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a house tour (not finished)
Jayden Towles
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Kitchen is a room. "I remember the kitchen from all the times I would sneak into the refrigerator for a snack. The dinning room is east of here and the mud room is west." Dinning room is a room. Dinning room is east of Kitchen. "The dinning room is empty and sad, this where we had dinner every night. I can remember most of the meals we had. They mostly consisted of Italian or Mexican food, a weird combo but its what my mom loved to make. The living room is north, the bathroom is east, the backyard is south, and the kitchen is west." Bathroom is a room. Bathroom is east of dinning room. "this is just a bathroom, nothing special about it... nothing at all. But there is the master bedroom to the east and the dinning room is to the west." Master Bedroom is a room. Master Bedroom is east of Bathroom. "This was my parents room. Mine was across the hallway. I still remember all the times I would sneak into there room to sleep with them because I was too scared to sleep in my own. The hallway is northwest of here or the bathroom is just west." Hallway is a room. Hallway is northwest of master bedroom. "My bedroom is to the northeast, my sister's room is to the northwest." My Bedroom is a room. My Bedroom is northeast of hallway. "I remember playing in my room all the time, it didn't matter if I had friends over or not. I was always playing with my toy cars." Sisters Bedroom is a room. Sisters Bedroom is northwest of Hallway. "My sister never liked me being in here, any time I'd open the door she would scream at me and have a fit about me being in her room." Secret Room is a room. Secret Room is southwest of hallway. "A hidden door opens and reveals a set of stairs leading down to what looks to be a basement, but it is dark and glows red. It feels cold and damp down here and there is writing on the floor, walls, and ceiling in what looks to be red paint." Living Room is a room. Living room is west of hallway and north of dinning room. "We never really spent time in the living room, only me and my sister. We would spend time in here laying on the floor doing coloring books or reading stories. She loved to spend time with me but never liked me being in her room. I guess it just one of those older sibling things." Laundry Room is a room. Laundry Room is west of kitchen. "This is just the laundry room, nothing special here. I can go north into the garage or east into the kitchen." Garage is a room. Garage is north of laundry room. "This is the garage where I kept my bicycle and my roller hockey stuff. Me and my friend loved playing roller hockey in the driveway. I can go west into the driveway or south into the laundry room." Driveway is a room. Driveway is west of garage. "This is the driveway where I played with all my outside toys. The Big Pine tree is North of here and the garage is East." Big Pine Tree is a room. Big Pine Tree is north of driveway. "I remember always climbing this tree when I was a kid, I would always go to the very top and be able to see the whole neighbor hood. The front yard is east and the driveway is south." Front Yard is a room. Front Yard is east of Big Pine Tree and north of living room. Side Yard is a room. Side Yard is east of front yard. Shed is a room. Shed is south of side yard. Back Yard is a room. back yard is west of shed and south of dinning room. Giant Oak Tree is a room. giant oak tree is west of back yard