames. There are a few large rocks that seem completely out of place, and you imagine that something truly incredible (or terrifying) must have dropped them here. As the woods become sparse, you can see what looks like the spire of a magnificent building to the north." Burnt Trees are scenery in The Burnt Forest. Understand "trees", "burnt trees", "charred trees", and "twigs" as Burnt Trees. "You approach one of the trees to get a better look, and it collapses in a pile of ash. You become aware that most of the ground you've been standing on is covered in ash from previous trees." Scorched Ground is scenery in The Burnt Forest. Understand "ground", "burnt ground", "ash", and "dirt" as Scorched Ground. "You can see your footprints marked in the blackened ash from trees that had crumbled. The ground that you are able to see beneath the ash is blackened." Large Rocks are scenery in The Burnt Forest. Understand "rocks" and "stones" as Large Rocks. "A few rocks--or boulders--that are taller than you are. You examine them closely, circling around them for any markings, writing, anything. As you're stepping around the rocks, you step on something, and look down to see a tattered, dusty journal." The Dusty Journal is a thing in The Burnt Forest. The description is "The cover is thin, and the edges are completely bent and frayed. It seems to be very delicate, altough a clasp still holds it closed and kept together." Instead of going west in The Burnt Forest: say "You begin to wander, but a voice from above tells you to stay to the path. The other areas probably aren't rendered yet." Instead of going east in The Burnt Forest: say "You begin to wander, but a voice from above tells you to stay to the path. The other areas probably aren't rendered yet." Instead of going south in The Burnt Forest: say "You look behind you, but it seems the forest has thickened to the point you can't pass through." The Dragon's Circle is north of The Burnt Forest. The printed name of The Dragon's Circle is "A clearing". "The few trees left stop, and you're left in front of a large castle, painted the color of the sky and towering high enough to touch the clouds. You're also intensely aware of the enormous dragon curled up like a house cat in front of the castle. You look to the west, and see a distant volcano, and another lush forest to the east." The Castle Wall is scenery in The Dragon's Circle. Understand "castle" as The Castle Wall. "It's magnificent; towers the grow higher than is architecturally safe in the real world, with white and gold trimming that contrasts wonderfully with the sky blue bricks." The Sleeping Dragon is scenery in The Dragon's Circle. Understand "dragon" as The Sleeping Dragon. "From where you stand, it seems to be the size of the castle itself. Its scales are a shimmering gold, which catch the sunlight as it breathes slowly. You're glad this dragon is asleep, and you decide it's best to be as quiet as possible." The Castle Door is north of the Dragon's Circle. The Castle door is a door. The castle door is closed and locked. Understand "castle" and "door" as Castle Door. The Volcano is west of The Dragon's Circle. "Inside of this strange volcano, you look up and see the black stone walls rising and curving into a dome far above you. The ground you stand on is a similar black stone, and the whole space is illuminated by a flow of lava dribbling down the wall. You see another passage which seems to lead to a cave." The Volcanic Walls are scenery in The Volcano. Understand "walls" and "stone" as The Volcanic Walls. "The stone is black and rough, but cool to the touch. It's not a new volcano, although lava still seems to be flowing from somewhere." The Volcanic Ground is scenery in The Volcano. Understand "ground" and "floor" as The Volcanic Ground. "The same black stone that makes up the walls. There's nothing really interesting about it." The Lava is scenery in the Volcano. "The heat becomes overbearing when you start to move too close. The lava is thick, seeping for somewhere in the wall into a pool in the floor." Shop-door is scenery in The Volcano. The description is "You peer inside and see what looks to be a...shop?" Understand "arch", "doorway", "passage" and "shop" as Shop-door. The printed name of the Shop-door is "Cave Passage". Instead of entering the Shop-door: try going west. Instead of going inside in the Volcano: try going west. The Stone Door is west of the Volcano and east of The Shop. The Stone Door is a door. The Stone door is open and lockable. The Shop is a room. The printed name of The Shop is "A shop". The description is "You don't know why anyone would build a shop inside a volcano, but you go inside and take a look around. There's a big pot of boiling water in the center of the room, sitting over a fire that causes beads of sweat to form instantly. There's a shelf cluttered with bottles of you're not sure what, and dried plants hang all over the walls. Really, the only thing that tells you it's a shop is a sign on the floor that says 'Be back in 5'." The Shelf is a supporter in The Shop. The description is "A shelf made from carving into the wall. But the surface is so flat and polished, you wonder what kind of tools they have in this world that would be able to do that." The bottles are on the Shelf. The indefinite article of the bottles is "some". The description is "There are some filled with liquid, some filled with dust, some filled with things you don't even want to mention or look at again, and there are some that don't have anything in them. You wonder what they're all for." The Dried Plants are scenery in The Shop. Understand "dry", "dried", and "plants" as Dried Plants. The description is "Bundles of flowers and herbs tied up and hung upside down from little hooks jammed into the walls. Interesting." The Sign is scenery in the Shop. The Pot is scenery in the Shop. Understand "big", "pot", "boiling", "water", and "fire" as The Pot. "You get as close as you can without melting your face off. It just appears to be a big cauldron filled with boiling water. Nothing really special about it." Instead of taking the Bottles: if the Old Woman is not in The Shop: say "You reach to pick one up, but suddenly you hear a voice behind you say 'You can look, but unless you're planning on buying something, keep your paws off my merchandise.'