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Testing Ground
Jim Beatty
Played 1,949 times
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"Let's play some games" The Den is a room. "Your Man-Cave. Everything is here to make your videogame experience complete. You'll need to turn on your XBox to get started playing." Text Message is a scene. Text Message begins when XBox is switched on. Text Message ends when Phone is switched off. Gameplay is a scene. Gameplay begins when Text Message ends. Gameplay ends well when phone is answered. Gameplay ends sadly when phone is ignored. When Text Message begins: say "[line break]Your phone buzzes. It's a text from your best friend."; now the command prompt is "type 'respond' or 'ignore' >" When Text Message ends: now the command prompt is "play some games>" When Gameplay begins: say "[paragraph break]You sit down and get totally engrossed in your game. The clock ticks away in the background, but your don't feel time passing. After a brief hour, your phone buzzes again. Glancing at it, you see you don't recognize the number."; now the command prompt is "type 'respond' or 'ignore' >" Responding is an action applying to nothing. Understand "respond" as responding. Carry out responding: if Text Message is happening: Now the phone is switched off; say "[paragraph break]You go back and forth for a few messages about this great new game. Turns out your friend figured out how to get past a really tough part. 'thx 4 the tip, bro!'"; if Gameplay is happening: say "[paragraph break]Well, it's just a game, and maybe a break from playing would be good. You answer, and it's your crush asking if you want to get together tomorrow."; now the phone is answered; now the command prompt is " > " Ignoring is an action applying to nothing. Understand "ignore" as ignoring. Carry out ignoring: if Text Message is happening: Now the phone is switched off; say "[paragraph break]You think to yourself, 'I just started playing, why's he texting me right now? I'll get back to him later.' You're loss. He was about to give you a hint for the game."; if Gameplay is happening: say "[paragraph break]You are too engrossed to answer the phone. Plus, it's not a number you recognize. Probably a missed call."; now the phone is ignored; now the command prompt is " > " XBox is a switched off device in the Den. Phone is a switched on device in the Den. A thing can be answered, ignored or unused. The phone is unused. When Gameplay ends: say "Gameplay ended"; now the phone is unused. Second Gametime is a scene. Second Gametime begins when Gameplay ends. Second Gametime ends firstly when the phone is ignored and Gameplay ended sadly. Second Gametime ends secondly when the phone is answered and Gameplay ended sadly. Second Gametime ends thirdly when the phone is ignored and Gameplay ended well. Second Gametime ends fourthly when the phone is answered and Gameplay ended well. Third Gametime is a scene. Third Gametime begins when Second Gametime ends. Third Gametime ends firstly when phone is ignored and Second Gametime ended firstly. Third Gametime ends secondly when phone is answered. Third Gametime ends thirdly when phone is ignored and Second Gametime ended fourthly. When Second Gametime begins: now the phone is unused; say "[paragraph break]You continue to play, and find yourself incredibly engrossed in the game. But as the hours while away, you get the urge to take a break."; now the command prompt is "type 'take break' or 'continue playing' >" Breaking is an action applying to nothing. Understand "take break" as Breaking. Carry out Breaking: if Gameplay ended sadly: now the phone is answered; if Gameplay ended well: now the phone is answered; say "[paragraph break]You take a break and stub your toe. Back to playing more games."; if Third Gametime is happening: if Second Gametime ended fourthly: now the phone is ignored; otherwise: now the phone is answered; say "[paragraph break]you take out the trash and get some cash" Playing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "continue playing" or "play again" as playing. Carry out playing: if Gameplay ended sadly: now the phone is ignored; say "[paragraph break]You continue to play, but the game continues to get more and more frustrating. You are now upset."; if Gameplay ended well: now the phone is ignored; say "[paragraph break]You have fun playing more."; if Third Gametime is happening: if Second Gametime ended firstly: now the phone is ignored; say "[paragraph break]you grow so angry you throw the controller!"; otherwise: now the phone is answered; say "[paragraph break]you start to get upset"; if Victory Lap is happening: say "Now THAT is how it’s done!! Today has been sheer video game genius at work. As the boss crumbles before you and the credits finish rolling you head into the kitchen to make yourself a tall foamy root beer float of victory. As you drift off to sleep that night you become a new hero championing new causes, defeating new villains, and saving new people."; award 10 points; end the game in victory When Second Gametime ends: say "Second Gametime over"; now the phone is unused. When Third Gametime begins, say "[paragraph break]The afternoon has come and gone and part of you considers the possibility of stopping for a bit." When Third Gametime ends: say "Third Gametime ended."; now the phone is unused; Final decision is a scene. Final decision begins when Third Gametime ends firstly. Final decision ends firstly when the phone is ignored. Final decision ends secondly when the phone is answered. When Final decision begins: say "After having spent the *entire* day playing vg, you have the choice of getting a snack and going to sleep, or Watching some TV."; now the command prompt is "type 'snack' or 'tv'>" snacking is an action applying to nothing. understand "snack" as snacking. Carry out snacking: now the phone is ignored; watching is an action applying to nothing. understand "tv" as watching. Carry out watching: now the phone is answered; Sad Ending is a scene. Sad Ending begins when Third Gametime ends thirdly. Sad Ending ends firstly when the phone is ignored. Sad Ending ends secondly when the phone is answered. When Sad Ending begins: say "Well, your gaming today has been pretty interrupted, and the day is almost over. There are two paths you can take: Give the game another stab, b/c you might get it this time, or just go watch tv."; now the command prompt is "type 'try again' or 'tv' >" failing is an action applying to nothing. understand "try again" as failing. Carry out failing: now the phone is ignored. Victory lap is a scene. Victory lap begins when Third Gametime ends secondly. When Victory lap begins: say "It's been a long day of gaming. Maybe it's time to go outside and get some fresh air."; now the command prompt is "type 'go outside' >" relaxing is an action applying to nothing understand "go outside" as relaxing. Carry out relaxing: say "As you sit on your porch feeling the falling sun, breathing in the cool evening air and allowing your mind to wander, you have an epiphany. The boss battle seems so clear now! It’s game time. You come back into the den and boot up the XBox again"; now the command prompt is "type 'play again' >" When Sad Ending ends firstly: say "You quickly realize that you didn’t play enough today to make any significant progress. This will require a lot more focus, but another day. For now you just can’t get anywhere. THE END"; end the game in death When Sad Ending ends secondly: say "As a long day draws to a close, you sit down to watch some T. V. before bed. Everything just keeps reminding you that you never made it through that game though. You can’t get rid of this nagging feeling. This was supposed to be the day of conquest. THE END"; end the game in death When Final Decision ends firstly: say "It’s been a mentally exhausting day. You grab a bag of chips and head off for bed. That night, you are plagued by nightmares of losing to the boss over and over. THE END"; end the game in death When Final Decision ends secondly: say "In search of some relaxation, you lay back in your chair and watch some T.V. You just sit there feeling like a zombie, pretty sure you can smell yourself, but you are too disheartened to get up and do anything. THE END"; end the game in death