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Jason Orendorff
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"The Laboratory" by Alucian Floggnoffiter-Phipps The story headline is "A lepticographic confabulatorion". The story description is "Sneak into a laboratory of mad science and see what you can stir up.". The story creation year is 2012. Use the serial comma. Use no scoring. Test all with "test yard / test entrance / test library / test vault / test lab / test floor / test monster". Chapter 1 - The Yard The Yard is a room. "Wet spills from potions and burnt bits of metal cover the grass. To the north, you can see a plastic door." Instead of going nowhere in the Yard: If the noun is inside [that is, if the player is trying to GO IN]: try entering the plastic door; Otherwise: say "There is a fence around the yard. The only way out is to the north." The fence and the grass are scenery in the Yard. The spills are scenery in the Yard. The description is "Different colored spills from recent potions cover the yard." Instead of taking or tasting the spills, say "The potions are probably toxic." Instead of smelling the spills, say "They smell like cherry soda, but more temperamental." Understand "potion" or "potions" or "spill" or "spilled" or "spilt" as the spills. The burnt bits of metal are scenery in the Yard. Understand "charred" and "garbage" and "rusted" and "junk" as the burnt bits. The description is "Burnt pieces of metal, probably from chemistry experiments gone wrong." Instead of taking the burnt bits, say "It's just rusted junk at this point." After examining the bits of metal for the first time: say "You find a scrap of paper among the charred garbage. You pick it up."; set pronouns from the scrap of paper; now the player carries the scrap of paper. The description of the scrap of paper is "It reads: 'List of Things To Never Do Again: 1. play punchies with Isaac 2. throw hairbrushes at policemen 3. push buttons that I don[']t know what they do'." Instead of searching the bits of metal: try examining the bits of metal. There is a plastic key in the Yard. After taking the plastic key for the first time: say "Taken.[paragraph break]I wonder what this goes to?" A plastic door is north of the Yard and south of the Entrance. The plastic door is a door. It is scenery. It is lockable and locked. The plastic key unlocks the plastic door. Understand "kick [something touchable]" as attacking. Instead of attacking the door for the first time, say "The door is made of some kind of space-age polymer. It gives very slightly and makes a funny plastic sort of sound when you kick it as hard as you can; but it gives every impression of being unbreakable." Test yard with "x spills / x metal / x it / n / w / take key / unlock door with key / n". Chapter 2 - The Entrance The Entrance is a room. "The entrance to the laboratory is surprisingly fancy. There is a tile floor. The wallpaper is spotted. A crystal chandelier hangs from the dark blue ceiling. A spiral staircase leads up from here." Instead of going nowhere in the Entrance when the noun is outside [that is, instead of trying to GO OUT]: try entering the plastic door. Instead of exiting when the player is in the Entrance: try entering the plastic door. The cream-colored tile floor, the crystal chandelier, and the spotted wallpaper are scenery in the Entrance. A green button is fixed in place in the Entrance. "Mounted on the wall is a green button." The description of the green button is "Just a green button." Instead of pushing the green button while the monster is not in the Entrance: say "The chandelier falls to the ground and an alarm sounds. Before you can do anything, the security team shows up."; end the game saying "You are under arrest." A spiral staircase is up from the Entrance and down from the Library. The spiral staircase is a door. Understand "stairs" or "steps" as the staircase. The spiral staircase is not openable. It is open. It is scenery. Understand "upstairs" as up. Understand "downstairs" as down. Understand "climb [the staircase]" as going upstairs. Understand "go up [the staircase]" as going upstairs. Understand "go down [the staircase]" as going downstairs. Going upstairs is an action applying to one thing. Instead of going upstairs: try going up. Going downstairs is an action applying to one thing. Instead of going downstairs: try going down. Test entrance with "x button / take button / x chandelier / x staircase / take stairs / up". Chapter 3 - The Library The Library is a room. "The walls are lined with shelves. The shelves are lined with books. A spiral staircase leads down. A doorway leads east. A doorway leads north to the potion laboratory.". The shelves, the books, and the pedestal are scenery in the library. The Great Dictionary is in the Library. "The Great Dictionary rests upon a pedestal." The description is "The Great Dictionary is nothing if not definitive. It reads, in part: 'egress - n. A way out.'" Instead of taking the Great Dictionary when the monster is not in the Library, say "The Great Dictionary is [one of]far too heavy to carry around with you.