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Entangled Chapter 1
Jesse Rinyu
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[Understand "shoot [something] with [something preferably held]" as shooting it with (with nouns reversed). ] Combining it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "combine [something] with [something]" as combining it with. Understand the command "connect" as "combine". Understand the command "attach" as something new. Understand "attach [something] to [something]" as combining it with. Shooting it is an action applying to one thing. Understand "shoot [device]" as shooting it. Understand "shoot particle disrupter" as shooting it. Understand "shoot particle gun" as shooting it. Understand "shoot particle canon" as shooting it. Firing it is an action applying to two things. Understand "fire [device] at [person]" as firing it. Understand "fire [device]" as firing it. Understand "fire particle disrupter" as firing it. Understand "fire particle gun" as firing it. Reading it is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "read [something]" as reading it. Blasting it is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "blast [something]" as blasting it. Shoving it is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "shove [something]" as shoving it. Understand "kick [something]" as shoving it. Punching it is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "punch [something]" as punching it. Understand "hit [something]" as punching it. Tossing it is an action applying to two things. Understand "toss [something] at [door]" as tossing it. Inserting it is an action applying to two things. Understand "insert [something] into [something]" as inserting it. Persons have a number called point value. The point value of a person is usually 5. The Entity has point value 5. [Computer.START------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] After switching on computer: now the command prompt is "Please enter the password now. >"; After reading a command when the command prompt is "Please enter the password now. >": if the player's command matches "entangled": now the machine is switched on; now the 3d printer is unlocked; say "the Machine whirrs up and you get a familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach. Everything is buzzing, and perfectly still at the same time. The screen on the computer now reads-- [bold type] QBIT Quantum Computing Systems - System Initialized Enter Command or Insert Schematic in 3d printer for automated fabrication."; now the command prompt is ">"; otherwise: say "The Server cannot be accessed."; now the command prompt is "Would you like to try again? (Yes or No) >"; reject the player's command. After reading a command when the command prompt is "Would you like to try again? (Yes or No) >": if the player's command matches "yes" or the player's command matches "y": now the command prompt is "Please enter the password now. >"; say line break; say run paragraph on; reject the player's command; if the player's command matches "no" or the player's command matches "n": now the command prompt is ">"; say line break; say run paragraph on; reject the player's command; otherwise: say line break; say run paragraph on; reject the player's command. [Computer.END------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The radio is a thing. An alkali bomb is a thing. the alkali bomb is a device. When play begins: move the radio to a random room. After examining the radio: say "The radio turns on and emits static. **TSSCCHHSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH......** You're pretty sure it wasn't here before." After taking the camera: say "A camera that looks and feels very familiar. It occurs to you that you could boost the output of your particle gun by taking the flash capacitor from the camera and adding it to the particle gun. You may even be able to do more than scare off that Shadow! I should take this to the Lab."; move the screwdriver to the Lab. [Phone.START------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] At the time when the phone chimes: say "A text message pops up on the phone-[bold type] 'entangled'" At the time when the phone chimestwo: say "A text message pops up on the phone-[bold type] 'By now hopefully you're starting to remember things, and with any luck, so am I. Maybe we can fix this. If you haven't already, grab that particle reader from the Lab.'" At the time when the phone chimesthree: say "A text message pops up on the phone-[bold type] 'My (your) version of the particle reader is working well. I'm seeing one instance of an anomolous entity throwing the meter to +100 easily. It's SO bright that I'm afraid it would burn me. God, I hope you're getting these messages. I'm honestly not sure what even works anymore. Are physics still physics. Hahaha. hopefully we can get this done.'" At the time when the phone chimesfour: say "A text message pops up on the phone-[bold type] 'I MAY have killed your ficus. Sorry.'" [Phone.END------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [the office.START-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Office is a room."You wake up in an Office. You're head is groggy, and you don't remember anything, though a sense of urgency permeates the room. A large desk sits in front of a window, glowing with the remaining light of dusk. The desk has a drawer that may be locked. You see a bookshelf, a minibar, and a few other office appropriate trinkets. Why are you so nosey? You stand up shakily, and notice behind you (South) is a Hallway. You also see your Backpack. You slowly put it back on, and