[paragraph break] You turn around and an old woman is now standing by the pot, stirring the liquid and occasionally dipping in a finger to taste it."; now the Old Woman is in The Shop; otherwise: say "'Don't you be getting your dirty little fingerprints all over my bottle, child', the old woman says.". Instead of examining the sign: if the Old Woman is not in The Shop: say "You look at the sign, which is sitting on the ground on the far end of the shop. It reads 'Back Now'. Weird, you thought--[paragraph break] 'Hello, hello,' a voice suddenly squacks behind you. You jump and turn around to see a small old woman, stirring the pot of water."; now the Old Woman is in The Shop; otherwise: say "The sign reads 'Shop Open' now. You could have sworn it said something else earlier.". The Bandit's Camp is east of The Dragon's Circle. The printed name of The Bandit's Camp is "A campsite". "You walk for a few yards, and stumble upon what appears to be a camping ground. Tent of various shapes and sizes are set up all around the clearing, as well as extinguished fire pits, bed rolls, and bags strewn about everywhere." The Tents are scenery in The Bandit's Camp. "They look like patched together sheets thrown over some sticks. Doesn't seem entirely stable, but you suppose it gets the job done." The bed rolls are scenery in The Bandit's Camp. "Thick blankets placed on the ground, allowing whomever sleeps on it to gaze at the sky." The bags are scenery in The Bandit's Camp. "They're tattered, like everything else, but they also appear to be full of something. You're not sure if you want to know what's in them." The fire pits are scenery in The Bandit's Camp. "They were lit not too long ago, embers still smoldering a little." [Characters] The Awake Dragon is a man. The printed name of The Awake Dragon is "The Dragon". "You start a little, as you come face-to-face with the dragon. Its dark green eyes stare into yours, and you feel its hot breath brush against your face.[paragraph break] 'You have a belly of fire, human,' the dragon growls, its voice coming more as a telepathic thought than actual words. 'What is it you need of me?'" Understand "dragon" as the Awake Dragon. Instead of examining the Awake Dragon: say "Its scales move ever so slightly, standing up like cat fur before settling back down. Standing so close to it, you notice how enormous the creature's jaw is. Better be careful what you say." The Old Woman is a woman. The description of the Old Woman is "[if the player is in the shop]An old woman bustles around the shop, picking up various plants and bottles and tossing them haphazardly into the pot. She doesn't seem to notice you, unless you happen to be standing in here way.[otherwise] The old woman from the shop now stands in the princess's room, completely still. She looks at you expectantly, ignoring the whimpering girl." Understand "old" and "woman" as the Old Woman. Instead of examining the Old Woman: if the old woman is in the Shop: say "She looks ancient, with skin that more like crumpled parchment than anything else. Her wispy grey hair pokes out from beneath a small cap, and her wide, white eyes seem to stare at nothing as she moves around the room."; otherwise if the old woman is in the princess room: say "It's the same woman as before! Her leathery skin appears much paler in the natural light streaming in through the window, and now her eyes stare right through you." The Bandit King is a woman in the Bandit's Camp. The printed name of the Bandit King is "small figure". "A small figure dressed from head-to-toe in rags stands in the middle of the camp, looking around and kicking at some stray logs." Understand "small figure", "figure", "man", "woman", "bandit", "king", and "bandit king" as The Bandit King. Instead of examining the Bandit King: say "Whoever they are, they're rather short, with shoulders set wide. You can't see anything aside from the rags and goggles they wear." The wooden cup is an object. Understand "wood", "wooden", and "cup" as the wooden cup. The wooden cup can be full or empty. The wooden cup is empty. Filling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "fill [something]" as filling. Instead of filling the wooden cup: say "Hesitantly, you lean over the pool of lava and stare into the viscous liquid. You look at the wooden cup in your hand, sigh, and push it into the lava, trying to keep your hand as far away as possible. When you pull the cup out, it appears to be perfectly fine, although after a couple seconds, the wood begins to show cracks."; now the wooden cup is full. Instead of drinking the wooden cup: say "You feel as though this is a bad idea, but the cup is beginning to leak, and you don't have time to think about the logic. You tilt the cup back and feel the thick liquid crawl down your throat. At first, it's not so bad. After you manage to shake the last drop into your mouth, it scalds your tongue and boils in your stomach. The sensation lasts a couple agonizing seconds, before dissipating."; remove the wooden cup from play; remove the sleeping dragon from play; now the Awake Dragon is in the Dragon's Circle. The Trash is a room. [The trash is where we put NPCs who are no longer of use and need not be in the scene anymore. The trash is a temporary room, unless I can't figure out a better strategy.] [Conversations] [Bandit King] Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Report talking to: say "You have nothing to say.". When play begins: forbid exiting on zero. Chat-hello-Bandit, chat-who-are-you, chat-I-am, chat-science-tester, chat-so-you-are, chat-why-here, chat-dragon, chat-bandit-king-ii, chat-bandit-bye-i, chat-bandit-bye-ii, chat-Dusty, chat-no-Dusty, chat-hello-again are chat nodes. Chat-hello-Bandit is sc-shown-once. Chat-who-are-you is sc-shown-once. Chat-I-am is sc-shown-once. Chat-science-tester is sc-shown-once. Chat-so-you-are is sc-once. Chat-hello-again is sc-inactive. Instead of talking to Bandit King: run a conversation from chat-hello-Bandit. Report giving text for chat-hello-Bandit: Instead say "[paragraph break] You approach the figure, who becomes stiffer and tries to stand taller."; Carry out finding responses to chat-hello-Bandit: link to chat-who-are-you; link to chat-hello-again. Report giving link to chat-hello-again: Instead say "[paragraph break] Hello." Report giving text for chat-hello-again: Instead say "[paragraph break] 'Do you have what I am looking for, hue-man?' The Bandit King asks." Carry out finding responses to chat-hello-again: link to chat-Dusty; link to chat-no-dusty. Report giving link to chat-who-are-you: instead say "Who are you?". Report giving text for chat-who-are-you: instead say "[paragraph break]The figure is silent, tilting their head to the side and looking not looking away