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Sci-Fi Game 2.0
Joshua Glatt
Played 935 times
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"Sci-Fi Story for New Media" by Jayde When play begins: say "You slowly open your eyes, finding yourself in a dark room of some sort, lying on the floor. Your body feels sore, a ringing echoes in your ears for a few moments before fading to a new noise, a quiet but definitely noticable hiss. You blink and take a look around you, heaving yourself to your feet. Where are you? What is that noise? You'd better look around!" Helping is an action applying to nothing. Understand "help" as helping. After helping: say "You can move a direction by typing that direction in the prompt! For example, to go east, type 'east' or even just 'e'. To examine an object, type 'x (object)'. Open your inventory with 'i'. All commands are done by simply typing them as you would say them. ^^". The Player is wearing the Old IES Suit. The description of the Old IES Suit is "A standard issue Interplanetary Exploration and Surivival suit or IES (pronounced as Ice) for short, and what's currently keeping you alive. The helmet has a small crack in it, through which the constant hiss of escaping air can be heard." The printed name of the Old IES Suit is "Damaged IES Suit". Understand "Damaged IES Suit" as Old IES Suit. Rule for printing the description of a dark room: say "It's far too dark to see anything! You need to find a light." Instead of jumping for the first time: say "You jump into the air slightly, surprised that you don't jump much higher! It appears there is artificial gravity in this place." Safety State is a kind of value. The Safety States are safe and unsafe. A person has a Safety State. The player is safe. After examining yourself, say "You are [safety state]." Visibility rule when in darkness: if examining the Old IES Suit: there is sufficient light; otherwise: there is insufficient light. The Dead End Hallway is a dark room. The printed name of Dead End Hallway is "Collapsed Hallway". The description of the Dead End Hallway is "The hallway behind you (west) appears to have collapsed, sheets of jagged metal and broken pipes completely blocking the way through. Looks like you'll need to press on further to find some way out... There are doorways to the south and north of where you are, both appear to be futuristic looking metal sliding doors, seeming to imply you're on some sort of space station. To the east, in front of you, the hallway continues, dimly lit by amber emergency lights.". Instead of going from the Dead End Hallway to anywhere: if Dead End Hallway is lighted: continue the action; otherwise: say "It's too dark to see where you're going! You need to find a light source. Try examining your suit, it should have a built in light!"; stop the action; Broken Room is north of Dead End Hallway. Instead of going north from Dead End Hallway: if Dead End Hallway is lighted: say "There's a door here, but it doesn't seem to be working right now. Unlike the other door you can see, the lights around the outside frame are dark, indicating the power to this door is not flowing. You'll have to try another direction."; stop the action; otherwise: say "It's too dark to see where you're going! You need to find a light source. Try examining your suit, it should have a built in light!"; stop the action; After examining Old IES Suit for the first time: now Dead End Hallway is lighted; say "Suddenly, the light on the top of your helmet comes on, detecting that you are now awake and there is darkness around you. The bright bulb of your suit reveals that wherever you came from, you won't be going back that way!". Instead of going north from Sleeping Quarters to Dead End Hallway: now the description of Dead End Hallway is "You've been here before. And yes, the exit is still blocked by rubble."; continue the action. Report going south from Dead End Hallway: say "You head to the metal doors to your right, the floor creaking with your footsteps. As you approach the doors, they slide up into the ceiling, presumably they are motion sensitive." The Sleeping Quarters is south of the Dead End Hallway. The description of the Sleeping Quarters is "You enter through the automatic doors to find yourself in almost a bedroom of some kind. Two sets of bunk beds line the far wall, the blankets a mess, as though their occupants got up in a hurry. On the wall closest to you is a metal desk with several drawers, and a chair in front of it. Atop the desk sits a computer, which displays a lock screen, and a keyboard. The walls are made of the same metal as the hallway, though an effort has been made to spruce the place up, in the form of a few unremarkable paintings placed on the