try not to fall over. You throw up on the floor. COMMANDS-- TAKE, DROP, LOOK, GO (N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW), EXAMINE, UNLOCK, LOCK, OPEN, CLOSE, TURN ON, TURN OFF, INVENTORY Items can be stored in your backpack, or dropped, but choose wisely! Also, examine things whenever you can. It's worth it!" The Backpack is a player's holdall. The player is wearing the Backpack. In the backpack is an ID. the ID is a thing. After examining ID: say "Dafna Friendly, Chief Physicist of QBit Quantum Computing" A desk is here. On the desk is a key. A locked container called the drawer is part of the desk. on the desk is a phone. In the drawer is a flashlight. The drawer is locked. The key unlocks the drawer. The phone is a device. Before taking phone: say "The phone is locked and you don't have the code, but something tells you to take it anyway." [flashlight.START-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The flashlight is a device. Carry out switching off the flashlight: now the flashlight is dark. Carry out switching on the flashlight: now the flashlight is lit. [flashlight.END------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] After examining phone: say "Is this really going to be useful?" After taking phone: say "A text message pops up. It reads 'I know you're shaky. I'll help when I can. drink some water.'"; the phone chimes in four turns from now. A bookshelf is here. on the bookshelf is a book. The book is a container. The book is openable. The book is closed. In the book is a note. Before taking the book: say "The Complete Biography of Nelson Mandela" Before examining the book: say "The Complete Biography of Nelson Mandela" The note is a device. Before taking note: say "If you're reading this, it worked. I just hope you survived." A minibar is here. On the minibar is a water bottle. The water bottle is a thing. After taking water: say " You take a sip of water, and it helps get the bad taste out of your mouth." [the office.START-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [the hallway.START-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Hallway is a room. The Hallway is south of the Office. "The hall is empty, except for some Portraits on the wall. At the end of the hall (South) is a doorway, and it looks ominous AF. Like, reeeaaal dark and spooky. To the left (East) is the bathroom. You wish you had seen it before puking in the office. You here subtle piano music. It sounds live. COMMANDS-- TAKE, DROP, LOOK, GO (N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW), EXAMINE, UNLOCK, LOCK, OPEN, CLOSE, TURN ON, TURN OFF, INVENTORY" A portrait is here. The portrait is a thing. It is fixed in place. After examining portrait: say "This portrait is of you, but different. You feel very uneasy and confused." [the hallway.END---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [the lounge . START-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Lounge is a room. The Lounge is south of the Hallway. "You enter the lounge hesitantly, and can (barely), see a couch, piano, leather chair, and ANOTHER minibar. Someone here has a drinking problem. There is a light switch at the entrance. You also see an doorway to the East. COMMANDS-- TAKE, DROP, LOOK, GO (N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW), EXAMINE, UNLOCK, LOCK, OPEN, CLOSE, TURN ON, TURN OFF, INVENTORY" a piano is here. on the piano is a fern. After examining the piano: say "The piano appears to be in good shape, but some of the keys are stained grey." After examining the fern: say "The fern could really use some water, as leaves are falling off. It looks pretty sad." a chair is here. On the chair is a paper. the paper is a thing. After examining the paper: say "Summary of Experiment: Quantum Entanglement of Two Particles in a Gravity Field by Dafna Friendly First Hypothesis- A particle can be isolated or identified by its gravitational value. Second Hypothesis- A particle can be isolated across realities by said gravitational value. Third Hypothesis- Two identical but mirrored particles of the same gravitational value can be entangled across separate realities." After taking the paper: say "Summary of Experiment: Quantum Entanglement of Two Particles in a Gravity Field by Dafna Friendly First Hypothesis- A particle can be isolated or identified by its gravitational value. Second Hypothesis- A particle can be isolated across realities by said gravitational value. Third Hypothesis- Two identical but mirrored particles of the same gravitational value can be entangled across separate realities." a couch is here. After combining the water with the fern: say "This fern is on the verge of death. hopefully this water does some good."; remove the water bottle from play; the phone chimesfour in one turn from now. [light switch.START --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The light switch is a switched off device in the Lounge. It is fixed in place. Carry out switching off the light switch: now the Lounge is dark. Carry out switching on the light switch: now the Lounge is lighted. After switching on the light switch: say "A wave of nausea hits you, and you start getting tunnel vision. You brace yourself against a wall and wait for the dizziness to pass. Eventually, you pull yourself together enough to notice another Room to the East."; the Shadow creeps in four turns from now. [light switch.END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Shadow.START----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] A Shadow is in the Lounge. The Shadow is a person. "You see a figure out of the corner of your eye, and you pretend not to