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Luke's part of Fever Dream (Airplane)
juke jung
Played 316 times
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The Economy Class Washroom is a room. The Economy Class Washroom is south of the Economy Class Cabin. The Economy Class Washroom is north of the exit. “As you exit the school through the main doors, you stumble into a cramped, airplane washroom and almost crash into the toilet (Thankfully, your pants have remained intact). The plane is eerily silent with no sign of anyone but you on the plane. A low hum coming from the plane’s engine fills you with a sense of unease, while frequent jolts of turbulence send you teetering around the small space. Ahead of you is an airplane cabin.” The Economy Class Cabin is a room. The Economy Class Cabin is north of the Economy Class Washroom. The Economy Class Cabin is south of the First Class Washroom. The Economy Class Cabin is east of emergency exit door #1. The Economy Class Cabin is west of emergency exit door #2. “You are alone inside an economy class cabin. Rows upon rows of cushioned seats fill up the empty space. Oxygen masks hang down from the ceiling and sway with the plane’s movements. Open suitcases and personal belongings are strewn everywhere. Ahead of you is another airplane washroom. Behind you is the economy class washroom. To the west is emergency exit door #1 and to the east is emergency exit door #2.” The First Class Washroom is a room. The First Class Washroom is north of the Economy Class Cabin. The First Class Washroom is south of the First Class Cabin. The First Class Washroom is west of the Toilet. “You enter the first class washroom and make eye contact with a man on the toilet reading a crinkled newspaper. He looks up at you with a bewildered look, his newspaper sheepishly folded on his lap. You feel as if you should not intrude more on the man’s personal space. There is another airplane cabin in front of you. Behind you is the economy class cabin.” The First Class Washroom Secret Exit is a room. The First Class Washroom Secret Exit is east of the Toilet. “Good thing that you picked up that toilet paper in the school. You hear the toilet call you over. It beckons you to flush yourself down it. You oblige.” The First Class Cabin is a room. The First Class Cabin is north of the First Class Washroom. The First Class Cabin is south of the Airplane Cockpit. The First Class Cabin is east of emergency exit door #3. The First Class Cabin is west of emergency exit door #4. “You enter the first class cabin. In contrast to the economy class cabin, the first class cabin is immaculate and remains undamaged. Its seats are made of expensive leather and have televisions in front of them all playing Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1. Many seats are folded back into beds, one of them carrying a man in a pilot's uniform who looks like he is having the best sleep of his life. An odd object sticks out from under his rump. In front of you is the airplane cockpit. Behind you is the first class washroom. To the west is emergency exit door #3 and to the east is emergency exit door #4” The Airplane Cockpit is a room. The Airplane Cockpit is north of the First Class Cabin. The Airplane Cockpit is above the Cargo Bay. “You enter the airplane cockpit. In front of you is the captain seated in his chair with a cup of coffee in his left hand and his right hand texting on his phone. His feet are up on the cockpit controls and steering the airplane. Panels of intricate controls and gadgets surround you, and through the cockpit window all you can see are endless grey clouds. Strangely, you have the impression that the plane is not moving forward. There is a hatch in the corner of the room that goes down to the cargo bay. Behind you is the first class cabin.” The Cargo Bay is a room. The Cargo Bay is below the Airplane Cockpit. “You drop down the hatch into the cargo bay. Sparsely placed storage containers and packages decorate the dusty space. One of the containers reads, ‘TOYS R US - FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S MERCHANDISE. You can feel the powerful rumble of the engine of the plane rumble down here. The room is extremely dark, and as your eyes adjust, you see a figure standing in the shadows.” The Outside Southwest is a room. “You open the emergency door and are sucked outside. Freezing wind rushes past you, chilling your entire body. Good thing you have a parachute. . . . . right?” The Outside Southeast is a room. “You open the emergency door and are sucked outside. Freezing wind rushes past you, chilling your entire body. Good thing you have a parachute. . . . . right?” The Outside Northwest is a room. “You open the emergency door and are sucked outside. Freezing wind rushes past you, chilling your entire body. Good thing you have a parachute. . . . . right?” The Outside Northeast is a room. “You open the emergency door and are sucked outside. Freezing wind rushes past you, chilling your entire body. Good thing you have a parachute. . . . . right?” The emergency exit door #1 is an open door. The emergency exit door #1 is west of the Economy Class Cabin. The emergency exit door #1 is east of Outside Southwest. The emergency exit door #2 is an open door. The emergency exit door #2 is east of the Economy Class Cabin. The emergency exit door #2 is west of Outside Southeast. The emergency exit door #3 is an open door. The emergency exit door #3 is west of the First Class Cabin. The emergency exit door #3 is east of Outside Northwest. The emergency exit door #4 is an open door. The emergency exit door #4 is east of the First Class Cabin. The emergency exit door #4 is west of Outside Northeast. The hatch is an open door. The hatch is below the Cargo Bay. The hatch is above the Airplane Cockpit. The Toilet is an open door. The Toilet is west of the The First Class Washroom Secret Exit. The Toilet is east of The First Class Washroom. Instead of going through the Toilet: Award 5 points; The Man In The Washroom is a person in the First Class Washroom. Every turn when the player can see the Man In The Washroom: say “The man in the washroom stares at you.” Instead of asking The Man In The Washroom about something: say “*silence*”. Instead of telling The Man In The Washroom about something: say “*...