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A way out
Lois osborn jenkins
Played 316 times
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"A way out" [INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say “You wake up from your dream like state in a room you do not recognize." [Ceil] The Ceil is a room. The description of the Ceil is "A stanned sofa as a bed, concrete walls and floor, A side table next to the sofa, and the only light source is a light bulb giving off brown light dangling from the ceiling by its cord." [Hallway] The hallway is a room. The hallway is south of the Ceil. The description of the Hallway is "A extremely long and skinny hall with concrete walls and floor." [Farther down the hallway] Farther down the hallway is a room. The farther down the hallway is south of the hallway. The description of the Farther down the hallway is "You notice a drastic change in qaulity as the Hallway seems to be more decorate with wallpaper and paintings." [Room 204] The Room 204 is a room. The Room 204 is west of the hallway. The description of the Room 204 is "You walk into a small square room with a poster across the room you are shook as you see the writing on the door which says Hello, we would recommend you get back to your room ASAP for your own saftey. you also see a side table next to the poster with a key on it." The side table is in room 204. The side table is fixed in place. the key is on the side table. the description of the key is "A complex key with figures painted on the handle." [Lounge] The Lounge is a room. The Lounge is west of the Farther down the hallway. The description of the lounge is "You walk into a huge room with burgundy red carpet on the walls and the floor, you see two paintings hanging on the wall ahead of you but It is hard to make out what they are because the room is so long you can also see what looks like another painting across the room." [across the lounge] across the lounge is a room. across the lounge is south of the lounge. The description of across the lounge is "now that you are closer to the paintings you can see that they are abstract black and white paintings with human figures running across them. You see that what you thought was a 3rd painting is a door!" The 3rd painting is a closed locked door. the key unlocks the 3rd painting The 3rd painting is west of the stairwell. The 3rd painting is north of the across the lounge [stairwell] The stairwell is a room. The stairwell is south of the across the lounge. The description of the stairwell is "the stair well is a cold dark room with steep steps heading up." [A way out] A way out is a room. A way out is south of the stairwell. The description of A way out is "You see a Ceil just like yours everything is the same. you wonder if this will last forever will you die here? will you find a way out and live a happy healthy life? you think about this as you stare at the one odd thing sitting in the middle of the room. Another letter maybe this could help you in some way?" The letter is a thing in the way out. after taking the letter: say "You took the letter now it ends."; end the game in death [hospital] The hospital is a room. The hospital is east of the Farther down the hallway. The description of the hospital is "This room feels dangerous, But also comforting. Cots line both the walls and medical supllies scattered everywhere, Right when you think this room has nothing to offer, You notice a small figure in a bed south of you." [Hester's room] Hester's room is a room. Hester's room is south of the hospital. The description of hester's room is "you walk to the figure, you can now see that it is a child, you see the child was holding something, it is a hankercheif with splatters of dried red substance you realise what it was as the child brings the hankerchef to their mouth and coughs all over it, leaving new bright red blood soaking into the hankerchef." Hester is a person in Hester's room. Every turn when the player can see Hester: say "The small child weakly sits up in bed, this way you can see them more clearly The child seems to have Stitches on there face with dirty blonde hair that looks as though someone tried to shave but failed. You hear the child mumble who are you? why are you here no one should leave there room! Get out! Get out! GET OUT!" [Bathroom] The bathroom is a room. The bathroom is west of the Ceil. The description of the bathroom is "a pit In the ground and a sink is all you see in the bathroom."