see it, in the hopes it won't react. You're horrified." At the time when the Shadow creeps: say "The Shadow is right behind you!"; the Shadow touches in one turn from now. [At the time when the Shadow exits: say "the Shadow is gone."] At the time when the Shadow touches: say "The Shadow approaches you, and a wave of dizziness hits you and you black out. You wake up a few minutes later!" At the time when Shadow appears: say "The particle reader *PINGS* and gives a reading of -100. The Shadow is nearby, and is clearly not from this reality. You get chills and feel dizzy again. Your heart is racing, and you're fighting to not panic." [At the time when Shadow appears: if the player has the particle reader then say "The particle reader *PINGS* and gives a reading of -100. The Shadow is nearby, and is clearly not from this reality. You get chills and feel dizzy again. Your heart is racing, and you're fighting to not panic!"; if the player has the particle gun then say "The Shadow creeps up and the particle reader display jumps to -100!"; if the player has the particle disrupter then say "The Shadow creeps up and the particle reader display jumps to -100, but your disrupter's output reads at+500!";] [At the time when the Shadow disappears: say "The upgraded particle gun definitely did something. The shadow disappears completely, and you immediately feel your ears pop. Your head clears and your nausea goes away. You feel like you can breathe for the first time since you woke up here."] [Shadow.END--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [the lounge . END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [the Lab.START------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Lab is a room. The Lab is east of the Lounge. "You enter what appears to be a Lab, which is sort of startling. The tungsten lighting is much more harsh than the Lounge (West), and you check to see if the Shadow is still behind you. It isn't. Relieved, you look around, and realize all of this looks familiar. Another wave of dizziness passes over you. You throw up on the floor. After a minute, you look around and see a Computer terminal, a strange Machine, and a Table with tools and equipment. There is a doorway to the South. COMMANDS-- TAKE, DROP, LOOK, GO (N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW), EXAMINE, UNLOCK, LOCK, OPEN, CLOSE, TURN ON, TURN OFF, INVENTORY, [bold type]COMBINE (object WITH object), SHOOT (weapon)[roman type]" A particle gun is a thing. the particle gun is a device. A particle disrupter is a thing. the particle disrupter is a device. the screwdriver is a thing. the screwdriver unlocks the camera. After examining screwdriver: say "This should be just the right size to disassemble the camera!" After combining the particle reader with the part: say "you have a particle gun! To use the particle gun, type[bold type] 'shoot particle gun'"; move a particle gun to the holder of the noun; remove the particle reader from play; remove the part from play; the phone chimesthree in one turn from now. After combining the part with the particle reader: say "you have a particle gun! To use the particle gun, type[bold type] 'shoot particle gun'"; move a particle gun to the holder of the noun; remove the particle reader from play; remove the part from play; the phone chimesthree in one turn from now. After combining the flash capacitor with the particle gun: say "You've upgraded your particle gun to a Particle Disrupter. It should be much more powerful now."; move a particle disrupter to the holder of the noun; remove the particle gun from play; the Shadow appears in two turns from now. After combining the particle gun with the flash capacitor: say "You've upgraded your particle gun to a Particle Disrupter! It should be much more powerful now."; move a particle disrupter to the holder of the noun; remove the particle gun from play; the Shadow appears in two turns from now. After combining the baking soda with the seltzer: say "you have an alkali bomb! type[bold type] Be careful, you only have one!"; move an alkali bomb to the holder of the noun; remove the baking soda from play; remove the seltzer from play; After combining the seltzer with the baking soda: say "you have an alkali bomb! type[bold type] Be careful, you only have one!"; move an alkali bomb to the holder of the noun; remove the baking soda from play; remove the seltzer from play; After combining the baking soda with the ketchup: say "Congrats! You've ruined a bottle of ketchup."; move an alkali bomb to the holder of the noun; remove the baking soda from play; remove the ketchup from play; After combining the ketchup with the baking soda: say "Congrats! You've ruined a bottle of ketchup."; move an alkali bomb to the holder of the noun; remove the baking soda from play; remove the ketchup from play; After examining the flash capacitor: say "I have to be sure not to touch the contact- BZZZZT.....ouch. okay." before examining the part: say "it looks like a gun handle and trigger, with a barrel that has a small array on the front." After examining particle reader: say "You pick up the particle reader. It is a handheld device that is able to detect anomolous particles in the immediate environment. It has a screen that looks a lot like a radar, and a meter at the bottom that reads- -100 ..........