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Free Fall
Joey Jones
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"Free Fall" by Joey Jones Use no scoring, no deprecated features and full-length room descriptions. The story headline is "A Speed-IF About Speed" Chapter Set Up When play begins: now left hand status line is "[velocity] m/s"; now right hand status line is "Fuel: [fuel] ml". The examine devices rule is not listed in any rulebook.[This prevents the generic 'switched off' message from firing when you look at a device. I prefer to describe these myself.] Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the I beg your pardon error: follow the every turn rulebook; follow the when play ends rulebook; try looking instead. [This allows the player to just press enter to do nothing. Uh, it doesn't fire the end the game stuff, even when I think I'm asking it too] Oh About 2000 Metres Off The Ground is a room. "[if velocity is greater than zero]You are [one of]falling[or]hurtling[or]spiralling[or]flailing[at random] [one of]through the air[or]ever downwards[or]groundwards[or]through the atmosphere[or]towards dry land[at random][otherwise if velocity is zero]So you're hovering even in the air now[otherwise]You're accelerating upwards[end if].[first time] There was something you were going to do about the situation, but it's hard to think.[only] The ground is [if velocity is greater than 32]quickly advancing[otherwise if velocity is greater than 12]somewhat advancing[otherwise if velocity is greater than zero]steadily advancing[otherwise if velocity is zero]staying right there[otherwise]receding[end if].". Before going a direction (called bearing): if bearing is not up: say "You're most definitely in free fall right now. You can only accelerate upwards by turning on the jetpack, or let yourself fall downwards." instead; otherwise: try switching on the jetpack instead. Chapter Jetpack Fuel is a number which varies. Fuel is 2000. The jetpack is worn by yourself. Understand "jet pack", "jet", "hunk of metal" and "pack" as the jetpack. [I prefer it as a portmantau] The description of the jetpack is "It's a brilliant and rather heavy device that's strapped firmly to your back.[if the jetpack is switched off] You can switch it on ('a')[otherwise] It is currently emitting flames- you can switch it off ('c')[end if]. The jetpack only has one speed setting, and that's 3 m/s[first time]. It's, uh, not very fast[only].[paragraph break][if fuel is greater than zero]Oh! And it only has limited fuel: it uses 100 ml/s, and it's got [fuel] ml left[otherwise]Uh oh. You seem to have run it dry...[end if]". The jetpack is a device. The flames are a part of the jetpack. The description of the flames is "[if the jetpack is switched on]Flames burst out of the back of the pack[otherwise]There would be flames bursting out of the back of the pack, but the pack in question isn't even switched on[end if]." Instead of taking the flames: if the jetpack is switched on: say "That's not a very safe idea."; otherwise: say "The jetpack is switched off right now.". Check switching on the jetpack: if the jetpack is switched on, say "The jetpack is already accelerating upwards as fast as it can." instead; if fuel is zero, say "No can do: the jetpack is out of juice!" instead. After switching on the jetpack: say "You fire up the jetpack, flames spurting out below you. Your fall immediately starts decelerating.". Rule for supplying a missing noun when switching on: now the noun is the jetpack. Rule for supplying a missing noun when switching off: now the noun is the jetpack. Understand "accelerate" and "a" and "throttle" as switching on. Understand "decelerate" and "c" and "idle" and "cut" as switching off. The straps are part of the jetpack. Understand "strap/binding/bindings" as the straps. The description of the straps are "The straps are quite tight, firmly attaching you to the hunk of metal on your back." Check taking off the jetpack: say "You're already almost committing suicide. Let's not take this a step further!" Chapter Scenery The world is scenery. The world is in the Metres. "You can see the contours of mountains and rivers below you[if distance is less than 2500]. They're really quite close now[end if].". Understand "ground/land" as the world. The mountains are a part of the world. The description of the mountains is "Beautiful snow capped mountains tower [if distance is less than 1000]kind of off to the side[otherwise]below[end if]." Understand "mountain/hill/hills" as the mountains. Check taking the mountains: say "You can only grasp at the mountains figuratively." instead. The snow caps are part of the mountains. The description of the snow is "Those snowy caps look eminently toboganable.[first time] Um, that's a word, right?[only]"[This'll create a loose line break but I cannae be bothered to do it right right now] The rivers are part of the world. The description of the rivers is "Serpentine rivers replete with oxbow lakes and myriad esturaries stretch out beneath you.". Check taking the rivers: say "You'll be doing that a lot more forcefully if you don't sort out this falling problem." instead. The oxbow lakes are part of the rivers. The description of the lakes is "You learned about these in Geography[first time]. Um, come to think about it, that's the only thing you learned in Geography[only].". Understand "lake" and "oxbow lake" as the lakes. The estuaries are part of the rivers. The description of the estuaries is "[one of]You know, splinter-rivers. Offshoots. That sort of thing. Different from the tributaries.[or]Why are you even looking at these a second time? You do know you're hurtling to your imminent demise, right?[stopping]". Understand "estuary/offshoot/offshoots", "splinter-river" as the estuaries. The tributaries are part of the rivers. The description of the tributaries is "You know, the little rivers that feed in to the main rivers. There's a bunch of them down below." Understand "tributary" as the tributaries. Chapter Physics Distance is a number which varies. Distance is 2000. Velocity is a number which varies. Velocity is 54. Acceleration is a number which varies. Acceleration is 0. Every turn: if distance is zero or distance is less than zero: if velocity is greater than 12 and velocity is less than 18: say "You smash to the ground, splintering both legs instantly, crushed beneath your heavy jetpack."; end the story saying "You've become one with the world."; if velocity is greater than 17: say "You're put in mind of a pancake, or at least, you would were you not now so resembling said pancake."; end the story saying "Cookery metaphors have become the death of you."; if velocity less than 13: say "You land safely enough on the ground, scraping your knees. Phew. Not going to try that again..."; end the story saying "Well you made it! Good job and all that!"; if velocity is less than 54 and the jetpack is switched off, increase acceleration by 9; increase velocity by acceleration; if velocity is greater than 54, now velocity is 54; decrease distance by velocity; if distance is less than zero: now distance is zero; now description printed is true; now the printed name of Oh About 2000 Metres is "[distance] Metres Off The Ground"; if fuel is zero and the jetpack is switched on: say "The fuel suddenly runs out, and so the flame dies. Uh... surely that can't be good."; now the jetpack is switched off; if the jetpack is switched on: decrease velocity by 3; now acceleration is zero; decrease fuel by 50. Chapter Polish [using 'climbing stars' room printing code] Description printed is a truth state that varies. Description printed is false. Before doing anything (this is the reset description printed rule): now description printed is false. Report looking (this is the mark description printed rule): now description printed is true. Every turn when description printed is false (this is the describe room entered rule): produce a room description with going spacing conventions. [Problems: duff 'instead' messages still take up a turn. Maybe they shouldn't. discrepency between what the status bar thinks is the current velocity and fuel level vs. what everything else thinks it is. why don't every turn rules fire on the first turn?]