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Clarion Sun (Final)
Lincoln Dunn
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"Clarion Sun" by lincoln Use no scoring. The lobby is a room. "The lobby is desolate and in disrepair as if it had suddenly been forgotten. You cannot remember your name, but something about the place seems familiar. You make it to your feet, scanning the poorly lit room, searching each corner for shadows. The white walls have been stained yellow, the smell of mildew and decay lingering. The floor is covered in trash and rubbish. There is a torn banner in the center of the room which reads YOUR ALLY IN CONSCIOUSNESS PRESERVATION. You see doors to the north, east , and west. Though trembling, you decide to take a look around." The desk is a thing. The desk is a supporter. The desk is scenery. The desk is in the lobby. The vase of flowers is a thing. The vase of flowers is on the desk. The vase of flowers can be examined. The description of the vase of flowers is "There is a note attatched to the vase, muddled cursive. The note reads TO ANNE: SMELL THEM ONE LAST TIME, SEE YOU SOON LOVE." The picture frame is a thing. The picture frame is on the desk. The picture frame can be examined. The description of the picture frame is "A white man with grey hair in front of a computer screen. The man is smiling but his eyes seem empty and tired. The bottom of the frame reads DR AARON SWARTZ." The west hall is a room. The west hall is west of the lobby. "The west hall is bleeding with flourescent light. Once your eyes settle, you notice muddy footprints leading down the hall." The snack room is a room. The snack room is east of the grey door. The snack room is west of the west hall. "A couple of tables remain. The grey wallpaper is peeling. There is a large puddle of water in the corner stemming from a leaky sink. You catch a glimpse of yourself walking by the soda machine." The soda machine is a thing. The soda machine is scenery. The soda machine is in the snack room. The soda machine can be examined. The description of the soda machine is "There is a mirror attached to the machine. You see yourself, yet are not surprised. Who else could it be after all?" The grey door is a thing. The grey door is a door. The grey door is scenery. The grey door is west of the snack room and east of the portrait room. The grey door is locked. The silver key unlocks the grey door. The portrait room is a room. The portrait room is west of the grey door. "Faces line the walls, computers sitting beneath their bulbous cheeks. A plaque on the wall reads CLARION SUN INC. The eyes in the paintings seem to follow you." The torn portrait is a thing. The torn portrait is in the portrait room. The description of the torn portrait is "The painting has been ripped off, the word TRAITOR carved into the frame along with a few strange symbols. You admire their curvy elegance." The office is a room. The office is north of the portrait room. "Overturned cubicles everywhere and shattered computers. You jump when you notice the automaton in the corner. It comes to life and stares at you with great interest." The droid is a man. The droid is in the office. The description of the droid is "Two blue eyes glowing in the dark, face slightly illuminated. You see that the droid's metallic body has rusted, head squeaking as its gaze follows you around the you. As you look more closely you realize the droid's legs have been critically damaged." Understand "ask about what happened" or "ask about who did this" or "ask about what's happening" as "[what happened]". After asking about "what happened": say "The droid says 'Dr Swartz left me seeing as my service was complete. Only he and Finch are left and Finch can't seem to keep off the drink.' His voice is filled with radio static." Understand "ask about Dr Swartz" as "[Dr Swartz]". After asking about "Dr Swartz": say "The droid says' You don't know Aaron Swartz? Founder of Clarion Sun Inc? You know nothing of his work here? Unless...Oh yes. I thought you looked familiar.'" Understand "ask about why I look familiar" as "[why I look familiar]". After asking about "why I look familiar": say "The droid says 'I am not at liberty to discuss that. Protocol dictates that I refrain from speaking about you, even when I am speaking TO you. If I do not follow protocol, I risk self destruction. Mr Finch did not even know about you. I can only discuss some of Dr Swartz's work. Do you have any questions about it?'" Understand "ask about Mr Finch" as "[Mr Finch]". After asking about "Mr Finch": say "The droid says 'Oh have you met him? Finch was Swartz's second in command until they had a...bit of a falling out. Dr Swartz had no choice but do unleash the virus upon him." Understand "ask about the virus" as "[the virus]". After asking about "the virus": end the story saying "the droid stutters then becomes silent. His blue eyes turn red and a countdown begins. 3....2....1...BOOM. The droid self destructs and you die. DEFEAT." Understand "ask about his work" as "[his work]". After asking about "his work": say "The droid says 'In laymen's terms: immortality. Dr Swartz pioneered the first method of uploading one's consciousness to a computer. A truly remarkable task, even though my programming does not allow me to understand why. You should meet him. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to see that his experiment worked. He may even upload you again." Understand "ask about where he is" as "[where he is]". After asking about "where he is": say "Upstairs. Check the printer if you need a key. He left it there in case anyone was left. He may not want to talk to you. If not, ask him about me." Understand "ask about Clarion Sun" or "ask about Clarion Sun Inc" as "[clarion sun]". After asking about "clarion sun": end the story saying "the droid begins to speak but stutters and become silent. His blue eyes turn red and a countdown begins...3....2....1....BOOM. The droid self destructs and you die. DEFEAT" The table is a thing. The table is in the office. The table is a supporter. The table is scenery. The printer is on the table. The printer is a thing. The printer is a container. The printer is openable. The printer is closed. The golden key is a thing. The golden key is in the printer. The janitor's closet is a room. The janitor's closet is south of the west hall. "The smell of chemicals burn your nose. The closet is filthy. Noone's done cleaning here in quite some time." The window is a thing. The window is in the janitor's closet. The window can be examined. The description of the window is "Another building next to yours. You stick your head out and see the concrete below. The air outside doesn't taste any better, empty night of little warmth." The cabinet is a thing. The cabinet is in the janitor's closet. The cabinet is a container. The cabinet is openable. The cabinet is closed. The notecard is a thing. The notecard is in the cabinet. The description of the notecard is "Blue lines have bled across the paper. The notecard reads Dr SWARTZ IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED HE HAS TRAPPED US." The east hall is a room. The east hall is east of the lobby. "The hall is dark. You crouch and find the edges of the tunnel, imagining all the things your hand could feel along the way." The break room is a room. The break room is north of the east hall. "The room is empty but tidy, cleaner air than in the rest of the building. You jump when you notice the man in the corner, a small figure hunched over muttering to himself. He has a nametag which reads Thomas Finch. The smell of alcohol is overwhelming." The metal table is a thing. The metal table is a supporter. The metal table is in the break room. The can of food is a thing. The can of food is on the metal table. The can of food is edible. Mr Finch is a man. Mr Finch is in the break room. The description of Mr Finch is "Slightly bald, the man's eyes seem to be falling out of his head. He is holding a bottle of whiskey which he takes a pull of every minute or so." Instead of taking something which is on the metal table: say "Mr Finch says 'I wouldn't eat that if I were you. It's been sitting here open since the sky people left.'". Test me with "take food." TALKING! is a scene. TALKING! begins when asking about. When TALKING! begins: say "The strange man mumbles something about the blue bag. He keeps repeating the words 'sky people'."; now the blue bag is unlocked; now the silver key is in the blue bag. Understand "ask about the blue bag" as "[the blue bag]". After asking about "the blue bag": say "Mr Finch says 'I locked it remotely. Heard you bumbling around and I got scared. There's a key in there that should get you past the snack room. Just that damn robot back there. It was nice having him around at first but then he started driving me up the fucking wall. But yeah. Go get that key. Try to find the other one. I haven't been able to make it past that damn rusted door since I've been stuck here. Give it a try I guess. Use it to find that bastard doctor. Get the data pad and you may get out alive.'" Understand "ask about sky people" as "[sky people]". After asking about "sky people": say "Mr Finch says 'Have you been asleep for the last year? You missed the exodus? I didn't even know anyone was left.'". Understand "ask about who he is" as "[who he is]". After asking about "who he is": say "Mr Finch says 'Someone that deserves damnation. I can't believe the things I've done' He begins to sob." Understand "ask about exodus" as "[the exodus]". After asking about "the exodus": say "Mr Finch says 'They left! They all fucking left me. I couldn't do it. I couldn't...go too. They're gone don't you see? The world went to shit so they all put themselves inside of computers. You should see what happened to the city.'" Understand "ask about the city" as "[the city]". After asking about "the city": say "Mr Finch falls to his knees. He pulls a gun out of his pocket and you leap back. Mr Finch says 'I...I used to work here you know. God the things I did. Do you know what's happening?'" Understand "ask about what he did" as "[what he did]". After asking about "what he did": end the story saying "Mr. Finch lets out a primal scream and shoots you in the chest. The End." Understand "ask about what's happening" as "[what's happening]". After asking about "what's happening": say "'Mr Finch says 'Just leave me alone. God. I can't get them out of my head.'"; now Mr Finch is off-stage. The disheveled office is a room. The disheveled office is west of the break room. The disheveled office is north of the lobby. "Broken liquor bottles and overturned cubicles, the result of some madness. The room smells of piss. There is a small light flashing in the corner..." The computer is a thing. The computer is in the disheveled office. The computer can be observed. The description of the computer is "A website. The top of the page reads ANTHROPERMANENCE IS THE FUTURE. A picture of the lobby catches your eye. It is in pristine condition, quite unlike earlier. The man in the suit is there, surrounded by other men and