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Mafia Generator V2
Joey Jones
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"The Mafia Generator v2" by notquitethere. The story headline is "A random role generator". Character Generation is a room. Balance is a number which varies. Balance is 5. The description is "1. [spiel][line break][line break]2. [spiel][line break][line break]2. [spiel][line break][line break]3. [spiel][line break][line break]4. [spiel][line break][line break]5. [spiel][line break][line break]6. [spiel][line break][line break]7. [spiel][line break][line break]8. [spiel][line break][line break]9. [spiel][line break][line break]10. [spiel][line break][line break] (Enter L to get a new list)". Role is a thing. Target is a thing. Usage is a thing. Phase is a thing. Flaw is a thing. Buff is a thing. To say spiel: if a random chance of one in three succeeds: now the printed name of role is "protect"; decrease balance by 3; otherwise if a random chance of one in two succeeds: now the printed name of role is "kill"; decrease balance by 6; otherwise: now the printed name of role is "block"; decrease balance by 5; if a random chance of two in five succeeds: now the printed name of target is "(Target)"; otherwise if a random chance of one in three succeeds: now the printed name of target is "(Target 1-2)"; decrease balance by 3; otherwise if a random chance of one in two succeeds: now the printed name of target is "(Self)"; decrease balance by 1; otherwise: now the printed name of target is "(Target/Self)"; decrease balance by 3; if a random chance of four in five succeeds: now the printed name of phase is "(Night)"; otherwise if a random chance of three in four succeeds: now the printed name of phase is "(Day)"; decrease balance by 3; otherwise: now the printed name of phase is "(Anytime)"; decrease balance by 6; if balance is less than 0: say nerf; otherwise if the balance is greater than 0: now the printed name of usage is ""; now the printed name of flaw is ""; if balance is one: now the printed name of buff is " [one of]You are immune to blocking.[or]You are immune to redirects.[or]You are immune to randomisation.[at random]"; otherwise: now the printed name of buff is " [one of]You are immune to kills.[or]You are confirmed town by the mod if you're town, otherwise you appear town in inspects.[at random]"; otherwise: now the printed name of flaw is ""; now the printed name of buff is ""; now the printed name of usage is ""; say "[phase][target][usage] You can [role][buff]. [flaw]"; now balance is 5. To say nerf: now the printed name of buff is ""; if balance is less than -10: if a random chance of one in six succeeds: now the printed name of Usage is ""; otherwise if a random chance of one in five succeeds: now the printed name of Usage is "(Five-Shot)"; increase balance by one; otherwise if a random chance of one in four succeeds: now the printed name of Usage is "(Four-Shot)"; increase balance by two; otherwise if a random chance of one in three succeeds: now the printed name of Usage is "(Three-Shot)"; increase balance by three; otherwise if a random chance of one in two succeeds: now the printed name of Usage is "(Two-Shot)"; increase balance by four; otherwise: now the printed name of Usage is "(One-Shot)"; increase balance by five; otherwise: now the printed name of Usage is ""; if balance is -15: now the printed name of flaw is "[one point flaw] [two point flaw] [three point flaw] [four point flaw] [five point flaw]"; otherwise if balance is -14: now the printed name of flaw is "[two point flaw] [three point flaw] [four point flaw] [five point flaw]"; otherwise if balance is -13: now the printed name of flaw is "[one point flaw] [three point flaw] [four point flaw] [five point flaw]"; otherwise if balance is -12: now the printed name of flaw is "[one of][one point flaw] [two point flaw] [four point flaw] [five point flaw][or][three point flaw] [four point flaw] [five point flaw][at random]"; otherwise if balance is -11: now the printed name of flaw is "[one of][one point flaw] [two point flaw] [three point flaw] [five point flaw][or][two point flaw] [four point flaw] [five point flaw][at random]"; otherwise