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Murder in the Courtyard
Ariana March
Played 1,379 times
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"Murder in the Courtyard" by Ariana March The release number is 1. The story creation year is 2012. The story headline is "A story by Ariana March". The story genre is "Creepy". The story description is "A mystery". Auditorium is a room. "You are in an auditorium. The lights are dimmed, and you appear to be the only person in the room. As you pan to the west, you see that there is a small leather bag on a chair. There is a stage in the front of the room, with an stage door. In the back of the room, there is also a blue door." The blue door is a closed locked door. The stage door is a closed locked door. The brass key unlocks the stage door. The leather bag is in the auditorium. The blue key unlocks the blue door. The stage door is north of the auditorium and south of the Lobby. The blue door is south of the auditorium and north of the Courtyard. The description of the leather bag is "A simple bag. This might hold something of value to you. If I were you, I'd open it." The leather bag is opaque. The leather bag is a container. Inside the leather bag is the brass key. The description of the Courtyard is "You have walked down a long hallway and stumbled outside. You find that outside is an abandoned courtyard. It's stormy and a frothy brown muck surrounds your feet. You soon wish you'd never come out here. A pounding thundering sound knocks you off your feet, and you slip into a blueberry bush. Then, you here a voice. Instead of crawling out of the shrub, you sneak a peak at what's happening. Turns out that there are two men in dark garmets conversing over something. You are curious. But first, your stomach growls. This alarms the two persons. Quick! You need to eat some of those blueberries to help your hunger, before the men hear it again and notice you!" Blueberries - object The blueberries are edible. After eating the blueberries, say "After eating those fresh blueberries, you're in top shape for eavesdropping. You finally overhear the two men. You hear one hiss, 'Where's the money? I've been waiting. You know what this means, Michael.' 'Ok, ok.' The other stutters, oviously not knowing what to do next. 'I JUST need a couple days, and I can get you DOUBLE what you've been promised! No joke this time.' 'THIS TIME?' The other says, super pissed this time. 'I've waited for months. I've been WAY too forgiving this time. And guess what? I'm not Jesus.' The first man presumes to pull out a gun from inside of his jacket. This is about to get bloody. Then you see the shot. You gasp out loud, which is the wrong choice, because the man turns around, to see you with a handful blueberries, mouth open wide. Now, the man comes after you. Fortunately, you have mad karate skills. You use the 'sleeping bear' technique you learned in martial arts camp and he collapes. Now, you search his pockets and find nothing. You drag him into the blueberry bush, now naked without fruit. On the ground, where the two men were standing, you see a blue key." The blue key is in the courtyard. The blue key is portable. The description of the lobby is "You see that the police have arrived. They thank you for catching the murderer, because they hadn't been able to catch the man for over 6 months. You are awarded 1,000,000 dollars. YOU WON!!!!!!"