women who are smiling. The people are holding memory units which glow in their hands. You try scrolling down but the monitor is frozen." The supply closet is a room. The supply closet is east of the break room. "Stacks of paper and various filing cabinets, the closet looks fairly untouched. You almost feel relaxed...almost." The blue bag is a thing. The blue bag is in the supply closet. The blue bag is a container. The blue bag is openable. The blue bag is closed and locked. The wallet is a thing. The wallet is in the blue bag. The description of the wallet is "You take out an ID, a man with sunken eyes staring back at you from the card. It is not government issued. The top of the card reads CLARION SUN INC. There is no name beneath the man's name." The manager's office is a room. The manager's office is north of the rusted door. "A big room for a big man, a hulking hunk of oak sits before you. Someone has broken in, vandelized the place with graffiti. There is a retro computer in the middle of the room with an axe in it." The oak desk is a thing. The oak desk is scenery. The oak desk is a supporter. The oak desk is in the manager's office. The axe is a thing. The axe is in the manager's office. The axe is scenery. The axe can be observed. The description of the axe is "It's stuck in there pretty good. You try removing it, but it won't budge." The laptop computer is a thing. The laptop computer is on the oak desk. The laptop computer can be examined. The description of the laptop computer is "A countdown begins. 3...2...1..." After examining the laptop computer: end the story saying "The screen is wired and explodes. DEFEAT." The rusted door is a thing. The rusted door is a door. The rusted door is scenery. The rusted door is north of the break room and south of the manager's office. The rusted door is locked. The golden key unlocks the rusted door. The landing is a room. The landing is east of the manager's office. "Open and spacious, more glorifyed hallway then room. Chairs and couches line the walls, a nice place to have nice conversation. Also, what a view." The wide window is a thing. The wide window is in the landing. The wide window can be observed. The description of the wide window is "The streets are a ghost town, parked cars abandoned and the distance empty. Yet everything is extraordinarily clean, swept streets and pristine sidewalks." The north hallway is a room. The north hallway is north of the landing. "Hallways open into more hallways, the light from the landing illuminates your path." A staircase is a kind of door. A staircase is usually open. A staircase is seldom openable. Understand "stairs" or "stair" or "staircase" as a staircase. Understand "upstairs" or "downstairs" as a staircase. The description of a staircase is usually "the north staircase leads up." The north staircase is north of the north hallway. "The stairway is dark. Some sort of liquid is dripping down each step. The noise echoes through the empty chamber." The upper landing is a room. The upper landing is above the north staircase. The body is a thing. The body is in the upper landing. The body can be observed. The description of the body is "You found the source of the leak. The man's throat was slit, his life left to drain down the stairs. You see a piece of paper in his hand." The piece of paper is a thing. The piece of paper is in the upper landing. The piece of paper can be observed. The description of the piece of paper is "The note reads I CAN NO LONGER SIT AND SAY NOTHING WHILE THAT LUNATIC DESTROYS US.'" The common area is a room. The common area is north of the upper landing. "The room is in pristine condition with a nice sitting area. A freshly brewed pot of coffee sits on top of the counter. Someone has been here recently." The manual is a thing. The manual is in the common area. The manual can be observed. The description of the manual is "The front reads 'THE UPLOADER.' As you flip through the manual, you notice that many pages have been removed while other pages have been destroyed by thick black pen. The same sybmols from the portrait room dance across the paper." The technology center is a room. The technology center is east of the common area. "Broken hard drives and storage units are spread across the ground, a man on the floor sifting through shattered parts. When you enter, he turns to face you. He grins and gets to his feet. You know it is the man you seek." The data pad is a thing. The data pad is on the square table. The description of the data pad is "What you need to escape!" Dr Swartz is a man. Dr Swartz is in the technology center. The upload key is a thing. Dr Swartz is holding the upload key. The square table is a thing. The square table is a supporter. The square table is in the technology center. The description of Dr Swartz is "An old man holding a glowing memory key." Understand "ask about the dead man" or "ask about the man" as "[the dead man]". After asking about "the dead man": say "Dr Swartz says 'Oh, him? He tried to break in. He tried to murder me. I haven't been downstairs since I...disposed of him. I cannot bear the sight of blood. One of the good things about digital existence!' He laughs nervously and glances at the data pad." Understand "ask about the droid" or "ask about droid" as "[the droid]". After asking about "the droid": say "Dr Swartz says 'Ah yes. My old friend, old servant. If only the betrayal hadn't happened.'" Understand "ask about the betrayal" as "[the betrayal]". After asking about "the betrayal": say "The man laughs a bit and looks at you. Dr Swartz says 'Jesus. You did forget everything. The schism? The exodus? The war? You don't even know who you are. I guess it worked.'" Understand "ask about who I am" as "[who I am]". After asking about "who I am": say "Dr Swartz says 'The original test. The first person we digitized...The first immortal. That is why I brought you back. And because we have a history.'" Understand "ask about our history" or "ask about history" as "[our history]". After asking about "our history": say "Dr Swartz turns to you, eyes full of tears. 