[or]roughly the size of an elephant.[or]too important to be moved.[at random]" After examining the Dictionary for the first time: say "Someone has put a bookmark in this page. You pick it up."; set pronouns from the bookmark; now the player has the bookmark. A magnifying glass is in the Library. The description of the bookmark is "A blue bookmark, probably torn from a page. [if the player is carrying the magnifying glass]Someone has written something on it. You use the magnifying glass to read it. It says: [the password].[otherwise]Someone has written something on it, but the letters are too small to read." The password is an object. The password is either known or unknown. The password is unknown. To say the password: say "'PHARAOH'"; now the password is known. East of the library is the Vault. North of the library is the Laboratory. Before going north from the Library: say "What's the password?"; if the password is known: say "You say PHARAOH."; otherwise: say "You don't know the password." instead. Test library with "take dictionary / x dictionary / x it / take glass / x bookmark / e". Chapter 4 - The Vault The Vault is a room. "The vault is empty. The exit is to the west. A red button is mounted on the wall. [if the panel is open]A secret panel leads south.[end if]" A red button is scenery in the Vault. The description is "Just a red button." The secret panel is south of the Vault and north of the Computer Room. It is a closed door. It is scenery. Instead of pushing the red button when the panel is closed: say "A secret panel slides open!"; set pronouns from the panel; now the panel is open. Instead of going south from the Vault when the panel is closed: say "You can't go that way." Instead of pushing the red button when the panel is open: say "Nothing happens." Instead of doing anything to the panel when the panel is closed: say "You can't see any such thing." The Computer Room is a room. "Racks of computers with twinkling lights. The only exit is back to the north." A console is in the Computer Room. "Against one wall a console glows black and green." It is fixed in place. Understand "computer" and "screen" as the console. The description is "It's an ordinary computer console. On the screen, green letters read: [italic type]You're not supposed to be here.[roman type]". Test vault with "s / kick panel / x button / jump / push button / x panel / go through panel / x computer / n / w / n". Chapter 5 - The Laboratory The Laboratory is a room. "You are in a dark room with a green glowing ceiling. The floor is made of white tile, and there are walls of a strange mineral you don't recognize. A small round table sits in the middle of the room. The only exit leads south to the library." The white tile floor, the walls, and the green glowing ceiling are scenery in the Laboratory. A potion is a kind of thing. A red potion and a blue potion are kinds of potion. A small round table is scenery in the Laboratory. On the small round table are a red potion and two blue potions. Instead of drinking the red potion: remove the noun from play; say "You quaff [the noun]. A searing pain zips through your body and you fall to the ground."; End the game in death. Instead of drinking the blue potion: remove the noun from play; say "You quaff [the noun]. Everything suddenly rushes away from you and recedes into the distance!"; move the player to the White Area. Test lab with "x button / x table / x red potion / x blue potion / take blue potion / drink blue potion". Chapter 6 - The White Area The White Area is a room. "You are in a large landscape. There are no walls to be seen, and the ceiling, if there is one, is too far away. There are four large columns, far apart, supporting a large round disk." Instead of going nowhere in the White Area: say "You walk for a minute or two, but you don't seem to be getting anywhere." A box is in the White Area. It is a closed, openable, opaque container. The description of the box is "A small white box with black tape on it. There is a label on the box.". The label is a part of the box. The description of the label is "It says, 'EAT ME.'" The black tape is a part of the box. Instead of eating the box, say "You are supposed to open the box first." A lime is in the box. The lime is edible. After eating the lime: say "The room blurs. Suddenly you find yourself back in..."; move the player to the Laboratory. Instead of opening the box while the player is not carrying the box: say "you have to pick it up first.". Test floor with "x box / x tape / x label / eat label / eat box / open box / take lime / x lime / eat lime". Chapter 7 - The Monster A white button is fixed in place in the Laboratory. "Mounted on the wall is a white button." The description is "Just a white button." To say the