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the vampire
laetitia meril
Played 1,402 times
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le couloir is a room. The description of couloir is " c'est moche". le salon is a room. It is east of le couloir. The description of salon is " Quel horreur" la chambre is a room. It is up of le salon. The description of la chambre is "beau". le sabre lazer is an object. It is in la chambre. The description of le sabre lazer is " C'est cool". instead of taking le sabre lazer, say " Pas assez cool gros". la bombe atomique is an object. It is in la chambre. The description of la bombe atomique is " c'est mieux ca". le balcon is a room. it is north of la chambre.The description of le balcon is "c'est haut". la grenade is an object. It is in le balcon. The description of la grenade is "ca c'est de la bombe". instead of taking la grenade when the player is in le balcon,say "ne prend pas ca, ce n'est pas assez gros pour ce qui t'attend en bas". la cave is a room. It is down of le salon. The description of la cave is "oh mon dieu un vampire". le vampire is a man. he is in la cave. le pieu en argent is an object. it is in la cave. The description of le pieu en argent is " c'est ce qu'il me faut". after taking le pieu , say " Tu va mourir ahahhaaa". after attacking le vampire ,say "je suis le boss".