'You...you were my brother...are my brother. We worked on this together, built this company, saved the lives of many, many people. I brought you back to see if it was possible, to see if someone could return to the world as themselves. Now I know the answer. Now I know why I must stay. I cannot be uploaded. I must be alone.'" Understand "ask about why he has to stay" as "[why he has to stay]". After asking about "why he has to stay": say "Dr Swartz says 'Because now I know that the system may not be safe, that some day someone may come and turn the servers off, killing everyone in the system. Since you had your memory wiped, do you want to know more about being uploaded?" Understand "ask about being uploaded" or "ask about uploading" as "[being uploaded]". After asking about "being uploaded": say "Dr Swartz says 'It is bliss, a beautiful world where you will find infinite pleasure, in an infinite life. Just take this, unlock and open the device in the next room, and you'll have eternal happiness. The choice is yours, brother.' He places the upload key on the table."; now the upload key is on the square table. Instead of taking the data pad: end the story saying "Dr Swartz leaps on you before you can make it out of the room. He puts his hands around your neck and you feel the life draining from you. As the light leaves you, you suddenly wish that you had just let yourself be uploaded. DEFEAT." After taking the upload key: now Dr Swartz is in the roof. The upload center is a room. The upload center is north of the technology center. "The room is nearly pitch black. The machine in front of you is massive, glowing lights and blinking buttons running its black hull. It is shaped like a door, yet looks oddly like a coffin. You step forward to examine it." The uploader is a door. The uploader is north of the upload center and south of upload chamber. The uploader is locked. The upload key unlocks the uploader. The description of the uploader is "As you get closer you see instructions and a place to use the key Dr Swartz gave you. The instruction read 'Unlock, Open, Enter Immortality.'" The upload chamber is a room. The upload chamber is north of the uploader. "Pitch black until lights above you come to life. They are blinding, spreading every possible color over your body." After opening the uploader: now the player is in the void. The void is a room. The void is north of the upload chamber. "The machine ceases. You are motionless and without a body. You float from the upload chamber, horrified and in awe of your new form. You hear static and hissing as the transformation begins, the digitization of your consciousness. You come to in the void. Ahead, you see a massive collage of colors, vibrant and frenetic. You slowly become aware of the form beneath you, the electric ghost of your body. You have entered the digital realm, surrounded by an electric mist. You feel compelled to access the information on the tablet in front of you." The electric mist is a thing. The electric mist is in the void. The electric mist is scenery. The description of the electric mist is "It seems to be made of the same stuff as you...the mysterious ether slips through the outlines of your fingers." The data tablet is a thing. The data tablet is in the void. The description of the data tablet is "You pick up the small screen and lightly touch its surface. The data tablet reads: 'Well, you've gotten this far. I programmed the uploader to take you to a different build of Swartz's database. This was one of the first builds, created simply to simulate different color schemes. There are terminals, teleporters, and wormholes throughout this build that can take you to other builds. I have put different programs in charge of guarding this area from Swartz. Be careful- he may be come looking for you if he learns that you haven't been uploaded. Your friend, Dr Finch.' You think about the man you met in the material world...something is really not right here." The red room is a room. The red room is north of the void. "Red glowing against metallic walls. Your body feels different, somewhat numb. You feel your torso and legs shimmer amidst velvet sheen." Data log one is a thing. Data log one is in the red room. The description of data log one is "The sheet of energy resmebles paper, but its shimmery appearance suggests otherwise. You see letters birthed across the electricity. The pad reads 'Many have died; you also will die. The drum of death is being beaten. The world has fallen in love with a dream. Only sayings of the wise will remain. There is still time to save us'" The terminal is a thing. The terminal is scenery. The terminal is in the orange room. The description of the terminal is "Unlike any computer you've seen, the circular screen is mounted into the wall, its surface resembling a mirror." The terminal is a container. The terminal is openable. The terminal is closed and unlocked. After opening the terminal: now the player is in the hidden room. The erasure robot is a man. The erasure