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Sleep Over
Josie Edwrads
Played 285 times
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"Sleep over" [INTRODUCTION] When play begins, say "It is October 29th. You arrived at your best friend's house for a sleep over. You have been begging your mom to come over. It is a pale tan house with a white door and a white roof. As you go inside you are greeted by the mother of this house. You are told to go to the basement and in the spare room on the right. Your name is Mavis and you brought your cat companion Lucy she is a russian blue cat." [Spare room] The Spare room is a room. The description of the Spare room is "A small room with wallpaper that is torn in many places and posters that are rolled up on the floor. Your cat went under the bed. The bed sheets are coming off the bed. Your cat comes out with a letter in her mouth and drops it right in front of you.” The letter is a thing in the Spare room. The description of the letter is “As you open the letter you do not know the handwriting it is written in dark red it reads: hope you have a reason for beIng here. I diDn't and Now she’s here.” [Upstairs hallway] The Upstairs hallway is a room. The Upstairs hallway is north of the Spare room. The description of the Upstairs hallway is "You leave the room and go upstairs and you are in a hallway. The hallway walls are tan and the floor is a brown carpet. On the tan walls there are pictures of the family but the father of the picture you are looking at is scratched out. Under the one of pictures with a smiling person that looks like a 2nd grader drew it. There is a note.” The note is a thing in the Upstairs hallway. The description of the note is “As you unfold the crumpled note you find another handwriting you do not know it is written in black inc it reads: I’m forgetting who L am…But whEn I see YOU I can remember my hAtred…why is your child perfect…I must Re-cook mine” [Mother’s kitchen] The Mother’s kitchen is a room. The Mother’s kitchen is north of Upstairs hallway. The description of the Mother’s kitchen is ”You go forwards leaving the upstairs hallway Lucy followed and you enter a kitchen where the mother of this house is cooking something red. She says’ Where is my darn knife?’ she notices you ‘Need something hun?' You see a page next to the recycling.” The page is a thing in Mother's kitchen. The description of the page is "You pick up the page and you don't know the handwriting he used green inc it read: Don't trust her --} Follow me and leave for me!:)" [Acidic Woods] The Acidic Woods is a room. The Acidic Woods is south of Mother’s kitchen. The description of the Acidic Woods is “You leave trying to get to your bestie Ema. you are holding your cat and her ears go down. As you enter the woods…You see her shoes that are almost torn into shreds. Your cat runs after the torn shreds You run after your cat. you follow the torn shreds you find….You only see the bottom half of her with a knife that looks like a red flower. As you are crying the hardest you've ever cried you notice a dirty paper that is folded.” The knife is a thing in the Acidic Woods. The description of the knife is “The knife is covered in blood that looks like it has been there for weeks. On the handle of the knife there is a signature that reads: Hannah” A dirty paper is a thing in the Acidic Woods. The description of the dirty paper is “As you open the paper you find your best friends handwriting She used purple ink it read: I had so many fun things planned for Our sleEpover in a week..NOW i wIshed i didn’t believe her…I don’t think i'm a real person i see her waching i Feel like a puppet This world don’t seem real..oh no did i say to much did SHE over hear me…why is she still here. -V” [Value street] The Value street is a room. The Value street is east of Acidic woods. The description of the Value street is ”You leave trying to find your bestie Ema Lucy followed behind. You go down the street and you see Ema. You run towards Ema but Lucy stays by the light meowing for you to come back. You ignore Lucy you are next to Ema. Ema looks at you and says ’Your to fast but i knew you would be here. I have something for you.’ Ema drops a present on the floor.” The present is a thing in Value street. After taking the present: say “You ‘died’, hope you’re happy with yourself. You should have listened…This isn’t the end she still here. There's still hope:).”; End the game in death. [Hangout park] The Hangout park is a room. The Hangout park is east of Value street. The description of Hangout park is “You bring Ema with you across the street and there is a park but this seem unreal like it’s a dream or a game…You shake it off and you see the park is just filled with dead trees. You look closer and you see people on the tree but..It looks like they are hanging by noose?! No, no you think I'm just imagining things. Ema runs toward the people you were now sure now that you weren’t imagining. There was a gift it looked filled to the brim.” The gift is a thing in Hangout park. After taking the gift: say “You really followed her? i thought you were smart for not taking the first trap but i was wrong. Just wow you had so many warning and you didn't follow. i would have.. See you later and :) says hi:(.“; End the game in death.