walls." A drawer is a kind of container. It is closed. It is openable. A Desk is a supporter in the Sleeping Quarters. A wide drawer, a top drawer, a middle drawer, and a bottom drawer are drawers and part of the desk. In the wide drawer is a drawer note. The printed name of the drawer note is "note". Understand "note" as drawer note. The description of the note is "To Jeff: The code to unlock your computer has been moved to your locker. I've told you a hundred times to stop leaving it in your desk! - Sam" The drawer note can be examined or unexamined. The drawer note is unexamined. After taking the unexamined drawer note: say "The note reads:"; try examining the drawer note. Carry out examining the drawer note: now the drawer note is examined. In the bottom drawer is a pile of papers. The description of the pile of papers is "A bunch of boring reports. You do not have the time to sift through them all, but I'm sure they're all dull as heck." In the middle drawer is a drawer code. The drawer code has a number called d-code. The d-code of the drawer code is 10. After opening the middle drawer: say "Inside the drawer is a slightly crumpled piece of paper with something written on it."; now the d-code of the drawer code is a random number from 100 to 999. The printed name of the drawer code is "piece of paper". Understand "paper", "scrap of paper" and "piece of paper" as drawer code. The description of the drawer code is "It's just a random scrap of paper with three numbers scribbled on it, and a sketched picture of some kind of circular door, like a hatch. The code is [d-code]." After opening bottom drawer: say "The drawer is filled to the brim with hundreds of unorganized papers. Judging from the top few, they're just scientific reports. You don't have time to sift through all of them!" The description of the desk is "It looks like a standard metal desk, albeit a bit rusty and worn. There are three drawers of equal size on the right side, top, middle, and bottom, and one wide drawer in the middle." A Computer is a device on the Desk. It is switched on. It is fixed in place. A chair is an enterable supporter in the Sleeping Quarters. A bunk bed is a kind of supporter. It is enterable. The description of the bunk bed is "Just a standard metal bunk bed. The mattress looks inviting to your bruised, aching body. Nothing to help you escape this place, though." There are two bunk beds in the Sleeping Quarters. After entering the bunk bed: say "You decide to lay on the bed for a few minutes, just to rest. You are very sore, after all. However, what was supposed to be a minute's rest turned into a full on nap, and your oxygen runs out while you sleep. At least you died peacefully..."; end the story saying "GAME OVER: YOU DIED" After entering the chair: say "You take a seat on the chair. It's not super comfortable, but it will have to do."; After getting off the chair: say "You get up off the chair. Finally! There's still more to examine in this room, stop wasting your time sitting on chairs and look around!"; A keyboard is on the desk. The description of the keyboard is "It's a keyboard." After switching off the computer: say "You turn off the computer screen. I guess it was a bit bright, huh? Who keeps their brightness that high anyways?" After switching on the computer: say "On second thought, maybe it's a bit dark in here, better to have the screen light. On the screen, a flashing box asks you to enter a password. Who knows what it might be. You should search around for the access code!" Inaccessible Hallway is west of Dead End Hallway. Instead of going west from Dead End Hallway, say "There's no way you're getting through this mess, there are no gaps anywhere near big enough to squeeze through. You'll have to go some other way!". FS Door is a closed door. It is scenery. It is locked. It is south of the Metal Hallway and north of Fuel Storage. The description is "A big metal door, like the ones you saw before, except this one doesn't open. On the wall to the side of the door is what looks like a sort of keycard scanner. It would seem you need to find one to get in here." The printed name of FS Door is "the Door to Fuel Storage". Understand "right door" and "south door" as FS Door. Escape Door is a closed door. It is scenery. It is locked. It is north of the Metal Hallway and south of Emergency Escape. The description of Escape Door is "The door appears to be a large metal hatch, constructed of a thick, heavy duty metal. In the center is an area to input a three-digit code, and beneath that is a sizable metal wheel, which presumably turns to open the hatch. Looks like you need to find a 3-digit code somewhere!" The printed name of Escape Door is "the metal hatch". Understand "hatch", "metal hatch", and "left door" as Escape Door. The description of Emergency Escape is "You find yourself in a small room with some kind of tube in the middle of it. The tube is surrounded in glass, with many wires going to the top sections above the tube. As you step in the room, the lights flicker on, and a sign lights up above the tube. EMERGENCY ESCAPE TELEPORTER Your eyes light up, overjoyed. Finally, a way out of here! There doesn't appear to be any kind of control panel, so you just hope that it's automatic. Even if it doesn't take you home, it should at least take you somewhere civilized! (THE TELPORTER IS NORTH FROM YOU)" Teleporter is north of Emergency Escape. The description is "You cautiously step onto the platform in the center, gasping quietly in surprise as the glass tube seals behind you, and the sound of whirring machinery can be heard as the device powers up. The sound builds louder and louder, until there's a bright flash, and you drift unconscious. WAKE UP!" Instead of going nowhere from the Teleporter: say "WAKE UP!"; stop the action. Instead of going south from the Teleporter: say "WAKE UP!"; stop the action. Instead of waking up: if the player is in Teleporter: say "You slowly come to, eyes blinking in confusion as you take in your surroundings. You're back home! You rise up from your bed, moving a sci-fi book you were reading off your chest. You must've passed out while reading! That would explain that really strange dream you had. You get up from your bed, ready to continue on with your normal day. Reaching into your pocket to grab your phone, you feel something unexpected. You slowly remove your hand revealing something you didn't expect to find. It's a piece of paper with three numbers on it, and a little drawing of a door in the corner. But... that wasn't real! You can't have this, it doesn't make any sense... unless... was it... you couldn't have..."; end the story saying "CONGRATULATIONS! YOU MADE IT HOME... OR DID YOU EVER LEAVE?"; otherwise: stop the action. The Metal Hallway is east of Dead End Hallway. The description of Metal Hallway is "The metal hallway continues for a bit, it's rather dark, the area only lit by dim amber emergency lights, but you can just about make out where things are. To your left is a door that looks more like a hatch, with a code lock built into it. Something important must be behind it You should find a way in! To your right is another set of metal doors like the previous ones, and ahead of you is another set of metal doors, though theses one look more expensive, and heavy duty. What could be through there?". A locker is a closed openable container in Metal Hallway. The description of the locker is "Just a standard metal locker, like one you'd find in a gym or a school. On the front is a nameplate which says 'Jeff' on it. It doesn't appear to be locked." There is a New IES Suit in the locker. The New IES Suit is wearable. The description of the New IES Suit is "It looks just like yours, but a bit less worn, and without the crack in the helmet. You could replace your own with this one!" An ID Card is in the locker. It unlocks the FS Door. Understand "card" as ID Card. The description of ID Card is "It appears to be some kind of ID Card, presumably belonging to one of the people here in... wherever you are. The picture is worn off, almost completely faded, suggesting that its owner has been here a long time. The writing is in some language you can't understand, so hopefully nothing on here is important!" A code paper is in the locker. The printed name of the code paper is "paper scrap". Understand "paper scrap" and "scrap of paper" as code paper. The description of the code paper is "It's just a scrap of paper, with three numbers written on it: [a random number from 100 to 999]. This is probably some kind of code, but to what?". Coding is an action applying to a number. Understand "code [a number]" as coding. After coding a number: if the player's command matches "code [drawer code]": say "tada". The drawer code unlocks the Escape Door. Instead of unlocking the Escape Door with the drawer code: say "Seeing as the sketch on the scrap of paper you found in the desk drawer looks very much like this hatch, this must be the code to open it! You type the code in, and smile as the lock turns green. With a few turns of the handle, you pry the metal door open, wondering what could be so important to have this kind of security. WARNING: GOING THROUGH THIS DOOR WILL END THE STORY If you wish to keep exploring, you're free to. Otherwise, step through!"; continue the action. Instead of unlocking the Escape Door with the code paper: say "You aren't sure if this is the right code, but seeing as it's the only three-digit code you've