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Kyle Underhill
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"Lost in the Forest - By Kyle Underhill" The Path is a room. "Your mom always told you to never stray from the path, but as a twelve year old boy, you tended to get easily distracted. While strolling along, you begin to realize that the path is getting rough and rocky. Looking around, you find that you have walked right off of the the path and are in the middle of a very dense forest. Try to direct yourself back to the path before the elements of the forest get you!" The Clearing is north of the path. The dense forest is west of the path. The Clearing is a room. "You start to walk to the north , and see a light coming from above. As you break through the branches, you find yourself in a clearing. There seems to be a gnome sitting in the middle of the clearing." The gnome is in the clearing. After dropping the gnome: say "You toss the gnome on the ground because you realize that it is of no use to you. As it hits the ground, it's eyes light up and it lifts itself back up to the ground. After about three seconds, the gnome says (Hello. If you are lost or just looking for a place to rest up, continue to the northeast of the clearing. This will take you to a man named Harold that can help you out) and right after making it's speech, the gnome seemed to shut down." The Stream is east of the path. The Stream is a room. "As you travel east, you begin to hear running water. You approach a stream, and when you get closer to it you begin to approach it, you hear something sipping water." The centaur is a person in the stream.Every turn when player can see the centaur: say "You search for the sipping sound, and as you peek around a tree, you see a tail. Moving your head further to the right, the creature reveals itself to be a sort of half man, half horse creature. It hears you step on a branch, crack it, and it turns it's head. (Hello? Is someone there?) says the creature after lifting up it's head. (Hi.) You slowly creep out from behind the tree. (What... Um, what are you?) The centaur then replies (I am a centaur. Half horse, half man. You look like you're lost.) You then reply (Yes, I kind of am.) After this, the centaur begins (Well, I can help you out with that. If you do something for me in return. I lost a medallion, a little bit south of hear, downstream of the river. If you can find it for me, I can try to direct you to a troll camp and they might be able to help you out)" The Light Woods is northeast of the clearing. The Light Woods is a room. "Continuing to walk, you find that the woods are beginning to become less dense. You can smell the scent of pork cooking to the northeast of here." The Hut is northeast of the light woods. The Hut is a room. " You walk further through the woods. The trees and bushes of the dense forest are nearly all gone at this point, as a hut begins to come into view. The chimney is smoking and the smell of a hearty meal is coming from the kitchen. A wood door sits in the middle of the house, and you suspect someone is inside. To approach the house, go to the north." The wood door is a closed door. The wood door is north of the hut. After opening door: say "You creak open the door, and hear a deep voice come from the left and say (hello?) You hear footsteps coming towards you, and a massive burly man come around a corner, (Why, hello.) You reply with a hello of your own, and he says, (Well, I don't know who you are and why a young boy like you would be alone in the middle of nowhere like this, but you sure do look hungry. I'll go get you some things. After about thirty seconds, Harold came back, (Well, I brought you some bread and a dagger, in case you need it during your journey.)" The bread is edible. After eating the bread: say "You chomp down on the bread and gobble it up in a few bites. It fills your stomach and is satisfactory."; award 5 points. The living room is north of the wood door. The dagger is in the living room. The bread is in the living room. The dense forest is a room. "You explore to the west, and continue to fight your way through the dense forest. As the branches crack, you stop to take a rest. You look on the at a branch next to you, and see that it is growing a sort of orange fruit. As you examine the fruits closely, you determine that they are kumquats. At this point, you are beginning to starve, so you're thinking of eating one." Here is a kumquat. The kumquat is edible. After eating kumquat: say "You eat the kumquat. It tastes sweet and quenches your hunger a bit."; award 2 points.