-50..........0..........50...........100+ You also notice a socket at the bottom. It looks like this device was meant to take upgrades." After examining particle gun: say "The particle gun looks like something out of a poorly written sci-fi game. It has a handle, as well as a barrel, with the particle reader snapped in on top. the display still appears active. There is a trigger, but you are afraid to shoot just yet."; the Shadow appears in one turn from now. [Shoot.START---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] After shooting: if the player has the particle gun then say "The Shadow creeps up and the particle reader display jumps to -100. You shoot, and the Shadow retreats!"; if the player has the particle disrupter then say "The Shadow creeps up and the particle reader display jumps to -100. You shoot, and the Shadow glitches then evaporates!"; remove the shadow from play; [Shoot.END-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------] A machine is here. the machine is a device. the machine is switched off. [3d printer.START---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] A 3d printer is here. the 3d printer is an openable container. the 3d printer is closed. the 3d printer is locked. A part is a thing. After inserting the schematic into the 3d printer: say "PLEASE WAIT, FABRICATION IN PROGRESS.....DONE. You've fabricated a Part!"; move the part to the holder of the noun; remove the schematic from play; [3d printer.END-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------] A computer is here. the computer is a device. It is fixed in place. The computer is switched off. A table is here. The table is a supporter. on the table is a particle reader. the particle reader is a device. After taking particle reader: say "You pick up the particle reader. It is a handheld device that is able to detect anomolous particles in the immediate environment. It has a screen that looks a lot like a radar, and a meter at the bottom that reads- -100 ..........-50..........0..........50...........100+ You also notice a socket at the bottom. It looks like this device was meant to take upgrades."; the Shadow appears in two turns from now. After examining the 3d printer: say "please insert schematic." After examining the computer: say "You see a computer terminal, which is honestly nothing special, but you know it operates the machine as well as the 3d printer, because that's how you would do it." [Bathroom.START---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Bathroom is a room. The Bathroom is east of the Hallway. "You smell pottpouri and mildew. There is a white toilet, a white sink, a checkered tile floor and a shower stall. COMMANDS-- TAKE, DROP, LOOK, GO (N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW), EXAMINE, UNLOCK, LOCK, OPEN, CLOSE, TURN ON, TURN OFF, INVENTORY" The sink is here. On the sink is an Rx bottle. the mirror is here. The Rx bottle is a container. In the Rx bottle is a pill. A pill is a thing. A pill is edible. Before taking Rx bottle: say "RX: Klonopin, 1mg" After taking pill: say "You wait a few minutes for it to kick in, and start to feel better" [Bathroom.END-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Kitchen.START------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Kitchen is a room. The Kitchen is south of the Lab. "You enter what is a simple Kitchen, which is clearly a breakroom for whoever is normally working here. There is still a dirty coffee cup in the sink. There is a Yard outside to the East The Lab is North. COMMANDS-- TAKE, DROP, LOOK, GO (N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW), EXAMINE, UNLOCK, LOCK, OPEN, CLOSE, TURN ON, TURN OFF, INVENTORY" a table is here. the table is a supporter. a chair is here. the chair is a supporter. a refrigerator is here. the refrigerator is a container. the refrigerator is openable. the refrigerator is closed. in the refrigerator is a baking soda. in the refrigerator is a hot sauce. in the refrigerator is a ketchup bottle. in the refrigerator is a seltzer. a kitchen sink is here. the kitchen sink is a container. in the kitchen sink is a coffee cup. a counter is here. the counter is a supporter. on the counter is a toaster oven. the toaster oven is a container. the toaster oven is closed. a cupboard is here. the cupboard is a container. the cupboard is openable. the cupboard is closed. In the cupboard is a granola bar. the granola bar is a thing. the granola bar is edible. After opening refrigerator: say "WOW. It's literally just condiments and seltzer water. Which makes sense, because my fridge is just condiments and seltzerwater." After examining baking soda: say "You know, if I had a liquid catalyst and a container, I could probably make a 'bomb' of sorts that might switch the polarity of an entangled object. You should go back to the lab and COMBINE this with something else." After examining seltzer: say "Grapefruit. Gross." [Kitchen.END-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Yard.START------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Yard is a room. The Yard is east of the Kitchen. "You step out into a small, nice yard with flowers and a place to relax. It's dusk and you expect to hear crickets, but it's dead quiet. You see a door back inside to the North. The Kitchen is West. COMMANDS-- TAKE, DROP, LOOK, GO (N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW), EXAMINE, UNLOCK, LOCK, OPEN, CLOSE, TURN ON, TURN OFF, INVENTORY [bold type] TOSS [roman type]" a picnic table is here. the picnic table is a thing. [Yard.END---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Long Hall.START-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Long Hall is a room. The Long Hall is north of the Yard. "You enter the hall which only appears to be lit by the windows facing the yard. At the end of the hall is a Doorway (North). In the middle of the hall is a disturbing looking door to the Breaker Room (North East). looking at it makes