robot is in the blue room. The description of the erasure robot is "The robot says ' I am sorry. But no one is allowed in this area.'" Understand "ask about the terminal" as "[the terminal]". After asking about "the terminal": end the story saying "The automaton's eyes turn red and he blasts you away." After examining the erasure robot: end the story saying "The robot blows you away." The plasma gate is a door. The plasma gate is west of the red room and east of the green room. The plasma gate is openable. The plasma gate is closed and locked. The plasma key unlocks the plasma gate. The description of the plasma gate is "The wall of power hums violently, shifting between dark blues and violet." The green room is a room. The green room is west of the plasma gate. "The tint in here is almost soothing. The color green reminds you of natural beauty you may never see again." Data log two is a thing. Data log two is in the green room. The description of data log two is "You've found another one. The digital scroll reads 'Tears flow and smiles fade to the same rhythm of life, to disappear together in the bottomless abyss. We have been trapped in mirage, trapped in the spectrum of colors which once gave our eyes sight.'" After examining the data log two: say "You hear a rumbling in the distance, some mechanic rumbling which bounces throughout the colored rooms." The purple room is a room. The purple room is north of the green room. "A shade of dark purple reaches across your body. You notice a gaping hole in the corner of the room. It appears to be a telepoter. You consider opening it, but you also see a room to the north. Decisions, decisions." The digital child is a man. The digital child is in the neon room. "You see the ghost of a small child in the corner, light glowing seperately from the bright and beautiful colors in the room. The child says 'Hello. I am the digital child. I am here to help. Would you like to know about the list from the white room?'" Understand "ask about the list" as "[the list]". After asking about "the list": say "The digital child's eyes turn an icy blue color. The digital child says 'All of them...The people uploaded to Swartz's database. They're gone now. I am all that is left of the protection Dr. Finch put into place. I was supposed to save people from being uploaded. Oh, Dr Finch. How I miss him. He told me you would come one day.'" Understand "ask about Dr Finch" as "[Dr Finch]". After asking about "Dr Finch": say "The digital child says 'He is my creator...the one who tried to stop Swartz's work until Swartz uploaded and wiped his memory. I believe that he was reanimated and trapped in the physical realm by Swartz. They were partners...but Swartz is a mad man. His plan was truly evil.'" Understand "ask about his plan" or "ask about Swartz's plan" as "[his plan]". After asking about "his plan": say "The digital child says 'He thought that the human race was doomed. He tricked everyone into believing in digitization, the ability to live eternally inside of an electronic reality. And it worked. Only after they were uploaded, Swartz erased nearly everyone from the database...millions of people gone. You can save them. You can bring them back just as you were. First you need to get past the erasure robot.'" Understand "ask about the erasure robot" as "[the erasure robot]". After asking about "the erasure robot": say "The digital child says 'He's guarding the terminal. I put him there in case Swartz came back. I was hoping I could trap him. I can deactivate the robot for you. Go into the room and open the terminal. You will find ways to get past the doors that I have locked. This is all I am programmed to say. I must go and so should you. The terminal will take you past doors I have locked. Swartz could come looking for you at any moment. Be swift.' The digital child evaporates into thin air."; now the erasure robot is off-stage; now the digital child is off-stage; now the terminal is in the blue room. The yellow room is a room. The yellow room is east of the red room. "Colors from the red room have become lost, yellow rays traced across your transparent form. In the corner, you see a blinking terminal." The blinking terminal is a thing. The blinking terminal is scenery. The blinking terminal is in the yellow room. The description of the blinking terminal is "Easily visible beneath the bright light, the terminal looks to be some mode of transportation." The blinking terminal is a container. The blinking terminal is openable and closed. After opening the blinking terminal: end the story saying "You are sucked into the blinking terminal. You are torn apart as Dr Swartz's trap deletes you." The white room is a room. The white room is east of the yellow room. "Pale, white light flows through your frame. You hear voices, the static whispers of people lost. You see an oddly life-like machine in the corner. It is a data bank." The data bank is a thing. The data bank is in the white room. The data bank is scenery. The description of the data bank is "The screen resembles something you saw in your material life, a digital manifestation of a traditional 'computer.' You touch the screen and a list of names begins to scroll. The text is moving to fast to be read, but you're sure it is a list of people. The whispers continue." The blue room is a room. The blue room is north of the white room. "You see a terminal. [if the erasure robot is in the blue room] An automaton blocks your path. Quite unlike the droid you met earlier, the erasure droid hovers above the ground. You decide