from you. Finally, their voice--high-pitched and muffled through the layers of cloth--says, 'That depends. Who are you?'". Carry out finding responses to chat-who-are-you: link to chat-I-am; link to chat-science-tester. Report giving link to chat-science-tester: instead say "I'm a game-tester...". Report giving text for chat-science-tester: instead say "[paragraph break]You explain to the figure that you're a video game tester, currently testing out some new virtual reality headgear. You feel yourself becoming increasingly pationate, as you explain how this new technology can pave the way for the future of video games--maybe even life as a whole![paragraph break] You can feel the stranger's eyes piercing you through their goggles; maybe you shouldn't be talking about virtual reality when you're inside the virtual reality. You begin wondering if the world around you will open up into some sort of wormhole, but the figure relaxes, shrugs, and says 'I am the Bandit King.'". Carry out finding responses to chat-science-tester: link to chat-so-you-are; link to chat-why-here; link to chat-dragon. Report giving link to chat-I-am: instead say "My name is...". Report giving text for chat-I-am: instead say "[paragraph break]You tell the figure your name, as they stand there and judge you. 'Now, who are you?' you prompt, determined to get an answer. [paragraph break] The figure is still for another long moment, and then sighs, uncrosses their arms and places one hand on a cocked hip, and answers. 'I am the Bandit's King. Welcome to our camp.'". Carry out finding responses to chat-I-am: link to chat-so-you-are; link to chat-why-here; link to chat-dragon. Report giving link to chat-so-you-are: instead say "So you're...". Report giving text for chat-so-you-are: instead say "[paragraph break] Your question trails off, and the Bandit King looks over at you, tilting their head. Your face begins growing hot, and you blurt out, 'So are you a boy? If you're the king?'[paragraph break] You can feel the Bandit King's glare, and you immediately regret your question. The small figure steps towards you, pulling off the goggles and pushing back the layers of cloth around their head. A rounded, brown face with boar-like tusks and large brown eyes looks at you from beneath a head of curly black hair. The Bandit King can see the expression of confusion on your face, and adds to their physical reveal, 'I'm female.' She rubs at one of her tusks and picks at a twig trapped in her hair. 'You hue-men are so concerned with my sex.'". Carry out finding responses to chat-so-you-are: link to chat-bandit-king-ii. Report giving link to chat-bandit-king-ii: instead say "But you're a Bandit King...". Report giving text for chat-bandit-king-ii: instead say "[paragraph break] The Bandit King's eyes flash and her lips grow into a snarl. 'I am a king, yes,' she growls. 'I may call myself what I please.' You decide it's best to leave it there.". Carry out finding responses to chat-bandit-king-ii: try finding responses to chat-i-am instead. Report giving link to chat-dragon: instead say "There's a dragon nearby.". Report giving text for chat-dragon: instead say "[paragraph break] 'I'm fully aware,' the Bandit King said, crossing her arms over her chest. 'Do you think I am happy to be staying so close to a dragon? I am in search of something I lost.'". Carry out finding responses to chat-dragon: link to chat-why-here. Report giving link to chat-why-here: instead say "So why are you here?" Report giving text for chat-why-here: instead say "[paragraph break] 'I am here because I lost something very important to me,' she responded, her eyes softening a little. 'I am not sure where it is now, but my people are out looking for it. I will not leave here without my journal.'" Carry out finding responses to chat-why-here: if the player carries the Dusty Journal: link to chat-Dusty; otherwise: link to chat-no-Dusty. Report giving link to chat-Dusty: instead say "A journal you say?" Report giving text for chat-Dusty: instead say "[paragraph break]Her eyes light up at your remark, and she expectantly holds out her hand for the journal." Report giving link to chat-no-Dusty: instead say "Maybe I could help?" Report giving text for chat-no-Dusty: instead say "[paragraph break]The Bandit King regards you with a wary eye, before nodding. 'If you were to find my journal, I would be happy to have you as an ally.' She then reaches into the folds of her clothes and pulls out a small leather pouch, which jingles as she shakes it. 'I may also have something of more value to you.'" Carry out finding responses to chat-no-dusty: link to chat-bandit-bye-ii. Report giving link to chat-bandit-bye-i: instead say "Goodbye." Report giving text for chat-bandit-bye-i: instead say "[paragraph break] The Bandit King bows and smiles at you, before pocketing her journal and departing to pack up her things."; now The Bandit King is in The Trash; now chat-hello-again is sc-active. Report giving link to chat-bandit-bye-ii: instead say "Goodbye." Report giving text for chat-bandit-bye-ii: instead say "[paragraph break]The Bandit King gives you a solemn nod, and then returns to pacing around the camp."; now chat-hello-again is sc-active. Instead of giving the journal to the Bandit King: say "She grins at you and takes out a coin purse, pouring a couple golden coins into your hand. 'You have my gratitude, dear hue-man,' she says, bowing to you. 'If you are ever in need, I will gladly help you.'[paragraph break] You smile back before she turns around and goes about packing up the camp."; remove the Dusty Journal from play; now the player carries the gold coins; now the Bandit King is in The Trash. The gold coins are an object. Understand "gold" and "coins" as the gold coins. [Dragon] Chat-hello-dragon, chat-about-dragon, chat-about-castle, chat-move are chat nodes. Chat-about-dragon is sc-once. Chat-about-castle is sc-once. Instead of talking to Awake Dragon: run a conversation from chat-hello-dragon. Report giving text for chat-hello-dragon: Instead say "'Dear human, I am here to answer your questions. No need to be frightened,' the dragon says, noticing your reluctance to speak up." Carry out finding responses to chat-hello-dragon: link to chat-about-dragon; link to chat-about-castle; link to chat-move. Report giving link to chat-about-dragon: instead say "What are you?" Report giving text for chat-about-dragon: instead say "The dragon chuckles slightly, and you see tiny orbs of flame emit from its nostrils. 'I am Od-Wro, the Sun Dragon,' it answered with a bow of its long neck. 