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“Playfic Tutorial" Use no scoring. The Entrance is south of the Cave. "[if the Entrance is unvisited]Welcome to your first interactive fiction game! This is the opening text, it will explain what's going on. To start playing the game, click on the > and type in 'go north', 'north', or 'n' to head north into the next room. Once you've typed it, go ahead and hit the enter key.[end if][if the Entrance is visited]You are in the Entrance. The Cave is to the north.[end if]" The Cave is west of the Corridor. "[if the Cave is unvisited]Good job! Interactive fiction generally involves moving room to room solving puzzles on the way. You can move any compass direction the writer has set it out to be programmed in the same way. The next room is to the east. Do you know what to do?[end if][if the Cave is visited]You are in the Cave. The Corridor is to the east and the Entrance is to the south.[end if]" The Corridor is a room. "[if the Corridor is unvisited]Congrats! You now know how to move room to room in a text-based adventure In this room there is a sign. Type 'look at' or 'x sign' to examine the sign that says turn back.[end if][if the Corridor is visited]You are in the Corridor. The Cave is to the east and the sign will tell you where the next room is.[end if]" The sign is fixed in place in the Corridor. It is scenery. The description of sign is "You are reading the sign! The next room is above you. Type 'go up' or 'travel up' to go up." A staircase is a kind of door. A staircase is usually open. A staircase is seldom openable. The stairs is a staircase. It is above the Corridor and below the Hallway. It is scenery.