you nauseous. The Yard is South. COMMANDS-- TAKE, DROP, LOOK, GO (N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW), EXAMINE, UNLOCK, LOCK, OPEN, CLOSE, TURN ON, TURN OFF, INVENTORY" [Long Hall.END-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Breaker Door.START--------------------------------------------------------------------------------] A Breaker Door is here. the breaker door is a door. the breaker door is northeast of the long hall and southwest of breaker room. the breaker door is openable. the breaker door is locked. After tossing: if the player has the alkali bomb then say "You throw the alkali bomb, and after a reaction that can only be described...well, it can't be. But the door is now unlocked!"; otherwise say "That didn't work, and you feel foolish."; now breaker door is unlocked. After examining breaker door: say " the door to the Breaker Room (northeast) appears to have something wrong with it. It's almost as if it's glitching out. Parts of it appear to be covered in blackness, like the Shadow! I'm not sure my particle gun could fix something this size." [BreakerDoor.END-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Breaker Room.START--------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Breaker Room is a room. The breaker room is dark. "You enter the Breaker Room, though you'd rather not. After your eyes adjust, you see a figure. It moves in an unnatural way, and the whole thing is making you dizzy and terrified. The Entity speaks, and it's like the absence of sound, but you understand it anyway.[bold type] 'wHy arrEE yoo he re?! Yoouu Rae out of symetry. Yuo MuSt enD. Dne..................................... [roman type] Your Particle Disrupter is reading off the charts, but also indicates an output of+500! You arm your Particle Disruptor, and BLAST ENTITY. You may also attack with SHOVE, KICK or PUNCH." The Entity is here. The entity is a person. a transformer is a kind of thing. The circuit breaker is here. The circuit breaker is a device. Things have a number called point value. The point value of a thing is usually 0. The entity has point value 5. You have a point value 3. After switching on flashlight: say "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"; increase the score by minus 1. Carry out blasting [printed name]: say "*click*[line break]You get a great shot at the [printed name] HP: [point value]. The Entity hits back. "; decrease the score by 1; now the point value of the Entity is point value minus 1; Carry out shoving [printed name]: say "You shove the [printed name] into the circuit breaker. HP: [point value]. The Entity is shocked and can't strike you back! "; decrease the score by minus 2; now the point value of the Entity is point value minus 2; Carry out punching [printed name]: say "You shove the [printed name] into the circuit breaker. HP: [point value]. The Entity is shocked and can't strike you back! "; decrease the score by 0; now the point value of the Entity is point value minus 1; Carry out eating granola bar: say "You eat the granola bar, and feel a little better. The Entity just looks atyou patiently. How Polite!"; increase the score by 2; now the point value of the Entity is point value minus 0; Every turn when the location is the Breaker Room: if score is greater than 5 begin; say "[bold type] You defeated the Entity, and got a Transformer in the struggle. Unfortunately, you get the feeling that your adventure is just starting."; end the game in victory; end if. Every turn when the location is the Breaker Room: if score is less than -3 begin; say "You've died"; end the game in death; end if. [Breaker Room. END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Bedroom.START-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Bedroom is a room. The Bedroom is north of the Long Hall. "You enter a nice but well lived-in Bedroom. It looks cozy. Clearly whoever works here also sleeps here. A concept you're very familiar with. The Bed isn't made, and there is a Dresser with a half opened Drawer. The Long Hallway is South. COMMANDS-- TAKE, DROP, LOOK, GO (N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW), EXAMINE, UNLOCK, LOCK, OPEN, CLOSE, TURN ON, TURN OFF, INVENTORY" The camera is here. The camera is a container. In the camera is a flash capacitor. the flash capacitor is a thing. The camera is openable. The camera is closed. The camera is locked. the screwdriver unlocks the camera. The bed is here. A dresser is here. a container called a dresser drawer is part of the dresser. the dresser drawer is openable. the dresser drawer is closed. in the dresser drawer is a journal. the journal is a container. in the journal is a schematic. the schematic is a thing. After taking schematic: say "3D plans for particle conversion corotron beam. This should allow you to correct a particle or object out of phase with reality by reversing it's polarity. This still needs a detection device, like a particle reader. CAUTION: this is only theoretical, and MAY cause catostrophic reversal." After examining the journal: say "If all three hypothesis are true, My theory is that said particles can switch places, but the behavior of one will still direct the behaviour of the other. A possible side effect of the switch is creating an anomolous particle, as the switched particles are mirrors of their counterpart. E.g. there is a positive where a negative should be and vice versa. Is this a way of creating New Matter? Is it possible to create mass from nothing? What would the properties of that mass be?" ; the phone chimestwo in one turn from now. [Bedroom.END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]