'I chose to rest here, and was about to leave. It is almost nightfal.'" Carry out finding responses to chat-about-dragon: try finding responses to chat-hello-dragon instead. Report giving link to chat-about-castle: instead say "What is this castle?" Report giving text for chat-about-castle: instead say "The dragon turns its head slightly and looks at the magnificent building. 'It is a new building, I believe,' it says, looking back at you. 'I was unaware of its presence. But it seems to house some great darkness.' The dragon stretches its wings and stands up, towering over you even more. 'I would suggest leaving, young human." Carry out finding responses to chat-about-castle: try finding responses to chat-hello-dragon instead. Report giving link to chat-move: instead say "I'd like to pass through." Report giving text for chat-move: instead say "The dragon bows its head again and stares into your eyes once more. 'Be strong, human,' it said. 'I sense danger ahead of you.'[paragraph break] The great creature beat its wings, and you step back to avoid being knocked over completely. You watch the dragon lift off the ground and rise into the sky. It regards you once more from its vantage point, and then disappears into the clouds."; move Awake Dragon to the Trash. Instead of going north in the Dragon's Circle: say "You put all your weight into the large white doors, and they swing open before you. As you move in, the wind seems to shut them."; move player to the Castle-Entrance. [Scenes] Womans Gift is a scene. Womans Gift begins when the player is in the Shop and the player carries the gold coins. Womans Gift ends when the player does not carry the gold coins. Instead of going during Womans Gift: say "You start to head towards the exit, but the woman stops you by standing in your way. 'Now, now, deary,' she says, smiling and showing off her aged, yellow teeth. 'I know you have something for me.'" When Womans Gift begins: say "The old woman standing by the boiling pot begins sniffing the air, her head whipping around to look at where you stand. 'Smells like gold,' she says, her voice taking on a sinisterly dark tone. 'What may I get for you today?'"; now the Old Woman is in the Shop. Instead of giving the gold coins to the Old Woman: now the Old Woman carries the gold coins; now the player carries the wooden cup; say "You hand over the coins and flinch as the old woman snatches them away from you. She lifts up the small handful to her nose, takes a large sniff, and then shuffles over to the pot. You watch curiously as she throws the coins into the boiling pot, the liquid inside becoming a shimmering gold hue.[paragraph break] 'Here, my dear one,' the woman says, picking something up off the shelf and bringing it over. 'Take this cup, fill it with the lava outside. Drink that, and you will be able to talk to the dragon and ask him to move.' You look at the cup she shoved into your hand, and then back at her as she shoos you out the door. 'Off with ya! I got no more in stock, and you got no more money.'"; now the player is in the Volcano; now the stone door is closed; now the stone door is locked. Instead of going west from the Volcano: if the stone door is locked: say "You look to where the shop was, but there's only a stone wall."; otherwise: move player to the Shop. Instead of talking to the Old woman in the Shop: say "You open your mouth to speak, but the woman is one second ahead of you, gently knocking you under the chin as she passes by with an armful of bottle. 'No time to speak now,' she says, tossing everything into the pot. 'Unless you're here with some gold, I've got nothing to say to you.'" [Original ending for Creative Project] [Instead of opening the castle door: say "You reach for the handle and take a deep breath. You were about to enter a new area, and this is the point where the virtual reality would really be put to the test. Would there be loading time? What would that feel like? Is everything already loaded?[paragraph break] You put all your weight against the door, and it slowly swings open. A white light floods out and blinds you, and you lose the sensation of the gentle breeze against your back, or the leftover sulfur smell from the dragon's presence. You become aware of your surroundings in the real world, as someone pulls off your VR helmet and accosts you with a bright light directly in your eyes."; end the story saying "The test trial has ended. It was a success!"] [[CHAPTER 2]] [Rooms] [I'm creating a lot of hallways, and so the naming of them is absolutely ridiculous. This might be superfluous and confusing, but I don't know.] [DRAFT: I'll be skimping on some of the room descriptions and elements, and working on the basic premise of the Castle chapter.] [First Floor] The Castle-Entrance is north of the Castle Door. The printed name of the Castle-Entrance is "Entranceway". "You enter the castle and stand in awe for a moment. The ceiling was tall and arched, and you imagine the white and gold wallpaper must have been beautiful in its time. But the walls are dirty and peeling, and the wooden floor is scuffed and creaking. There's an archway to the north. The hallway ends to the west and east of here." The entrance walls are scenery in the Castle-Entrance. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the entrance walls. The description of the entrance walls are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The entrance floor is scenery in the Castle-Entrance. Understand "floor" as the entrance floor. The description of the entrance floor is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." The archway is scenery in the Castle-Entrance. Understand "archway" as the archway. The description of the archway is "It's actually fairly small, considering how high the ceilings are. Through it you can see a kitchen." The Castle-Kitchen is north of the Castle-Entrance. The printed name of the Castle-Kitchen is "Kitchen". "The kitchen is...really not much of a kitchen at all. There are counters made of grey stone jutting out of the walls, and a large black cauldron toppled over in the middle. There are stains and garbage all over the floor, scattered about like there was a scuffle ages ago. The entranceway is south and the storage room is east." The Castle-Storeroom is east of the Castle-Kitchen. The printed name of the Castle-Storeroom is "Storeroom". "The room is stuffy, a mixture of smells suffocating you and making you cough a little as you enter. Dried plants hang from the ceiling, jars of unknown substances fill the crooked and broken shelves, and bowls of rotting vegetables are placed on the floor. There's a plaque on the wall between a couple pots of withered flowers.The kitchen is to the west. The hallway continues north and south." The plaque is scenery in the Castle-Storeroom. The description of the plaque is "You approach the plaque and read its withered words.