to ask the robot about the terminal." The neon room is a room. The neon room is south of the white room. "The room is filled with color, bright neon lights which would blind you if you still had human eyes. [if the digital child is in the neon room] You jump when you notice the strange being in the corner." The black room is a room. The black room is east of the neon room. "Complete darkness, unlike any you've ever seen. You move through the room slowly, feeling at walls that waver with electric energy. You hardly feel alive. Something above you howls, an inhuman wail unlike any you've heard. The thought of death becomes appealing in the darkness. You sink to the ground and attempt to remember the warmth of sensation. You are no more than a hologram. You crawl for what seems like hours, stopping every now and then to look up and each time you do the howl begins again. Finally, a portal in the corner opens and you see the bright light of the next room." The teleporter is a thing. The teleporter is in the purple room. The teleporter is scenery. The teleporter is a container. The teleporter is openable. The teleporter is closed and unlocked. After opening the teleporter: say "The device opens and you are sucked in. You see the purple room vanish behind you."; now the player is in the museum. The spectrum hallway is a room. The spectrum hallway is east of the black room. "Every imaginable color shades the room. You are in awe of its beauty. For a moment, you forget where you are, hypnotized by the technicolor spelndor in front of you. You walk the length of the hallway, rubbing the flashing edges of the room." The silver room is a room. The silver room is south of the spectrum hallway. "The room looks like a kngihts armor, bright and reflective of an unknown source of light. You look down at your feet and realize that you are floating." The laser door is a door. The laser door is south of the silver room and north of the hidden room. The laser door is closed and locked. The red key unlocks the laser door. The description of the laser door is "Keeping someone in...or out, the door shimmers and buzzes before you. There has to be a key around somewhere..." The hidden room is a room. The hidden room is south of the laser door. "The terminal has taken you beyond the laser gate. You are in a room you did not see before. Windows construct the walls, each window a different vignette, scene, painting. You approach one and see a vast desert before you. At another, you see a small farm, smoke leaking from a brich chimney. In another, you see your childhood home." The broken window is a thing. The broken window is scenery. The broken window is in the hidden room. The description of the broken window is "An abandoned lifeless city; the same view from the landing in the Clarion Sun building. You shudder and step away. Something has to be watching you." The red key is in the hidden room. The plasma key is in the hidden room. The orange room is a room. The orange room is north of the purple room. "The lighting is comfortable. It almost feels like the sun. You see a man before you. The man turns. The man says 'Hello. My name is the gatekeeper.'" The description of the gatekeeper is "The man is wearing a black cloak. He has his hood up, but his face is kind. He smiles when you look at him. 'Ah, a little frightened? This is an odd place. I understand. Would you like to know about the wormhole?'" Understand "ask about the wormhole" as "[the wormhole]". After asking about "the wormhole": say "The gatekeeper says 'I wish I could explain the genius of it to you. After all, you helped create it. But then again...you lost your memory, didn't you? Well anyway, Dr Finch created a way to escape from here and I am guarding it for you! I do not know where this will take you, but you certaintly cannot stay here! Open the wormhole!'"; now the wormhole is in the orange room. The gatekeeper is a man. The gatekeeper is in the orange room. A staircase is a kind of door. A staircase is usually open. A staircase is seldom openable. Understand "stairs" or "stair" or "staircase" as a staircase. Understand "upstairs" or "downstairs" as a staircase. The wormhole is a thing. The wormhole is in the museum. The wormhole is scenery. The wormhole is a container. The wormhole is openable. The wormhole is closed and unlocked. After opening the wormhole: say "You fall through the wormhole, twisting and turning as gravity loses its power. Your ears ring and your skin burns. You close your eyes but can still see the blinding white light as you are carried somewhere else."; now the player is in Heaven. The museum is a room. "Artifacts from human history are everywhere. The ceiling is extraordiarily high, arcing above you in elegant beauty. You see several portraits and displays, namely a stone sphynx in the corner. Many of the the artifacts are stacked on top of one another." The stone sphynx is a thing. The stone sphynx is in the museum. The stone sphynx can be examined. The description of the stone sphynx is "An ancient relic, the sphynx's gaze seems to follow you around the room." The ancient urn is a thing. The ancient urn is in the theatre. The ancient urn is a container. The ancient urn is openable. The ancient urn is closed and unlocked. "The ashes of a distant past...the art on the side seems to recreate the changing of the seasons." The bronze key is a thing. The bronze key is in the ancient urn. The bronze key unlocks the bronze door. The suit of armor is a thing. The suit of armor is in the museum. The description of the suit