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"Tables" by "John Lay" Office is a room. "You are Allan Pinkerton, famed detective, questioning a witness after a horrific crime: a doughnut stand heist." table of random events event "The coffee machine outside your office whirs. How you wish you had a doughnut to go with it." "A squirrel holding a piece of pastry darts past your window. Could it be...?" every turn: if a random chance of 1 in 8 succeeds: choose a random row in the table of random events; say "[event entry]". table of who response "I don't know who..." "I saw some kids around." "I heard some big shot gangster is on the run from New York City. Could it be him??" table of what response "My delicious doughnuts!" "More strawberry are missing than anything else." table of when response "It happened yesterday." "Yesterday afternoon." table of where response "You don't know where my delicious doughnut stand is??" "On the main street by that store, y'know?" table of why response "They wanted my delicious doughnuts!" "Maybe they thought my doughnuts were just too delicious to be legal!" Trigger is a kind of value. who is a Trigger. understand "who" as who. what is a Trigger. understand "what" as what. when is a Trigger. understand "when" as when. where is a Trigger. understand "where" as where. why is a Trigger. understand "why" as why. currentTrigger is a Trigger that varies. Doughnut Doug is a man in office. "Doughnut Doug stands shuffling nervously in your office. Try talking to him?" talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. understand "talk to [someone]" and "talk to [something]" as talking to. glazed doughnut is an edible thing. questioning is a truth state that varies. questioning is false; instead of talking to Doughnut Doug: say "Doughnut Doug offers you a doughnut as thanks for taking the case. Do you accept?"; if player consents: say "Doughnut Doug hands you a glazed doughnut."; now player has glazed doughnut; say "Now lets get to business. Start asking Doughnut Doug questions about the crime."; now questioning is true. after reading a command while questioning is true: if the player's command includes "[Trigger]": now currentTrigger is the trigger understood; Question; stop the action. to Question: if currentTrigger is who: choose a random row in the table of who; say "Doughnut Dough says, '[response entry]'"; stop the action; if currentTrigger is what: choose a random row in the table of what; say "Doughnut Dough says, '[response entry]'"; stop the action; if currentTrigger is when: choose a random row in the table of when; say "Doughnut Dough says, '[response entry]'"; stop the action; if currentTrigger is where: choose a random row in the table of where; say "Doughnut Dough says, '[response entry]'"; stop the action; if currentTrigger is why: choose a random row in the table of why; say "Doughnut Dough says, '[response entry]'"; stop the action.