[paragraph break]'Princess's Meals: The princess demands only soup. She will eat only those vegetables which do not grow within the ground. If she refuses to eat, or begins acting odd, check the mushrooms.'" The vegetables are scenery in the castle-storeroom. The vegetables is a supporter in the castle-storeroom. Understand "basket", "baskets", and "vegetables" as the vegetables. The description of the vegetables is "They're all wilted and rotten. You think you see some cucumbers, bell peppers, and a bundle of mushrooms." Some mushrooms are an object in the Castle-storeroom. Understand "mushrooms", "mushroom", and "string" as some mushrooms. The description of the mushrooms are "[if the player carries the small key]A couple of rotten mushrooms. Nothing special about them not.[otherwise]A bunch of mushrooms. The stalks are tied up by some string. You think you can see something shining in the center, but you need something sharp to break string." South-Eastern hallway is east of the Castle-Entrance. The printed name of the South-Eastern Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. The entranceway is to the west. The hallway turns and continues north." The hallway walls1 are scenery in the South-Eastern Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway walls1. The description of the hallway walls1 are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floor1 is scenery in the South-Eastern Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floor1. The description of the hallway floor1 is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." South-Western Hallway is west of the Castle-Entrance. The printed name of the South-Western Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. The entranceway is to the east. The hallway turns and continues north." The hallway walls2 are scenery in the South-Western Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway walls2. The description of the hallway walls2 are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floor2 is scenery in the South-Western Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floor2. The description of the hallway floor2 is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." The Eastern-South hallway is north of the South-Eastern Hallway and south of the Castle-Storeroom. The printed name of the Eastern-South Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. There's an archway to the storage room north of here. The hallway turns and continues south." The hallway walls3 are scenery in the Eastern-South Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway walls3. The description of the hallway walls3 are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floor3 is scenery in the Eastern-South Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floor3. The description of the hallway floor3 is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." The Eastern-North hallway is north of the Castle-Storeroom. The printed name of the Eastern-North Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. There's an archway to the storage room south of here. There is also a spiral staircase to the north. The hallway continues to the west." The hallway walls4 are scenery in the Eastern-North Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway walls4. The description of the hallway walls4 are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floor4 is scenery in the Eastern-North Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floor4. The description of the hallway floor4 is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." The Northern Hallway is west of the Eastern-North Hallway. The printed name of the Northern Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. The hallway continues east. The hallway turns and continues south." The hallway walls5 are scenery in the Northern Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway walls5. The description of the hallway walls5 are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floor5 is scenery in the Northern Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floor5. The description of the hallway floor5 is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." The Western Hallway is south of the Northern Hallway and north of the South-Western Hallway. The printed name of the Western Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. The hallway continues to the north and south." The hallway walls6 are scenery in the Western Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway walls6. The description of the hallway walls6 are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floor6 is scenery in the Western Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floor6. The description of the hallway floor6 is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." The Tower-Bottom is north of the Eastern-North Hallway. The printed name of the Tower-Bottom is "Spiral Staircase". "This room must be in one of the towers you could see from outside the castle. The staircase, narrow and made of worn, uneven stone, spirals above you.There is a hallway to the south. The stairs lead up to the second floor." [Second Floor] Tower-Second is above the Tower-Bottom. The printed name of the Tower-Second is "Second Floor". "You expect to see stairs going up to the third floor, but instead you see a pile of wood. Doors, chairs - everything is piled up and blocking the way!There's a hallway to the south. The stairs go down to the first floor." Second-Northern-Eastern Hallway is south of Tower-Second. The printed name of the Second-Northern-Eastern Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. There's a staircase to the north.The hallway continues to the west and south." The hallway walls7 are scenery in the Second-Northern-Eastern Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway walls7. The description of the hallway walls7 are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floor7 is scenery in the Second-Northern-Eastern Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floor7. The description of the hallway floor7 is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Second-Northern-Western Hallway is west of Second-Northern-Eastern. The