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A Day in the Office (work in progress)
kurt indovina
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The office is a room. The desk is in the office. the stereo is in the office. You are in the office. The chair is in the office. instead of smelling, say "Oh how I love the smell of an old and poorly kept building." Description of office is "I'm standing in my office. There is a desk with a drawer. An old stereo which doesn't work. The door is missing for whatever reason. And it smells of mold." Description of player is "You're slim and tall with shaggy dark hair. You wish you were somewhere else doing something more important." the stereo is a fixed in place device in the office. Description of the stereo is "I've had it since a young age. Its a piece of junk. It doesn't even work. But I hold onto to it for nostalgic reasons." After touching the stereo: say "I suddenly get the urge to touch my stereo. I love you Mrs. Stereo"; award 1 point The desk is a fixed in place object. On the desk is a key. An openable container called the drawer is part of the desk. In the drawer is a Enya CD. The Enya CD is an object. The drawer is locked. The key unlocks the drawer. After opening the drawer: say "I struggle to slide it open. In the drawer is an Enya CD"; award 50 points instead tasting the desk: say "Like a deranged idiot, I gnaw at my desk. Mm. So good."; award 2 points after touching desk: say "Wow. It feels like wood. Who would have guessed?"; award 1 point instead of smelling the desk, say "Yup. Thats wood. And it smells horrible." after taking key: award 2 points instead of smelling key, say "Mm. Metal." after kissing the enya cd, say "For a moment I find myself lost in Enya's gorgeous irish eyes. Slowly I lick my lips. My heart races as I slowly lean in for a kiss. I close my eyes as my lips press against the plastic CD case. A rush of true love spills through my veins. I pull away and our eyes meet. Best first kiss I've ever had." The chair is a fixed in place object. The description of the chair is "I'd love to watch a fat woman squeeze into it." Description of the desk is "It is made of wood. There is a drawer which is shut attached to it. One of the legs is shorter than the rest and it wobbles every time I set my arm on it. One of these days it'll be fire wood. I wonder what it tastes like?" Description of the drawer is "I hate this fucking thing. It gets jammed frequently and every time I open it, I immediately regret it." Description of the key is "Its a key. It unlocks things. Would you like to know anything else?" Instead of saying yes, say "Too bad." Description of Enya CD is "The album is 'Watermark' by Enya. She can be quite pretty if she isn't singing. Watching her music videos have always made me feel uncomfortable for whatever reason. I don't like her face when she sings. She looks too pleased with herself. Or maybe she is just too happy? Either way I don't like it. But I love this album!" After taking the CD: say "I grasp pure genius in my hands" After eating the CD: say "I place the CD in my mouth and slowly nibble on it. Absolutely delicious."; award 5 points instead smelling the CD: say "Oh Enya, you smell lovely today." After switching on stereo: say "I switch it on. And guess what? Nothing happens. You want to know why? Because I said it didn't work. That's why. Good job." Instead of eating the key, say "I place the key in my mouth and vigorously try to tear it to shreds. It hurts. So I spit it back out." Every turn while in the Office: if the score is 55 begin; say "My time here on this planet is now done. I have fulfilled my mission and now I must return to my home planet."; end the game in victory; end if;