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It's A Secret
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Hunger is a number variable. Hunger is 20. A thing can be either snack or meal. A thing is usually snack. The turkey sandwich is meal. After eating a meal thing: now hunger is 25; say "You ate the noun." After eating a snack thing: now hunger is hunger plus 5; say "You ate the [noun]." Every turn while the player is in the Tutorial: now hunger is 25. Every turn: now hunger is hunger minus 1; if hunger is 10, say "You are getting quite hungry."; if hunger is 5, say "You are absolutely famished. Eat something before you starve to death!"; if hunger is 0 begin; say "You haven't eaten for a long time. Suddenly, you drop dead."; end the game saying "GAME OVER"; end if. A demon is a kind of person. The laser gun is a thing. The player is carrying the laser gun. Rule for printing the banner text: say "[italic type][bold type]Demon Hunter[roman type][line break]By It's A Secret[paragraph break]" A person can be scoped or not scoped. A person is usually not scoped. The Tutorial is a room. "Welcome to Demon Hunter. In this game, the goal is to kill as many demons as possible before they take over the world. [paragraph break]First, shoot the laser gun in your inventory at the mannequin. To do this, say 'shoot mannequin'." Shooting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "shoot [demon]" as shooting. Scopetime is a number variable. Scopetime is 0. Noscope is a number variable. Noscope is 1. Every turn: now noscope is a random number from 1 to 5. Every turn while the player is scoped: now scopetime is scopetime plus 1; if scopetime is 3, now the player is not scoped. Carry out shooting: if the player is scoped and a random chance of 70 in 100 succeeds begin; say "Boom! You shoot the [noun]."; increase the score by 1; now the noun is off-stage; now the player is not scoped; otherwise; say "Aw, you missed!"; now the player is not scoped; end if; if the player is not scoped and noscope is 5 begin; say "OOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!! GET NOSCOPED! GET NOSCOPED!"; increase the score by 3; now the noun is off-stage; otherwise; say "You're not MLG enough to 360 no-scope a demon. Try aiming."; end if. Instead of shooting the mannequin while the player is not scoped: say "Aw, you missed. Try aiming your gun by saying 'aim'.". Aiming is an action applying to nothing. Understand "aim" as aiming. Carry out aiming: say "Aimed and ready to fire!"; now the player is scoped. The mannequin is a demon in the Tutorial.