printed name of the Second-Northern-Western Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. There's an archway to the south. The hallway continues to the east and west." The hallway walls8 are scenery in the Second-Northern-Western Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway walls8. The description of the hallway walls8 are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floor8 is scenery in the Second-Northern-Western. Understand "floor" as the hallway floor8. The description of the hallway floor8 is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Second-Western Hallway is west of Second-Northern-Western Hallway. The printed name of the Second-Western Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. There's a second staircase to the north. The hallway continues south and east." The hallway walls9 are scenery in the Second-Western Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway walls9. The description of the hallway walls9 are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floor9 is scenery in the Second-Western Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floor9. The description of the hallway floor9 is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Shorter-Tower is north of Second-Western Hallway. The printed name of the Shorter-Tower is "Western Staircase". "A second staircase, similar to the first one. Luckily, there's no giant piles of wood and debris blocking this one.There's a hallway to the south. The stairs go up to the third floor." Second-Southern-Western Hallway is south of Second-Western Hallway. The printed name of the Second-Southern-Western Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. The hallway continues to the north and east." The hallway walls0 are scenery in the Second-Southern-Western Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway walls0. The description of the hallway walls0 are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floor0 is scenery in the Second-Southern-Western Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floor0. The description of the hallway floor0 is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Second-Southern-Eastern Hallway is east of the Second-Southern-Western Hallway. The printed name of the Second-Southern-Eastern Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. There's an archway to the north. The hallway continues east and west." The hallway wallsA are scenery in the Second-Southern-Eastern Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway wallsA. The description of the hallway wallsA are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floorA is scenery in the Second-Southern-Eastern Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floorA. The description of the hallway floorA is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Second-Eastern Hallway is east of the Second-Southern-Eastern Hallway and south of the Second-Northern-Eastern Hallway. The printed name of the Second-Eastern Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. The hallway continues to the west and north." The hallway wallsB are scenery in the Second-Eastern Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway wallsB. The description of the hallway wallsB are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floorB is scenery in the Second-Eastern Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floorB. The description of the hallway floorB is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Great Hall is north of the Second-Southern-Eastern Hallway and south of the Second-Northern-Western Hallway. The printed name of the Great Hall is "You're stunned by how large the room is. The lofty ceiling holds shimmering crystal chandeliers, which look out of place against the dark, dirty walls and floors. On one side of the room, you can see a raised platform with a couple of regal-looking thrones on top. Large tables are scattered around the room, some of them toppled over by a force you don't think you want to face. Great Hall". "There are hallways to the north and south." [Third Floor] Tower-Third is above the Shorter-Tower. The printed name of the Tower-Third is "Third Floor". "You're still relieved to see there are no barricades blocking this staircase. There's a hallway to the south. The stairs lead down to the second floor and up to the fourth floor." Third-Northern-Western Hallway is south of Tower-Third. The printed name of the Third Northern-Western Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. There's a staircase to the north. The hallway continues south and east." The hallway wallsC are scenery in the Third-Northern-Western Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway wallsC. The description of the hallway wallsC are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floorC is scenery in the Third-Northern-Western Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floorC. The description of the hallway floorC is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Third-Northern-Eastern Hallway is east of Third-Northern-Western Hallway. The printed name of Third-Northern-Eastern Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. There's a room filled with junk to the north. The hallway continues south and west." The hallway wallsD are scenery in the Third-Northern-Eastern Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway wallsD. The description of the hallway wallsD are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floorD is scenery in the Third-Northern-Eastern Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floorD. The description of the hallway floorD is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Third Eastern Hallway is south of Third-Northern-Eastern Hallway. The printed name of Third Eastern Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. There's an archway to the west. The hallway continues north and south." The hallway wallsE are scenery in the Third Eastern Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway wallsE. The description of the hallway wallsE are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floorE is scenery in the Third Eastern Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floorE. The description of the hallway floorE is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Third Western Hallway is south of Third-Northern-Western Hallway. The printed name of the Third Western Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. There's an archway to the east. The hallway continues north and south." The hallway wallsF are scenery in the Third Western Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway wallsF. The description of the hallway wallsF are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floorF is scenery in the Third Western Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floorF. The description of the hallway floorF is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Ladies' Bedroom is east of the Third Western Hallway. The printed name of the Ladies' Bedroom is "Woman's Bedroom". "A woman's bedroom, you decide, looking at all the glittering necklaces and rings thrown around the room. The bed is pushed up against a wall, but the canopy once cascaded over it was now ripped, laying in shreds on the floor. There's a hallway to the west. There's a bathroom to the south." The hallway wallsG are scenery in the Ladies' Bedroom. