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Justin Karneh
Played 265 times
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"Suspect" [INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say " Screeching sounds can be heard as the SWAT team pulls up to the home. They decide to send a robot into the home as there is a bomb threat. Meanwhile, a bomb squad is en route to the scene. The suspect is taken down. In the distance, a bomb squad can be heard approaching with tm,m.uheir sirens blaring. However, the situation turns for the worse, as the robot goes silent. The bomb squad arrives." [The Path Way] The Pathway is a room. The description is "As you walk in you see that the pathway is clean and luxurious." The pathway is north of the steps. [Steps] The steps is a room. The description is "As you walk up the step you see the porch of the house. It looks brand new even though a crazy person was living here." The steps are west of the pathway. [Inside Of The House] The House is a room. The Inside of the house is east of the Steps. The description of the House is "The inside of the house looks like a Luxurious white and glossy inside. You see a bit of blood. After the encounter with the blood, you feel disgusted. You start thinking about why would a man do this." [The Hallway] The Hallway is a room. The hallway is south of The Inside Of The House. The description of the hallway is "There are many rooms, on the left and on the right. There are at least 12 rooms in the hallway. The carpet of the walkway is bright red."