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Where in the world is Voyager Demo Prime
james formeire
Played 354 times
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"TeamVoyagerDemoPrime" Use no scoring. When entire game begins: say "You are trying to find TeamVoyager to ask them who the DemoPrime is this week. Your friend Carl told you they like to hang out in the LunchRoom. Find the DemoPrime!"; The office is a room. "You are inside the office." The desk is in the Office. "There is a desk with a drawer. The drawer is a closed, openable container. There is a door to north. The door leads to the LunchRoom". The drawer is part of the desk. The drawer is a closed openable container. In the drawer is a pen and a cookie. On the desk is a book. The description of the desk is "It is your standard desk with a desktop and a single drawer." The description of the drawer is "This drawer is part of the desk." The description of the book is "This is a book." The book is a closed, openable container. After opening the book: say "The book says 'Congratulations, AllanK is DemoPrime this week! But you didn't need this book to tell you - the answer was inside you all along! P.S. Carl stopped by and left you a cookie'"; end the game in victory The description of the pen is "This is a pen." The cookie is edible. The description of the cookie is "The cookie looks edible." After eating the cookie: say "You Have Died of Dysentery. You probably shouldn't eat cookies you find in drawers..."; end the game in death. The LunchRoom is north of the Office. The LunchRoom is a room. The description of the LunchRoom is "There are tables and chairs for eating. The LunchRoom is empty because NPCs are hard. And not just hard but curiously undocumented. And don't get me started on buttons! I mean, how hard is it to give simple examples! The tech is cool, dont get me wrong but please! Ahem. Anyway...A sign faces you." The sign is in the LunchRoom. The description of the sign is "Carl wuz here". The button is a device in the LunchRoom. "[if the LunchRoom is unvisited]Here is a button. You're not sure what it does. To press the button, simply type 'push button' or 'press button'. [end if][if the LunchRoom is visited]Here is a button. Have you pushed it yet?[end if]" The button is switched off. The button is fixed in place. The description of the button is "A big, red, round button that can be used." Instead of pushing a button: try switching on the button. Carry out switching on the button: say "You died of boredom."; end the game in death.