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway wallsG. The description of the hallway wallsG are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floorG is scenery in the Ladies' Bedroom. Understand "floor" as the hallway floorG. The description of the hallway floorG is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Man's Bedroom is west of the Third Eastern Hallway. "A man's bedroom, you think, judging by the various swords sticking out of the mattress. There doesn't appear to be any blood from whatever scuffle happened here, but you still feel uneasy.There's a hallway to the east. There's a bathroom to the south." The hallway wallsH are scenery in the Man's Bedroom. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway wallsH. The description of the hallway wallsH are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floorH is scenery in the Man's Bedroom. Understand "floor" as the hallway floorH. The description of the hallway floorH is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Man's Bathroom is south of the Man's Bedroom. "While the scientists inform you this is the bathroom, you have a hard time believing that to be true. A mirror is shattered across the floor, and clothes are ripped into various pieces. Makeup and wigs messy the floor, and you can't imagine where they could have possibly had a toilet in here. The bedroom is to the north." The hallway wallsI are scenery in the Man's Bathroom. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway wallsI. The description of the hallway wallsI are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floorI is scenery in the Man's Bathroom. Understand "floor" as the hallway floorI. The description of the hallway floorI is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." The Man's Mirror is scenery in the Man's Bathroom. Understand "mirror" as the man's mirror. "It's completely useless now. Nothing but shards of it on the floor." The Man's Shard is an object in the Man's Bathroom. The printed name of the man's shard is "mirror shard". Understand "shard" and "shards" as the man's shard. "A sharp piece of reflective glass. It used to be part of the mirror. Better be careful with this." Ladie's Bathroom is south of the Ladies' Bedroom. The printed name of the Ladie's Bathroom is "Woman's Bathroom". "The scientists tell you this is a bathroom. Some bathroom! There's not even a toilet or bath in here! Clothes and jewelry are completely destroyed, the shreds of what's left laying on the floor. A mirror on the far end of the room has been completely shattered, shards of it scattered about the floor. The bedroom is to the north." The hallway wallsJ are scenery in the Ladie's Bathroom. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway wallsJ. The description of the hallway wallsJ are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floorJ is scenery in the Ladie's Bathroom. Understand "floor" as the hallway floorJ. The description of the hallway floorJ is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." The Woman's Mirror is scenery in the Ladie's Bathroom. Understand "mirror" as the woman's mirror. "It's completely useless now. Nothing but shards of it on the floor." The Woman's Shard is an object in the Ladie's Bathroom. The printed name of the woman's shard is "mirror shard". Understand "shard" and "shards" as the woman's shard. "A sharp piece of reflective glass. It used to be part of the mirror. Better be careful with this." Third-Southern-Western Hallway is south of the Third Western Hallway. The printed name of the Third-Southern-Western Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. The hallway continues north and east." The hallway wallsK are scenery in the Third-Southern-Western Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway wallsK. The description of the hallway wallsK are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floorK is scenery in the Third-Southern-Western Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floorK. The description of the hallway floorK is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Third Southern-Eastern Hallway is south of the Third Eastern Hallway and east of the Third-Southern-Western Hallway. The printed name of the Third Southern-Eastern Hallway is "Hallway". "The hallways are long, but rather empty. Maybe there were pictures or furniture here once, but there's nothing here now. The hallway continues north and west." The hallway wallsL are scenery in the Third Southern-Eastern Hallway. Understand "wall" and "walls" as the hallway wallsL. The description of the hallway wallsL are "The wallpaper, white and gold damask, is scratched up and slowly peeling off the wall. Black and brown handprints cover and dirty the walls." The hallway floorL is scenery in the Third Southern-Eastern Hallway. Understand "floor" as the hallway floorL. The description of the hallway floorL is "Dark wood that looks like it's been through a lot of wear." Third-Tower is north of Third-Northern-Eastern Hallway. The printed name of Third-Tower is "Blocked Staircase". "There's nowhere to go but south." [Fourth Floor] Tower-Fourth is above Tower-Third. The printed name of Tower-Fourth is "Fourth Floor". "The staircase ends here. There's a white door to the south. The stairs lead down to the third floor." The princess door is south of Tower-Fourth and north of Princess Room. Understand "white" and "door" as the princess door. The princess door is a door. The princess door is scenery. The princess door is lockable and locked. The small key unlocks the princess door. Before going through the princess door: if the princess door is closed: if the princess door is not locked: say "You open the door and enter.