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My New Game
jonathan ruchlis
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"Lucid" Use no scoring. Middle of the Ocean is south of N. Middle of the Ocean is east of W. Middle of the Ocean is north of S. Middle of the Ocean is west of E. "You find yourself wishing you weren't stranded in the middle of the ocean right now." N is a room. "As you swim your very existence starts to fade away. Better be not swim any further. Also you're still stranded." S is a room. "As you swim your very existence starts to fade away. Better be not swim and further. Also you're still stranded." E is a room. "As you swim your very existence starts to fade away. Better not swim and further. Also you're still stranded." Void is north of N. Void is west of W. Void is south of S. Void is east of E. Void is east of N. Void is west of N. Void is east of S. Void is west of S. Void is north of E. Void is south of E. Void is north of W. Void is south of E. "Well I guess it was worth a shot. Have fun living an eternity of nothingness." Every Turn: If player is in Void: end the game in death. Fish is in W. "Ooh a fish." The fish is edible. After eating fish: say "Not too bad. Throw it on the grill with a little salt, you got yourself a tasty fish."; move player to Backyard. Underwater is below Middle of the Ocean. "[if Home is unvisited]Hmm...This is actually much easier than struggling to stay above water. It's even sort of pleasant is a curious way. I'm not sure why you didn't try this earlier[end if][if Home is visited] Well this is truly odd[end if]" Backyard is a room. Dad is a person in the backyard. "[if in Backyard] Dad's got the grill going. That smell really brings you back. Hey since when was Dad so... metallic?[end if][if in Home]Where did Dad go? [end if]" Instead of asking dad about something: say "Will you tend the grill for a bit son? I have to go inside change my batteries."; move dad to Home Instead of telling dad about something: say "Will you tend the grill for a bit son? I have to go inside change my batteries."; move dad to Home Grill is in Backyard. " " Instead of examining grill: say "[if dad is in Backyard]Will you tend the grill for a bit son? I have to go inside change my batteries.[end if][if dad is in Home] This looks like it's gonna blow![end if]"; move dad to Home Home is below Underwater. Home is south of Backyard. "[if Backyard is unvisited] So pleasant that it feels a bit like home. Speaking of home, here you are. But it's stranger than ever. [end if][if backyard is visited] No place like home. No place anything like home now that you think of it. No place this strange...[end if]" The Book is in Home. The Book is closed openable container. After opening book: say "It's your dream journal from high school. It opened to a description of everything that's just happened. Is this... A dream?"; end the game in victory