of armor is "You can't tell what period the armor is from...presumably Medieval times." The marble statue is a thing. The marble statue is in the museum. The marble statue can be examined. The description of the marble statue is "A statue of a naked woman...you recognize this from history textbooks...probably something from Rome." The musket is a thing. The musket is in the museum. The description of the musket is "An old weapon, the musket has a fierce looking blade attached to it." The horse statue is a thing. The horse statue is in the museum. The horse statue can be examined. The description of the horse statue is "An elegant work of art, the figure riding the horse is holding his head high. You notice a helmet sitting behind the staute." After examining the horse statue: now the hoplite helmet is in the museum. The hoplite helmet is a thing. The hoplite helmet is in the theatre. The hoplite helmet can be examined. The description of the hoplite helmet is "A strong, intimidating helmet. You put it down and notice an urn sitting on the other side of the statue." After examining the hoplite helmet: now the ancient urn is in the museum. The bronze door is a door. The bronze door is east of the museum and west of the memory. The bronze door is closed and locked. The description of the bronze door is "The door is extraordinarily heavy." The memory is a room. The memory room is east of the heavy door. The description of the memory is "The walls are massive screens. You see pieces of your life being replayed...memories of family, your first kiss, the last time you saw someone you loved. You look from panel to panel and feel an overwhelming sadness, convinced that you had something to do with Swartz's work. The faces on the screen begin to fade and you are left in the dark. You see rooms to the north and south of you." The theatre is a room. The theatre is north of the memory. "Rows of red, leather seats and a beautiful stage before you. The theatre looks like it could have put on fantastic screenings. You see a reel of film in the room." The reel of film is a thing. The reel of film is in the theatre. The description of the reel of film is "An abandoned reel of film. You hold the strip up to the light and see a still of the theatre. You notice a tunnel leading out of the room. You look down and see the shape of a similar opening. It seems like someone was trying to hide the tunnel." After examining the reel of film: say "As you put the film down, you notice the mouth of a tunnel in the room. You decide to open it." The sealed tunnel is a thing. The sealed tunnel is in the theatre. The sealed tunnel is undescribed. The sealed tunnel is a container. The sealed tunnel is openable. The sealed tunnel is closed and unlocked. After opening the sealed tunnel: say "You open the tunnel and step into a dark cavern. You are suddenly teleported. You open your eyes to a blinding light."; now the player is in heaven. The past is a room. The past is south of the memory. The gateway is a door. The gateway is south of the past. The gateway is locked. Heaven is a room. "You stand on your feet. You hear wings flapping above you and you look up. The sky is a beautiful blue and you see outlines of people amongst the clouds. You are in a grass field. There is a man on a bench across the field. You decide to walk towards him." The bard is a man. The bard is in heaven. The description of the bard is "The man looks like he could be homeless. He smiles when you approach him and you sit next to him. The bard says 'Hello. Call me Bard. I knew you'd be coming. Welcome to heaven.'" Understand "ask about heaven" as "[heaven]". After asking about "heaven": say "Bard says 'Well, not the real heaven. Dr Finch worked with you to create this, a digital representation of heaven. In fact, we're in an unfinished area of the build. But in short, this was created for people who had been uploaded, for people who wanted the paradise that they had pictured for themselves. Those so called angels above us aren't even real, just part of the build. I'm here to tell you about the solution to all of this.'" The bench is a thing. The bench is in heaven. The bench is scenery. The bench is a supporter. Understand "ask about the solution" as "[the solution]". After asking about "the solution": say "Bard says 'The way to bring everyone back, the way to foil Dr Swartz's plan. I am here to give you the downloader.'" Understand "ask about the downloader" as "[the downloader]". After asking about "the downloader": say "Bard says 'The final step of this plan. Dr Finch knew that Swartz wouldn't keep you around. Swartz liked you where he despised Finch. He brought you back to see if Finch recognized you, to see if the presence of his closest friend would stir some repressed part of his memory. Clearly it did not. Take it and finish this madness. Take the downloader.' Bard pulls a glowing cube out of his pocket and places it on the bench."; now the downloader is on the bench; now the bard is off-stage. The downloader is a thing. The bard is holding the downloader. After taking the downloader: say "Bard shimmers and then dissapears. You look up at the digital angels once more before you are also taken away from the fabricated paradise."; now the gateway is unlocked; now the player is in the museum. After opening the gateway: say "You leave the build and are taken through the ether, praying that you will still have the downloader when you get to the other side. It seems like Dr Finch has a plan. It seems like that plan is working."; now the player is