[paragraph break]"; now the princess door is open; otherwise if the player carries the small key: say "You insert the key into the lock and gently turn it. You hear it click and slowly open the door.[paragraph break]"; now the princess door is unlocked; now the princess door is open. The printed name of Princess Room is "Princess's Chambers". The description of the princess room is "You walk in and the room is magnificently furnished. There's a large, lush bed set up with what looks like the softest of blankets and pillows. Large circular windows allow for the afternoon sun to illuminate the room. Portraits of beautiful, young women cover the walls, and stare at you with soft smiles on their lips. This room is far different from any of the other rooms.[paragraph break]A young girl sits in the corner of the room, her large eyes staring at you intently. She seems pale and scared." The window is west of the Princess Room and east of the courtyard. The window is a door. The window is open. Instead of going north in the Princess Room: say "You feel no need to leave." [Actions] Instead of cutting the mushrooms: if the player carries the Man's Shard: say "You carefully saw away at the piece of string, until it finally snaps off. The mushrooms fall to reveal a small key."; now the player carries the small key; otherwise if the player carries the Woman's Shard: say "You carefully saw away at the piece of string, until it finally snaps off. The mushrooms fall to reveal a small key."; now the player carries the small key; otherwise: say "You don't have anything to cut the string with." Instead of going through the window: say "You pull open the window, feeling that warm breeze cross your face again. Ah! Wonderful after being locked up in this castle. You swing your leg over and find the ladder the woman talked about. You glance back once more at the two of them, and then heave yourself completely outside.[paragraph break] You reach in to shut the window, but as you pull it closed, you feel yourself losing balance. You attempt to grab onto something, but the smooth castle wall gives you no help. You fall backwards before jolting and finding yourself once again in the science lab."; end the story saying "You completed the demo!". [Characters] The fair princess is a woman in the Princess Room. The description of the fair princess is "A young girl sits in the corner of the room, her large eyes staring at you intently. She seems pale and scared." Understand "young", "girl", and "princess" as the fair princess. Instead of examining the fair princess: say "Her skin is unnervingly white, and her eyes are far too big to be human. Yet she still appears far and beautiful. There's something piteous about her." Instead of talking to the fair princess: say "You open your mouth, when suddenly the princess lets out a wail. You cover your ears as she stands, taking a deep breath and wailing again. What are you supposed to do?![paragraph break] 'There, dear,' a voice says calmly. You open your eyes and look up to see the strange old woman from the volcano. She has forced the princess to sit upon the bed, gently patting her head and calming the frightened thing."; move old woman to the princess room. [Conversation] chat-hello-witch, chat-M, chat-why-tower, chat-how-leave, chat-okay, chat-how, and chat-princess are chat nodes. chat-M is sc-shown-once. Chat-okay is sc-shown-once. Chat-how is sc-shown-once. Instead of talking to the old woman in the princess room: run a conversation from chat-hello-witch. Report giving text for chat-hello-witch: instead say "You ask the witch what she's doing here, and she shrugs. 'I take care of this young girl. She is a tad M--, as you can see.'". Carry out finding responses to chat-hello-witch: link to chat-princess; link to chat-M. Report giving link to chat-princess: instead say "'What's wrong with her?'". Report giving text for chat-princess: instead say "'Oh, you know,' the witch says, waving her clawed hand around. 'Being locked in the tower can be very hard on the nerves. Very difficult.' She pats the girl's hand.". Carry out finding responses to chat-princess: link to chat-why-tower. Report giving link to chat-why-tower: instead say "'Why is she here?'". Report giving text for chat-why-tower: instead say "The woman regards you with a careful eye, and then says, 'We are just trying to keep her safe. You know there are bandits and dragons around. And her nerves are very frail, aren't they, dear?'[paragraph break] The princess looks over at you with those large eyes, and the two of you shutter a little.". Carry out finding responses to chat-why-tower: link to chat-how-leave. Report giving link to chat-M: instead say "'M--?'". Report giving text for chat-M: instead say "The old woman taps one finger against her temple. 'Just a touch,' she croaks. 'They all are, you know. That's why we keep her here.'". Carry out finding responses to chat-M: link to chat-why-tower. Report giving link to chat-how-leave: instead say "'What can I do?'". Report giving text for chat-how-leave: instead say "The woman stares at you for several moments, before she reaches into the folds of her robe and pulls out a small vial. 'You may help me find some ingredients,' she says, and then adds, 'To help the young girl with her nerves. She has been up here for so frightfully long, I'm afraid she may wither without the fresh air.'" Carry out finding responses to chat-how-leave: link to chat-okay; link to chat-how. Report giving link to chat-how: instead say "'How?'". Report giving text for chat-how: instead say "The woman shoves the vial into your hands. 'Take this, and go fill it with the water from the moon pool. It can only be filled at night, and preferably during a full moon.' The woman chuckles a little. 'Of course, that's not entirely necessary, as I'm sure you are as much on a time limit as I am. So just do what you can.'[paragraph break]The woman releases the princess's hand, and goes over to the window to peek outside. 'There's a ladder leading up to this window, and down to the ground. You can go through it and head northeast. The moon pool shouldn't be too far of a walk.'". Report giving link to chat-okay: instead say "'Okay.'". Report giving text for chat-okay: instead say "The old woman releases the princess's hand and goes over to one of the large windows. Peering out it for a moment, she turns to you and says, 'There's a ladder going from this window right to the ground. Just go through the window, and then head northeast to the moon pool. It shouldn't be too far of a walk.'".