found, so you may as well try it! Sadly, after typing in the code on the paper, the door doesn't budge. Must not be the right code."; stop the action. After opening the locker, say "You pry open the locker. The metal creaks and groans, the sound echoing through the empty halls. Inside the locker is a scrap of paper with something written on it, an ID Card, and a New IES Suit." Instead of taking off the Old IES Suit: if the player has the New IES Suit: continue the action; otherwise: say "You really shouldn't take the suit off, it's keeping you alive!". Instead of wearing the New IES Suit: if the player is wearing the Old IES Suit: say "You need to remove your old suit first!"; stop the action; otherwise: continue the action. Instead of going from the Metal Hallway to anywhere: if the player is unsafe: say "For whatever reason, you decide it'd be a great idea to wander about this space station without your suit on. Unfortunately for you, reality doesn't appreciate your optimism, and you promptly suffocate, collapsing to the metal floor with a thud. Good job."; end the story saying "GAME OVER: YOU DIED"; otherwise: continue the action. After taking off the IES Suit: say "You take a deep breath and slip out of your suit as fast as you can, dropping it to the ground with a thud and turning to put on the new suit before you suffocate."; now the player is unsafe; now the IES Suit is in the location. After wearing the New IES Suit: say "You quickly slip into the new IES Suit, relieved to finally silence the hiss that's been bugging you. Oh, and that you aren't in danger of suffocating anymore..."; now the player is safe. Fuel Storage is a room. The description of Fuel Storage is "You enter into what's little more than a glorified closet. You can see tanks of varying sizes and contents in here. Many of them are filled with a strange blue liquid that glows, illuminating the room. On the tanks are hazmat warning signs. It's a good thing your suit is radiation safe!". Instead of going south from Metal Hallway to Fuel Storage: if FS Door is locked: say "Unlike the other doors here, these ones don't open! You need to find some way in."; otherwise: continue the action. After unlocking FS Door with ID Card: say "You slide the ID Card through the scanner to the side of the metal door. After a second, there's a beep, and the door slides open, revealing a small room."; now the description of Metal Hallway is "You're back in the dim hallway. There are doors leading to other rooms to your right and straight ahead.". A fuel tank is a kind of thing. It is portable. The description of the fuel tank is "A strange light blue liquid sloshes back and forth in the metal cylinder, visible through the glass windows on all sides of the tank. They are rather heavy, and would likely take two hands to carry." There are 5 fuel tanks in Fuel Storage. Before taking fuel tank: if the player is holding a fuel tank: say "You can only carry one of these heavy containers at a time!"; stop the action; otherwise: continue the action. After going west from Metal Hallway to Dead End Hallway: say "You had back to the dead end hallway you started in. Perhaps there's something of use in one of the other rooms."; now the description of Metal Hallway is "You're back in the dim hallway again. Doors leading to other rooms can be seen to your right and left, and ahead of you.". Report going east from Metal Hallway: say "You take a few steps towards the door, watching as it slowly slides open, metal creaking and groaning. You're not sure why, but you feel something inside, almost a dread. This door is slower than the rest... it feels like forever, and the grinding of metal is starting to wear down your very soul.". The Cockpit is east of Metal Hallway. The description of the Cockpit is "As you cautiously walk through the now open door, you're met with... a wall. To either side of the wall is a path further into the room. It's very dark in here, the only light coming from your head lamp. Coming around the partial wall, you see two large chairs, almost reminding you of pilot seats on an airplane. There's something in them, but you can't yet see what. That feeling in your gut only gets stronger, telling you to turn around, but your curiosity is too strong. Taking another few slow steps towards the seats, you peer over the edges, and are frozen in your tracks. The pilots are here alright, but they're far from alive. Both are slumped over in their seats, however that's about all the details you can get from them, as whatever killed them did so a very long time ago. All that remains is their skeletons, glistening in the bright light of your helmet. What could have happened to them... and how did their bodies decay if you're in space..?"