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Hopping Houses
Joshua Eckroth
Played 843 times
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A roof is a kind of room. Red Roof is a roof. "The roof on this house is red. Its chimney is wide and the cover must have blown off in some storm." Below is the Living Room. Before going down to the Living Room: say "You shimmy down the chimney." The Living Room is a room. "A large living room." A small tree is in the Living Room. "There is a beautiful evergreen in the corner, lit by innumerable small twinkly lights, that make you think of when you were just a young Santa in Cleveland." The tree is fixed in place. Flat Roof is a roof. It is west of Red Roof. "The roof on this house is flat, tar and gravel style. It's about 15 feet to the ground. There is no chimney." Before going to a roof, unless going up, say "You pull at the reigns and the sled hops and lands on the next house." Player is holding a bag. The bag is a container. The carrying capacity of the Player is 3. A teddy bear is in the bag. A red race car is in the bag. A scratched-off lottery ticket is in the bag. A lump of coal is in the bag. A snuggie is in the bag. The snuggie is wearable. A stocking is in the Living Room. "There is a red stocking hanging from the mantel." It is a container. It has carrying capacity 2. After inserting the coal into the stocking, say "You think to yourself, 'This kid must have been naughty.'" A surf board is a thing in the Flat Roof. A snowglobe is in the Living Room. Understand "shake [something]" as shaking. Shaking is an action applying to one thing. Carry out shaking: say "You shake [the noun] vigorously." A piece of a map is a thing. "A piece of a map." Instead of shaking the snowglobe: Say "The snow inside stirs... and you begin to feel very cold."; Remove the bag from play; Now the player is holding the piece of map; Move the player to Snow Covered Hill. Snow Covered Hill is a room. "You see a great expanse of snow and flickering lights in the distance to the north." Village is north of the Snow Covered Hill. "An active village with lots of green people in warm yak coats. The green people seem to ignore your presence (sometimes even walking right through you). There is a mysterious house to the west." Mysterious House is a room. "A family of green people live here. There is a beautiful evergreen in the corner, lit by innumerable small twinkly lights. Abundant Santa paraphernalia adorn the walls. The wreath/mirror contraption above the mantel does not show your reflection." The Large Wooden Door is a door. It is west of the Village and east of the Mysterious House. It is closed. A other piece of map is a thing. "The other half of the map." Instead of touching the Green Kid: Say "Your touch convinces the Green Kid and the rest of the village that Santa is real."; Now the player is holding the other of map; Move the player to the Living Room. Bathroom is a room. Bathroom Door is a door. It is south of the Living Room. It is lockable and locked. Through it is the Bathroom. The other piece of map unlocks the Bathroom Door. The Green Kid is a person. He is in the Mysterious House. Instead of going to the Bathroom: Say "Little green men are everywhere! Coming out of the bath, out of the toilet! There is a camera crew watching you from the window! Dollar bills rain from the ceiling vent. The tub breaks away from the house and a TV studio is seen with hundreds of people walking around and holding cameras."; End the story saying "Congratulations! You saved Christmas!"