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721A Caroline
Kevin Boilard
Played 3,362 times
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"721A Caroline" by kev The TV room is a room. The description of the TV room is "[If the TV room is unvisited]You wake up on a blue and white striped couch. You don't know how long you've been sleeping so you pick up your cell phone to check the time. You have a text message from one of your roommates, Connor. It says, 'Help! The apartment is haunted by two ghosts named Johnnix and Jerbin. They trapped me in my room!' There is a TV in the front of the room and a door to the east. The apartment opens up to the north.[End if][If the TV room is visited]You find yourself in a large room with a blue and white striped couch. There is a TV in the front of the room and a door to the east. The apartment opens up to the north.[End if]". The game room is north of the tv room. The description of the game room is "You find yourself in a large room with a bar and video games. A note on the wall reads 'Johnnix hates music'. The front of the apartment and the TV room are to the south. The apartment opens up further to the north.". The bar is in the game room. The bar is a supporter. The pair of dirty socks are objects. The pair of dirty socks are on the bar. After taking the pair of dirty socks, increase score by 20. [The front room is east of the TV room.] The description of the front room is "You find yourself in a small empty room with a chandelier. Connor's room is to the south. You can hear him inside!". The big white door is east of the TV room and west of the front room. The big white door is a door. The big white door is lockable and locked.` The gold key unlocks the big white door. A ghost is a kind of man. Jerbin is a ghost. Jerbin is in the front room. The description of Jerbin is "Jerbin, a ghost, stands in front of Connor's door. He only has one eye and he is very large. He stays on this end of the house so he can avoid the foul odors that the kitchen and bathroom emit." Connor's room is south of the front room. The description of Connor's room is "You find yourself in a small room with a bed and a desk. There are music posters on the wall.". Connor is a man. Instead of going south from the front room, end the story saying "You have successfully saved Connor from the haunted apartment and the evil ghosts, Johnnix and Jerbin." The hallway is north of the opening. The description of the hallway is "You find yourself at the beginning of a long, narrow hallway. Looks scary! There are bedrooms to the east and the west. The center of the apartment is to the south. To the north, the hallway extends. Keep going if you dare...". Max's room is east of the hallway. The description of Max's room is "You find yourself in a blue room. The exit is to the west.". The guitar is in Max's room. After taking the guitar, increase score by 20. The spice is in Max's room. Instead of taking the spice, end the game in death. [Sean's room is east of the further hallway.] The description of Sean's room is "You find yourself in a large room with an American flag on the wall. The exit is to the west.". Sean's door is east of the further hallway and west of Sean's room. Sean's door is a door. Sean's door is lockable and locked. The silver key unlocks Sean's door. The gold key is in Sean's room. After taking the gold key, increase score by 20. The bathroom is west of the hallway. The description of the bathroom is "You find yourself in a tiny bathroom. There is a sign on the wall. Smells like skunk in here, better leave... The exit is to the east". The sign is fixed in place in the bathroom. It is scenery. The description of the sign is "The sign reads, 'Jerbin hates offensive odors. You won't find him in here.'". Your room is west of the further hallway. The description of your room is "[If your room is unvisited]You find yourself in your own bedroom. Something seems strange though... You feel your phone vibrate. Another text from Connor, this time it says, 'Hurry, man! We gotta get outta here! This place is creepy!'[end if][if your room is visited]You find yourself in your own bedroom. Something seems strange though...[end if]". A ghost is a kind of man. Johnnix is a ghost. The description of Johnnix is "Johnnix, a ghost, is guarding your room. His arms and legs hang limp as if he has no bones. He appears to have no skin, making him look wet to the touch. You do not want to upset him." Johnnix is in your room. The silver key is in your room. After taking the silver key, increase score by 20. The kitchen is west of the opening. The description of the kitchen is "You find yourself in the kitchen. What a mess! You don't want to be in here... The exit is to the east.". The roof is north of the further hallway. The description of the roof is "Fresh air! You find yourself on the back roof of the apartment. You can see the river. You could jump off and be free, but it looks dangerous... Go south to go back inside". The back edge is north of the roof. Instead of going north from the roof, end the game in death. The left edge is west of the roof. Instead of going west from the roof, end the game in death. The right edge is east of the roof. Instead of going east from the roof, end the game in death. The further hallway is north of the hallway. The description of the further hallway is "You find yourself near the end of the hallway. There are bedrooms to the east and the west. There is also an opening to the north that looks like it used to be boarded up... To explore the roof, head north. To head back towards the front of the apartment, go south.". The opening is north of the game room. The description of the opening is "You find yourself in the center of the apartment. Where do you want to go? The game room is to the south. To the west, you can see the kitchen. It doesn't look promising. It looks like there is a hallway from a horror movie to the north.".