monster's height: say "[if huge]nine feet[otherwise]one inch[end if]". To say the monster's behavior: if the monster is asleep: say "snoring softly"; otherwise if the monster is huge: say "lunging toward you at an alarming rate"; otherwise: say "roaring a tiny but angry roar". The monster is an animal. The description is "The monster is [the monster's height] tall and [the monster's behavior]. You are [if the monster is awake and the monster is huge]REALLY [end if]afraid to get close enough for a better description." Instead of taking the monster: if the monster is asleep: say "You can't even lift its right dorsal tentacle."; otherwise if the monster is huge: say "As you reach toward it, the monster quickly chomps off both your hands, followed by the rest of you."; end the game in death; otherwise: say "The monster is incredibly quick, but after a few tries you manage to grab it."; now the player is carrying the monster. Instead of attacking the monster: If the monster is asleep: say "Let sleeping nine-foot-tall monsters lie, your mother always said."; Otherwise if the monster is huge: say "Are you insane?!"; Otherwise: say "You kick and stomp, but the monster presents a tiny target and is far too quick for you. It easily evades your attacks." The monster is either awake or asleep. The monster is asleep. Instead of pushing the white button for the first time: say "A sleeping monster materializes across the room from where you're standing."; move the monster to the Laboratory; the monster awakens in two turns from now. At the time when the monster awakens: now the monster is awake; if the location of the player contains the monster: say "The monster gets up and starts coming towards you."; otherwise: say "You hear some thumps and bumps from a nearby room." The monster is either ravenous or distracted. The monster is ravenous. The monster is either huge or tiny. The monster is huge. Instead of throwing something at the monster when the monster is asleep: say "[The noun] bounces comically off the monster's head and lands on the floor."; move the noun to the location. Instead of throwing something at the monster when the monster is awake: say "The monster pauses briefly to [one of]devour[or]gobble[or]chomp[or]scarf[or]eat[or]wolf down[in random order] [the noun].[paragraph break]"; if the noun is the red potion: say "Four of the monster's tentacles start glowing and come off. A few scales start shaking, and the monster suddenly crashes into the wall and destroys the building!"; end the game saying "You, a red potion, two blue potions, a dictionary, and a computer consle (not to mention the monster and the security team) have been crushed"; otherwise if the noun is the blue potion: say "The monster gives you a look as if to say: 'everything-has-just-rushed-away-from-me-into-the-distance!' You blink and open your eyes to see a tiny monster running around, its five tentacles waving angrily."; now the monster is tiny; now the monster is distracted; remove the noun from play. Every turn when the monster is awake: If the monster is distracted: now the monster is ravenous; [distracting the monster only lasts for one turn] Otherwise if the monster can touch the player: If the monster is huge: say "The monster eats you."; end the game saying "You have been devoured"; Otherwise: say "The monster throws itself upon you and gobbles up your [one of]left big toe[or]right pinky finger[or]nose[or]right eyebrow[or]left ear[in random order]!"; Otherwise: move the monster to the location of the player; If the monster is huge: say "[one of]With a bone-rattling roar, the monster charges into [the location]![or]The monster lunges into [the location], using its face to remove the doorframe as it goes![or]The monster grawlicks into the room, squoobling with all five tentacles![at random]"; Otherwise: say "With a squeak of fury, the one-inch-tall monster scampers into [the location]!" Instead of pushing the green button when the monster is in the Entrance: say "The chandelier falls on the monster with a crash. Alarms sound. The monster lunges toward you, but it is tangled in the remains of the chandelier. After a moment, the security team shows up. When they see a monster with five tentacles and a chandelier, they immediately start shooting it with laser guns.[paragraph break]"; say "It is an impressive battle, and by the time it is over, the wallpaper is completely ruined. However, you and the security team emerge victorious.[paragraph break]"; say "Unfortunately you never do learn to avoid pushing buttons when you don't know what they do."; end the game in victory. Instead of inserting the monster into the box: say "The monster squirms, wiggles, howls, bites, scratches, kicks, spits, and pinches, but at last you manage to stuff it into the box. It becomes the prize of your terrarium. Well done!"; end the game in victory. Test monster with "push button / throw glass at monster / s / d / push button".