if balance is -10: now the printed name of flaw is "[one of][one point flaw] [two point flaw] [three point flaw] [four point flaw][or][two point flaw] [three point flaw] [five point flaw][at random]"; otherwise if balance is -9: now the printed name of flaw is "[one of][two point flaw] [three point flaw] [four point flaw][or][one point flaw] [three point flaw] [five point flaw][at random]"; otherwise if balance is -8: now the printed name of flaw is "[one of][one point flaw] [three point flaw] [four point flaw][or][one point flaw] [two point flaw] [five point flaw][at random]"; otherwise if balance is -7: now the printed name of flaw is "[one of][two point flaw] [five point flaw][or][three point flaw] [four point flaw][at random]"; otherwise if balance is -6: now the printed name of flaw is "[one of][one point flaw] [two point flaw] [three point flaw][or][two point flaw] [four point flaw][or][one point flaw] [five point flaw][at random]"; otherwise if balance is -5: now the printed name of flaw is "[one of][two point flaw] [three point flaw][or][one point flaw] [four point flaw][or][five point flaw][at random]"; otherwise if balance is -4: now the printed name of flaw is "[one of][one point flaw] [three point flaw][or][four point flaw][at random]"; otherwise if balance is -3: now the printed name of flaw is "[one of][one point flaw] [two point flaw][or][three point flaw][at random]"; otherwise if balance is -2: now the printed name of flaw is "[two point flaw]"; otherwise if balance is -1: now the printed name of flaw is "[one point flaw]"; otherwise: now the printed name of flaw is "FLAW ERROR: INVALID ROLE". To say one point flaw: say "[one of]All protects against you fail.[or]All gifts given to you are randomised to another player instead.[at random]". To say two point flaw: say "[one of]When inspected, you always come up as scum.[or]Your powers only work on even cycles.[or]Your powers only work on odd cycles.[at random]" To say three point flaw: say "[one of]You die if your vote is on a town player when they are lynched.[or]You are unable to vote.[or]Your abilities have a 50% chance of targeting yourself.[at random]" To say four point flaw: say "[one of]You have 50% chance of giving your ability away to a random player after each lynch.[or]Your abilities have a 50% chance of failure.[at random]" To say five point flaw: say "[one of]Any power targeting you is transformed into a kill.[or]One random player is your lover: if they die, you will too.[at random]" [ [player gets a roll] say ": [once] per [phase] you can [act]."; otherwise: say "[role name]: If someone targets you[one of] their action fails if [failure][or], [with]they will be [killed][or], [they] will morph into [your] role[at random]." To say they: say "[one of]they[or]you[or]anyone targeting you[or]a random player[at random]" To say your: say "[one of]their[or]your[or]anyone targeting your's[or]a random player's[at random]" To say with: say "[one of] [or]with [hostile] [or] with an action which isn't [hostile] [or][at random]". To say hostile: say "[one of]a kill[or]a priming[or]an ignition[or]an infection[or]a poisoning[or]a vote steal[or]ability steal[at random]" To say killed: say "[one of]killed[or]poisoned[or]given a piece of fruit[or]infected[or]primed[at random]". To say failure: say "it[one of]'s not[or]'s[at random] [hostile]". To say role name: say "[adjective][role]" To say adjective: say "[one of]Misguided[or]Undulating[or]Systemic[or]Alienated[or]Peculiar[or]Anti[or]Magnetic[or]The[or]Convoluted[or]Cryptic[or]Inert[or]Confused[or]Corrupt[or]Beta[or]Alpha[or]Cult[or]Insane[or]Mysterious[or]Improved[or]Friendly[or]Super[or]Elite[or]Evil[or]Overeager[or]Radioactive[at random] ". To say role: say "[one