in the database. The database is a room. "The largest array of servers and memory units you have ever seen. You feel more like yourself, like you are beginning to emerge from the digital realm. You see a machine labelled 'Namebank' in the corner. You take out the download key and walk towards it." The namebank is a thing. The namebank is in the database. The namebank is a container. The namebank is openable. The namebank is closed and unlocked. The description of the namebank is "The same list of names as earlier, billions of people trapped in the machine. You're filled with anger. You see a space for the downloader." After opening the namebank: say "You are now in the system. The downloader automatically selects all of the names for materialization. You breath a sigh of relief. The namebank make a loud hissing noise and begins to process the names. You feel your body chahnging again and you look down to see your body becoming normal. Then you dissapear, lost and empty; a consciousness in nothing ness."; now the player is in the research lab. The research lab is a room. "You are on the ground. As you open your eyes, you realize that you are back in the real world...in fact, you're in the Clarion Sun Inc. headquarters again. You get to your feet and begin to examine the objects in the room." The floor is a thing. The floor is a supporter. The floor is in the research lab. It is undescribed. The beaker is a thing. The beaker is in the research lab. The description of the beaker is "The beaker has the slogan of the company on it." The vial is a thing. The vial is in the research lab. The description of the vial is "You see samples labelled 'Human DNA.'" The cube is a thing. The cube is in the research lab. The description of the cube is "Some sort of device...the cube's smoothe surface is glowing." The lab bag is a thing. The lab bag is in the research lab. The lab bag is a container. The lab bag is closed. The description of the lab bag is "A non-descript black bag." After examining the lab bag: say "Dr Swartz bursts through the door. He is out of breath. He looks terrified. You glare at him and raise your fists. Dr Swartz says 'Oh god, not you. Fuck. Oh, fuck. What happened? How did everyone come back?' You tell Dr swartz. He lets out a furious howl and begins stepping toward you. Dr Swartz says 'You miserable idiot. Do you see what you've done? Do you know about the plague? "; now Dr Swartz is in the research lab. Understand "ask about the plague" as "[the plague]". After asking about "the plague": say "Dr Swartz says 'The sickness that was about to be unleashed upon the world...it's going to kill everyone...that's...that's why I did the things I did. You understand right?' You don't believe Dr Swartz. The cruel man is full of devious lies. Dr Swartz continues to come closer. He pulls a gun from his jacket and points it at you. Dr Swartz says 'Alright, hands in the air. I'm going to have to punish you for this. I trusted you more than Finch. That's why I brought you back, but now you have to die.' Swartz points the gun at you and you wait for your life to end... A locked door behind you opens and Finch comes in. Dr Swartz says 'How...how did you escape?' Dr Finch says 'I won't give you the satisfaction of knowing that.' Swartz raises the gun again. Dr Finch says 'Will you really kill us both? You're a coward Swartz.' Dr Swartz screams. The digital child appears on a monitor mounted to the wall. The digital child says 'Killing them will do nothing. I have all of the evidence against you. You're a bad, bad man Dr Swartz. Now, you're a doomed man as well.' Dr Swartz turns to you and says 'Help me, please. Ask me about the future! Ask me about humanity's perfect future.'" The glass door is a door. The glass door is east of the roof and west of the research lab. The glass door is openable. The glass door is locked and closed. The roof is a room. The roof is west of the glass door. "You feel wind on your face and nearly forget about the monster in front of you. Dr Swartz rushes you and knocks you to the ground...you struggle with him before throwing him to the side. You stand up. Dr Swartz pulls a sharp knife from his pocket." The gun is a thing. Dr Swartz is holding the gun. Understand "ask about the future" as "[the future]". After asking about "the future": say "Dr Swartz says 'No pain, no death. Eternal para- Dr Finch cuts in and says 'All lies for the weak minded. The only life we have is here.' The digital child's eyes become red. On the monitor, the child shows the horrible state of those downloaded. Swartz screams again and fires the gun, missing but hitting the screen. He drops the gun and runs out of the room. You can still hear the digital child. The digital child says 'You have the choice. Take the gun and kill the monster. Make him pay for his crimes.' You are not sure if you can do it but you walk towards the gun."; now the digital child is in the research lab; now the gun is on the floor. After taking the gun: say "Dr Swartz runs out onto the roof."; now Dr Swartz is on the roof; now the glass door is unlocked. Shooting it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "shoot [something] with [something]" as shooting it with. Shooting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "shoot [something]" as shooting. After shooting Dr Swartz with the gun: end the story saying "The man falls from the roof and you look out to see people walking around the city. You have saved everyone. You turn around and see Dr Finch smiling, hope welling inside of your chest. THE END."