*”. Instead of going through the Toilet when the Man In The Washroom is in the location: say “*You probably shouldn’t intrude on his personal space.”; The Co-Pilot is a person in the First Class Cabin. Every turn when the player can see the Co-Pilot: say “[one of]The co-pilot’s snores echo through the airplane.[or]The co-pilot murmurs nonsense. It sounds like he is humming some sort of 80s pop music.[or]The co-pilot scratches his head. He mutters, ‘MJ rules. Prince sucks.’[at random].” Instead of asking the Co-Pilot about something: say “*snore*”. Instead of telling the Co-Pilot about something: say “*zzz*”. The Plane Captain is a person in the Airplane Cockpit. Every turn when the player can see the Plane Captain: say “[one of]The plane captain taps away at his phone, paying no attention to you.[or]The plane captain takes a sip out of his coffee cup. His nose wrinkles.[or]The plane captain adjusts the plane controls for a second before returning back to his phone.[or]You glance at the plane captain’s phone. He is playing Subway Surfers.[at random]” Instead of asking the plane captain about “Metal Container”: say “The parachute in this storage container is the only way off the plane, but it's locked and I lost the key somewhere. I would help you find it, but I’m kind of busy right now.” Instead of telling the plane captain about something: say “I don’t really care to be honest.” Michael Jackson is a person in the Cargo Bay. Every turn when the player can see Michael Jackson: say “Michael Jackson smiles at you eerily.” Instead of asking Michael Jackson about something: say “I found this funny looking key while I was hiding down here. I’m not sure what it's for, but I’ll give it to you in exchange for my lost wig. If word gets out that I’m bald everyone will point and laugh at me! You better get to it boy, or who knows what’ll happen to this key. Hee hee!” Instead of telling Michael Jackson about something: say “Hee hee! *moonwalks around the room*.” Instead of doing something to Michael Jackson: say “Hee hee!” The tape recorder is in the Economy Class Cabin. The description of the tape recorder is “A tape recorder with a cassette tape inside. ‘Jensen Cassette Player - Microphone included!’ Its record button is already pushed down.”; after taking the tape recorder: say “Tape recorder acquired!”; Michael Jackson carries the Recording of Michael Jackson. The description of the Recording of Michael Jackson is “A tape recorder with a cassette tape inside. It says, ‘Jensen Cassette Player - Microphone included!’ Michael Jackson’s voice is recorded onto it. ” The Metal Container is in the Airplane Cockpit. The Metal Container is a locked closed openable container. In the Metal Container is a parachute. The description of the Metal Container is “Just a regular container that stores things. Inside is a parachute. You’ll need a key to open this.” The small box is a closed openable container. Michael Jackson carries the small box. Inside the small box is the Storage Container Key. The description of the small box is “A small cardboard box meant for jewelry. Nested inside is a key.” The Storage Container Key is an object. The Storage Container Key unlocks the Metal Container. The description of the Storage Container Key is “A small, polished silver key that unlocks the locked parachute container.” The description of the Parachute is “The parachute is sealed inside its packaging. It could probably get you off the plane.”; after taking the Parachute: say “Parachute acquired!”; award 1 point. The Co-Pilot carries Michael Jackson’s Wig. The description of Michael Jackson’s Wig is “A long, curly wig that smells of sweat. It radiates a menacing aura.”; Instead of giving the Tape Recorder to Michael Jackson: say “I sense a tape recorder on you. Here, hand it over and I will bless you with a recording of my incredible singing voice. Don’t be shy, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! *Michael Jackson sings into the tape recorder then beckons you to take the recording of him*. Recording of Michael Jackson acquired!”; now the Tape Recorder is carried by Michael Jackson; now the Recording of Michael Jackson is carried by the player. Instead of giving the Recording of Michael Jackson to the Co-Pilot: say “*The co-pilot wakes up* Oh my goodness, does this tape recorder have a recording of Michael Jackson? Thank you so much for giving this to me. I consider myself his biggest fan, and I’ll savour this snippet of his beautiful voice forever and ever. Here, you can have this hairpiece that I found. It smells kind of musty. *He falls back asleep holding the recording of Michael Jackson*. Michael Jackson’s wig acquired!”; now the Recording of Michael Jackson is carried by the Co-Pilot; now Michael Jackson’s wig is carried by the player. Instead of giving Michael Jackson’s Wig to Michael Jackson: say “Hee hee! I knew you could do it. Here’s your key, as promised. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to practice my moonwalk. Small box with the storage container key inside acquired!”; now Michael Jackson’s Wig is carried by Michael Jackson; now the small box is carried by the player. Every turn while in Outside Southwest: if score is 2 begin; say “Congratulations for escaping the airplane!”; end if. Every turn while in Outside Southeast: if score is 2 begin; say “Congratulations for escaping the airplane!”; end if. Every turn while in Outside Northwest: if score is 2 begin; say “Congratulations for escaping the airplane!”; end if. Every turn while in Outside Northeast: if score is 2 begin; say “Congratulations for escaping the airplane!”; end if. Every turn while in Outside Southwest: if score is 1 begin; say “You fell to your death because you didn’t have a parachute.”; end the game in death; end if. Every turn while in Outside Southeast: if score is 1 begin; say “You fell to your death because you didn’t have a parachute.”; end the game in death; end if. Every turn while in Outside Northwest: if score is 1 begin; say “You fell to your death because you didn’t have a parachute.”; end the game in death; end if. Every turn while in Outside Northeast: if score is 1 begin; say “You fell to your death because you didn’t have a parachute.”; end the game in death; end if. Every turn while in First Class Washroom Secret Exit: if score is 5 begin; say “Congratulations you’ve escaped the airplane by finding a secret exit!”; end if.