of]Werewolf[or]Cop[or]Leader[or]Doctor[or]Mafioso[or]Psychiatrist[or]Roleblocker[or]Survivor[or]Townie[or]Vigilante[or]Werewolf[or]Godfather[or]MUP[or]Redirecter[or]Super-Saint[or]Tracker[or]Mason[or]Mason[or]Reviver[or]Nurse[or]Bodyguard[or]Disabler[or]Inventor[or]Sibling[or]Watcher[or]Alien[or]Angel[or]Anti-Doctor[or]Ascetic[or]Copycat[or]Delayer[or]Missionary[or]Poisoner[or]Stalker[or]Voteblocker[or]Coward[or]Sibling[or]Arsonist[or]Judas[or]Miller[or]Saulus[or]Cheater[or]Eavesdropper[or]Witch[or]Anarchist[or]Changeling[or]Daykiller[or]Deva[or]Doppelganger[or]Evolver[or]Fumblefingers[or]Gunsmith[or]Hitman[or]Jester[or]Lyncher[or]Magistrate[or]Magnet[or]Martyr[or]Mimic[or]Motivator[or]Mugger[or]Mutant[or]Ninja[or]Pimp[or]Psychopath[or]Randomizer[or]Reflecter[or]Santa[or]Shuffler[or]Thief[or]Traitor[or]Twin[or]Vampire[or]Zombie[or]Abbot[or]Adventurer[or]Banshee[or]Bomb[or]Exorcist[or]Fisherman[or]Foo[or]Ghoul[or]Golem[or]Infiltrator[or]Mercenary[or]Mirror[or]Necromancer[or]Nightmare[or]Reincarnator[or]Spy[or]Timebomber[or]Unlynchable[or]Astrologer[or]Lich[or]Monolith[or]Morpher[or]Paladin[or]Robot[or]Skulker[or]Turncoat[or]Blackguard[or]Blogger[or]Brainwasher[or]Cannibal[or]Cheerleader[or]Commando[or]Deprogrammer[or]Djinni[or]Doomspeaker[or]Doublekiller[or]Echo[or]Graverobber[or]Jedi[or]Nexus[or]Nonvoter[or]Pinata[or]Possesser[or]Radiant[or]Recruiter[or]Satan[or]Sentry[or]Shaman[or]Undertaker[or]Virus[or]Warp[or]Azwolg[or]Backup[or]Channeler[or]Cyborg[or]Frankenstein[or]Gremlin[or]Immortal[or]Timewarp[or]X-Morpher[or]Plutonium[or]Uranium[or]Kevorkian[or]Assassin[or]Empath[or]Healer[or]Macron[or]Seeker[or]Sniveler[or]Vampire[or]Wrack[or]Anti-Matter[or]Aura[or]Cavalry[or]Changeling[or]Chosen[or]Chronos[or]Deuce[or]Filch[or]Filth[or]Fungus[or]Gambler[or]Insect[or]Laser[or]Magnet[or]Mind[or]Mirror[or]Mutant[or]Oracle[or]Pacifist[or]Pentaform[or]Phantom[or]Philantropist[or]Reincarnator[or]Subversive[or]Symbiote[or]Terrorist[or]Vacuum[or]Void[or]Vulch[or]Zombie[or]Assembly-Worker[or]Chronosavant[at random]". To say once: if a random chance of one in ten succeeds: say "Twice"; otherwise: say "Once". To say phase: if a random chance of one in ten succeeds: say "day"; otherwise if a random chance of one in nine succeeds: say "game"; otherwise: say "night". To say act: if a random chance of one in 10 succeeds: say "learn the [learn] of [target]"; otherwise if a random chance of one in nine succeeds: say "swap [one of]this[or]a random[or]a copy of this[at random] ability with an ability belonging to [target]"; otherwise if a random chance of one in eight succeeds: say "delay the actions of [target] until the [one of]end of[or]the start of[at random] the following [one of]day[or]night[or]cycle[at random]"; otherwise if a random chance of one in seven succeeds: say "perform the same action as [target] on [target]"; otherwise if a random chance of one in six succeeds: say "receive a list of [one of]all[or]half[at random] the [one of]alignments[or]role names[or]abilities[at random] in play"; otherwise if a random chance of one in five succeeds: say "give [one of]this[or]a random[or]a copy of this[at random] ability to [target]"; otherwise if a random chance of one in four succeeds: say "[one of]revive[or]protect[or]kill[or]poison[or]infect[or]prime or set alight[at random] [target]"; otherwise if a random chance of one in three succeeds: say "[one of]steal the votes of[or]give your vote to[or]give an extra vote to[at random] [target] until the next lynch"; otherwise if a random chance of one in two succeeds: say "block [one of]all actions[or]a random action[or]the first action[at random] [one of]affecting[or]performed by[at random] [target]"; otherwise: say "redirect the actions of [target] to [random]". To say random: if a random chance of one in four succeeds: say "a random player"; otherwise if a random chance of one in three succeeds: say "themselves"; otherwise: say "another player"; To say learn: if a random chance of one in ten succeeds: say "alignment"; otherwise if a random chance of one in five succeeds: say "abilities"; otherwise if a random chance of one in three succeeds: say "name"; otherwise: say "target"; To say target: if a random chance of one in twelve succeeds: say "two targets"; otherwise if a random chance of one in nine succeeds: say "a dead player"; otherwise if a random chance of one in eight succeeds: say "your target's target"; otherwise if a random chance of one in seven succeeds: say "a random target"; otherwise if a random chance of one in six succeeds: say "yourself"; otherwise if a random chance of one in five succeeds: say "everyone targeting your target"; otherwise: say "your target". ]